I hate to love him Episode 4 to 6

I hate to love him 😍
Episode 4 😢
from another person’s POV
when people said things like ‘ best friend’s makes the worst enemies, Lola ademola wouldn’t have ever thought that quote would mean a thing to her, it had been three weeks her and her best friend rose st©pped talking, she had wished things would just go back to normal, but she couldn’t herself to the level of apologising and asking for forgiveness. things had really changed between them, they’ve st©pped cooking together, inshort they’ve st©pped doing things together. there was a day rose had borrowed one of lola’s sandals and it had become a serious fight which could have gone really physical, but for the intervention of their neighbours. Lola had insulted rose and called her all sorts of nas-ty names. those days when they were best friend’s are gone now, rose ha-rd ly sleeps in the room now that she has new friends, she wanted nothing to do with Lola again. Lola wanted to prove to her best friend, she didn’t nee-d her. she was now very close to Ade, they had gone strolled together one evening when ade told her he liked her. “Lola i want you to be mine” he said as he held her hands ti-ght, but in a way that she wouldn’t feel Any pressure. she looked into his eyes unsure of what to say. “I don’t know add” she said as she pu-lls her hand slowly away from ade’s grip and looked down. she always felt she around ade. she couldn’t explain why it was like that, but what mattered to was that she liked him.
” What do you mean by you don’t k know?” ade asked, as his eyes narrow .his tone had changed which made her a bit frightened. the guy whose eyes was once sparkling with excitement had turn sour.
” Why wouldn’t you know,you probably like that other guy in the dep@rtment. uhn?”his face wrinkled in anger. Lola was surprised by his sudden outbur-st . she took few steps back and examined his face.
“which guy?” She asked.
Ade slide his f!ngersthrou-gh his hair as he walked away from Lola in anger. he left her in the middle of the road, he didn’t call her for about three days and even dropped her calls. he had apologised to her throu-gh a text on the fourth day, which made Lola finally d@t£ him.
the girl sat on a white plastic chair, she felt uncomfortable been her first time of visiting him.
” You look tensed ” he said as walked to her and pu-ll-ed her up from where she sat and led her to his be-d. she tried to pu-ll back but he was alre-ady dragging her.
” What will you eat jor” he smiled at her,and turned on the tv.she shrugged, she didn’t want to eat in his house but he was really pestering her and even said he would be mad at her if she didn’t eat. she didn’t wanted to annoy him by saying no, so she agreed to prepare spaghetti, fried plantain with stew. she had finished cooking and was washing some plates in his kitchen when she felt his hands around her w@!st. she wriggled herself from his grip which made her even press her back more on his crotch. she felt his bulge pressed on her, which made her feel more uncomfortable.
” You know the more you try to push me away the more you turn me on” he sm-irked at her. she was terrified at what he said but she had to act calm.
“not funny” she said as her fore head wrinkled. she had mixed feelings. she was scared, annoyed at what he had said. he backed away when he realised she was scared. he had to act smart, he wanted her badly and would do anything.
she walked back to the room with two plates of spaghetti, he took it from her and put it down. he motioned for her to sit closer which she did and they are silently together.
“I hope you liked the food”
Instead of answering, Ade reached for her
putting his hand on the back of
her n£¢k, she scrunched her nose in disgust, she could taste the food in his mouth which irritated her.
He continued k!ss!ngher not caring if she didn’t return his k!ss,he wanted her so bad.
the k!sswas light at first, then it bec@m£ more urgent, his ton-gue in
her mouth, he pu-ll-ed her so ti-ght that her whole b©dy pressed against his.
Her brea-sts against his che-st, as her whole b©dy started
s£nding a message that was undeniable.
He pu-ll-ed her against
him, thinking that he’d never get her close
enough, he st©pped k!ss!ngherl-ips and he pu-ll-ed her a little away to study face before k!ss!ngthe crook of her n£¢k. That was the weakest p@rt of her b©dy and if she doesn’t act fast, he’ll get her to be-d. which she wasnt re-ady for. Not yet. she gro-an ed as she tried to push him off.
