Disguise episode 5 & 6

(Don’t Judge a Book by it’s Cover)
written by: Authoress Vivian.
Episode 5
The next morning……
“Morning Mansion granny!” I squealed as I hvgged Nanny Maria from behind.
“Morning Emily! how was your night?”
“It was fine, but you didn’t sing a lullaby for me”
“In your dreams Emily!”
“That’s right! I saw you in my dreams singing lullaby and cudd-ling me. Like this…” I said and hvgged her again and she chuckled.
“Wouldn’t it be nice if you take some rest while I do everything today!” I said as I began to mas-sage her shoulders and led her to the nearby stool.
What a ha-rd -working granny…
I walked back to the sink and continued with the dishes.
“Nanny Maria, can I ask you some questions?” I said and she nodded.
“How long have you been working here?” I asked.
“5 years now” I mouthed and oh!.
“How many Kids do you have? and grand children, how many are they? What about a granddaughter, someone like me?” I said but didn’t receive any reply.
“Nanny Maria?” I called but I got no reply.
I turned to her direction, only to see her staring into space as thin line of tears rolled down her face.
What have I done??
I moved close to her and Knelt beside her.
“Nanny Maria, is there something wrong? why are you crying? Did I do or say something wrong?” I said but she only bent her head as tears dropped from her eyes.
“Talk to me nanny!! Did I do something……”
“No you didn’t dear, I just remembered something terrible that happened six years ago” she said sadly.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bring back hurtful memories. I…”
“Its okay…. I had only one child. My son was the only Joy I got after my husband died. Not until he got married and had a child of his own, and that alone brou-ght more light into my life. Until this p@rticular day when they had to come back home from the United States for holidays. The …. the…” She paused and sniffed while I stared at her with pity.
“The airplane exploded and nob©dy survived. I bec@m£ devastated for a whole year. My only source of happiness was gone, not just him but his entire family. I knew my son won’t be happy if he sees me like this and that’s why I took this job. Even though I happened a long time ago, the memories are still fresh. That’s why I work so much so I would get my mind off the event.” She said and I signed.
I used my thumb to clean her tears.
“Nanny Maria, I may have known you for just a day, but I Know, you have a good heart and that’s why I feel comfortable with you. I may not know the pains you went throu-gh, but I know you’ve been throu-gh a lot.
“And that is why!…..” I said, stood up and began to mas-sage her shoulders again.
“You are my favorite Mansion granny, Even though some witches in this house wants to get me away from you, they can’t succeed because I’ll fight just to be with my Mansion granny” I said and she laughed.
“And who are the witches?”
“c’mon granny, you know her” I said and she smiled. I walked to her front and held her hands.
“Just Know that I’ll always be here for you Nanny Maria” I said and she stared at me before pu-lling me into a hvg.
“c’mon, Let’s get back to work” Nanny Maria said.
“Just tell me what to do!”
“we’ll be ma-king h0t dogs for breakfast and……”
“What the hell is this?” Susan said.
Right now, we’re at the dining and we Just finished setting the table.
“Fresh homemade h0tdogs” I said.
“I know it’s h0tdogs you Rat, but who eats that for breakfast?”
“Everyone, except you!” I said and she glared at me.
“There’s nothing wrong with eating h0tdogs for breakfast!” Sir Harry said.
“Of course, everything is wrong. I lost my appetite” She said and stood up.
“babe…” Sir Harry called but she ignored.
Happy starving to death Missy!
“uhm.. Emily” Nanny Maria called.
“Yes nanny!”
“This is the Kitchen’s credit card. I want you to go to the market and get some foodstuffs”.
“I’ll go with her!” Darry said.
“Speak with the Boss Kid! I can’t give you permission!” Nanny Maria said.
“You can go with her Darry! At least it will help less£n the stress. Also, take all the time you nee-d” Sir Harry said and I smiled.
Isn’t he such a kind boss?
“Let’s go Emily!”
“Tell me, how long have you been working for the boss?” I asked Darry as we drove to the market.
“2 years, I guess”
“Wow… is he always that nice?”
“I guess so, with the way he treats his employees”.
“You’re right, Unlike that sas-sy queen!.”
“Emily!!” He called laughing.
“What? I nee-d to express myself and say things plainly or I might die of heart ache if I try to hide things”. I said.
“Okay.. Okay. now it’s my turn to ask you questions. How long have you being working in the Mansion?” He asked.
I began to count my f!ngers, doing some calculations.
“I think this should be 28 hours long… Yeah, I’ve worked in the Mansion for 28 hours long.” I said smiling.
“Are you Kidding me?” He asked.
“Nope, because I’m damn serious.”
“So, you mean you only started working in the Mansion, just yesterday?” He asked and I nodded.
“Darry!” I called and he looked at me.
“Can we go to somewhere else first?”.
“I hope am not being kidnapped?” He asked.
“I pledge to Darry the driver, that if I dare Kidnap him, oh! Let me dig my own grave and bury myself.” I said with my hand on my che-st and the other, on my forehead.
“But oh! Heavens know that I can’t hurt such a sweet little soul as Darry. For he is an harmless little fly and a tiny winny Minny mosquito” I said Sarcastically, smiling.
“You’re such a drama queen” He said laughing and I joined him.
“So where are we going?” He asked.
“My humble abode”
“Lead the way miss Emily” The said like the driver he is.
Episode 6
I opened the door only to meet with an empty house.
I wonder where granny is? Everything’s intact including her Knitting thre-ad.
