Esther r0m@nç£episode 6 & 7

Episode 6&7
Episode 6
I equally quic-kly shut my th!ghs in a thud,
and turned around swiftly! Only to find her
staring into my face, when I opened my eyes
But then, I was additionally staggered when
I equally saw that she had gone totally
Unclad from head to w@!st – with her ba-re
brea-sts we-t and glowing in the shining
electric light above us! Even her dress was
drenched too – obviously by my bathwater.
And for a long time we just stood there
staring at each other without saying a
After what seemed like ages, I began
re-leasing her caught hand as I simply
didn’t know how to take up the moment
from this point! And as soon as I did,
Esther quic-kly pu-ll-ed her dress over her
Unclad brea-sts, and with some scrambling,
managed to make her way out of the
flooded bathtub! I watched her walk away
from me! And watched her nightdress look
grossly drenched, as it clung onto her tiny
young frame! Things are likely going to look
different now, it appears!
But the real question now though was,
“what in the world, have I just done?”
Episode 7
I practically almost stayed up the whole
night and when I did sleep at all, it was
likely towards the final 20 or so minutes to
the breaking of day! The night looked so
unreal as I kept trying to un-derstand how
the last few hours even got to happen in
the first instance! Meanwhile, Esther went
straight to her be-droom as soon as she left
the bathroom, and I as-sumed she sle-pt off
immediately too. As for me, I didn’t even
bother completing the bath, instead went
for the towel with which I cleaned myself
Until I got into my be-droom, it kept looking
as though I was floating. And even after
getting into be-d, I still found it difficult to
believe I was still in the real world! After all,
if I was ever told that the girl I had just
brou-ght into my household was in fact of a
queer S#xual disposition, I was likely never
going to believe it. But everything was
currently pointing to that at this moment.
The indifference in matters that concern
boys; her rather skewed interest in me
instead; and all other things, were supposed
to give me the clue, but I just couldn’t see
them like they were.
Now I was faced with a very difficult
decision to make. What do I do with her?
Shouldn’t I be s£nding her packing the next
day? Should I call Fredrick to tell him?
Should I s£nd a mess£nger to mum and
explain that the girl she had s£nt to me was
indeed queer?!! These were countless
questions I just struggled to answer, and I
was still trying to do so, when I eventually
dozed off to sleep! But untypical of her,
Esther was the one who woke me up at
exactly sharp 6am the next morning, and
she was carrying Kennedy who was
probably the reason why she woke before
me! My eyes fluttered as I struggled to
break away from my dizziness, and as soon
as I saw her face, I was reminded why she
was the best housegirl I’ve ever had! And
would likely ever do. Her dutifulness was
And while I found it really surprising that
she could even have the guts to face me
again that very morning after what
transpired between us the previous night, I
still managed a grin as I collected my baby
from her.

Of course, it soon bec@m£ clear though,
that a lot have shifted ground between us.
Within that very morning alone, I easily
noticed the obvious effort the both of us
made to avoid too much of each other. She
was the less restrained of the two of us
though, and did come to me for instructions
when she wanted to embark on a chore or
task. She even comfortably maintained eye
contact while she spoke to me, which I on
the other hand, found it painfully difficult to
do! Instead, I was always avoiding her eyes
and generally steering clear of moments of
likely embarras-sment. Nob©dy said a word
about the previous night, nonetheless. In
fact, we both behaved like it never existed
as we in no way really held any casual
conversations as such. But that didn’t st©p
my mind from occasionally straying to the
incident and of course facing the same
question that had bugged me all night –
‘what now?!’ What was to be the next step?
I couldn’t be sure the previous night would
never happen again. Who even entertains a
S#xual relationsh!pwith her housegirl?
Who survives such? The lack of respect that
will follow; the lack of regard and all. Just
a few of the things that would surely fade
away now!
Esther had been a good girl but who
Who knows if all these things could just
change in an instant with what had just
happened? Any sane person would happily
pile the entire blame on her at this stage
and then use it as a reason for s£nding her
back to her people.
Because you never can tell who she’s going
to tell tomorrow. Nothing damaging really
happened basically; after all I st©pped her
when it looked like she was going beyond
her boundaries. But that is something just
the both of us know. I had a bath, and both
of us where in that bathroom together! And
I was Unclad; something that can’t be
easily explained!
These very three are real facts, the fourth
fact about her actually bathing me, was
indeed the more dangerous of all! If anyone
were to hear that then there was going to
be real trouble!
And I haven’t even mentioned Fredrick! I
knew it was unlikely, but what if he finds
enough evidence to learn about this very
incident? What if he gets to know that his
wife c@m£ close to cheating on him; and
with a fellow woman?! nee-dless explaining
what end that would bring!
So the concerns remained. And very plenty,
were they! Esther on her p@rt looked ba-rely
perturbe-d. And as she went about her
chores with an impeccable level of dexterity,
I just couldn’t help but pity my position
even more!
Wouldn’t it be sheer wickedness if I s£nt her
packing despite all the good and usefulness
she had contributed since she entered my
home? Wouldn’t I be paying good with evil
if I were to terminate this great chance I
had provided her to go back into school?
Yes, she was queer. And yes, she did what
few or no housemaid would ever dare. But
wouldn’t it be at least right to reward her
for the good before s£nding her home if I
must? I was hooked! The more I looked at
her, the more I got ever troubled. It wasn’t
until I managed a nap – after finally doing
some baby stuff that ended with Kennedy
going to sleep – that a bit of sanity
eventually returned to my head! By the time
I would wake up, Esther had made us lunch
and was alre-ady feeding the baby with
cereal! I was left speechless, and just had to
say thank you as I walked past her to the
dinning to eat lunch! With that, there was
definitely no way she wasn’t staying!
She was simply too handy to go! I guess
that about settled the matter. And I also
began suspecting that she did gradually
begin learning her lessons too. Because I
did watch earnestly as the day quietly ran
out, without either of us bringing up the
t©pic of hiring a movie for the coming
night! Guess we both now felt we had seen
enough, and it did p@rticularly feel like a
real lesson learnt on the p@rt of Esther! In
fact, not long after we got done with lunch,
we had a first real reason to hold an actual
chat. She had gone into the kitchen to do
the dishes and while doing so, began
humming one of the many Shania Twain
songs she usually sings at home. It felt so
refreshing and brou-ght instant colours to a
house that was alre-ady looking grim and
grey! So much so that I had to begin trying
to join her from the living room where I was
seated. Of course being not so wonderful
myself, I only ended up messing her song
up a bit! Thus bringing both of us a very
long laughter as we giggled at my terrible
voice! And it wasn’t even ending here,
because Esther still began ma-king a bigger
deal out of the little moment and soon
started trying to teach me how to use my
voice in order to get the best out of it!
To be continued