“hmm sto- op ple-ase” he continued k!ss!ngher n£¢k which arou-sedher even more. she regained herself when he was starting to pushis hand into her Sk-irt, she pushed him away f0rç£fully and sl@pped him. He looked at her stunned. he angrily stood up and went straight to his door.
“out before I change my mind”ade said.
from lola’s POV
I watched him frowned as he stood up and opened the door “ohh before I change my mind ” he said. I stood there confused on what to do. he glared and shouted at me “now!”. I shook. I feared for my safety at that moment, because I knew the type of guy I was dealing with, he’s a very temperamental person.
I quic-kly took my bag and my phone and ran out of his room without looking back. I wondered why he didn’t even beat me when I hit him. I guess I was only lucky. I felt h0t tears roll down my cheeks uncontrollably as I waited in the rain outside his compound.
I saw a bike-man coming towards me and I waved him down. I told him the address of where I was going and he took me there.
when I dropped from his bike, I pla-yed him his money and I head straight to my room, I noticed the door was slightly opened so I entered without knocking.
I saw rose laughing hysterically with danladi, I guess he must have said something really funny, you know rose for being rose. she was the type of girl that loved laughing a lot.
I looked at her as our eyes locked, which made her happy face turn into a frown. I greeted them, but only Danladi replied. I could see he was surprised because I had always ignored them whenever I see them.
I was still mad at rose telling me to get out of our room and even choosing a guy over me her best friend, although I was alre-ady getting tired of the grudge we kept. it made me feel really guilty any time I see her.
“rose i am greeting you” she looked at me with disdain which made me feel really worthless. she scowled at me and hissed. this was strange to becuasr rose wasn’t that type of girl , she is a very soft girl who hates quarrels.
she stood up and pu-ll-ed Danladi with her and they both left the room. I watched where she stood before leaving and I slumped on my be-d tired of everything, life, school. I have lost my best friend who loved me so much and accepts all my flaws. I resumed crying again, this time sobbe-d violently and my b©dy shooked uncontrollably.I wish rose would forgive me, but I was to proud to tell her how sorry I was. or maybe I was just scared of what her reactions would be if I apologised.
I sobbe-d for what felt like hours before drifting to sleep.
I woke up to the sound coming from my phone. it was an alarm sound which i had set on my phone and it always sounded every weekdays in the mornign, so that I wouldn’t be late for my early morning lectures.
I didn’t want to leave my be-d yet. I was really enjoying my sleep and besides my eyes are so heavy due to me crying last night.
for some reasons I didn’t want to face Ade just yet , after that incident that happened yesterday evening.
After about two minutes I finallystood up and went straight into the bathrroom to have my bath. I left the bathroom almost immediately and I searched throu-gh my pile of cloths in the wardrobe as I searched for what to wear.
I got dressed and left for lecture.
I walked straight into the lecture room and the place was alre-ady filled up with familiar faces, some talked while others st©pped talking and whispered when they noticed me enter the hall.I walked to the back of the hall and sat at a corner.
I turned around and saw three girls staring and whispering. one of them chuckled when our eyes meet.
“she’s a b—h” she said. I turned back and took my book out to re-ad something before the lecture starts. I heard another girl whispered ” I can’t believe she was stupid Enough to s£nd such to him” she said in a tone that obviously showed she was irritated.which made me feel uneasy.
Just then a guy walked past where I sat and stepped on my leg.I looked up and saw the mischief in his eyes. He must have intentionally stepped on me.
“watch where you going ” I said in a low voice, he frowned his face and muttered ” s–t” before walking off.
later after lectures was over ,I walked out of the hall slowly when a girl approached me. she wasn’t my friend but she is a familiar face. she told me about a rumour been spre-ad around about me.
