Ethereal beauty 2 episode 20/22



(Am still in Tyson den )


Tyson pov
Its been a week now since we left the h0tel.
I will move back to my mansion in three days time and then I will start my plan fully.

The doctor have been trying to give kimkim medications and to him, her health is improving but she is still unconscious.

Elisha and I are now close to each other than before.
She broke up with Minho cause he cheated on her.
I wonder with who, cause Minho is like a wolf who sticks to one p@rtner.
If he want to leave you then he will make you fall in love with someone else so you won’t get hurt.
That is what he did to me when I was still a girl. He made me fall in love with Kimkim.

I sighed and sat down well, waiting for Elisha.
I called her earlier to my office to view something very important.

Elisha pov
Immediately after my meeting with some designers, I left for Tyson office.
After what minho did to me, I don’t let him see me. We have broken up but he keeps bothering me.

I opened the door to Tyson office and went in.
“Sorry am late, the meeting ended late.” I said stirring at his handsome face.
I wonder how someone could be this perfect.
“I un-derstand. Take a seat.” He said.
He is really kindhearted.
I sat down and he gave me his l@pt©p.
“What do you think of that?” I asked.
“Wow, its beautiful.” I said. “It will be awesome for the p@rty.” I said.
“Yes, that is why I want you to see it.”

The p@rty is in two weeks from now.
Can’t wait for it cause the plan for the p@rty is so fascinating.
Wish I can fast forward the time machine.

Minho pov
Its been a week now, a week since Elisha broke up with me throu-gh that text message.
I tried talking to her but she wouldn’t let me see her.
Am so worried.
Haven’t seen her in a week.
I still wonder why she broke up with me.
Is it because I did not pick her calls? That will be so childish of her.

I have gone to the h0tel where she stays but they won’t let me see her.
Have visited the Lee’s company but she told the receptionist not to let me see her.
This is crazy.
It is driving me crazy.

Jessica pov
Am going crazy and might have to be s£nt to the psychiatric soon.
Haven’t seen my baby sister for more than two weeks now.

Am going crazy.
Where is she?
How is she?
Is she dead?
No she can’t be cause I will end a lot of people life for her sake.

“Mummy what are you thinking about?” My little youngmi asked.
Her father brou-ght her here to stay with us. They are now with us and my husband promise to help in all way he can.
“You, aunt Lisa and aunt Rose are always thinking about something.” She said.
Youngmi is too young to know all this.
We are thinking about her aunty kimkim.
“Jessica, you all are affecting your health by thinking to much.” My husband kang said sitting besides me.
“My sister.” I said and began to cry. “Its. More than two weeks now and she is still not with us. Am so worried.” I said crying.
He hvgged me, “shush. We will find her soon so don’t worry.” He said patting my back.
Am so happy he is by my side.

Minho pov
This time, am not going anywhere until I talk to Elisha. She can’t keep doing this to me.
Don’t she know she is killing me?
No, I must talk to her.
When no one was watching, I sneaked into the elevator leading to her office.
When I c@m£ out of it, I went to her office and walked in without knocking.
She was doing some work but when she saw me, she st©pped and stood up.

“What are you doing here?” She asked.
“I c@m£ to see my girlfriend.”
“Your girlfriend? Sorry she is not here.”
“You are crazy you know.”
“Well I do now so leave, thank you.”
“Elisha I thought you love me. I thought you did a lot. But no. You where just using me.”
“How dare you say that? I loved you with my whole heart.”
“Liar, liar cause if you did, then you would have even a tiny bit of trust in me. But no, you don’t trust me at all.” I said.
“What are you saying?”
“You broke up with me for a reason I don’t. That is been selfish. You just used me and threw me to the ground.”
“Really? You talk about trust when you cheated.”
“Yes I saw you with a girl the day I broke up with you.”
A girl? Which girl? Does she mean Jessica? Jessica is my cousin.
“So because I was with someone you never cared to know who that person is you just concluded that I was cheating on you and broke up with me? That is childish. That is lack of trust. Infact, think whatever you want to cause if I tell you who she is, you won’t still believe me. So good luck.” I said and left.

Elisha pov
Can’t believe him.

But did I made an as-sumption and believed it?
Who is that lady then?

He is right. Not all lady you see is your b©yfri£ndgirlfriend. She might be related to him and I just concluded.
How foolish of me.
$h!t Elisha, you are been too childish.
I don’t even trust my own b©yfri£nd.

Kimkim pov
I slightly opened my eyes but closed them back immediately cause of the light that stoned into my eyes.
I opened it again and tried adjusting to the brightness which I later succeeded.

I looked round me. Where am I? And why am I here?
I placed my hand on my head and gro-an ed in pain.
My head hurt a lot.

I was about escaping…………. Escaping cause Tyson kidnapped me………. Then I felt something hit my head and that is all I remember.
This means, am still in Tyson den.




