ethereal beauty 2 episode 23/25



(He cares for me? )

The next day

I have a meeting with Tyson today concerning my father.
No one knows about this, not even Minho.
I won’t tell any one yet.
I c@m£ down from the car and paid the cab driver.
I looked at the long building in front of me.
Its been a while.

I sighed and went in.
I was directed to his office by a security man.
“Thank you.” I said to him and left.

That lady?
What is she doing here?
What do she want from me?

First she separated minho and I and now she is in the Lee’s company?
Is she trying to make me lose my job?
I hope not cause this have been my dream and can’t be ruined now.
I hope she don’t do anything stupid.

She is an enemy but not mine cause I offended no one here in Korea.
Maybe she is my father’s enemy and now she is out to get me.
I nee-d to do something about her.

I sighed heavily before I knocked on the door.

“Come in.” I heard him say.
I opened the door and slowly went in.
“Miss. Kim, you are here as promised, am impressed.”
“I don’t break my promise.” I said and went to seat down.
He smiled, “of course you don’t.” He sighed, “so what do you have for me?”
“Well I have a plan.”
“Tell me about it.”
“Well this is wrong case he is my father but it is right cause he has to face judgment. But I hope he face it in a right way.”
“You are not here to preach right?”
“No, I am not here to preach.”
“Then tell me what you are here for.”
I closed my eyes ti-ght, I just have to do this, “why don’t you hire some guys to kidnap me and s£nd a video to all news channels. My father will definitely show up to save me.”
“That sounds like a good idea.”
“Yes. All they have to do is to beat me up until I am wounded. And they should also threaten to kill me.”
“Are you crazy? Beat you up? Why? That is dangerous. We want your father not you to get hurt.”
He cares for me?
I looked at him, “That is the only way.”
“No you dummy, we can do some makeup on you. Why should they hurt you?”
“Ok, as you say.”

I watched as she left. I can’t confront her, not today.
I still nee-d to apologize to Minho.
I tried calling him but he did not pick my call. I called him four times but he wasn’t picking.
What should I do?
I nee-d help.
That girl have br@inwashed him.
I wronged him, yes I know but I don’t deserve this.
He haven’t given me a chance to apologize.
Minho what should I do to earn your forgiveness.

Elisha called me five times.
I am not mad at her but I want her to grow up.
She is been childish.
She broke up with me over a little misun-derstanding.
She have to learn.

“Ma’am I was just informed by our informant in korea that kimkim was with tyson all this while.”
“How true is it?”
“Our informant is very reliable ma’am.”
“Thank you.” I said and dismissed him.
What is tyson up too? He lied to me.
I hope he is not trying something funny?


(Bring Seokmi out )

Elisha pov
I stood up from my be-d and yawned lazily. Am so tired.
Today is an off day for me.
I have all day to my self but what is the use when I will be all alone.

I am beginning to think that all this was a bad idea.
I should have listened.
I should have listened to Minho and father when they told me to stay in America.
I was in a haste to pursue my dream.
All this is happening because of me coming here.
My problems with Minho started the day I c@m£ here and I really hate it.

I haven’t spoken to father for a while now. I am such a bad daughter. Since the day he told me he was sick, I did not call him again.

I picked up my phone from the drawer close to my be-d and dialed his number.
He picked at the second ring.

“Hello father.”
“My darling. How have you been? I have been so worried. Your line haven’t been going throu-gh. Do you know how scared I was? How is your health? Have you been eating well? Are you taking good care of yourself? Are they hurting you there?”
“Father calm down, I will answer your question one by one.”
He sighed, “ok. How are you?”
“I am fine. Father don’t worry about me I am okay. I should be the one worrying about you. How are you feeling now? Have you been taking your medication?”
“Yes dear, I have.”
“Tell me the truth father.”
“Fine. I have been worried but forget about me. I am getting fine.”
“Father I am so sorry for putting you throu-gh all this stress. I was only thinking about myself.”
“Don’t be darling. So when are you coming back?”
“Soon father, I just nee-d to clear something up here then I will resign and come back home.” I said.
“Ok baby, I will be waiting for you.”
“Thank you father.” I said.
“I love you baby.”
“Bye.” I said and disconnected the call.

