Disguise episode 3 & 4

(Don’t Judge a Book by it’s Cover)
written by: Authoress Vivian
Episode 3
Nanny Maria and I were busy in the Kitchen ma-king sure everything is in place.
Nanny Maria’s phone rang.
“Hello ma’am…… Yes ma’am” She said and hung up then turned to me.
“There just arrived, and I want you Emily to go help the driver take the luggages to the rooms”
“But nanny Maria, there’s a lot of work to be done and….”
“Don’t worry Emily, I’ll take care of the rest” She said and I nodded before leaving.
Just as I walked out, I saw that witch lady pushing someone down.
I guess he’s the driver because of his outfit.
With my legs in control, I find myself walking towards the driver.
“Are you okay?” I asked as I squart beside him.
He looked at me and nod.
“C’mon” I said as I helped him stand up before turning to face the witch.
One thing with me is that, I don’t see
evil and let it pas-s. That is the more reason I haven’t been given a permanent job until now.
“Earlier ma’am I spoke to you with due respect and I take that back. We might be poor but at least we’ve lives. He’s a driver but he’s not as useless as you proclaim”.
“You snail… How dare you talk to me in that manner?” She snarled and raised her hands to hit me but I held it Midway.
“I might be a maid, but I’m not someone you can m©l£st” I said and let go of her hand.
“That’s enough Susan, let it go” A man said.
“but baby!!” She said in a S-xy disgusting tone.
so Susan’s her name….. what a perfect name for a perfect witch.
Slowly, I turned to Mr and Mrs Kenwood.
“Ma’am…… Sir, I’m really sorry if I spoke rudely to your son’s girlfriend. I don’t mind if you fire me because of this …….”
“of course you should be fired” Susan said and I glared at her.
“Let go of it Susan! and no one is getting fired” Mr Kenwood said.
“Emily!” Mrs Kenwood called.
“Take the bags upstairs. Darry! go with Emily and you’ll stay in the guest room” She said to the Driver and I as we took the bags and head inside.
Seriously, was that really the fiance Dad found for me?.
let’s just say I’ll be digging my own grave if I get married to her.
Her first impression marked Zero.
“Thank you Emily, for defending me” I said as we made the last arrangements.
“Welcome!” she simply said
“You’re Darry, Right?” she said and i nod.
“wow… Darry rhymes with Harry” She said and we both laughed.
“True!” I said and she suddenly started sniffing around me like a dog.
“Hey! what… what are you doing?” I asked concious of her every move.
I mean, what if she’s a dog and she bites me.
oh! heavens, what have I gotten myself into.
“I smell money… Riches and… and”
“and what?” I asked
She suddenly break into a smile.
“Just kidding!” she said with a smile on her face.
“But seriously, the aura around you is plea-sant. Your face is red, I guess it’s due to the sl@p. I’ll get you treated and maybe introduce you to Nanny Maria” She said and dragged me along.
“That’s one soft skin you’ve got” She said as she placed an ice pack on my cheek.
This is the first time someone has sl@pped me and coming from my supposed fiance?
“What’s going on here?” An elderly lady said ma-king Emily flin-ch.
Guess she was too engrossed in treating my cheek.
“Nanny Maria! I didn’t see you….. Allow me to make the introductions. Nanny Maria, this is Darry and he’s sir Harry’s driver. Darry, This is my favorite Nanny Maria”.
“Good day nanny Maria” I greeted.
“Good day to you too Kiddo. And Emily I didn’t know that I’m your favorite”
“oh! Nanny, I’ve a granny, same age as you. I don’t want to miss her too much or else I’ll die of hypertension. So to avoid that, I’ll just see you as my Mansion granny”.
“Mansion granny?” Nanny Maria asked.
“Yes Mansion granny and I’m gonna hvg you ti-ghtly and rest my head on your che-st, so you could sing a lullaby for me until I fall asleep.” she said and hvgged Nanny Maria ti-ghtly.
“get away from me, silly girl” Nanny Maria said and hit Emily on the head.
“ouch! Nanny Maria, don’t be like my granny, I’ve been suffering from a head pain for so long” she winced.
“oh! then I guess your granny and I are the same”
All this while, I sat down watching and laughing at the drama being displa-yed.
Emily suddenly g@sped and held Nanny Maria.
“Nanny Maria!”
“sweet baby Jesus! You gave me a heart attack, crazy girl”
“sorry…. sorry.. But do you know that there’s a witch in the Mansion” Emily said.
“A witch?” Nanny Maria asked.
“yes! The lady with Sir Harry….. She’s a witch. it’s best you avoid her because she’s rude, arrogant….. and most of all, Her fake lashes that made her look like Jezebel, her long nails which looks like that of Maleficent….. plea-se nanny Maria, avoid her, I love you so much and I can’t bear anyone hurting you” Emily said and put her hands on Nanny Mara’s shoulders.
“Yes, see what she did to this poor little driver” Emily said and showed her my cheek.
“how about I give a ti-ght sl@p on your cheek for speaking Ill of the Master’s girlfriend uhn? Nanny Maria said to Emily.
“Nanny Maria, it was just an harmless advice. I love my my cheek so much to let it get hurt” Emily said ma-king a sad face.
“Now keep quiet and let me work” Nanny Maria said and Emily nodded drawing an invisible Zi-p on herl-ips.
She turned and saw me laughing real ha-rd .
“Hey! what’s ma-king you laugh?” She asked.
” You’re the cause of my laughter” I said still laughing.
“So you mean to tell me that my act looked crazy?” She asked and I nodded.
“Indeed, you’re one crazy girl”
“really, let me show you what crazy is” She said and started coming towards me.