(Minho is mine)

Kimkim pov
Am still with Tyson? Can’t believe this.
The door opened revea-ling a tall slim man.
He walked up to me.

“You are awake?”
“No am dead.” I replied.
He smiled and sat down close to me, “Finally, we have been waiting for you for so long. You were just injured a bit and you where unconscious for weeks, you are not as strong as they say you are.”
“Injured a bit, my head is bandaged and that shows its not a bit, I was injured a lot.” I g@sped, “Wait a minute, are you the one who hurt me? It must be you. Before I closed my eyes, I saw you. You wanted to kill me.”
“Yes I do, you know my mind sweetheart. I so much want to end your life. You are smart. But the only problem is, I can’t.”
“Why can’t you? You hurt ne with whatever you use remember.”
“Unfortunately darling, it wasn’t me. Why should I kill you when we still nee-d you. Boss still nee-d you.”
“What? He do?” I asked in shock.
“Yes. You are p@rt of his plan so he nee-ds you. He nee-ds you to catch your father. You are a bait. So why kill you.”
“Oh, am just a bait.” I said a bit disappointed.
“Do you know what trouble you’ve caused us? We almost got arrested.” He complained.
“But you where not. Those police officers are dummies.”. I said. “They can’t arrest criminals so why are they even officers?”
He laughed. “We are so wise. We outsmarted them.” He stood up, “I nee-d to tell the boss that the princess who gave us trouble is awake now.” He left.
On no, he’s going to tell tyson.

Tyson pov
“This is the plan we have for this year meeting with our clients.” One of the board members said.

We have been in a meeting for almost an hour now.
We have a meeting with our t©p clients soon. So we are planning for it.
My phone rang, it was Jeff calling.
What does he want?

“Ok gentleman and ladies, we will have to end this meeting and continue another day. I have something important to do.” I said.
They all stood up and bowed.
I picked the call while leaving, “what is it?”
“She is awake.”
“Kimberly is awake.” He said.
I immediately left for the house.

Kimkim pov
I can’t face Tyson after what I did to him.
I hit him with a vase on his head, am feeling so guilty. But he kept me here so why feel guilty?

Thirty minutes after Jeff left, Tyson rushed in.
His handsome face, he is so handsome.
Wait, I shouldn’t be thinking about this.

He smiled walking toward me. “You woke up.” He said and sat down close to me. “Finally, I have been waiting for so long.” He said.
“Really? Why we’re you waiting for me? For revenge?”
“You know me well baby.” He said with a mischievous smile on his face.
“Tyson re-lease me and I will do anything you want.” I said not knowing why I said it.
“re-lease you? That is not possible.” He said.
“What will it take?” I asked curious.
“Do you really want to know?” He asked.
“Then……..” He c@m£ closer to me, “your father.”
My father?
“You nee-d my father?”
“Yes. I will re-lease on one condition.”
“That is?”
“You will help me in the search of your father.”

Elisha pov
I went home still thinking about what Minho said, do I lack trust for him? Did I make a wrong judgment, thinking I was right?
$h!t, I was angry for a whole week for nothing?

My phone rang distracting me.
I picked up it and was shocked when i saw the caller, dad.

“Hello dad.” I said.
“Elisha. Oh my goodness, have been so worried. I finally hear your voice. You left without telling me, don’t you care at all? Don’t you know my health will be affected?”
“Daddy I am so sorry, how are you now? Have you taken your medication? Is the doctor with you? Hope you are getting enough rest?” I asked.
“How will I get enough rest when you are in korea?”
“I am fine, nothing is wrong with korea. Don’t worry, no harm will come my way.” I said.
“I am so worried about you. How do you expect me to believe that you are in save hands?”
“Dad, if they want to kill me then I would have been dead by now. Don’t worry about me, I am okay.”
He sighed, “sweetheart, have lost your mother and sisters and I can’t stand losing you. You are the only person I have in this world so don’t try to do something drastic to make me heartbroken.”
“I won’t father.”
We talked for a while before I hang up. I really miss dad.

Kimkim pov
Two days later.
I sat down waiting for a bus.
Am outside now, he re-leased me.
Tyson let me go, but I made a promise to him, a promise that I will bring my father to him.

No matter what he did, he is still my father, father I loved so much. Helping Tyson to bring him out of his hiding place is heartbreaking.
Am been selfish.
He killed Tyson father and now that tyson want him out, I am feeling guilty.
An eye for an eye, a sword for a sword.
Father have to pay.
He has too.

Elisha pov
After my call with father, I scrolled throu-gh my messages.
Minho s£nt me 34 unre-ad messages throu-ghout the week I avoided him.
I opened it and began to re-ad it.
He was in pain for that week, he was heartbroken while I was planning on moving on when I acted childish.
I am really still a kid.
There is one think to do now, apologize to him and get back together.
That is what I will do. I just hope he forgives me.

