Emma’s secret Episode 13 & 14

(Living the life of a lie)
Episode 13
I went into the ladies room and found Nina standing by the wash hand basin
She turned and from the look she gave me I could tell that she was surprised
“You are not suppose to be here “She said
“It’s okay,I want to talk to you”I told her
“But you are suppose to hate me, Am the girl your husband to be loves”
“I know and am happy for the both of you ”
“Because I don’t love Brian and I don’t want this marriage as much as he does”I replied
“But You wanted it,You even c@m£ to me,To warn me, To tell me that if I kept on seeing Him,You will make my life a living hell”She said
I knew for sure that I never did such a thing ,So it must definitely be the real Dora.
“Well, that’s all in the past, I didn’t mean it back then”
“Do you mean it now?”she asked still unsure
“Yes I do, I really don’t want to marry Brian” I said and she smiled
“But what about the wedding preparation? What about the merger? and what will both your parents say?”She asked
“Don’t worry Nina,I will discuss this with Brian,All you have to do is to be with the man you love”I said and she smiled again
“Just hearing this words from you makes me feel more at ease, Thanks” She said and before I could say more, She hvgged me
“It’s no problem Nina”I replied
The door opened and two women walked in and we realased each other.
“I will leave now”I said leaving the ladies feeling like I just won a lottery.
I went back to the p@rty and every one were alre-ady up mingling with each other while some were dancing
It was ha-rd to search for Brian, I wanted to give him the news that Nina and him could be together again
Amongst the crowd, I managed to see Micheal and he was coming towards me
I didn’t want to talk to him,He is always suspicious about things and he might notice that some thing is odd with me
I quic-kly went the other way and suddenly Brian was beside me
“Dora?”He called and quic-kly i pu-ll-ed him to the dance floor
“What happened?”He asked but I was still distracted by trying to see if Micheal followed but there was no sign of him.
I relaxed and stared up at Brian “Nothing?”
“What do you mean by Nothing? What happen with Nina?”He asked
“It went…….should I tell you”I asked trying to tease him a bit but when I saw the serious Expression on his face, I began to talk.
“I told Nina that you two can be with each other and that I don’t mind”I added
“Really? What did she say?”
“She was happy about it and I know that if you go to her right now, She will take you in her arms”I said
“I can’t believe am having this discussion with Dora Baxter”He said
“You have no option than to have it with me cause am the only one who knows your secret,Now it’s time you listen to my proposal”I said
“So what’s this proposal”He asked
“We both don’t want this marriage”I whispered that p@rt gently
“I will help you with the merger and after its signed, You help me leave the city,I want to go to a very far place and start my life again”I said
“That! Wouldn’t be some thing Dora Baxter would ask for”He said suddenly
I stood rigid in his arms,Did he know that am not the real Dora? I thought still starring at him
“Seems like after the accident you have grown up”He said suddenly
“Yes….yes have grown up”I replied quic-kly,. thank God he didn’t notice.
“Okay,I will help you leave but there is still something bothering me,How will we manage to pu-ll this off” He asked
“We will just have to continue with the wedding, The only thing that would change will be the bride”
“How are we going to achieve that” He asked again
“As have said we just have to keep up with the pretence and when have gotten my dad to sign the do¢v-ment the rest will be easy”
“Why do I feel like I wouldn’t like your plan”
“You would just have to go with it and I can as-sure you it will go well”I said and he starred at me for a long time before giving a reply.
“I hope so Dora,Nina and I are counting on you ” He said
“And I will be counting on you to help me leave this place”I replied and he nodded
“One more thing ?”
“What now?” he asked
“No one must know about me leaving,No one at all”
“And no one must know that we made that plan, Deal?”He asked
“Deal”I replied and gave him a smile which he didn’t return.
The p@rty had died down a bit,Some guest were alre-ady leaving and Brian used the little opportunity he could to go and talk to Nina
I knew because I was their guard, While they talked in the cloak room, I stood by the door ma-king sure that no one would go in
I felt so happy, With Brian help and co operation,I can get out of this unharmed, If I knew about this method a long time ago,I would have used it. I thought smiling
“Some thing must have happened that got you smiling”Micheal voice behind me brou-ght me back to reality
I turned and saw him there starring at me with a smile on his face
“What do you want?”I asked
“To talk,You’ve been avoiding me all day,Not any more” He said and before I could do a thing he pu-ll-ed my hand
“Let me go Micheal! What if your wife or some one else sees us”I asked angrily
“Don’t worry,They are all busy having fun at the p@rty,They wont notice our disappearance and besides I have some thing to tell you”
“I don’t want to know what it is Micheal!”I yelled and immediately he pu-ll-ed me by my arm.
As soon as we got to one of the various balcony in the hall,He let go of me.