I wiped the tears which were forming in my eyes.
I nee-d a coffee. I nee-d a good place for a good coffee.

I stood up, entered the bathroom and after getting re-ady, left.
I drove to the coffee shop close to the Lee company. I got down and went in.

Immediately I went inside, I saw Minho and that girl.
They were talking and smiling at each other.
I think its time to teach this girl a lesson.

Kimkim pov
Minho took me to a coffee shop to relax after seeing my worried face.
We talked about many things, laugh together. And that was relaxing.

After a while, Minho left cause he was called from his office.
I stayed behind.
I picked up my cu-p of coffee and suddenly, Minho girlfriend stood in my front which frightened me a bit.

“What the heck are you up to?” She said.
“Hi my…….”
“Keep your introduction to your self, I asked question, what the heck are you up to?” She asked again.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“Do you think I don’t know what you have been doing?” She asked with a raised voice.
“I am confused. plea-se can you explain it to me?”
“You want to snatch my b©yfri£ndaway from me and then take my career away huh?”
Everyone around where looking at us.
“I don’t un-derstand.”
“St©p trying to be innocent.”
“Go straight to the point.”
“You have been snooping around my b©yfri£nd. And the next day, I saw you in the Lee’s company. I know what you want, you want to make me lose everything.”
“Wait, wait. Snooping around your b©yfri£nd.”
“Isn’t that what you do bit-ch.”
“Excuse me miss, your b©yfri£ndis my cousin. And you say the Lee company? I went there for some work.”
“You can’t come here shouting at me for your own issues when you are the cause.”
“Cousins? Do you think I am a fool?”
“Can you st©p shouting and seat down cause I nee-d to get something’s into your head.” I said.
“Hey you…….”
“Seat down.”
She sat down, “now tell me and I will see if I will believe it or not.”
“Minho told me everything, how you misun-derstood him when you saw him with a girl. Sorry sweetheart but you were so wrong, she is my elder sister. Minho’s elder cousin. You left without asking, you blamed him for no reason and now you are also accusing me? Is Minho the only person here in korea? Don’t he have families or relatives?”
“And you expect me to believe that? Then what were you doing in the lee’s company? Should I also believe you went to work there? Why always where I am? And Tyson did not tell me anything about you.”
I stood up pissed off, “believe it or not.” I said and dropped a ph0to on her table. “That is the picture of Minho, me and my sisters with our parent when we where little. I hope you believe now. And for Tyson, I went there to work.” I said and turned to leave but st©pped and looked at her, “And as for minho not letting you come here in the first place, you should ask your father about the Lee’s family.” I said and left.

Elisha pov
I slowly picked the picture and looked at it.
I really misun-derstood everything.
They are related.
What have I done to myself? I nee-d to apologize to minho and sort all this issues out.
But she mentioned something about my father.
Why should I ask him about the Lee’s family?
What is going on here?
I nee-d to find out immediately.

Tyson pov
I texted an address to kimkim.
In just twenty minutes, she entered the restaurant.
“What will you like to take?”
“Nothing. I just finish drinking coffee.”
“So why did you call me here?”
“Well its about the plan.”
“Tell me about it.”
“Well I told my men about it. Like you planned. So get re-ady, they will kidnap you tomorrow. Make sure no one know about it okay?”
“No problem.” She replied with a smile. A smile I missed a lot.
This should be over soon.

No pov
From a distance by the right, a man took a picture of both tyson and kimkim together. While by the left, another man brou-ght out his phone and dialed a number.

Carter pov
“Sir, we just received a call. Tyson and kimkim are trying their best to bring out seokmi. They planned on faking a kidnap on his daughter and then threatened to kill her so that he will come out.”
“Wow, clever. They really want to arrest seokmi but I won’t let that happen cause that will be serious trouble for me. If seokmi is arrested then I will be in a very hvge trouble. I will destroy their plan.”