Kimkim pov
I left for Minho’s house. The security guard allowed me in cause they are familiar with me.
I want to surprise him.

I pressed the door bell and after what seems like five minutes, he opened the door.
His face went blank when he saw me.
“Hi bestie.”
“Ki……. Ki…….. Kimkim.” He called shocked.
“Yes. Its me.”
“But how did you……… When……. How?”
“Won’t you give me a hvg first?”
He pu-ll-ed me closer and hvgged me ti-ght. “Have miss you kimkim. I was so worried.” He said.

Elisha pov
I left for Minho’s house, when I got there, I was allowed in by the security guard.
But right at the doorstep, Minho was hvgging a girl.
This quic-k?
No, no, no, Elisha, calm down and don’t jump into conclusion.
Just calm down.
I won’t repeat what I did last time.
Minho is mine.

Minho pov
I just finished eating about to go to my room when I heard the doorbell.
Who could that be?
The security let the person in so it might be someone I know.

I went to open the door and was very shock seeing kimkim right in front of me.
Am I dreaming? Is this truly kimkim? Someone should pinch me plea-se.

“Hi bestie.” She said smiling.
“Ki……. Ki…….. Kimkim.”
“Yes. Its me.”
“But how did you……… When……. How?” I asked confused.
“Won’t you give me a hvg first?”
I pu-ll-ed her closer and hvgged her ti-ght.I missed her a lot. “Have miss you kimkim. I was so worried.” I said.
“Minho.” I heard a voice beside me. I turned to see who it was, Elisha.




(She nee-d to grow up)

Elisha pov
I walked closer to them.
“Minho.” I called and he turned to look at me.
“Elisha?” He called surprised.
“Yes baby.” I said putting my hand round his w@!st. “Have miss you a lot.” I said.
I looked at the lady he hvgged, wow, she is as beautiful as a goddess.
“Minho, I tried calling but you haven’t been picking up. Do you know how worried I have been?” I asked. “Don’t ever ignore my calls again, okay?”
He slowly re-move my hands from his, “Elisha, we have somewhere to go to.”
“We? You fix a d@t£ without telling me?”
“By we I meant, me and kim.” He said pointing at the lady.
“You are going out with her? What about your girlfriend? Me?”
“Ex-girlfriend. Have you forgotten you broke up with me? Well now am trying to move on so plea-se don’t make it ha-rd for me.” He looked at the lady, “Kim, let’s go.” He said and dragged her away with him.
What just happened?

Minho pov
She broke up with me just because of something so little and now she is all clingy cause kimkim was there? She really lack trust.

“Was that…..?” Kimkim asked when were seated in the car.
“Yes, that was Elisha, my girlfriend I told you about.”
“She c@m£ to korea? How?”
“Well, Tyson tricked me.”
“He told me if I can tell him where you were then he would st©p her. I told him were you where. He went ahead to kidnap you and still allowed her to come.” I sighed, “am so sorry kimkim. It was because of me you went throu-gh all this. I am such a foolish bestfriend. Infact I don’t deserve that title, I betrayed you. I am sorry.”
“Don’t be Minho, you are my bestfriend no matter what, you did it to save your girlfriend that I un-derstand very well. But what happened between the both of you?”. She asked.

Kimkim pov
He explained everything to me.
This is all Tyson doing, looking at it, he want to cause a rift between the two lovers.
“So what are you going to do now?”
“I won’t forgive her until she changes. She nee-d to grow up.” He said.
“But she is your girlfriend, do you want her to grow up first?”
“Let’s not talk about that, let’s talk about you. Its been a while you know.” He added, “so what made Tyson re-lease you this easily?” He asked.
“Well……. Well……. Well because I threatened to expo-se him to the police. And he bec@m£ tired of me.” I lied. I can’t tell him I am going to help Tyson capture my father, he will be disappointed in me.
“That is so unlike Tyson.” He sighed, “let’s go home. Your sisters and grandma have been so worried about you.”
“Let’s go.”
He drove off.

Elisha pov
I can’t believe Minho just did that, well I also did the same in that coffee shop, I took the side of my boss.

I will get Minho back, he is mine and mine alone.
I won’t let any girl take him away from me, never.

Jessica pov
We all sat down in the living room doing nothing.
As long as kimkim is not here, am not sure we will be able to do anything. Or even laugh.

A knock c@m£ on the door. Rose stood up to open it. She shouted when she did ma-king us to rush over to the door.
Right in front of us is kimkim.

“Kim?” I called.
“Unnie.” She called smiling. We all hvgged her not able to control the joy we felt.
Kimkim is back, our kimkim is back.

Kimkim pov
I can’t help the joy of seeing my sister’s again.
Finally am with my family.
I can’t believe this, finally am with them again.
