Her celebrity crush episode 4

Her Celebrity Crush
Episode 4
Joella’s POV
“Do u think the red goes with the white tank t©p”I asked Amy who was concentrating on her phone.
I was preparing for the lunch outing in school.
He had texted me that he couldn’t come to school cus of important stuffs he had to do.
“Amy!! You are not helping at all”I yelled at Amy in frustration.
“Just breathe gurl, think of it as a casual outing with a friend not a loving ro-mantic d@t£ with ur b©yfri£nd”She replied dramatically.
I gro-an ed in frustration before I saw the perfect outfit it was a white flare Sk-irt with silver bu-tton up t©p and white flats.
I wore them quic-kly and got downstairs.
“Wow!!,what’s the occasion honey? “my dad asked chuckling.
He was back from the business trip and was resting on the couch.
“Just a lunch outing with Peter”I replied slinging my love-shaped purse on my shoulder.
“Awwwwn my baby is growing”dad said patting me lovingly.
“Yeah yeah ✌ funny dad”I replied
“I have to go bye now”
I went outside and almost immediately Peter showed up with his bike looking so h0t!!
He was dressed in white T-shi-t and black jeans p@n-ts coupled with black adidas sneakers.
“When you are done checking me out,can you pls hop on”He said chuckling.
I turn red and entered the bike after collecting my helmet.
“Hang in there,Elsie”he said ri-ding the bike towards the direction of the restaurant.
I could feel the wind rustling throu-gh my face..
So FUN!!.
We arrived at our destination and Peter turned the ignition off.
We went into MARSH $ MELLOWS restaurant.
We sat down on a table and a waitress c@m£ to our aid.
“Hi am Riele and i’m here to take your other”She said wi-nking at Peter.
Geez!!, could she st©p flir-ting and serve us our food.
“Hey Miss I’ll like Turkey salad and chocolate muffins”I replied a little annoyed.
“Yh ok…. ok”she stuttered walking away.
We busted into a thun-derous laugh when she went away.
“Gosh! Peter did you see that? she was completely into you”I muttered laughing so ha-rd .
“Too bad I’m not into her”he replied sm-irking.
“So who are you into”I asked curiously.
It’s time to know the truth.
If Peter likes me or not??
So I asked him stylishly.
“Well I’ll give you a clue while you figure it out yourself “he said as the Riele girl brou-ght our food.
Peter muttered thanks and turned to face me.
“She’s blonde”He began.
Calm down Ella he maybe talking about another blonde?
“Her favorite color is pink, you know her very well”
“That’s not even enough clue”I muttered pouting.
“I love u Elsie”He muttered going down on one bended knee.
“Will u be my girlfriend”He asked.
And I g@sped
Shouts of “Say yes!,say yes!,” Filled the air.
Ahm doomed!
How can I disappoint this much people?!
But I don’t even like Peter
“Will you be my girlfriend?”
He asked.
And I g@sped
Shouts of: “Say yes! Say yes!,” Filled the air.
I’m doomed!
I mean how can I disappoint this much people?
But I don’t even like Peter
“Ella!, Ella! ” Amy snapped at me jo-lting me outta my train of thought.
I looked around perplexed.
There was no Peter.
No crowd shouting “say yes! say yes!! ”
And no waitress flir-ting with Peter.
I can’t believe I thought all that will happen.
So weird of me!
A bike roared and deliberately almost hit Amy who jumped outta the way scared.
The rider c@m£ down and it was Peter dressed in white Hoodie and blue jeans coupled with white sneakers. Oh my God..He was h0t.
He c@m£ down removing his helmet whilst laughing.
“Oh my gawd!, Did u see Amy? She jumped cowardly ike a scaredy-cat.” He said laughing ha-rd .
Amy sh0t him a murderous glare and he sobered up.
“I’m sorry “he muttered.
“So Hop in girls, u guys look amazing by the way.
“Thanks, I think i’ll pas-s, I don’t wanna die young ” Amy muttered and I chuckled.
“”Come on Amy, don’t be such a p@rty pooper “Peter said giving Amy his baby face.
She stared at him for a while before muttering
Peter retrieved two helmets from his bike’s porch and gave it to us. We hop in and Peter rode east ward towards the restaurant — our regular place.
Wait!!, I thought it was supposed to be a me and him thing, so why did he call Amy too?
Wind rustled throu-gh my face and I swung my right hand sideways enjoying it.
We reached the restaurant