Emma’s secret Episode 11 & 12

(Living the life of a lie)
episode 11
by: kebby NG
The car drove into the palace and I found myself starring at its beauty and surrounding.
The engagement p@rty will be taking place in the palace and so we had to come early to get prepared
Ever since I woke up have been feeling so down.
I will have to put on an act tonight too, Having to lie and try to pretend that am some one who am not only makes me feel tired and guilty,If only I can just get away from every thing and every one
As soon as the car st©pped and we got out , I saw the maids and other workers outside all waiting to welcome us.
The king and queen stood by the door also waiting for us, Seems like the whole house c@m£ to welcome us Except for one person in p@rticular
Dora parents and I bowed in respect to the king and queen and then we were led to the room where we will be using.
While two maid went with Dora parents , I was taken to mine with just a maid.
“Here is your room, Lady Dora” The maid said and immediately went off
I went in and was surprised to find a lady slee-ping on the be-d
Is there some mistake? Have I been brou-ght to the wrong room, I thought as I went close to the lady slee-ping
As if s-en-sing my pres£nce, She opened her eyes and when she saw me, She stood up and got off the be-d
“Am sorry, I shouldn’t be here….I will be going now”She said and I held her hand
“You can’t go”I said
“You are shaking all over, At least stay until you are feeling better”I said as I pu-ll her back to the be-d
“I shouldn’t be here! You don’t un-derstand,I have to leave” she said again but I was adamant too
“No miss,You are not looking okay to me and if I let you leave this room like this, I will feel guilty, So just stay”I said and she nodded gently
“plea-se no one must know that you saw me here” She said
“But why? Why are you here and why don’t you want me to tell anyone”I asked
“It’s because…….because…….because am a maid, Yes,Am a maid here and while cleaning the room, I sle-pt off”She said
“It’s no big deal, You were tired and so you sle-pt off, That would ha-rd ly cause problem for you”I said and she gave me a nervous smile
Just then the door opened and Dora mom along with the make up artist and two maid walked in to the room
“Who is she?”Dora mom asked
“She is a maid here and I called for her because I nee-ded her help”I lied starring at her
“Well whatever, The make up artist are here, It’s time you get dressed for the p@rty”Dora mother said
“The p@rty?” The girl asked
“What do you mean by the p@rty? Don’t you know that a p@rty will be held today,What kind of maid are you when you don’t even know that important detail”Dora mom lashed out at her
“Not everyone will know, Don’t blame her”I said
“Well every thing will surely change, Once you are the queen, You will certainly teach the maid and every other worker in this palace how to behave”
“Queen? You are the bride to be”The girl questioned again and we all stared at her.
If she is a maid and is working here, She should know all this, Why is it all new to her, I thought still starring at her
“My God! This maid is really getting on my nerves”Dora mother said breaking the silence
The door opened and a lady who introduced herself as the head of the worker walked in
“Thank God you are here, Take this maid away from here, Give her some thing else to do, She is getting on the future queen nerve”Dora mother said
“But she isnt”I replied quic-kly
“Don’t listen to my daughter, just take this maid out of here”Dora mother said
“But she can help me too”I said trying to st©p them from taking her
“I….I will rather go with them and besides you have them here, I will go and do some thing else”The girl said and began to walk off
“Wait! I didn’t get to know your name”I said and she turned to stare at me
“Its Nina”She said and I gave her a smile which she didn’t return and then she left.
Some how I felt that we would both meet again.
As soon as I got to the palace, I began to head to the guest room
I just hope that she is still there? I should have at least stayed with her but due to an emergency, I had to leave, I only hope that she is not up yet.
I wasn’t expecting Nina to call me or to try to see me again but last night she had called and knowing Nina, She had called me because it was important.
I left with some of my guards and went to the bar where she was at that time and She was dead drun!k
I couldn’t take her back home, So instead I took her to the palace and left her in the guest room.
It hurt seeing her that way, Nina is some one who Hates alcohol but to try to forget that the man she loves is marrying some one else, She got herself drun!k.
If there is a way to st©p her from getting hurt, Then I will certainly do it because seeing her that way only makes me want to cancel the whole thing.