“I don’t want to talk to you”I yelled at him
“You have no option and besides you are stuck with me and always remember you are here because I brou-ght you here and I can destroy you if I want to”He said
Getting scared by his words,I kept shut and kept listened to whatever he was going to geuu
“I only brou-ght you here to give you the good news”
“What is the good news?”I asked
“I think today will be Brian last day on earth”He said, I stared up at him in surprise
“What? But why?”
“What do you mean by why? That guy is bound to die and today is the day it will happen”
“But it’s too soon and besides you said you are willing to wait until we get married so he can sign all his properties to me”I asked
“I changed my mind, We will get his money another way but he is really getting on my nerves,I just want him out of this world and the sooner the better”He said smiling
Feeling scared I asked “How do you plan on doing that?”
“Right now a bomb is being placed in his Highness royal car,All he has to do is to get into it and then BAM!!! “Michael said smiling
“A bomb?”
“Yes a bomb, Don’t tell me you are deaf now”He asked scarstically
I couldn’t reply because I was thinking of Brian.
For weeks now have been looking for a way to get out of this whole mess and when I finally got one,Micheal as always have to ruin things.
“Why the long face? You should be happy that your husband to be will be dying soon”
“Does he have to die? Can’t we just take his money and leave him alive”I asked and was rewarded with a sl@p
I was still reeling from the shock when he pushed me to the wall and held my n£¢k
“What has that bastard been doing to you? Have you tell him about us? Did he promise to protect you? Answer me you bit-ch!”He yelled at me
“I didn’t tell him anything Micheal,You have got to believe me”I replied
“Good! I don’t want to hear you defending him again and besides you have no say in this,All you have to do is to prepare a funeral clothe and shed tears over his burnt b©dy”He said harshly
“Micheal you are hurting me!”I said and he let go of me
“Dont question me again or you will receive more than a sl@p!”He said and left the room
I stayed back clutching my face, Why does life have to be so cruel,I wanted to get out of this without having to kill or harm any one and so why did this have to happen now! Why me! I thought as I kept on crying.
Brian car has a bomb in it and in some hours,It will explode.
I can’t let that happen! Brian shouldn’t die because Micheal wants it, He is my only hope for escape.
“I can’t let anything happen to Brian,I just can’t”I muttered to myself,Running out of the room.
episode 14
Where is he? I thought frantically as I looked everywhere
For the past one hour have been searching for Brian but there was no sign of him and each time I call his cell phone,It would always direct me to his inbox
Could this be his fate ? For me not being able to find Brian and warn him , Could it really be that he is destined to die in the hands of Micheal,I thought.
“What is wrong with you Dora” Dora mom asked as she c@m£ towards me
“Some thing bad is going to happen!”I said
“What do you mean by some thing bad? Are you planning on breaking the engagement,But it’s just………..”
“Am not talking about that okay! “I yelled at her
“Just stay up stairs, Make sure everyone stays up stairs,un-der no circu-mtance must any one go downstairs”I said to her and she nodded starring at me In a strange way
I had only been thinking about the welfare of Brian,I didn’t even think about the people here.
But now that have thought about them,It’s time I did some thing to that bomb even without Brian.
Heading down stairs,Any one I met on the way,I told them to go up stairs and stay there
I was heading towards the parking space when my phone rang and it was Brian
“Where are you? Have been calling you!”I said
“Am just here with Nina,, don’t worry we won’t do anything to jeopardise our deal”He said
“The deal is the least of my worries now, Where exactly are you? ”
“Am in the car,You know It’s the only place Nina and I can have some priva……..”
“Get out of there Brian, Leave your car!”I yelled hurriedly running towards his car which I had sp©tted amongst other cars
“There is no time for an explanation,Just leave the………”I couldn’t finish my word because the bomb exploded
Due to the f0rç£ of the explosio0n,I was thrown away by it and I fell so ha-rd on the floor,Loosing my cell phone and also Feeling pain all over
All I could just think about was Brian and Nina who was in the car.
I was too late,They are both gone,I thought as I lost consciousness.
* * * * * *
I opened my eyes and found myself at the sea,How on earth did I get here,I thought starring at the beautiful scenery.
I stared at the water and some how the water kept on calling me and I found myself walking towards it
“Dora! Dora! Dora!”I heard some one call but I wasn’t going to answer, The joy of going to the water was way more better than his noisy call
“Are you deaf Dora!The water is dangerous for you “The voice said again but I didn’t listen
“You can’t just leave like that! A lot of people still nee-d you” This st©pped me.
My father still nee-ds me,I have to get myself out of the mess Micheal had put me In but my only source of hope is gone, Micheal managed to kill him.
