Ethereal beauty 2 episode 26/28



(That means Tyson is my father’s enemy )

The lee’s family. That means Tyson is my father’s enemy.
Did he call me here for revenge?
But why is he my father’s enemy? Is it because he want his property or something happened before?
He lied to me about my father helping him before.
And that girl, could she be an accomplice?
Am so confused, I nee-d to find out about all this.
Have been kept in the dark for too long.

I dialed my dad’s number.
“Hello sweetheart.” He said immediately he answered the call.
“Dad, who exactly are your enemies?” I asked.
He went silent for a while, “why did you ask?”
“Nothing. Just asked so that I will know who to stay away from.”
“If you want to stay away from my enemy then come back cause I have lots of them in korea.”
“Ok, I will call you later.” I said and disconnected the call.

I nee-d to find out the whole truth.
I left for the Lee’s company.

Jeff ran into my office.
“Sir, Kimkim have been kidnapped.”
“Yes I know.”
“Its not by our men. They were about kidnapping her but some men beat them to it. They kidnapped her first.”
I looked at him shocked.
“You nee-d to see the news sir.”
I brou-ght out my phone and watched the news.
I was shocked to the core.

The news all went round.
This was what kimkim and Tyson plan on doing, but it did not go as plan as someone wrote in the social media that, Tyson was the cause of it all.
He wrote that Tyson kidnapped kimkim.
Tyson wondered who this person was.
Who framed him like this?

He stood up, “Jeff find her. Those guys will harm her. Find her immediately.” He commanded.

I went to the lee’s comlany, everyone seems busy watching something on their phones.

I went close to them, “what is going on here?”
“Haven’t you watch the news yet?”
“Well, Mr. Lee kidnapped someone.” She said showing me the news which c@m£ as a shock.
“I knew that man is a handsome devil. He is handsome but evil.” One of the staff said.
“No I don’t believe this. Tyson will never kidnap someone.” Another said.
“Isn’t this the lady he kidnapped? She is so beautiful.” Another lady said looking at her phone.
I rushed to her and looked at the phone.
Its that girl. Minho’s cousin.. I quic-kly rushed out.

Maya walked elegantly to her car parked in front of the airport.
She is back to korea and this time, she will do what her son failed to do.
She will get her revenge herself.
She will kill everyone involved and their families.


(Daughter of a serial killer )

I called Minho and asked for the kim’s address.
He s£nt it immediately.
I drove my car to the address.
I was able to locate the house. I parked my car infront of the house and c@m£ out.

I knocked on the door and in few minutes, a chubby lady c@m£ out.
“Hi.” I said.
“How may I help you?”
“I am Elisha Carter.”
“A foreign lady.” She said.
“Actually, my mom is a Ko-rean but my dad is an American.”
“Nice………… Wait………. Carter?”
“You are the daughter of a serial killer Wow.”
That statement shocked me to the bone.
“What do you mean by that?” I asked.
“First its tyson and now the daughter of Mr. Carter. Were you s£nt to kill us?” She asked.
“What are you talking about?” I asked.
“Who is there?” A lady asked walking towards the chubby lady.
I know her……….. The lady who was with Minho, the lady who I mistook for his girlfriend.
“Hello.” She said looking at me.
“Unnie, she is the daughter or Mr. Carter.” Th chubby lady said.
The skinny lady looked at me shocked for a while before she smiled, “how can we help you?” She asked.
“Well I heard about your sister’s kidnap.” I asked. Their faces dulled. “Am so sorry about that.”
“You don’t have to be. We will find her.”
“I c@m£ here to help you. We both have a common enemy, Tyson. He wants my father dead so he want to get him throu-gh me. We can fight him together. You for your sister, me for my father.” I said. They looked at each other shocked.
“For your father? Your father is the reason for all this.” The elder one said.
I remembered the chubby one calling my father a serial killer earlier.
“Its seems you don’t know anything about all this……….. Am Jessica.” She continued. “Come inside.” She said and led me inside. The chubby one followed behind me.
“Sit down.” She said when we got in. I sat down. “Rose get a cu-p of coffee for her.” She said and the chubby one left. “That is my younger sister. Kimkim is the youngest.”
I smiled, “kimkim?”
“Yes Kim Kimberly, but she loves kimkim better.” She said with a smile.
Rose brou-ght a cu-p of coffee for me, “Thank you.” I said to her but she glared at me.
“Unnie I don’t un-derstand why you let her in.” She said.
“Rose, she is just like us. She don’t know anything about it.” Jessica said and looked at me ma-king me more curious. “She is innocent.”
“What are you talking about?” I asked.
“Your father is not who you think he is. The Lee’s family did not hurt him in the past, but he did to them, and my father was his ally.”
“What do you mean?” I asked curious.
She leaned closer, “what you are about to hear will shock you.” She said and started telling me about the past until d@t£.
All I did was stir at her with a shocked face.
“I told you it will shock you?” She said.
A tear dropped from my eyes, “plea-se st©p joking, this can’t be true right?” I asked.
“I can’t make up a story like that and involve my dad in it.” She said.
My face paled.