Maya pov
“Ma’am, we just received a messafe.” A man said and showed the message to me.
ma’am Tyson and kimkim are planning something big and they seems to be working together. They are planning to bring seokmi out of his hiding place.
Maya looked at the picture.
“It is good that they are working together to bring Seokmi out. But at the end, Kimkim will be killed to completely destroy the kim’s family.”


(Don’t get worked up or worried )

I slowly opened my eyes due to the rays of light reflecting in my eyes.
I sat up and yawned. I picked up my phone from the drawer and checked the time.
Today is the day I will be kidnapped for the second time. By twelve o’clock pm.
I stood up from my be-d and went to the living room with my pajamas.

“Aunt.” Young mi called and hvgged me ti-ght.
“Aigoo, my niece is getting bigger everyday.” I said.
“That is because I eat a lot.” She said innocently.
I smiled at her.
“You look happy today, what’s the goodnews?” Jessica asked.
“Nothing Unnie. Today is just a bright day.”
“Then something good is coming your way.” Grandma said.
“I can’t wait for that good thing.”
“I made egg tart, let’s eat.” Jessica said.
“Egg tart? Omo (oh my).” Rose said rushing to the kitchen.
“That is for all of us Rose.” Lisa said going after her.
“Your sisters can’t do without food.” Grandma said.
Which made me and Jessica smile.
She walked closer to me, “Kimkim, your smile makes you more beautiful. I hope it always stay there. I hope it don’t disappear.”
“Don’t worry Unnie.” I said and hvgged her.
“What’s wrong?” She asked probably shocked I hvgged her.
“Unnie whatever happens today, don’t get worried or worked up. Nothing bad will happen.” I said in a low voice.
“Did you say something?” She asked.
“No. Don’t ever get yourself worked up cause of me. I will always be fine. Nothing bad will happen to me.” I said.
“I am your Unnie who will do anything for your safety so don’t tell me that.”
“Unnie, I know. But plea-se, don’t ever get worked up again. Promise me.”
“That is not happening.”
“plea-se.” I said pouting myl-ips.
“Ok fine.”
I hvgged her ti-ght again.

I left for Minho’s house after thinking about everything.
My father and Minho were against me coming here cause they both claimed to care about my safety.
Is there something that will harm me here? Cause no one knows me in korea. Or are they hiding something from me? But what could it be.

I parked my car and ran into the house.
His door was opened so I went in.
“Elisha what are you…..”
“Minho, I am so sorry for everything. Have been so stupid and foolish. I did not trust you even from the beginning. You told me not to come but I c@m£ which I shouldn’t have cause coming here was the genesis of our problems. I have been so childish to blame you without proof. I deserve to be punished.” I said. Hi Ishmael on+233544142683 to be added to story headquarters room for more stories.
He looked at me in silence.
“Now that I have realized everything, I have a question for you.” I went on, “why on earth were you and my father trying to st©p me from coming cause of my safety? South korea is a peaceful place and no one knows my identity. What are you hiding from me? Who are you protecting me from?”
“Where did that question c@m£ from?”
“Just answer.”
“From thvgs you know.” He said smiling nervously.
“Tell me the truth Minho.”
“Am just trying to protect you from your father’s enemy?”
“What? What enemy?” I asked.
“That sli-pped.” He said.

I stood by the road where Tyson told me to wait.
The hired men will kidnap me.
This is the right thing to do.
A black car suddenly st©pped in front of me.
Five men c@m£ out. I guess they are the ones.
We agreed to do it where people are so the police will quic-kly look into it and that will make our work quic-k.

They dragged me into the car and drove off.
“I guess Tyson told you what to do?” I asked.
They kept quiet. This is weird.

The one by my side brou-ght out a handkerchief and a chloroform.
“Who are you guys? What are you planning to do? W……….” They covered my nose with the handkerchief. I struggled with him and lost consciousness.

After kimkim fell unconscious, the man by her right side dialed a number.
“We got her.” He said immediately his caller picked.

“Tell me all about it Minho. plea-se.”
I sighed, she will find out anyway. “Well your father have an enemy here in korea.”
“Really? He want to harm my father? What does he have against my father?”
“Ask you father this question. You won’t believe me if I tell you myself. But this have to do with the Lee’s family and your father.” I said.
