Her legacy episode 11 & 12

Author~ Remio Viola
I couldn’t fathom the way I was feeling seeing James here with Jennifer.
I wasn’t mad but I wasn’t happy with him finding her out.
What would he think?
I stood behind James watching them till Jennifer turned and saw me.
“Squarep@n-ts” she called out to me and I just glared at her
“Squarep@n-ts” she called again and this time James turned to see what she was calling. That was when he saw me
“Hey! Dude!” he greeted gleefully
“come here” I snorted and dragged him to my room
“you didn’t say you were coming over” I accused
“you didn’t say you had a guest”
I inhaled “she’s…”
“I still don’t un-derstand why you had to bring her here” James yelled a bit angry “the penthouse is our greatest secret what if she’s a secret agent? what if someone knows about nanny?”
“James calm down”
“don’t tell me to calm down this involves us all you could had brou-ght her to the mansion or your ap@rtment or bought her a suite why here?”
“I nee-d to keep watchful eye on her I can’t keep her elsewhere how would I be able to monitor nanny here and monitor her elsewhere?”
“whatchful eye you say” James scoffed and crossed his arms “you now stand woman right? What did she offer that made you want to keep her? Do you now trust women? Is she that good in be-d?”
“Watch your words James she might be listening”
“so? you don’t wanna lose your… ”
“she’s not a slut James and you know I don’t go with young girls” I stated and lowered myself to an armchair
“Then why is she here?”
“Keith wants her dead so am protecting her”
“Why would Keith want her dead? I mean she only goes after those who pose as threats to her modelling career and Jennifer isn’t a model I know of is she?” James asked calmly as he sat beside me
“No she’s actually a Nigerian”
“for real?”
I nodded
“Nigerian girls are dope”
“That was my last mission in Nigeria”
“To kill her?” James guessed
“yea but I couldn’t cause she saved my life the previous night so I had to bring her here so Keith wouldn’t find out”
“and she knows you as Regan?”
“How long do you plan on keeping her? she has to return to Nigeria before someone comes after her”
“I’ll s£nd her back when am done with Keith”
James took a de-ep breathe “this isn’t safe”
“I know and you have to help me keep it a secret from Alex and Joanne”
“especially Joanna” James added
“She’s pretty”
I gave him a level stare “she’s young”
“am not gonna spoil her I want to change”
“James pl@yboys don’t change we don’t” I chuckled
“we do when we fall de-eply in love”
“so you’re de-eply in love? ”
“it’s crazy bro but this is love at first sight” James drawled dreamily
“Lucas likes her”
“what? Lucas knows her?”
“She’s so stubborn Lucas alre-ady knows her”
“and he knows she stays here?”
“I don’t think so”
“Then it isn’t wise for her to remain here why not I buy a suite and s£nd her there then I’ll keep strict watchful eye over her” James suggested then I bur-st into laughter
“She’s fine here and you don’t nee-d her okay just go to the brothel” I blurted out
“I really want to change and she’s so beautiful and sweet and cute…”
“cut it out” I interrupted “she’s going nowhere”
“Then I’ll have to move into the penthouse Alex and Joanna are giving me troubles and am kinda sick so I have to be close to nanny”
“Then I’ll move with Jennifer” I said
“My sickness is gonna get worse am love sick” James said and fell with his back to the chair
“you’re crazy” I chuckled
“am in love”
👽 SPIDAX ▄═━一
“boss” Tattoo called entering the warehouse with a troop
“Any progress?”
“we got more boys to add to the crew” Tattoo replied and I nodded as I scrutinized the boys
They were fit
“Give me the details” I said taking my seat
“We have a clue that Keith isn’t K”
“what makes you think so?” I got interested
“Our men in his crew managed to search his desk and saw a do¢v-ment of the case of the missing heir to KLS” Tattoo paused
“Go on”
“Though he was caught cause Lucas is too smart, he smelt a rat in his crew and monito-red their movements secretly
before our man was caught, he took some sh0ts of the do¢v-ment and s£nt it to us”
I nodded in satisfactory “interesting, so who’s Keith?”
