Her legacy episode 13

Author~ Remio Viola
“plea-se don’t” I cried as the knife dug into my skin and my blood flowed like tears
“no one can be more beautiful than Storm” she said then turned the other p@rt of my cheek and dug the knife into it
I shut my eyes in pain. It was more painful with my blood missing with my tears
“Who are you?” she asked as she dragged my hair
“plea-se let me go” I cried
“you’re so pitiful” she mocked then bur-st into laughter “Cyrus will never get attra-cted to you again and TY won’t recognize you again”
She spit into my face then smashed my face on a table and I pas-sed out
I watched from the roof as Cyrus interrogated James. we had planned to use that to distract Cyrus while I go in. I don’t know where Jennifer was kept but they’ll surely take James there.
“Lock him up” I heard Cyrus order then his men dragged James out while he pleaded innocent
Perfect plan
I crept throu-gh the ceiling following the men till they got to a room. I crept in just in time to see a girl smash Jennifer’s head on a table and she pas-sed out and fell to the ground still tied to a chair.
I went wild and brou-ght out my gun and sh0t her
“$h!t!” James cussed
I just ruined the plan
The men rushed in and James fought with as many as he could keep up with. I wore my mask and jumped down.
my first target was the girl
I walked to her and pu-ll-ed her hair. she tried fighting back but I smashed her head on an iron bar and she coll@psed.
Cyrus c@m£ in and sh0t openly. I quic-kly brou-ght out a small remote that I planned on using on to turn off the power in the warehouse. I pressed a bu-tton and the light went out.
I traced Jennifer and carried her in my arms. Though the room was dark, I alre-ady learnt the way.
I heard a beeping sound and got alert then I traced the sound. It was a time bomb.
It had only twenty seconds left. The room was in stampede. I quic-kly pressed another bu-tton in the remote to alert James that there was danger and he nee-ded to leave.
When I was done I had 12 seconds left. I ran to the window and jumped out with Jennifer still in my arms and my arm twisted. Immediately we landed, the bomb exploded.
I used my b©dy to cover Jennifer on the ground
“let’s go” James said pu-lling me up
I tried getting up but my right arm was in pain
“what’s wrong?”
“I think I broke an arm” I m0@n ed in pain then he carried Jennifer from my arms and we ran to the car
“we almost died in there and it’s all your fault” James accused when we were in the car
He was angry
“am sorry”
“you couldn’t even stick to the plan”
“st©p yelling I said am sorry alre-ady” I yelled back “I couldn’t bear the sight of her smashing Jennifer’s head on the table like a watermelon what if she died?”
James sighed then glanced at me. He was sitting on the drivers seat while I was at the back seat with Jennifer lying on my l@ps
“she’s bleeding” he said that was when I looked at her face– it was full of blood
“son of a nutcracker!” I exclaimed
“it’s not just the smashing” James said then I t©uçhed her face. There were de-ep cuts on it
“she tried mutilating her” James added
“how could she?” I yelled at hit my right hand on the headrest and cried out in pain
“does it still hurt?”
“a lot I think I broke the arm”
“it doesn’t hurt as losing nanny and putting Jennifer throu-gh this, she’s gonna be in pain when she wakes up”
James gave me a level stare from the rear view mirror then started the car and drove off.
We arrived at h0tel Royals and James st©pped the car
“I’ll tell the guys you’re with Keith at the hospital” James said
“I wonder how they’ll react to Nanny’s death but don’t let them know about the note or Jennifer”
“am not a kid Tyson”
“Thanks” I said and got down but I couldn’t carry Jennifer cause of my arm
“you gonna have to get that treated” James said getting down then carried Jennifer into my ap@rtment
” Be careful” I told James then shut the door to the ap@rtment when he was gone.
I walked over to Jennifer where she la-id on the be-d. She was covered in her own blood. I went for a towel and a basin of water then I cleaned the blood from her face. The cuts were de-ep, if only I knew she was cut I would had designed that girl’s face before smashing it.
I took out a first aid box and cleaned the injury with disinfectants then plastered it. The cuts ran from her head down her cheek on both sides.
So painful
I took out the sheets and covered her properly then went out to get her drugs. When I got back, I prepared a meal so she would have something to eat when she wakes up. After cooking, I showered and sat beside her on the be-d.
All I felt for her that time was pity and the nee-d to protect her. Nanny was gone, the only person I had.
I looked up to suppress the tears that were threatening to pour. I wasn’t going to cry again.
I la-id beside Jennifer on the be-d and soon dozed off after switching off my phone to prevent the guys from getting to me.
I felt someone t©uçhed me and I got up with a start. It was Jennifer.
“you’re awake”
“Where am I?”
