Golden high Episode 55 & 56

( High School r0m@nç£)
Chapter 55
By: Summer Gold
Emily turned to Lisa who was still standing not moving an itch,,
“ What are you waiting for?? ” she asked
“ Am staying here ” she murmured
“ And why will you stay here?? ” Emily asked
“ I have cold mom,,,” she said and went to lie on the be-d,, Emily was confused,,cold??
“ Can you plea-se increase the heater?? Am really cold ” Lisa said and sneeze
“ Oookay ” Emily replied with her brow raised looking as confused as anything.
She increa-sed the heater and faced Mich,,she caught him starring at Lisa and smiling.
“ Am giving you this ” she said showing Michael the syringe
“ What the hell?? Injection?? Am not taking that,, am fine ” Michael said
“ This will make you sleep,,and make the pain go away,,,” Emily said
“ Can you just give me drugs instead?? I can’t take this ” Michael said and Lisa chuckled
Emily turned to her and she immediately pretended to be asleep
“ It won’t hurt ,,trust me,,,you have to get back on your feet,this will make it easier. Get me your hand ” Emily said with a smile
Michael nodded and give her his hand,,,, she hold his wrist ti-ghtly and beat it with her f!nger slowly looking for the vein,,
“ Stay still ” she said and Michael closed his eyes
She injected him immediately,,,
“ All done,,,,see?? Such a lazy head ” She pushed his head backward and Michael smiled
“ Am not lazy,,,” he said
“ Yeah I know,,,injection lazy then ” she stood up
“ And you Lisa,,,you really don’t want to attend clas-s today right?? ” she asked but got no reply
“ Gross ” she murmured
“ Can I lock the door? I don’t want anyone to disturb my sleep,,,” Michael said
“ Huh??,,,,,okay,,,,,you can. I will tell others to use the other rooms so you can have a good rest ,,,see you later ” Emily said and Michael got up slowly to lock the door immediately she left.
He went to lie on the be-d again,,,
“ You really locked the door?? ” Lisa suddenly appeared beside him and he flin-ched
“ Geez,,I thought you’re slee-ping,, that was scary ” Michael scoffed covering himself with the duvet
“ I asked a question ” Lisa snapped
“ Yeah I closed the door because I don’t want anyb©dy to come in,,why are you asking?? ” He asked
“ How about I make you feel better?? ” she win-ked
“ She said the injection is gonna make me feel,,,,,,,,” He didn’t complete his s£ntence when Lisa joined him on the be-d
“ What are you planning in your head?? ” he asked
“ More reliable pill ” Lisa sm-irked and immediately locked herl-ips with his ma-king him speechless,,,
“ wait sweetheart ” he said and broke the k!ss
“ What is it?? ”
“ Your n£¢klace,, where is it?? ” he asked
“ Here ” she smiled and brou-ght it out from her n£¢k,,it was inside the uniform.
“ Gosh,my heart was beating fast,,I thought you lost it ” he smiled
“ No I can’t,,,, it’s like my world now ” She said and t©uçhed it
Michael pu-ll-ed her closer and plant a k!sson her n£¢k,,,he k!$$£d her n£¢k again in the same place,,,,
He su-cked dee-per into her n£¢k ma-king sure he left a very visible hic-key there,
“ Where are we going?? ” Noah asked as he walk with Lily, they’ve been walking round the school like idlers .
“ Am just bored ” Lily pouted and went into the biology laboratory,,, Noah chuckled followed her,,,
She sat down on one of the seats and sighed,,
“ what are you thinking about?? ” Noah asked and sat down close to her
“ It’s nothing ” she replied
“ you can tell me anything Lily” he said and Lily turned her face to him ,,their faces so close at the moment
“ really?? I can tell you anything?? ” she asked not looking away and Noah nodded
He was fighting the urge to k!ssher badly,,
“ Then,,,how about I tell you this,,,,,, I love you ” she said and Noah’s eyes grew wi-der
“ You,,, love me?? ” he asked
She nodded and without hesitating,, she slammed herl-ips on his,,,he immediately opened up.
It’s like a dream come true right now,,your long time crush finally telling you she’s in love with you??
The k!sswas really intense but he broke the k!ssand stared into her eyes,,
“ Are you sure of what you said?? ” he asked
“ Yes Noah,,,am sorry if,it’s coming late. But,,these days,I’ve not being myself. I always think about you,always wanting you by my side,,getting jealous when you talk to other girls,, am really lost Noah. I love you so much ” She said and hold his face in her two short hands,,,
“ I love you ” She said before k!ss!nghim again.