“an adopted child K is still missing”
“Get me more information s£nd Storm this time as an agent in the FBI we nee-d to follow Lucas”
“I think there’s another secret agent in the FBI from another group”
“maybe it’s TY” I suggested
“TY works alone”
“I doubt
s£nd Storm in then get me K, KLS has to be mine”
“TY also want it”
“TY is gonna die by my bullet” I snorted “what about your search for the nanny?”
“we’re still working on that”
“what do you have for now?” I wanted to know
“I think TY lives with her”
I quic-kly sat up “Tell me”
“According to my research about her she left with the boy Tyson and no one knows about him yet but TY has been killing men involved in the death of the Knowles”
“so you think TY is the child Tyson? ”
“Am still working on that” Tattoo replied
“you’re very smart you’ll have your reward after these”
I was in the sitting room watching a tragic movie with James and Regan. The movie was so emotional and I was just sniffling while James was patting my back.
“He died” I wailed and James cu-mddled me up in his arm
“It’s just a movie”
“he’s not supposed to die” I sobbe-d
“Seriously” Regan rolled my eyes skyward
“Mr Cruse—” I tried getting up but James held me back
“Stay still” James whispered
Regan got up from his chair and walked up to us then pu-ll-ed James up
“thanks for visiting but you’ve over stayed your welcome” Regan said dragging James out
“Bye Jennifer give me a call” James said as he was been dragged out
“I don’t have a phone” I said sadly
I was alre-ady missing him
“I’ll—” he was about replying when Regan pushed him out and shut the door
“seriously Mr Cruse you’re a joy killer”
“thanks” he said and sat back on the sofa
“you’re welcome” I mouthed and he chuckled
We start down without talking to each other, just staring at the television when nothing interesting was going on.
“Lend me with your phone” I said breaking the silence
“I want to speak with James”
I sighed “then take me out am bored”
“where do you wanna go?”
“let’s just take a walk” I replied
“I get it you don’t want your girlfriend to see you with another girl more beautiful than her”
“get up let’s go” he said and I smiled within
Mission accomplished
We got to the beach and sat facing the water.
It was a pretty view
“I love nature” I breathed in the sweet breeze
“let’s go it’s getting late” Regan said
“Don’t tell me you’re scared of the dark” I chuckled
“no way” he rebuked ma-king me chuckle more
“let me see” I said pointing to the bag he had been carrying about
“no” he objected
“but why?”
“cause I don’t want you to see it”
“what’s in it?”
he hesitated for a while then replied “it’s a pack of c0nd0ms”
my eyes wi-de-ned “do you sell them?”
“do I own a shop?” he asked rhetorically
“the night is going to be cold and I don’t want you to get pregnant after tonight” he said then got up and started walking away
“Mr Cruse!” I called running after him
We walked back to the penthouse and it was very late in the night. The walk was fun and I made a friend at the park her name is Lorna. She gave me her business card and I’ll steal Regan’s phone and call her tonight.
“here” Regan threw the bag at me when we stepped into the house
“what do I nee-d it for?” I asked as I caught the bag
“suit yourself out” he replied and climbe-d up the stairs
I used my f!ngersto feel the bag to be sure it wasn’t what he told me it was. it was a small box and I brou-ght it out to reveal a phone.
Since I was born I’ve never had a phone.
My lucky day
I brou-ght out the phone and it was alre-ady booted. He even slotted in two SIM cards for me.
How do I thank him
I hurriedly saved Lorna’s number then saw the few numbers that were saved.
one was saved with ‘My Angel’
I quic-kly called it and I heard Regan’s voice
“it’s too late for calls” he said and ended the call
‘My Angel’ I smiled then checked the second one.