As she spoke my leg weakened.My worst night mare. This was more like de-ja-vu. Everything that happened to me in secondary was repeating itself again.
This time……… worse!
Episode 5 🥰
lola’s POV
The following day, i woke up feeling so weak. I had locked myself in the room and avoided people,I couldn’t eat not drink anything. in short I didn’t feel hungry at all. I was scared. I just la-id on my be-d and stared at the ceiling. I just want to end this. even if I had to take my life.
it was like I was cursed right from birth. people always found a way to make my life miserable.
I was lost in my thoughts, I didn’t see rose come in with danladi and Noah. I smiled sadly at my friend. For the first time in a long while she smiled back.
“I heard what happened- is – true?” rose said as she smiled at me and motioned her visitors to sit too.
“No! you know too well . How can I be that foolish to s£nd something like that to him. why? why am I so unlucky”
“yes I know you very well. plea-se st©p – st©p crying Lola. I’ll help you get throu-gh this.
“how? this is a stigma ” I sobbe-d . unable to control my emotions.
“we’ll get throu-gh this. I promise.”rose pu-ll-ed me closer and hvgged me,as i wept on her shoulder.
“I just want to die alre-ady”
Rose pu-ll-ed back and stared at me in shock. ” No! don’t you dare say that again.”
“rose am sorry for how I treated you, I never knew it would hurt you” I said sniffing as I tried to clean my tears away with the back of my Palm.
I looked towards where Danladi and Noah sat. Danladi smiled at me in a way that made me feel safe, but as soon as I glanced at Noah, he quic-kly looked away.
I stood up and went to where danladi and Noah sat.
“Am sorry ” I said slowly.
“its okay. Lola. we could just start a fresh” Danladi smiled at me reas-suringly.
I looked at Noah, but he never uttered a word. I couldn’t even re-ad him at that moment. His face was void of emotions.
“can I even still face people in the dep@rtment” I said as I turned to rose.
” yes you can.” rose said.
I smiled at her. she went towards our wardrobe and brou-ght out a short dress.
“go and have your bath. You wearing this, let’s go to the mall” she said.
” No I ca-”
“hmm hmm. Am not taking no for an answer. The four of us are going, so you better get dressed now” rose.
As soon we entered the mall, I could alre-ady feel my mood lighten. it isn’t the shopping that made me feel this way. I was just happy I made peace with my best friend and then the fluorescent lights and high ceiling alre-ady made me feel alive.
we went where they sold ice creams and we bought it, Danladi paid for the four us and then we were served. Noah never st©pped giving me intense stares which made me feel really shy.
it got to a stage I wanted to tell him to st©p staring, but I didn’t have the guts to, I just apologised to the three of them. I don’t want to act mean again.
As soon as we finished taking our ice creams, we walked down to the cinema to get tickets for a movie. we were told we couldn’t take in the edible things we bought because it wasn’t a product of the cinema. we had to sit and eat what we could eat and we hid some things in our bags( rose and I).
when we walked into the film theartre. it was so dark I had to hold rose’s hand which made her laugh. she told me she was going to sit and the back because she wanted to have an alone time with ‘him’.
“I can’t sit with Noah” I whispered to rose, which made her laugh even louder.
“He’s not going to eat you.” she said as she claimed the stairs leading to the back seat.I stood at the fifth step before Turing to my left to sit and the last chair on that row. I sat down until I noticed Noah had followed me too.
I could see the outline of his face from the lights of the screen. He sm-irked at me, before paying ful attention to the film that was been pla-yed.
lola’s POV
I study him as he walked out of the cinema, rose and danladi were alre-ady ahead .They look so cute together. rose hasn’t really told me anything about them since we just got back to talking.
“hey” Noah st©pped in his tracks and turned to look at me. I smiled nervously at him as he waits for me to catch up with him.
” Uh….. so did you like the movie ?” He asked and I nodded and looked down as I twist my f!ngers.