“Brian! I can’t believe you aren’t dressed yet”My mom said as she walked towards me
I bowed before answering “There was an emergency mom”
“Fine then, But hurry up ,The p@rty will start soon and your bride is alre-ady waiting in the guest room”
“The guest room! Why is she there?”I asked
“Because it’s the room where she would be getting dressed , We have…….where are you going Brian” She yelled after me but I wasn’t listening
If Dora is in the same room with Nina then what will Nina be doing, I thought as I ran to the guest room
Without bothering to knock, I went in only to see Dora all alone in the room
“Oh it’s you “She said starring at me
I went in and looked around but no sign of Nina
“Where is she!”I asked feeling so angry
“Don’t pl@ydumb, Where is the girl you saw here?”I yelled and she stared at me In surprise
“You must be talking about Nina right”Dora asked having a smile on her face
What the hell did she do to Nina? I thought as I stared at her
“Where the hell is she?”
“She will be at the maid quaters” she replied and I got so very angry
How dare her call Nina a maid,Without thinking I held Dora by her clothes,Pushing her to the wall
“What the hell did you say to her?”I asked
“I….. I did nothing, She said she is a maid here and she left with the head of the maid”She said scared now
“And you let them take her away”I asked
“I…I tried to st©p her but she said she preferred going, plea-se let go Brian, You are hurting me”She said and I let go of her
“If Some thing happens to Nina, Then prepare yourself, I won’t ever let you be in peace”I said leaving the room.
I went to the maid quaters and every where else but I didn’t see her, Where could she be? I thought sadly…..
I just can’t believe what happen now? Why had he stormed in like that? Why had he been furious about that girl and why did he get so angry that he man handled me?
I stared at the clothe I had worn for the p@rty and it looked crea-sed now and it’s all thanks to him for pu-lling it.
Nina, Did he know her and why did he behave that way?
“My God Dora,What happen to your dress”Dora mom said intruding my thoughts
“It’s nothing”I replied
“It is some thing, Look at the front,It’s all crea-sed now, This won’t do,Take it off,I will get a new one for you”She said
“No,I don’t want a new dress, I will be wearing it to the p@rty”I said
“You heard me right! I won’t change it”I replied and went out of the be-d room
He ruined the dress, I won’t give him the satisfaction of changing it.
While every one went into the room where the p@rty is being held
I stood outside waiting for him to show up, According to the organisers,We will be the last to enter the hall
“You really don’t want to change it”Dora mom said behind me
“I don’t, St©p nagging me about it”I said and she stared at me in surprise, Giving me a nod,She went in.
I was still waiting outside when I saw Nina bringing in the tray.
I quic-kly went to her “hello “She said giving me a smile
“When Brian c@m£ back to the room,He got so furious when he didn’t see you there? You must be some one very important to him right? Tell me, What relationsh!pdo you have with him”I asked her ……….
episode 12
“Tell me Nina”I urged her when she wasn’t saying any thing
“I don’t think you should be asking me that My lady”She said
“Cause it’s not some thing you should know, I suggest that you pay attention to this p@rty, After all the p@rty is for you”She said and pushed in the trolley in.
Nina is some one very important to Brian, Could she be the one he love? , I thought still starring after her
“Why are you still here? Aren’t you supposed to be inside” He said suddenly jo-lting me out of my thoughts
I stared at him and I saw that he still looked angry
This is not the right time to talk to him about Nina.
“Have you suddenl……….”
“Have heard you okay and if you had been here when the training for the engagement p@rty was on, you wouldn’t be asking why am still standing here”I retorted
I didn’t know where the courage to respond to him c@m£ from, Was it because there was some kind of hope for me, Because I know that if Brian gets back with the woman he loves,He will st©p the wedding and I will be free, Free from the burden of having to marry and kill him.
The door opened and He he couldnt reply.
Putting my hand on his arms, We walked into the room , Giving everyone a false smile.
We were put at the a high seat while the p@rty began.
While the host took his place on the floor, Talking about how Dora and Brian love story started
My mind was miles away, Well not exactly away, I was just thinking about Nina and Brian
If Nina is the girl he love,I can convince him to st©p the wedding and marry her.
And once that happen,Micheal won’t nee-d me for his stupid plan and I will be able to leave and forget all this ever happen
But before I put my plan into action, I have to get him to confirm if Nina is the girl he love.