It was saved with ‘h0ttie’
I called it
“You’ll get arrested” Regan’s voice c@m£ in and the call ended
I inhaled then I called the last one ‘Nightmare’
“Hello” James’ voice
“James” I squealed
“Jennifer you now have a phone?”
“Squarep@n-ts got me one today” I giggled
“am busy now I’ll call you later or s£nd you a text if it’s too late” James said
“okay bye”
“bye k!sses” he blew an air k!ssthen I hung up
Which one is k!sses?
I ran to Regan’s room and knocked on his door but he wasn’t answering.
I knocked again he still won’t answer then I tried opening the door when I remembered what happened the last time I snuck up on him.
I t©uçhed my n£¢k, the wound was still there.
I don’t want another one
I proceeded to leave when his door flung open
“what do you want?” he asked
I flin-ched back
He alre-ady changed and wore a white sweater and his hands were di-pped in his p@n-t pockets.
His long hair was we-t and gelled back
Gosh! He was too handsome
“Hey! st©p starring” he snapped
“I wasn’t starring”
he chuckled “yes you were”
“no I wasn’t”
“yes you were” he took a step forward
“no I wasn’t” I took a step backward
“yes you were” one step forward
“no I wasn’t” one step backward
“yes you were” one step forward
“no I…” I hit my head on the wall and he sm-irked and lowered his face to mine
Author~ Remio Viola
I stared down into her eyes then chuckled. She was shivering like she was cold.
Reasons I hate young girls– they’re so nervous.
I tilted my head back and walked into my room.
I wasn’t even going to k!ssher. I just felt like teasing her and it worked.
I fell to my be-d and brou-ght out my phone.
Mark Thrump’s death is the best news of the year.
“Come in” I said and the door flung open revea-ling nanny Celia. She looked sad
“What’s wrong nanny?” I asked as I sat up
“Am having this… bad feeling lately about…”
“not again nanny” I interrupted with a sigh “you’re always having bad feelings”
“it’s strong this time Tyson, the same way I felt before your parents were killed”
I took in a de-ep breathe and watched her sit on the sofa
“There’s something you nee-d to know”
“I don’t get you”
“It’s about your parents murder” nanny Celia said as her voice fell to a whisper
“My parents murder? Is there something you’re hiding?”
“I didn’t want to tell you… ” she was interrupted by my phone ringing then I excused her to answer the call
📲 Regan you have to come over my dad was sh0t
Keith cried over the phone immediately I answered the call
📱 where are you?
📲 Lexicom Memorial Hospital
📱 Am on my way
“what’s wrong?” nanny Celia asked when I dropped the call
“It’s Keith her dad was sh0t”
“Lugard?” nanny exclaimed in shock
“I’ll have to go over to the hospital now”
“be careful”
“I will”
Nanny Celia turned more pale and I got worried
“what’s it now? Don’t you want me to go?”
“It’s right for you to be there we’ll talk when you get back”
I nodded then rushed out
I was setting the table for dinner when Regan rushed downstairs.
“Aren’t you going to have dinner? ”
“when I get back” He replied and rushed out in a hurry
I turned to go back to the kitchen when I hit the table and everything on it fell. I got a bad feeling but shook it off.
“Jennifer” Nanny Celia called coming downstairs
“what happened here? ” she asked referring to the dishes on the floor
“I don’t…” I stepped on a broken piece of plate and it to-re into my skin
“are you alright?” nanny Celia rushed to me
“I think I am” I whined in pain
“let’s get you treated”
“we get this place cleaned up first” I said ignoring my bleeding foot
Whatever it was, I had a bad feeling something was going to happen
She started picking up the broken dishes while I went to lock the front door then I joined her.
“I’ll go prepare something else” nanny Celia offered when we were done then went into the kitchen
The door bell rang and my heart skipped a beat
What could be happening?
I hurried to get the door cause Regan was the only one we were expecting or maybe James.
I opened the door and three gun men stood at the door post. One of them pointed a gun to my forehead and made me step in which I did in silence.