“Dora” Being called that name got me feeling furious,I turned and saw Brian standing on the sand
“Don’t call me that name any more!!”I yelled at him
“But your name is Dora ”
“It is not okay! Am not Dora,I hate being called that name”I yelled at him
“Okay, okay, I won’t call you with that Name again,Just get out of the water”He said
“I don’t want to,It feels much safer than the sand you are standing on”
“But it’s more dangerous, plea-se leave the water,It’s not time for you to go yet” he said
“But am sick and tired of every thing,I just want to leave and never come back”
“Don’t say that,A lot of people still nee-d you,I nee-d you too”He said
“You! But you are dead”
“And how sure are you about that ?” He asked
“I just know okay,I know that you are dead”I replied
“Then come see for yourself,Get out of that water and come t©uçh me, That will certainly tell you that am not Dead”He said
I was torn between continuing my walk in the sea or going to him.
I really wanted to know if he was dead and I also wanted to know what it would feel like being taken away by the sea.
“Just come see it for your self” Brian said again,Noticing my confusion.
I stared at him and at the sea too “I will regret not going to that sea I have to confirm if what you are saying is true”I said and walked out of the water to meet him
As soon as I got to him and t©uçhed him,I smiled
“So you didn’t die?”I asked
“No I didn’t,Now come back,plea-se come back,I still nee-d you,So don’t you dare leave” he said and pu-ll-ed me towards him hvgging me fiercely
I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling of having his arms wra-pped around me.
And just then everything change “Dora! Dora ! You can’t die ,You nee-d to wake up ,Damn it Dora ! Open your eyes! Let me go!”
I could hear his voice again and some other people too but it was Brian voice who made me open my eyes
“She’s back, She’s back”A man who was in a white overall said
The lights on the ceiling blinded me a little but I managed to see Brian,He was being held by two male nurses and he was starring at me
I gave him a weak smile and once again,I lost consciousness.
I woke up this time to find my self in a room.
Though I had the oxygen mask on and I was still being given drip.
Where is every one? I thought as I tried to move only to feel a lot of pain on my leg.
“Finally you are awake” Natasha said as she walked towards me
“I better get the doctor”She said and left the room quic-kly
There were a lot of things that I had to ask her,I just hope she come back soon.
A while later the door opened and the doctor along with Natasha and the Nurse walked in.
The doctor talked about the injury I sustained and made it clear to me that have been unconscious for the past three days.
He told Natasha about the Things that have to be done and then he left.
“Thank God you are alive”She said holding my hand
The other hand had been put in a sling due to the fall I had.
“What happen?I can’t believe that it’s been three days alre-ady”I said gently
“It is! You’ve been in and out of the operating room, It all happened because of the blast”She said
“Blast! Yes the Bomb! How is every one? No one got harmed right?”I asked quic-kly
“No one was harm and it’s all thanks to you”She said
“To me?”
“You alerted every one and just that alone makes you our hero”
Memories from that night began to return.
“I remember now! Brian? How is he? Did he manage to leave the car before the crash”I asked
She was about answering when the door opened and Dora parents walked in taking my attention away from Natasha
“My baby, Thank God you are okay now”She said k!ss!ngmy fore head
“What you did back there was way too risky, What concerns you with the bomb? You could have died” Dora father yelled at me
“This is not the time to scold her,She nee-ds rest”Dora mother said
“But she nee-ds to be told,So it won’t happen again,She is my only child and once some thing happen to her,I will have no other heir” He said
“Just st©p with this your negative comments,Dora is alive and she will be for more years to come”She said
“I nee-d to get you away from this hospital,I don’t like the way they handle their patients.”He said leaving the room.
“No Dora,Natasha and i will be leaving too, You nee-d to have more rest”Dora mother said
“But I still nee-d to know if……. .”
“Off we go Natasha, What ever you want to ask her will be later okay!”She said and before I could say more,They left the room
“I nee-d to know if Brian is alive or not”I muttered to myself.
I sle-pt throu-gh the rest of the day till the next day.
I was roused from my sleep because I felt some one stro-king my cheek.
I opened my eyes gently and saw Nina.
“Nina? If you are here then it means that………”
“Am alive”Brian finished
“And it’s all thanks to you”He added as he c@m£ to stand beside me,Holding my hand.
It was a hvge relief seeing the both of them,I had thought that they had been tra-pped in the car but luckily they had managed to get out.
“We were both in the car when your call c@m£ in, I was scared so I told Brian to leave the car there so we can both protect ourselves”Nina added
“What we didn’t know was that you had gotten there,It was a shock for us when we saw you lying on the floor after the explosion”
“You were hurt and it was our fault”She added
“But am okay now and it’s not your fault”I told her
After all that bastard Micheal is the cause of everything
“You almost died Dora, If you hadn’t come out to meet us,You wouldnt be here now”Brian said as he went to stand by the window
When I had that dream and had woken up from it,Brian was the one there,I had thought that it was still a dream but it isn’t.
“But there is some thing I want to know Dora? How did you know that there was a bomb in my car?”Brian asked suddenly and I stared at him
I didn’t even think of this moment,I didn’t think that they would want to know how I knew there was a bomb and I can’t tell him How I know about it.
But what should I tell him? What reason should I give?
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