“good………..” he chuckle. Rose called out to us, we walked fas-ter and quic-kened our steps.
The next day I stay glued to my seat, I couldn’t walk around the dep@rtment because of the fear of been made fun of. I couldn’t go to the cafeteria. I had to s£nd Rose to help me get something to eat and bring it to clas-s. in fact I c@m£ to clas-s because we had a test that I nee-ded to do.
I looked at where Ade sat as he laughed with his friends. I gave him death glares before I was distracted.
“if looks could ” Noah said.
I turned around to see him smiling down at me and I smiled back.
” You know …. you’ll have to report him to the school authority about what he did to you”
“No! I don’t want to report him, besides…. I alre-ady cleared my name”
“”how ? not everyb©dy believes you”
“does it really .after what they believe?”
” Lola it does, that bastard, re-leased some nûd£ pictures that isn’t even yours and claims its you. and there you are saying it doesn’t really matter. I didn’t even do half of what that idiot did to you and you hated for so many years” he snapped. people turned their attention to us and started mummering. He looked at Ade who c0cked his eyebrows in return. I tried to hold Noah’s arm but he j£rks always from me, not in a violent way but in a way that showed he was very angry. He probably saw as a coward.
yes I am scared of what would happen if I report him. Noah had told me to tell the authorities that he was blackmailing me and finally re-leased some pictures. I couldn’t go with the plan. what if it backfired ? I just wanted to let things slide without hurting anyone. I looked down as tears begin to we-t my cheeksjust then Rose and entered the clas-s carrying drinks and some snacks in a transparent nylon. while danlandi followed.
“hey I got your fav snacks” she said excitedly, I looked up and Rose’s smile dissappeared when she saw my eyes.
“can just go home?” I asked
“plea-se let’s just go, it’s not like we have any other. important lectures asides the seminar” I pleaded. she smiled at me and pu-ll-ed me up.
back in my room
“so what really happened back at school?” Rose asked as she takes off her shoes and her jacket.
I was about to explain to her when I heard a knock on the door. I stood there looking at the person staring down at me when I opened the door.
I was angry at him, but I couldn’t help but stare at his gorgeous face. He smiled at me wearily as he steps closer trying to get into my room. I st©pped him abruptly as my hand lands on his che-st trying to block him from entering. It felt so good tou-ching him and I wish I could justt pu-ll him closer and l@ymy head on his ha-rd che-st.
‘No! I have to stay d at him’ i thjought.
I frowned at him.
“enjoying the feeling right?” He sm-irked at me. I quic-kly pu-ll-ed my hand away and he chuckles. I back away as he entered my room and greeted rose who replied him and left the room.
Great! she left me with him. I shrugged
He walks over to the chair and sat down.
” what do you want?” I asked as I crossed my hands on my che-st.
“I have to talk to you”
“well am all ears ” I replied
” Am sorry” he said and I scoff.
” Why are you so mean to me?”
“hmm…. let’s see….. well I just don’t like you” He stands up and walk over to me.
” really?, how you get really shakey whenever you are around me?” hisl-ips curve into a smile.
I back away slowly and then I stumbled as my leg crossed the multi-ple socket cord.just in time his hands catch me, he stares longingly and I looked away. He re-leases me and I l@yback on my be-d and then he crawls next to me.
“I really like you” He tried cudd-ling me as his breath fanned my n£¢k.
“don’t you dare-”
“shhhh” he k!$$£d my n£¢k and pu-lls me even closer this time. he trails my n£¢kline with his ton-gue. Then he shifts my jaws towards him and slowly rests hisl-ips lightly on mine.