Having conjured all my plan, I began to pay attention to the p@rty
It was then that I noticed Dora parents who were sitting at the front along with Brian parents and also Natasha and Michael
Seeing the creep again Made me think that my plan would never work.
No,This time it will work and I will make sure it does, I thought giving Micheal a fierce look.
Just the thought of leaving and being me again made me smile
“Wow,That got the bride smiling”The host said and I stared at him and everyone.
They were all starring at me, What were they talking about? I thought as I stared at Brian for an explanation only to see a frown on his face
“Did I miss some thing”I whispered at him
“Don’t pretend here okay, You heard what he said and you knew what he meant”He said moving towards me
To the audience,It would look like we were saying sweet things to each other
“If I knew, I wouldn’t be asking right?” I said leaning towards him again
“Ap@rt from being a spoilt rich kid, A snub, A bully, You are also deaf right”He asked those questions putting a fake smile on too.
The host had gotten every one attention back to him and so we weren’t being watched
“Am not deaf, I wasn’t paying attention and if you know you can’t tell me what he said, Then forget it”I whispered back
“Suddenly your mouth seems to respond back, Before you were always quiet, What caused the change? “He asked
Freedom! I thought happily “Nothing and me keeping quiet before doesn’t mean I can’t talk, I just find it stressing to argue with you”I said
“Just because the engagement is happening,It doesn’t mean that some thing will happen between us”He said suddenly
“And that’s because you hate and loathe me, I know and believe me when I say this, I also feel the same thing”I replied still wearing the false smile
He stared at me for a while and then he looked away
While he yelled insults at me and say terrible things,I had kept quiet but not any more.
As soon as he agree to the plan I have in mind, I will be free……..
“Can His majesty and his bride come forward for their first dance”The host said and we both stood up and went to the dance floor
He held me by the w@!st and I held him on his shoulder
From the look on his face, He hated being close to me and I felt uncomfortable
“You don’t have to look like a man being s£ntenced for life okay,It is as ha-rd for me as it is for you”I said
“Just shut up and……Nina!!!”He said starring over my head.
I turned gently and saw him starring at the girl I had met this morning
“Nina,I nee-d to talk to her”He told me wanting to leave the dance floor but I held him back
“Don’t even think about it”I said
“You aren’t going to tell me what to do”He lashed out
“And I won’t be left standing here, Looking like a fool and you won’t be doing Nina any Good, If you leave the dance floor to go to her, She would flee and this time she won’t come back”
“Just shut up, What do you know about Nina?”
“A lot,For example, She is the one your heart beats for right!”I asked
“Nina didn’t want anyone knowing but…… ”
“But now I know and let me tell you, I don’t care, Infact I have a proposition to make to you”I said and he stared at me doubtfully
“Don’t worry, It’s some thing that will benefit the both of us, Am sure you will like it”I said smiling
“When it’s coming from you, I would say no”He said
“Don’t turn it down yet, You haven’t even know what it is about”
“And I don’t want to know, Even if I marry you, Nina will always be in my life,Whether you like it or not”He said and st©pped the dance by going back to our seat.
I followed suit and wondered how I will make him listen to my proposition.
As the p@rty grew more interesting and every one began to relax, I kept on watching Brian whose eyes were always following Nina around.
“I can’t take this anymore”He said as he stood up
“Where are you going?”
“Where do you think?”He replied and walked off
Every one was busy socialising and didn’t notice anything, I stood up too and went after Brian.
I searched around for him but found nothing.
“I wonder why his Highness is standing in front of the ladies room “A lady said to her friend as they walked past me
On hearing that I went straight to the ladies and saw him standing by the door knocking the door
“Nina,I know you are there,Come out now or I swear I will go in and drag you out”He said
“You will only scare her off”I said suddenly
“What the hell are you doing here?”He asked
“Let me talk to her”
“About what exactly?”
“About us okay, She should know that we mean nothing to each other, To know that am willing to St©p this darn wedding”
“You heard me right Brian,If only you had listened to my proposition,This won’t be happening,now move away, let me talk to her” I said h0tly and he had no option but to move.
Just a bit more and I will be free,I thought as I took a de-ep breath before going into the ladies room