Just like lightening, I ran out of the Kitchen. Only God know what she’s gonna do.
Episode 4
The whole Kenwood family is seated round the dining as they ate in complete silence.
“Can this family be less boring?” Susan said in annoyance.
“What do you mean by that Susan?” Harry asked.
“And even my so-called fiance is calling me by my name”
“Susan, Your manners!” Mr Kenwood said.
“oh! plea-se save me that! I’m just stating the fact”.
Mrs Kenwood stood up in anger.
“Am done eating!” She said and left.
“Excuse me!” Mr Kenwood said and followed.
“You don’t have to say such things in the pres£nce of my parents” Harry said and Susan rolled her eyes.
“By the way, I want you to move your things here because you’ll be staying with me”
“Really! Thank you baby” Susan squealed.
“uhm, can you st©p calling me Susan, I mean there are other sweet names you can use. I want those lowlife servant of yours to respect me since am gonna be staying here”.
“That shouldn’t be a problem” Harry said.
“I should go get my things” Susan said and walked away.
That was a narrow escape. That’s one crazy girl.
I couldn’t st©p smiling as I walked throu-gh the garden.
“Son!” I heard mom’s voice ma-king me turn around.
“mom.. dad.. ” I called as I ran to hvg them both.
“How have you been Harry!” mom asked as she placed her hands on my cheek.
“I’m fine mom”
“Harry do you think this plan of yours would work?” Dad asked.
“I’m 💯 sure Dad. I purposely hit her earlier just to see her reaction, and her reaction is absolutely nothing to write home about” I said and mom nodded.
“I totally agree with you son! I mean her behavior su-cks and I can’t believe she’s from the Peters family” Mom said.
“c’mon Rita! Maybe she’s just upset or tired because of her modelling job”. Dad said.
“oh! she’s a model, no wonder she’s disrespectful. Come to think of it Harry, What about your home coming p@rty?” Mom said.
“That’s right mom! uhm… I was thinking of postponing the p@rty until next month. So within this short interval, I’ll observe her behavior and make my decision.” I said.
“That’s okay, and your birthday is next month also, we can celebr@te it together right?” Dad said and I nodded.
“We can’t be seen talking for too long or they might suspect that something’s wrong” I said.
“Alright, Son! We’ll head to our Mansion now, take care of yourself Son!” Mom said and I nodded before hvgging them both.
Later at night…..
“I want you all to see me as your Madam. No! I take that back, I am your Madam in this house” Susan said as she blew her bubble gum.
Actually, she summoned us to the Kitchen.
“I nee-d your utmost respect. if anyone tries to mess with me, I’ll have you fired. I can see some of you alre-ady has loud mouth and you’ve started bitting more than you can chew…….”
“Hey! Don’t tell me this witch is referring to me, because she’s busy glaring daggers at me” Emily whispered to me diverting my attention.
“But plea-se, help me tell her that she’s Just bluffing and there’s nothing she can do. Also, Her way of chewing is irritating and I can just pluck out her teeth and she won’t be able to chew bubble gum. look, she call her self a model but she’s standing like a castrated Lizard”. Emily said and I chuckled.
“Hey! you two lowlifes, How dare you talk while I’m talking” Susan yelled.
“Really? I didn’t see you talking!” Emily said.
“You Rat!” Susan said and moved towards Emily but I intervened.
“Am really sorry ma’am! Emily’s just crazy, she didn’t really mean it” I said and she eyed me.
“it’s a good thing you know she’s crazy, Just let her know she’s messing with the wrong person” Susan said and walked away.
“Ouch!” I said as I felt someone hit me on my head.
“Mr super hero!….am really sorry ma’am, Emily is just crazy…..” She said mimicking me.
“This is the second time you’re calling me crazy.” she said feigning annoyance.
“I didn’t mean it that way, I was only defending you” I said but she ignored and began to slice some veggies.
“Emily!!” I called and held her arm but she shrugged it off.
“c’mon, don’t get angry, you don’t look cute when angry” I said and t©uçhed her cheeks but she remained adamant.
This is one tough girl!.
“c’mon pumpkin! kitten!! pineapple!” I I called tou-ching her nose as she broke into a smile.
“Now, that’s the cute Emily I Know” I said.
“Don’t call me crazy next time or I’ll show you it’s true definition.”
“Yes ma’am”.
I smiled as I watched her cut the veggies.
It’s funny isn’t it?
We just met today and we’re this close?
I walked into Harry’s room and met him alre-ady in be-d.
Gosh! he’s so unro-mantic!
I la-id down beside him.
“uhm… baby?” I called.
“Yes!” he answered with his eyes closed.
“Don’t you think it’s time we relive some of our workers”
“Who exactly, and for what reason?” He asked.
“The maid, Emily. Don’t you think she’s getting too comfortable?” I said.
“I don’t think so, she hasn’t done anything wrong”.
“well, maybe not to you, but she has a loud mouth. could you believe she talked to me in a rude manner? she isn’t respecting me.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t be too harsh on them, then she’ll respect you.” He said.
What! seriously?
what a gullible fiance I’ve got.
I began to trace my hands on his che-st.
“plea-se honey, Just fire her” I said in a S-xy tone.
“W..What are you doing?” he asked stylishly removing my hands.
“plea-se..” I said as I brou-ght myl-ips close to his, trying to k!sshim but he pushed me away.
“plea-se Susan.. Just let them be. i ain’t firing anyb©dy. You should catch some sleep and st©p bothering yourself. Good night” he saw and faced the other way.
I stared at him with my mouth slightly agape.
Is this seriously my fiance?
would I be able to put up with him if we get married?.
I continued to stare angrily at him before slee-ping off.
Say something about this Episode….
Emily is something else, don’t you think?