” No ” I muttered, unsure of what to do, he pu-ll-ed his face away and spoke. ” You know you want this” .
suddenly he k!$$£d me softly , forcing his ton-gue into my mouth. I let out a soft m0@n into his mouth as he cu-mpped my brea-st, he was about to slide his hand un-der my shi-t when someone walked in………………………
“$h!t” Noah cursed. Rose choked over her laughter while Danladi laughed uncontrollably. I let out a small gr0@nand push Noah away, just then I noticed the bulge in his trou-sers. I choked at the sight of it and Noah grinned when he noticed I was looking at him. I quic-kly stood up and sat down on the chair while Noah followed.
He pu-ll-ed me from where I sat and whispered into my ear “come see me off”.
I nod and followed him out of my room and walked him down the street silently. during this time he never took his eyes away from me. He took my hand in his and smiled. “lets go to my place”
I drew my hand away from his and looked at him. I had never visited his ap@rtment, how come his asking me to come over now.
‘gosh How silly am I. of course he wants to sleep with me I thought.
“never” I shook my head and kept walking.
“why?” He replied.
” after what happened ? you know what …… st©p it……st©p asking me any question. You almost took my breats out of my br@. so no … I am not coming to your house” . He looked at my and let out an hearty laugh.
“slow down…… You didn’t even st©p me when I wanted to t©uçh you… if your friend never c@m£ home I would have done more, so why are you mad at me”
I Stare at him in this disbelief, I can’t believe he just said that. He was right I should have st©pped him, but I enjoyed every inch of what he did. I let out a sigh and shrugged.
“I’ll never see you as cheap. Okay?.. so …. plea-se do t make that face. I like you a lot” he said
” Okay… I nee-d to go back” I replied and I turned back.
“where’s your bf?” Rose said as I walk in. I sat down on the be-d next to her and shook my head .
“where’s yours?” I asked
Rose chuckled, she rolls over to my side and tickled me. I shoved her away and kept p@n-ting. ” You…. I know I hate that rose”. she gave me a cure pout and I laughed.
” Am glad you agree he’s your b©yfri£nd” rose said
” No!” I screamed “he’s not jor”
“your wahala. The heart knows what it wants” she wiggled her ton-gue at me and I rolled my eyes.
” anyway.. Danladi’s birthday is tommorow. he’s throwing a p@rty later in the evening”
“p@rty, I hate p@rties” I replied. she gave me a blank expression, she took her phone and started pla-ying games on it.
now I have no choice than to go.
I was listening to a song and dancing to it in my room when my phone rang
” hey, I was wondering if we could hang out today” he said from the other end of the phone.
” shouldn’t you be help tyour friend for the p@rty?” I replied
“I nee-d an answer, not a question”
“okay… I’ll hang out” I replied
“thanks cutie, I’ll see you around then ” . I could feel his excitement.
” He wants to hangout rose” . she laughed and starts jumping on the be-d excitedly. “I’ll something for you”
“he just wants to hang out” I replied.
lola’s POV
we strolled around in the neigbourhood . I had told Noah earlier I didn’t want to go to any restaurants because to me it was just a waste of resources and besides we wouldn’t have as much fun as walking around, laughing and shouting.
I had always believed Noah to be some arrogant, spoilt rich kid but the reverse is the case. he’s nicer than I thought and I think I am alre-ady falling for him.
I held his hand in glee and kept swinging it. ” You such a cutie Lola”. I laughed quietly and gave him small squee-ze before sliding my hand off his.
God he looks so irresistible. even though I hate the fact that I alre-ady like him, I didn’t want to show him but I can’t help it.
“I know I look attrac-tive but am I really safe walking with you?” He said softly.
“uh… uh” I stammered.
” You like me don’t you?” He grinned and i punched him on his shoulder. we were both arguing on whether I liked him or not when we got interrupted by someone….. a girl.
I turned and looked at her, she looked absolutely gorgeous. she had long shapely legs with a small curvy h!ps any guy would kill for. she gave me weird looks which I over looked it. she tried to lunch a sl@p at me before realizing I had been staring for quite sometime. No I am not a l£sb!anbut that girl looks beautiful, I staggered as Noah pushed me away in other to protect me from the as-sault .