“Regan…” nanny c@m£ out of the kitchen but froze at the sight she met
I was speechless and scared
This is the bad feeling I’ve been having all along
“Well well well” a masked man cl@pped menacingly walking into the living room. He wore the mask of a spider
“we meet again Celia” he said and took off my mask
“Cyrus” nanny g@sped
“you still remember me?” he scoffed “of course you will you’re the dirty witch that knows my father’s secret”
“What do you want?” nanny Celia asked
She still has mouth to talk
I almost died with a gun on my forehead
“I want to protect my father’s secret” he replied and brou-ght out his gun
“Cyrus don’t” nanny Celia pleaded as he c0cked the gun and pointed it at her
“tell daddy Cyrus says hi” he sm-irked then pu-ll-ed the trigger
“nanny!” I screamed as she fell to the ground dead with a bullet in her br@in and blood oozing out
“quite!” Cyrus bellowed and I went mute as tears streamed down my cheeks
“who are you?” he asked tracing his f!ngersdown my face
“TY’s slutty bit-ch” he spat out
“take her to the car” he ordered and they dragged me out
I arrived at the hospital and rushed in. The press were alre-ady at the entrance and Lucas was trying to keep them out by answering few of their questions.
Ap@rt from me, who else wants Lugard dead?
As much as I hate him I can’t let him die. He just can’t die yet.
I sighed Keith pacing about at the entrance of the ICU. Waiting for the doctor– I guess
I proceeded to walk up to her when I felt a sharp pain in my che-st.
I tried to walk again but the pain increa-sed. Then a sudden fear clouded me just for way I felt when my mother was sh0t.
I got scared and I started having flashbacks of when my mother was sh0t.
I remembered Nanny’s words before I left the house
Am having a bad feeling… It’s strong Tyson the same way I felt before your parents were killed
Her words kept repeating in my head and the fear kept clouding me. I felt something leaving me and I felt incomplete.
Her worries
“Regan” Keith called tearily staring at me weirdly
“Are you alright?” she asked
I nodded “am fine”
“you’ve been standing there and staring into space you’re acting strange” she noted
“am fine” I faked a smile the moved closer to her
“How is your dad?”
“The doctor aren’t saying anything yet” she replied then hvgged me
I wra-pped my hands around her “He will be fine”
“I hope so he’s all I’ve gat”
He took all I had
“He will… ” I felt the pain again and paused
“Are you sure you’re alright Regan? should I call a doctor?”
“Am fine” I said the pu-ll-ed from the hvg
“You’ll be staying with me here right?” she asked
“I will”
she smiled “thanks”
I excused myself then went outside and placed a call to Jennifer but she wasn’t answering. I called severally but she didn’t answer then my worries increa-sed.
I called nanny and she also wasn’t answering.
something is definitely wrong
Then I called James and he picked up almost immediately
📲 Hey mehn!
📱 go to the penthouse now
📲 where are you?
📱 at the hospital, Keith’s dad was sh0t but am having a strange feeling go check on nanny and Jennifer don’t let the guys know
📲 okay
I hung up and went back inside.
“Are you alright?” Keith asked again when I got back inside
“Am fine”
I sat beside her with her head on my shoulder.
I was restless and I wasn’t even listening to what she was saying.
My phone rang and I glanced at the caller’s ID– it was James.
I excused myself and walked out to take the call
📲 Hurry back now nanny was sh0t
my heart started pounding
📱 what about Jennifer?
📲 I can’t find her I think she was kidnapped there’s a note
📲 am on my way
I hung up and ran to my car. I didn’t even bother telling Keith I was leaving.
I arrived at the penthouse in a jiffy and ran inside.
James was pacing about worriedly.
“James…” I st©pped on my track when I saw Nanny’s lifeless b©dy on the floor
“This can’t be” my tears couldn’t st©p rolling
“I also can’t believe it” James said also in tears
“Where’s the note?” I asked and he proffered me with a paper
It re-ad:
📄 Come to this address for the girl ‘Bays lane block 7′
“I think it’s a tra-p” James said when I finished re-ading
“Jennifer I think she’s behind this why wasn’t she killed?”