Michael sighed sleepily,,Lisa keep on talking and don’t even allow him sleep peacefully
“ Is this a punishment or what? ” he asked and faced her
“ What do you mean?? ” Lisa asked
“ I really want to sleep badly ,but you won’t st©p talking ” he gro-an ed
“ So you mean am annoying right?? ” she scoffed
“ You’re annoying,, if that will make you st©p ” Michael said and she chuckled..
“ You can sleep,,but trust me,am going to do a pay back when you’re fine . ” she said and got off from the be-d
“ Don’t leave,,just keep quiet ” Michael pu-ll-ed her back and rest his head on her che-st
“ Am I a pillow right now?? ” She scoffed
“ So soft ” Michael muttered and she sl@p his back
“ You per-vert!! Take your head off ” Lisa said
“ Why will I do that?? It’s mine anyway ” he replied and pu-ll-ed her more closer to himself taking the whole softness of her br**st.
“ Michael,, get off ” Lisa said
“ This is really comfortable,,, let me stay here ” He replied and immediately fell asleep.
Chapter 56
Anna got down from her car,,she was looking so beautiful with her sun glas-ses on. She was putting on a crop t©p and a trou-ser, and a heel.
She look so beautiful and clas-sic like the wife of a billionaire,,
She walked into the mall,,she have planned to get the dress for the company’s p@rty. They just won a contract and the company CEO hosted a p@rty..
She nee-d to look good,,,
“ You’re welcome mam,,,” One of the staffs bowed
Anna smiled and re-moved her sunglas-s since she’s alre-ady in,,
“ I nee-d a nice and simple p@rty dress ” She said gently,, that’s who she is,, always speaking like she doesn’t nee-d to talk .
“ Come with me mam ” She said and Anna followed
“ Here,,,these dresses are gonna fit you so perfectly,, am very sure of that ”
“ How sure are you?? Give me the black short dress,,,am gonna try it out,it’s my taste ” she said
“ Okay mam ” she re-moved it and hand it over to her
“ You can change in there mam ” she pointed at the dressing room
Anna nodded and went in,,she put the dress on and checked it out in the mirror,,it really fit her perfectly
She smiled and walked out,,
“ I told you it’s gonna be a perfect fit ” the lady said
“ Yeah I guess,,,,am taking it,,,” She said and walked back in to take it off.
After paying for the dress,they packed it for her and she walked out of the mall.
“ Hey pretty ” A man grinned at her from the black car,,
She scoffed,, she have noticed him following her right since from the traffic,, who the hell is he??
She didn’t find him attrac-tive at all,,
“ What do you want old man ” she rolled her eyes
“ Am not old,,that’s funny ” he grinned and moved closer to her
“ I really want to talk to you,,you look h0t ” he whispered to her
“ Thanks,, but you’re not my type ” she whispered with a smile
“ Do you have a b©yfri£nd?? How come am not your type ”
Anna opened her mouth to talk but couldn’t,, he’s right,,she doesn’t even have a b©yfri£nd.
“ Yeah,, she have a b©yfri£ndand am right here,,can you just get lost?? ” A voice said behind her and she turned back in shock
She g@sped when she saw the dude standing behind her,,,,
Is this not,,,Alex Williams??? He is!!!! The popular Actor!!! Alex!!!
But wait,,did he just say he’s her b©yfri£nd??
“ He’s,,, he’s,, your b©yfri£nd?? ” the other guy asked
Anna could not reply ,,,she was shocked and confused at the same time
“ You’re not deaf right?? ” Alex said
“ Am sorry,,I ,,I better get out of here ” he entered his car and drove off
“ Gosh!! Did you hear that??!! ”
“ She’s Alex’s girlfriend!! ”
“ I knew it the moment she entered here!! She look so clas-sic and pretty ”
“ Wow,they look good together ”
They heard the whispers,,,and different c@m£ras on them,,
Until his guards st©pped them from taking pictures,,
“ Thanks,,,,,,, but,,,that’s not a nice thing to do,,,,,rumors spre-ad really fast ” Anna said
“ At least it’s not a bad rumor ” Alex smiled
“ What?? ”
“ Are you afraid your b©yfri£ndis gonna see the pictures?? ” Alex asked
“ I don’t have a b©yfri£nd,, but what if your girlfriend sees it?? I hate troubles ” Anna said
“ I don’t have a girlfriend either,, so it’s going to be a nice rumor ” He smiled out dimples
Anna was silent,,,
“ Well,,thanks for saving me. I will be on my way now ” She said with a little bow
“ Why ma-king it look awkward?? Ladies don’t bow for their b©yfri£nds ” Alex said
“ What?? b©yfri£nd?? ” she asked
“ Everyone here thought we are d@t!ng,, so let’s not make anything confusing ”
“ Why are you sounding like you like what they are thinking?? ” Anna asked
“ It’s amazing,,I’ve never been caught in c@m£ra talking with a girl, or fans tagging a girl as my girlfriend,, so it feels nice ” Alex said and Anna nodded
“ I will walk you to your car,,,” He said
Anna nodded and they walked to where she parked it,,
“ Thanks again,,bye ” Anna entered the car
She was about closing the door when Alex hold it ,,,
She looked up,,
“ What,,,” she asked
“ Can I at least get your contact?? A pay back ” He smiled again,, his dimples getting more dee-per
“ Fine,,your phone ” She sighed
He called his PA and he ran to them,,
“ My phone,,, the personal one ” he said
“ Sir?? ” The PA was surprised
“ You heard me right ” He said
“ Oh,,yeah ” he immediately gave him from the numerous phones with him
“ Here,,” Alex gave it to her and she typed her number
“ I will call you,,bye ” he smiled again
Is it a normal routine??