I went to the mansion which have been redesigned. Tyson did a great job and there are workers alre-ady. But he is not staying here yet.

When I got to my room, I checked my phone and saw a text message. I opened it. A video message.
I tapped on pl@yand the content left me shocked.
My son was blamed for kimkim kidnapping? Why should he be?

I dialled his number immediately.
“Tyson what is this on the news?”
“Mother kimkim was kidnapped. It wasn’t me.” He said with a dulled voice.
“Kidnapping her is a good thing but not to spoil your image.”
“Mother they kidnapped her. They kidnapped my kimkim.”
My kimkim?
“They kidnapped her which is good. Let’s just find a way to clear your name out of this. Am at the mansion. I c@m£ back to korea yesterday. Come home immediately.” I said and disconnected the call.
I hope I did not hear him right, why will he call kimkim mine?

“Take some water.” Rose said giving me a glas-s of water which I refused. After what I heard, I lost my self.
I couldn’t cry, all I did was stir at the ground. My mind was occu-pied with how my father treated me and what I just heard it.
My father killed Tyson’s father, brother and uncle. He sold their organs.
My father
How could he………

“Elisha, I know this is heartbreaking. It was for us too. This is the type of life nature choose for us. My sister had to pay for it all. This is the second time she was kidnapped by Tyson.” Jessica said.
I looked at her for the first time after she told me about my father.
“Thank you for telling me.” I said and stood up. “I will be on my way now.”
“Can you go in this state?” She asked.
“I will take care of myself.” I said and f0rç£d out a smile. de-ep down, my heart is dead. The news about my father just killed me.

I drove back home confused, sad and angry.
Kimkim kidnap is all my fault.
I shouldn’t have agreed to her plan. Now she is gone.
The person involved will surely pay for it.
I will make sure of that.

I parked my car and went in.
Mother rushed to me.
“What is your plan now? We nee-d to clear this mess?”
I looked at her and for the first time, I felt hurt by my mother.
All she asked for was a way out.
“Welcome mother.” I managed to say.
“Let’s talk about a plan. We nee-d to clear your name immediately and complete our revenge. You ruined everything, we nee-d to fix it back.”
“How is grandma?” I asked.
“Is that your concern now? Think about your reputation.” She said.

I looked de-ep into her eyes.
Its true, revenge have really blinded her that she thinks of no one now.
“I will get kimkim back, that is the plan.” I said and walked away.
“Tyson……. Tyson……” She called but I ignored her.

I walked from the kim’s house to Minho ‘s house. I don’t even know how I was able to walk that far.
His security men let me in.

I knocked at the door which he opened immediately.
Immediately he opened the door, I bur-st into tears.

“Elisha.” He called worried.
“Minho…….. My…… Life…… Is…… A….. Mess.” I said.
He hvgged me, “calm dowm.” He said stro-king my hair.
I slowly lost consciousness.


(Reasonable )

Tyson behavior is strange.
I hope he is not falling for that girl again.
I nee-d to do something about it.

I picked my purse and left.
I drove my car to an isolated area. I parked my car in front of a house.
“Welcome ma’am.” A hvge guy greeted.
“James, I c@m£ to see the girl.”
“She is in a room.”
I nodded and walked in. I was led to a room which was opened for me.
I went in and smiled seeing the condition of my captive. She had some bruises on her face. Her mouth was bruised also.