“you’re safe now”
“what happened? They just killed nanny” she broke down in tears
“It’s alright” I consoled then pu-ll-ed her into a hvg with my left hand
“what did they do to you?”
“She tortured me I thought I was going to die” she said in tears and fear
“It’s okay now”
“my face” she j£rked up and ran to the mirror “it will never be the same way again” she sobbe-d tou-ching the plasters
“I alre-ady called my doctor you’ll be having a face surgery tomorrow” I told her and she just stared blankly at me
“Why did they do all these to me? I don’t even know him”
“TY they did all these to me because they thought I was close to him they just wanted to get back at him”
“what did they say?”
“they wanted to know my relationsh!pwith him”
“and what did you tell them”
“they didn’t even give me the chance to talk, she just beat me” she said in tears
“am so sorry” i got up from the be-d and walked up to her
“How did you find me?”
What do I tell her?
“They left a note with an address”
“how did you manage to save me?” she asked further
“I just did” I stated simply
she inhaled “I want to go home am so scared now”
“It’s not safe for you now” I cu-mpped her cheeks in my palms and made her look at me “these guys are after you now and they’ll won’t st©p till they find you”
“what do they want form me?”
“They think you know TY”
“but I don’t” she blurted out “what about nanny? why did they kill her?”
“I still don’t know” I sighed
“This is so crazy and am scared I just wanna go home”
“you’ll be fine” I as-sured then hvgged her
“let’s call the police”
“no that’s a bad idea”
“you can’t mention this to anyone else they’ll kill you what happened this night should be left a secret”
she gave me a level stare “you don’t want the police to investigate on nanny’s death?”
“I don’t want that”
she just stared at me not knowing what to say
“Come eat” I said and dragged her to the dining room with my left hand.
I helped her sit down then went to get the food from the kitchen. Immediately I lifted the tray, it fell cause of my broken right hand
“are you alright?” Jennifer asked running into the kitchen
“I think I am” I tried lifting up my hand but the pain was unbearable so I screamed
“what happened to your hand?”
“nothing am fine”
she gave me a look and tried taking my hand but I withdrew it. She got up then turned to leave but stumbled on the tray
“Am sorry” I apologized
“it’s not your fault” she cried out
I tried tou-ching her but I withdrew my hand cause of the pain
“you broke your arm” she took my hand f0rç£fully
“am fine”
“did this happen while saving me?”
“maybe” I shrugged and she glared at me
“that shouldn’t be bothering you”
“am concerned that’s all”
I smiled “you shouldn’t be”
“This is crazy!” Joanna yelled “how could Tyson be with a woman while nanny is lying down here dead? is that how much he loves that Keith of a woman?”
“He was alre-ady at the hospital before this happened” I defended
“Then why hasn’t he returned? Nanny is… ” she broke down in tears again and Alex pu-ll-ed her head to his shoulder
“It’s okay” he said fighting the urge to cry
“I don’t still un-derstand why Tyson hid the fact that we had enemies from us” Alex noted
“He’ll explain that when he gets back” I said
“We have to bury her tonight” Joanna said
“Let’s just wait for Tyson” I stated
Joanna rolled her eyes “he switched off his phone how do we reach him now?”
“That’ll be no nee-d for that” Tyson walked in “am here”
Joanna looked up at him in tears “nanny is dead”
“I know and I hate myself for leaving” Tyson said sitting down beside me
“Someone tells me it was a set up for Lugard to get sh0t to distract you from the penthouse” Alex said
“I don’t think so maybe it was a mere coincidence” Tyson objected
“What do we do now? We got to revenge nanny’s death
We gotta attack them, kill and get killed if that’s what it takes” Joanna stated
“Let’s l@ynanny to rest first” I suggested
Tyson heaved a de-ep sigh then got up and headed for nanny’s room, where she was lying in state
He went in alone and shut the door. After a while, he c@m£ out with puffy eyes. He must had cried his eyes out
“let’s take her to the grave yard” he said
We all stood around nanny’s corpse which was la-id in a casket. We said our last goodbyes and made our last promises to her.
Alex promised to forgive his mum like nanny always begged him to
Joanna promised to settle down and have kids. She had initially planned on remaining single for the rest of her lives but nanny never liked that
I promised to quit being an as-sas-sin
Tyson didn’t make any promise but we all promised to kill all her murderers then she was buried
After burying nanny, we drove straight to the club, the only way of pres£nting ourselves from killing innocent people that night.
We arrived at the sp©t and sat at our favorite table. James was wooing a slut, Alex and Joanna were ma-king out.
I’ve always known Alex likes Joanna but she never did. She’s only doing this cause she’s drun!k. I wonder how she’ll react when she finds out by tomorrow.