“She was kidnapped” I replied
“what if she was behind it?”
“I doubt” I stated “Jennifer has nothing to do with this”
I squ-atted beside nanny and took her corpse in my arms. She was stiff in the pool of her own blood
“I found this with the note” James said and gave me a metal image of a spider
“It’s the Spidax”
“What’s the Spidax?” James asked
“They’re a secret gang against me and they’re behind my set ups”
“You have a rival and you never told us?”
“I had my plans I didn’t want you guys to know cause you guys would go wild and would want to attack all of ’em it might lead to fights and people would die”
“Now nanny is dead people are going to die more” James yelled “you should had told us”
“am sorry okay” I yelled back
“The problem now is how did they know TY is Tyson Knowles?” James asked
“That’s not the problem the problem is finding Jennifer before anything happens to her” I said
“I think she’s p@rt of them and she has been giving them information…”
“Jennifer doesn’t even know am TY nor Tyson” I cut in angrily
“Nanny is dead we shouldn’t be arguing let’s call the guys” James suggested
“I don’t want them to know about Jennifer we’ll call them after I get Jennifer back”
James took in a de-ep breathe but said nothing
“are you gonna help me or not?”
“Fine I will but don’t say I didn’t warn you”
“And don’t tell me you’re in love again” I warned and he chuckled
We carried Nanny’s corpse to her room then covered it on her be-d
“I really can’t believe she’s gone
what does the Spidax have to do with her?” that was James
I remembered what she wanted to tell me before I left earlier.
Does it have anything to do with this?
👽 SPIDAX ▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一
We got to the warehouse and tied the girl to a chair.
TY would be here soon I have the feeling.
Storm is the master mind behind this beautiful plan. After Tattoo found out TY was the missing Tyson Knowles, she suggested we killed the nanny because she knew about my dad’s little secret of missing Margaret. She also suggested we take the girl and keep a note for TY to come get her so we can see him. No one has ever seen him but we’ll definitely see him today– that is, if the girl is important to him.
I smiled lasciviously as I watched her struggle to untie herself. She is really beautiful and TY really has taste for women.
I walked closer to her and squat before her
“Will he come or not?” I asked myself as I ran my f!ngersdown her cheek and she struggled to turn
“Don’t try to fight cause it’s useless I wonder how long it would take for him to come cause I can’t wait any longer but I want him to watch us do it” I sm-irked and leaned forward to k!ssher
“st©p” Storm bellowed and I did “I hate sharing”
“She’s too ha-rd to resist” I admitted and got up to meet Storm
“what about me?” Storm asked
“She’s no match for you” I said and k!$$£d Storm
We k!$$£d hungrily for a very long time, not minding the pres£nce of the girl or the boys
“Boss” Babylon interrupted
“what’s now?” I asked unlocking from the k!ss
“we caught someone sneaking around”
l sm-irked “that means TY is around” I said and walked out with Babylon
I was breathing heavily by the time he left. It was just I and the girl Storm and the boys around.
Am so scared now
I don’t know what I did to deserve this
Nanny’s death was still bothering me and here I was suffering for someone I don’t know.
TY that I hate that they think am working with.
“Cyrus is right you’re beautiful” storm said walking close to me
“but I don’t like it” she paused and looked around “no one has to be as beautiful as Storm so I’ll have to mutilate you” she laughed evily and gave me a h0t sl@p
The sl@p was so painful and I glanced at her f!ngers, she was wearing three rings. Blood was alre-ady dripping from my cheek where she sl@pped me
She sm-irked then punched me so ha-rd that I started coughing out blood
“plea-se st©p” I pleaded in tears
“really?” she huffed loudly then brou-ght out a small knife
“I’ll have to redesign your face first” she sm-irked wickedly then cu-mpped my face in her left palm and started piercing the knife into my face