“You guys treated her bad, oh no.” I said.
“Sorry ma’am. She tried escaping.”
“So bad, re-move the blindfold.” He nodded and walked to her. He bent down and re-moved the blindfold.
She blinked for some seconds before she looked at me shocked.

“Mrs. Lee?”
“Hello Kim Kimberly.” I said.
“What do you want from me?”
“Nothing. I just want to help you and my son in your plan.”
“Tyson told you about it?” She asked.
“Why would he? He did not tell me that he kidnapped you before. He is keeping secrets from me and I don’t like that.”
“Aren’t you taking this too far? Can’t this all be done in a more reasonable way?”
What she said angered me a lot.
“So you mean am not reasonable?”
“No ma’am.”
I smiled and stood up, “make sure you enjoy the few days you will stay here cause you will soon join your dead mother.” I said and left.

I have been trying my best to catch the kidnappers.
But how did they find out? No one knew about it.
Could it be Jeff?

Coincidentally, he walked into my office.
“Boss we just found out who the kidnapper was.”
“Who?” I asked curious.
He stirred at me for a while, “Mrs. Maya Lee.”
“What do you mean?”
“She…… She……. Kidnapped kimkim.”
“How? She just got back.”
“Yes. But she had informant here in korea. She told them to kidnap kimkim. Carter also have an informant among us. He was the one who accused you of been the kidnapper.”
“This can’t be……. My mother betrayed me again.” I said and rushed out of the office.

I sat down on my office chair fuming in anger.
This can’t be, Maya went back to Korea.
My daughter is there. Maya might hurt her.
She will hurt my angel.

I picked my phone and dialled her number which she picked after the third ring.
“Hello darling, come back to……..”
“How could you father?” She asked in a faint voice.
“How could I what?”
“You liar. You murderer. You killed people. Father you killed people.”
That c@m£ as a shock to me.
“Who told you?”
“I hate you father.” She said and hang up.
This can’t be. Who the heck told her? $h!tttt.

Immediately I left the old house where Kimberly was kept, I went to a location which was addressed to me.
Immediately I got there, I dialled a number.

“Are you sure she stays here?”
“That is where she is right now. She don’t stay there.”
“Ok.” I said and hang up.

Minho’s house.
This will be fun.
I c@m£ out of my car and went in.

The security guard went in to call the girl for me.
In few minutes, my son’s formal friend and the girl c@m£ out. She was looking paled and sick.

“Hello.” She said.
“Mrs Maya?” Minho called shocked.
“Hello Miss Elisha Carter and Minho, my son’s friend.” I said. “I am Mrs. Maya Lee. You must have heard about me.”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Hope you where told about the horrible things your father did to me too?”
“Ma’am.” Minho called trying to st©p me.
She knelt down, “I am so sorry. So sorry my dad made you like this. So sorry he destroyed your family. I am so sorry ma’am. I never knew he could do all this.” She said crying.
“That is not why I am here. So st©p the tears and come with me.” I said.
“Mother.” I heard a faint voice call behind me.
I turned, “Tyson what are you doing here?”
“I c@m£ to meet Minho but coincidentally, you are here too.”
“What happened?” I asked going closer to him. “Why is your face dull?”
Tears fell from his eyes. “Mother are you also here to kidnap Elisha?” He asked taking me off guard.
“You kidnapped kimkim, I know that alre-ady.” He said.
“What are you saying son?”
“St©p calling me that.” He raised his face.
He blinked for a while before he continued, “what have you become mother? You were involving me in this revenge. No, no, you are someone else. plea-se I nee-d my mother back. Go away and bring back my mother.”
“plea-se go away.” I said.
She looked at me for a while before she left for her car.
“And also, I will do all I can to rescue her from you. But if a single strand of hair is re-moved from her head, then you will hate me forever cause I will do something you will never expect.” I said and walked over to Minho and Elisha.

A man in a black cap c@m£ out from the bus and sighed.
He is back to all this.
He has been on a run for years now. But he is back to his hunter’s territory.
But what can he do about it? It is all for his daughter safety.

Kim Seokmi walked towards the lee’s company.
He is putting his life at risk but what will he gain if his life is saved but his daughter is in danger?


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