“this thing is the reason why you left me ?” She shouted at Noah while she tried to loos£n noah’s grip from her hands. ” I’ll show You” .
“I don’t even know you…” I replied.
“he’s my b©yfri£ndidiot” . I got confused with her response, I looked to Noah for an explanation but he kept muttering I can explain.
I felt like hitting him. ‘ why would he let me like him when he knew he had someone’s I wondered.
I didn’t shout, I just glared at him silently. I hated been caught up in situations like this. I walked away from the two and I heard them arguing.
I heard foots steps running behind me and I was suddenly caught in the w@!st, I turned around to see it was now trying to beg me. I pushed him away and shouted at him “stay away from me”
later at the p@rty ……….
” hey Lola” Rose said coming over to me, she had abandoned me earlier and went of with danladi.
“do you like the p@rty?”
I nodded “yea I do, not that I have a choice. do i?”
Rose sl@pped me on the back “st©p with act jor, Noah will be here soon. He went to get more drinks. so plea-se loos£n up.
my stomach churned at the mention of noah’s name.I didn’t want to talk about him and I had done a a good job avoiding that t©pic.
Rose too a cu-p of alcohol and gulped it. I opened my mouth in awe and snatched the cu-p from her, but she had alre-ady finished it. i looked at her and frowned “since when did you start drinking?” I asked.
” since now, don’t worry I’ll be good” she let out a fruity laugh.
“just be safe” I said. I walked away as soon as I saw ade coming our way.
He caught up with me and dragged me outside.
“what?” I screamed and pu-ll-ed away from him.
“babe… I… miss you ” he belched. I scrunched my nose at the stench of alcohol hoozing out from his breath.
“come on ……..don’t tell me ….You… don’t miss me band’s
“don’t call me babe”. He tried to wal away but he dragged me back ” not so fast. don’t you…. want to hang out with… me?”
I tried to push him away again but he pu-lls me back and twists my hand to the back. his height and muscular che-st hovered over me. his grip ti-ght£ñed and I screamed but this time he covered my pith with his palm.
“I let you go that day. it doesn’t.. mean you are escaping this time around”. He shoved me to the fence at a corner in the compound and turned me around ma-king me back face him.
I cried and shook. I tried to kick him but he was too strong.
“someb©dy help me!” I screamed throu-gh his palm.
“I swear I kill you… if you shout again” he ti-ght£ñed his palm on my mouth when I heard a familiar voice….. Noah. I bit his palm with every strength in me and stomped his foot he lets out a shout and I scream for Noah.
Noah rushed to where I was and pushed ade away which made him fall.
Ade growled, he staggered and raised his fist to hit Noah, but Noah was quic-k, he kicked Add in the face which made him fall again. before ade could get up Noah punched his face, I kept crying as I tried to pu-ll noah away. I knew ade is a violent type and I was scared he would hurt Noah.I pleaded to Noah but he didn’t listen, he just kept connecting his fists to Ade’s face.
Ade l@yon the ground weak, I was scared he was dead alre-ady so I rush back to the p@rty to get danladi.
we both rushed out to meet them , but was shocked at what we saw.
Episode 6 😌
Ade’s face was covered in blood as he l@ythere not moving. I rushed to where he was when I noticed he was still breathing which made me heave a sigh of relief.
I gave Noah a look of disbelief which made him shrug ” the idiot deserved it” he straightened his wrinkled shi-t and dust of some diets on his jeans. Ade stood up and tried to swing a punch at Noah from the back but Danladi was quic-k to lunch another punch at him, he shoved ade to the wall and held on to the collar of his polo ” back off”.
Noah held my wrist and pu-ll-ed me away while Danladi walked back to the p@rty.
“let me take you home” Noah said.
“no!” I snapped .
“what’s wrong … with you.. I just risked my life for you”
“you see… that is the problem ‘risked’ .. what if he hurt you” I cried .