“Granny!…. Granny!!” I called not moving an inch from the door.
“Is everything okay?” Darry asked from behind.
“I don’t know… I can’t seem to find granny” I said.
“Let me have a look!” Darry said and walked in.
“Hello!… is anyone home!?!…. Hel..”…ban-g!!!
I g@sped…..
“Yo! You intruder!” Granny said coming from behind the door with a pan in her hand
Thank goodness I didn’t step in or else….or else….
“Darry!.. Darry.. are you okay?” I asked as I ran to him and placed his head on my l@p as he kept gro-an ing.
“Emily! it’s a good thing you c@m£. See I caught an intruder and guess what? He was using a female voice, isn’t he a fool? I’ll call the police” She kept on talking as I helped Darry sit on the couch.
The police caught my attention as I quic-kly collected her cellphone.
“Granny! he isn’t an intruder!”
“really? but he was using a female voice?” granny said.
Right! I forgot to tell you guys. Granny’s memory Is short as she easily forgets even just the little things including my voice. That’s exactly what just happened.
“It was me granny! it was my voice, he only helped me call on you”
“No wonder I heard two voices. But that isn’t how your voice sounds” she said and I ru-bbe-d my forehead.
“Now see how badly hurt he is” I said to granny and she looked at him.
“oh! poor little soul. Mama didn’t mean to hurt you” she said and t©uçhed his head.
“quic-k Emily, get some pain killers”
I quic-kly ran to get the drugs from my room, then head to the kitchen for a glas-s of water.
I helped Darry with the medicine.
“I’m sorry!” I said and he smiled.
“Your granny is one tough granny”
“Yes she is, so beware of her every move” I said forgetting that granny is right beside me not until I felt her hit my head.
“Granny! I was just telling him how smart you are” I winced and Darry laughed.
I glared at him but he stick out his ton-gue at me.
“Silly girl, I might be old but my ears are very sharp”.
“Darry boy!”
“Yes granny!”
“come over”
Darry stood up and went to her as she began to whisper things to him ma-king him laugh and stare at me.
I wonder what she’s telling him!
I frowned and fold my hands un-der my bo-ob s as I rest my back on the couch.
“Darry boy! I believe you and Emily are co-workers?” granny whispered.
“Yes granny!”
“For how long have you known her?”
“Just yesterday”
“I see! Just yesterday and you two are alre-ady close”granny said and Darry smiled.
“I can see the chemistry going on and the tiny elements which will soon resurface”
“Chemistry! Granny, there’s nothing going on”
“It’s okay boy! You can’t remain in denial forever. Take a look at her” Granny said and Darry looked at Emily whose face is swollen with curiosity. That alone made Darry laugh.
“Beautiful! Isn’t she a cute bunny?” granny said.
“You are right! She’s pretty. But behind that pretty face is a wild cat.” Darry said ma-king granny laugh.
” Indeed! I think she got her craziness from me with the way I acted earlier” Granny said and Darry nodded.
“She’s all I got. Take care of her, I’m putting her in your care, always be with her”.
“There’s no problem about that. I’ll take care of her.”
“That’s all for now”.
“had enough gossip?” I asked as they returned back.
“Someone is jealous!” Darry tea-sed as he sat beside me.
“We have to go granny!” I said standing up.
“So soon?”Darry asked
“We don’t have all day!” I snapped at him as I hvgged granny.
“bye granny!” Darry said
“bye son- in-law”.
son-in-law?? tch!!?
Just as we entered the car!
“You thief!” I said and hit him on the head.
“ouch!” he winced.
“How dare you steal granny away from me!”
“I didn’t steal her from you Emily!”
“Really? What’s that son-in-law thing all about?”
“My head…. it hurts! ouch… Emily..”
Darry gro-an ed.
“Darry!! are you okay?” I panicked as he kept on gro-an ing.
Must be because of the way I hit him.
“Am sorry, I didn’t mean to. Darry…. Darry?” I said in a shaky voice.
“Got you!” He suddenly said and began to laugh.
“Just take a look at your face. it was something else”. He said laughing.
“Do you think it was funny!” I said glaring at him.
“Sort of! Just wanted to show you that I can be dramatic as well”.
“Right! you did it so well” I praised.
“You can say that again”
“j£rk!, now drive!”
“To where?”
“The cemetery, to pay our rites!”
“To the market! don’t tell me you’ve forgotten!”
“oh! the market” he said and began to drive, while I gave him directions.
The ride back home was fun as we talked about so many wonderful experiences.
“that’s right! I did that when I was a kid!” Darry said
“Yeah… and I even…..”
“And where are you two lowlifes coming from?” We st©pped talking as we heard Susan’s voice.
She was sitting on the couch eating pizza.
thought she was going to starve to death.
I raised the shopping bags up.
“I’m sure you have eyes ma’am, you can easily identify what’s these bags means” I said and she sh0t me a glare.
I don’t want to believe but damn! I want to believe she’s powerless as all she does is throw glares at me, nothing more.
“And it took you all day to do that?” She snarled.
“The master said and I quote, Take all the time you nee-d. and ma’am, that’s exactly what we did” I said and she fummed in anger.
I think I just saw tiny smokes coming out from her nostrils.
“Darry, take those bags inside. Emily, clear this pizza paper now!” she ordered.
is she being serious?.
“No ma’am, I won’t do it. If it were to be the h0t dogs we prepared, I’d have obliged and cleared them for you. But this is pizza and it’s totally out of place. you ordered it, so clear it yourself” I said and walked away dragging Darry along.