Esther r0m@nç£episode 5

Esther r0m@nç£
Episode 5
She didn’t reply me, but just remained
where she was, leaning into my doorpost.
I hissed in fatigue, wondering how she has
now managed to become too good to her
own fault too. “Ok. I will be coming.” I told
her, while checking up my kid who was still
She left, after saying okay. And I began
I still wasn’t fine with the moment, but after
hissing several more times at the prospect
of dragging myself down to that bathroom
with all the exhaustion, I decided to go on
with the bathing after all. But then, when I
got in there, I found two plastic seats
instead of an expected one! And just as I
was about turning around so as to call out
on Esther to ask her why she had two seats
instead of one, I met her standing right
behind me! I jo-lted!
“I want to help you ma.” was the next thing
I heard her say as soon as I faced her! Now,
this was getting rather awkward!
“Helllp…mmmee out, how?” I stammered
She brou-ght her hand to the knot on my
wra-pper just then, and began to untie it! I
wanted to speak but nothing c@m£ out of
my mouth after opening it! And in merely
seconds, the piece of cloth I had been
wra-pping around myself, dropped in a heap!
I was instantly Unclad before my
housemaid, Esther!
“Get in, Aunty.” she then directed, giving me
room to climb into the bathtub before us.
Like some zombie, I did! And as I crossed
her, I instantly caught a whiff of the girl’s
car-nal scent, just before she climbe-d in after
She was obviously still terribly we-t! – the
effect of the movie we had seen together!
And it wasn’t only just about the scent, but
her brea-sts too! They looked heavier in the
eye than normal, and with her ti-ps furiously
shooting into the frail nightdress she was
I tried picking courage again to really
question what she thought she was doing,
but just then her right arm accidentally
brushed against my left ti-p, st©pping my
alre-ady open mouth from speaking, and
s£nding real tingles up my trembling spine!
Who said I wasn’t get arou-sedtoo?
“Just relax, Aunty. I’ll do all the work for
you.” was her next declaration as she began
getting behind me! Of course, she ba-rely
reacted like she had observed what
But I agreed. And as soon as she made it to
back, I shut my eyes ti-ghtly!
Thoughts flew by, as well as questions!
What in the world were we doing? How has
my housegirl managed to be in the same
bathroom with a Unclad me?! What was
going on? Was I still even remembering that
I was TOTALLY Unclad?! My head kept
But the more it did, the more it looked like
it was losing the war! Esther’s bathwater
soon splashed on my b©dy as she began
the process of bathing me! And as she did, I
found my own arou-salgrowing inch by
inch! She lathered the bathing foam and
began scru-bbing my b©dy with it! She
didn’t show any restraint and boldly
allowed her hand swirl and circle around
my brea-sts, taking time to scru-b both
swells rather intently!
She even shocked me further when she
gently lifted them one after the other so as
to scour the un-dersides as she had done to
the other sides! And when she was done,
she used her ba-re hands to wipe out some
of the residual lather, causing me to jo-lt
repeatedly as her palm inevitably ru-bbe-d
against my now overly-s-en-sitive ti-ps!
She must have noticed this very reaction to
her t©uçh, because she paused a little, and
after getting further closer to me, resumed
She now had her b©dy tou-ching mine! In
fact, I began feeling her right knee just
around the cleft where my bu-tt0ckz meets
my th!ghs!
And as she continued with her scru-bbing, I
unmistakably observed how the said knee
kept creeping closer and closer towards my
crack, until it was soon got just ba-rely an
inch away from my v—a! When she
attem-pted feeling my K!ttyC@t slit with it, I
nearly jumped off from the tub as though I
had just come in contact with ba-re
electricity! She audibly took a de-ep breath
that instant, picking up the toilet soap
behind her and applying more lather to the
foam in her hand! I guessed this was her
way of suppressing the impact of what just
happened, and it kind of worked! I still had
my eyes shut, and very ti-ghtly too! I
couldn’t see her, but I could s-en-se all she
was doing! However, she did quite begin
looking like she was determined to get
somewhere that very night, because I
suddenly found her hand on my ñ@v£l! She
certainly was about to begin washing my
Obviously, my K!ttyC@t, was likely coming
Rightly so, it was! For just after she circled
around my tummy a bit, she then began
descending to my pri-vate p@rt! My b©dy
was almost shivering at this point, with my
th!ghs struggling to remain standing like
they were before! There was no denying
what was happening, and every additional
second kept pointing to what I did know
could follow! It wasn’t coincidence that
Esther would choose to have interest in
as-sisting my bath on a night we had just
seen a very £r0ticl£sb!an r0m@nç£movie
together! It wasn’t also coincidence that it
was a bath she had practically f0rç£d on
me, despite my earlier refusal! I alre-ady
knew she was very h—y, and that this was
likely a pre-planned s£duct!on game for
her! However, the question remained if I
was interested in seeing it get concluded. I
was calm and quiet, quite alright. But
greatly troubled and afraid within me! She
might be a l£sb!an as I was alre-ady being
made to un-derstand, but I wasn’t interested
in women myself!
Anyways, just after she had sprinkled fresh
water on me once more, she briefly paused,
all of a sudden.
I didn’t know for what reason, but she spent
a few seconds before resuming again! I did
suspect it had something to do with her
dress though, because I did feel it moving
along the small of my back at some point.
When she returned to bathing me, she
began by sprinkling water all over my pvb!c
That tickled! And frankly speaking, I indeed
struggled to decide on a reaction! My b©dy
shook like that of a baby, as tingly sparks
endlessly ran throu-gh me!
I was literally drenched between my legs
and began fearing Esther might smell me at
some point, in the mix of the bathing
soap’s thick beautiful fragrance! But I still
wasn’t sure I was going to let the moment
get beyond this very boundary! She soon
st©pped with the sprinkling anyway, and
then returned the bath foam on my crotch!
In seconds, she was alre-ady scru-bbing my
pri-vates! But this got me even more alert
and attentive, as I waited for her to make
the expected move! And for every swipe her
scru-bbing hand made, my b©dy and brea-sts
heaved up and down along with it!
Evidently, I did instantly know the moment
was here, when she suddenly took the foam
aside and attem-pted replacing it, with her
ba-re f!ngersinstead! Like some lightning
strike, I instantly gr@bb£d her hand in
perfect reflex!
To be continued