I just sat, gulping down bottles of alcohol. I didn’t want a woman, just myself and the drink. I started feeling ti-psy and asked James to drive me to my ap@rtment. I couldn’t drive cause of my arm.
We got to the h0tel and he dropped me at the gate and drove off. Still feeling ti-psy, I staggered Into the h0tel and started looking for my way to the ap@rtment. It was very late in the night– past midnight but the place was buzzing. I staggered and fell at regular intervals but still traced my feet to find my ap@rtment.
“Hey! Watch it!” someone said when I fell the hundredth time
I looked up at her, she wore a mini Sk-irt that st©pped below her bu-tt and a crop t©p that expo-sed her cleavage. She held a bottle of alcohol on one hand and a stick of cigarette on the other. I walked up to her and too the bottle from her then I gulped down the content and smashed the bottle on the ground.
“do you want some more?” she asked tracing her f!ngersdown my che-st
I hungrily pu-ll-ed her close and crashed myl-ips on hers. I leaned her on the wall and planted k!sses from her n£¢k down her expo-sed cleavages.
“let’s get a room” she said in between m0@n s
I ate into herl-ips again then she wra-pped her legs around my w@!st. I tried holding her firm with my arms but we fell cause of my broken arm.
“sorry” I apologized as the drink started wearing off
“it’s okay let’s continue” she grinned
“am… Am so sorry… I didn’t mean to bother you but I don’t want you or what you can give” I stated and walked out
I got to my ap@rtment and knocked on the door. I waited for a reply but none c@m£. I continued knocking and when Jennifer didn’t answer the door, I slumped to the ground. The drink was having a stronger effect on me this time and I was getting more ti-psy.
I la-id on the ground there and dozed off.
“Regan! Regan!”
I blinked at the bright sunlight and fluttered my eyes open. I was lying on the floor in the front porch and Jennifer was kneeling beside me.
“did I sleep here?” I asked getting up
“I should be asking you that” she replied then we walked inside
“how’s your face?” I asked and fell on a three sitter sofa
“it doesn’t hurt much just the headache” she replied then asked
“what about your arm?”
“it still hurts I’ll go see a doctor during your surgery”
“surgery” she mouthed “I hate the sound of that”
“that’s the only way to get you back your pretty face else you’ll live the rest of your lives with a scar” I said and she shuddered
“I prepared breakfast” she went into the kitchen and returned shortly with a tray
“I don’t wanna eat”
She sat beside me and dropped the tray on her l@ps “I un-derstand how you feel but nanny is dead alre-ady you can’t die with her”
“thanks” I got up and tried raising my hand but I couldn’t
She smiled “don’t worry I’ll feed you
“no way”
“don’t be stubborn I have a d@t£ with Lucas today”
“with these?” I asked referring to her face
“after the surgery”
“you can’t go out after then and you can’t go out without me”
“are you trying to b©dyguard me?”
“if I had done that earlier nanny would still be alive and those guys now know you”
“Then you’ll take me to Lucas”
I knitted my brows “feed me”
“Regan aren’t you tired of eating? You’re too slow” she complained for the umpteenth time
I smiled inwardly. Punishment for planning to go see Lucas
“I eat much and that’s why I didn’t want you to feed me”
“then am tired of feeding you”
“you can’t do this to me I have a broken arm”
“then eat fas-ter”
“am trying”
“The Knowles are the only people I know who wants Lugard dead but they’re long gone who else would want him dead?” I asked rhetorically in frustration
“I don’t know but I think whoever it was wants the company” Drake said
“according to the servant who found him, Lugard was lying in the pool of his own blood on the floor in his room with a bullet in his che-st The question is, how did the person get in and where did the person shoot from?” I yelled
“calm down detective so you don’t lose your mind”
“am losing it alre-ady Drake, I haven’t been able to solve any of these cases and I’ll be queried soon”
“everyone knows these cases are tough no one can solve it” Drake said “whoever sh0t Lugard is someone as smart as TY”
“Someone should just give me lead on that TY guy am so gonna pas-s a bullet throu-gh his br@in” I seethed
“easy detective”
Two women walk out with one leaning on the other. The sit by the road and the younger one starts singing. Minutes later, she finish singing and packs up the money she was given.
“This is a lot we got more money today” one said excitedly
“we won’t have to starve today”
“it’s all thanks to you Faith”
“not just me you help a lot bringing me out here everyday” Faith said
“I pray you get your greatest dream someday”
“I believe and that’s why I decided to go by the name ‘Faith’ I know I’ll get back my memory someday” Faith said confidently
“I know so too and when that happens my joy would know no bounds”