“well he didn’t” he scoffed .
we walked silently back to my house. when we got to my house i fumbled with the keys which made Noah take it from me and open the door. I entered my room and dropped my bag on the floor. I walked to the table and took my face wipe to re-move my make-up. Noah stood at the door and gave me a weak smile “I’ll see you tomorrow”
“plea-se stay with me” I said in a shaky voice .He gazed at me in amazement before walking into my room……
lola’s pov
I woke up to the smell of food from the kitchen. I turned around on the be-d as I searched around with my hands trying to t©uçh Noah , I opened my eyes when I realised he wasn’t beside me.
I got up from the be-d. I walked into the kitchen while squinting my eyes.
“Noah I didn’t know you’d be up this early” I said surprised. I gulped a bit when I see him turn around. ‘uhmmm …..and why aren’t you having your shi-t on?” I arched my left brow in question. He laughed and returned his attention to what he was doing.
I cleared my throat and glanced at him, he was busy mixing eggs with spice. I heaistated a little then walked to where he was. “let me finish it up for you” I made to collect the fork from him.
“don’t worry am almost done, I cooked this potatoes too” he said pointing toward the peeled skin of potatoes left on the side of the sink.
” Am surprised” I said.
“about what?” He asked .
” It’s not common seeing a guy cook for a girl”. I fixed my eyes on him waiting for his response. he simply frowned a little and shook his head. “it’s like you get this ideas in your head and act like you know a lot about every guy. I am not a chauvunist, so me cooking isn’t even a big deal. besides my mum……was….. . You know what never mind” he let out a heavy sigh.
“well I don’t know much about other guys, but I know you too well” I scoffed.
” Okay….” he replied sounding less concerned about anything I had to say.
” You bullied me for years …rememb-?”
“Are we still on this? Noah flared “I alre-ady apologised to you” his eyes were now red.
“look just because you beat someone up for me ….doesn’t make you are any better” I sh0t back. Noah looked dejected. He switched off the g@s and walked out of the kitchen. I followed seconds later.
“where are you going?” I asked
“home” he replied. Not caring to acknowledge my pres£nce.
“I was just pu-lling your legs” I tried to seize his arm,but he gently re-moves it from qrasp.
” No you weren’t. You believe you know me too well” he replied “but you know nothing”. He went straight for the door and left me standing.
“Noah” I called out as I tried to push throu-gh the crowd in front of my faculty. I had lecture by 9:am but I nee-ded to talk to Noah. I had called him a number of times on his phones but he wouldn’t pick my calls.
I don’t get why he’s angry with me, but I nee-ded to apologise and just get this over with.
I st©pped to catch my breath before calling out his name again, this time he looked back, with a frown. He st©pped walking, which allowed me to catch up.
“why are you even ignoring me?” I let out a heavy breath.
“uh… why would I ignore you?” He asked .
“gosh! st©p feigning innocence” I was frustrated by his response.
it was un-derstandable if he didn’t want to talk to me, but that didn’t give him any reason to act so ins-en-sitive. I glare at him and he gave me a nonchalant shrug.
” You know what?…scre-w you” I tapped his che-st with my f!ngerswhich made him stagger before walking off.
“come on ..” he sprints after me ” ok … Am sorry”
“well you should be. I was only pu-lling your legs. but you took it way too personal”. I replied.
” why won’t i?” He looked at me intently. he was obviously angry.
“I should be the one getting all angry, not you…. You led me on into thinking we had a thing-” I was enraged. people gave us stares but I didn’t care.
Noah let’s out a loud gr-unt. “that girl is not even my girlfriend, yes we had a thing… but that’s it .. just a thing”
“hmm… Am sure that’ll be the same thing you’d te other girls when you are done with me” I replied.
“I can’t believe you’d say this….I like you a lot” he slides his f!nger throu-gh his hair in frustration.
I shooked my head and looked at him straight in the eye ” then prove it”. I walked straight into the lecture room.