Anna nodded and drove off,,
Alex smiled as he watch the car driving out,,his guards were surprised to see him that way,,they’ve never seen him admiring a lady that much,, even asking for her contact??
“ Why are you all starring at me that way?? Let’s leave ” He said
They bowed and immediately followed him,,
“ Oopa!!!! We love you!!! ”
“ You’re so handsome!!! ”
“ I love your movies!!! ”
He smiled and waved back at them,,,
“ Wow,,finally you’re back,,,” Gavin said jumping on Michael
“ Get off dude,,am gonna faint ” Michael said pushing him away
“ We have a lot of gist ” Ethan win-ked
“ Noah and Lily are d@t!ng,,what else?? ” Michael sm-irked
“ How thefu-ck did you know that ” Noah asked
“ Well,,,I have Lisa ” He win-ked
“ Lover boy ” They all gro-an ed
“ Well,, congrats,,,for crushing for more than three years ” Michael said and they laughed
“ That’s embarras-sing ” Noah said closing his eyes
“ Yeah it is ” Ethan said
“ I heard something guys,,but I haven’t confirmed if it’s true ” Gavin said
“ What is it?? ” They all asked
“ The pl@yfor the coming prom is gonna be something like the,,,,,, ”
“ Romeo and Juliet ” They all chorused and Michael scoffed
“ Why must it be like that?? Why can’t they try something like Jack and Rose from Titanic?? ” Michael asked and they faced him with a confused look
“ You’ve gotten a sh!p?? ” Ethan asked
“ I can help them get one ” He replied proudly causing them to laugh
“ I don’t know how to act,,I will just join the singing stuff ” Gavin said
“ Dude, you can’t sing either,that frog voice of yours,,I wonder what my sister see in you ” Michael scoffed
“ Am handsome ” Gavin win-ked
“ Your wish ” Michael replied
“ Yeah,,his wish,,cause am more handsome than him ” Noah said with a smile
“ We know,,that’s why it took you three years for your crush to finally notice you ” Michael said
Ethan and Gavin couldn’t control their laughter,,
“ That’s savagery 101 ,,,,” Ethan said
“ Fine,,,, ” Noah said and continue walking in silence
“ Who do you think is gonna take the role of Romeo?? ” Ethan asked
“ I guess it’s gonna be Mich,, he’s handsome ” Gavin replied
“ It’s not about being handsome,, what if I don’t pas-s the audition?? It depends on the action ” Michael said
“ You’re a good actor,,,I wonder why you choose science ” Noah said
“ I don’t know either,, but I can still change right?? ” Michael asked
“ Are you crazy?? Change for what?? ” They all yelled
“ Thought you wanted me to become an actor,, then I will just go to acting school ” he smiled
“ Geez,,you’re annoying ” They all said and walked fas-ter leaving him behind
He chuckled and suddenly shouted holding his belly,,,
“ Michael!!! Are you okay?? ” They all ran to him
“ Am hurt ” he said in a painful voice
“ Really?? Climb on,,we will take you to the school clinic ” Gavin immediately said showing him his back
Michael climb on,,,
“ Let’s go to the clas-s first,,I nee-d to take something ” he gro-an ed
“ Okay ,,you will be fine ” Ethan said and they started walking to clas-s.
Michael got off from Gavin’s back with a smile
“ Thanks for the ride dude ” He win-ked and sat down
“ What??? He pretended!!! ” They shouted and started chasing him round the clas-s
A new character: Alex Williams 😚😘😋