Disguise episode 1 & 2

( Don’t Judge a Book by it’s Cover).
written by: Authoress Vivian.
Harry Kenwood is an eligible bachelor. 28 years, Rich and fu*king handsome. He’s every girls dream. though he’s engaged but that doesn’t st©p girls from drooling.
The funniest p@rt or maybe not funny is that Harry doesn’t know who he’s engaged to and that’s because he’s been out of the country for so many years. He just woke up one morning and found out that he’s engaged to Susan.
Susan Peters, young and beautiful. 26 years and a model but rude and grumpy. She’s knows she’s engaged to a fu*king Rich h0t dude but doesn’t care about the name. All she knows is that she’s gonna be extremely Rich and be the queen of the whole wi-de world.
Emily Park, 23 years and an extremely beautiful lady with long blonde hair, pink plumpl-ips, blue eyes and long lashes. she’s got this S-xy figure but she’s poor. She does every Job opportunity she sees Just to provide for her grandmother.
Yeah… Just her and her grandmother. Her parents are both dead.
Now there’s gonna be a job vacancy in Kenwood’s Mansion and Emily’s gonna apply.
What happens when she’s gonna work there?
What happens when there’s gonna be a Change of plan?
What happens when Susan’s gonna live in Kenwood’s Mansion and act like a queen?.
Find out in this interesting story.
Episode 1
“Dad!” I said as I picked up the call and began to bu-tton up my shi-t.
“Son! how are you doing?”
“am fine dad”
“What is the time for your flight?” he asked
“In an hour time”.
“I see! we are just so eager to see you son. You know it’s been up to seven years” Dad said and I smiled.
“I know Dad and I’ve really missed you and Mom”.
“Right! also your fiance would be here waiting for you”. Dad said and I signed.
“I just remembered I have a fiance that I don’t even know”
“c’mon son! how could you forget?”
“Dad, what if I don’t even like her? what if she isn’t my type?”
Dad remained silent for a while before speaking.
“She’s my friend’s daughter and I believe she a good girl.”
“Well, I don’t believe we’re still in the time where parents choose spouses for their children”. I said as I picked up a comb.
“And that’s because my only son has refused to get married and he’s getting old”. Dad said and I mentally rolled my eyes.
“Dad! am just 28 and besides I haven’t found true love”.
“And you will find true love with Susan” Dad said.
“Susan! who’s that?” I asked.
“Fool! your fiance” Dad said.
“oh! so that’s her name?”
“silly boy!” Dad said and I laughed.
“I have a plan Dad and I want you and Mom to support me”.
“Plan? what plan?”
“It’s a plan to know if that Susan girl is good for me”.
“But I know she’s a good girl” Dad said.
“I know but I want to confirm it myself. plea-se Dad, you’ve been very supportive of me from the start. plea-se let me do this”
“Alright son, Just make sure the plan is harmless. Also I’ll brief your mom about this”
“Thank you Dad! you’re simply the best” I said and he chuckled. with that he hung up.
I finished dressing but this time around, I didn’t put on my usual expensive outfit and Jewelries. I wore a casual outfit.
I pressed a bu-tton and Darry c@m£ in almost immediately.
“sir!” he said and looked at me wondering why am dressed like that.
Darry is my b©dyguard, driver and a friend.
“Darry! I have a job for you” I said and he simply nod.
“well, it’s more like a plan. I want us to exchange identities”
“yeah! I want you to become Harry Kenwood and I become Darry. I’ll do your Job.”
“I don’t un-derstand. I can’t take your place” he said and I smiled.
“it’s just for a short period of time Darry. I have a fiance that I don’t even know and that is why I want you to take my place so I can observe her behavior.”
“plea-se Darry, you’re my friend and you’re the only one I can trust. And don’t worry about your salary because I’ll continue paying you”.
“But what about your parents?”
“Don’t worry about that, they are aware of the plan. plea-se Darry”
He nod his head slowly and I chuckled.
“from today, you’re Harry Kenwood. you will act like me, wear my clothes and order me around. it’s a good thing we have same b©dy size. let’s get going before we miss our flight and I’ll brief you about the plan on the way.” I said as we both walked out.
“Granny!!” I squealed as I hvgged my grandmother ti-ghtly.
“oh! Emily, can’t you see I’m old and getting weaker by the day? Do you really wanna break my bones. ” She said ma-king me smile but I didn’t let her go.
“squee-ze the remaining life out of me” I laughed as I re-leased her but that didn’t last as I winced due to the ha-rd knock granny gave me on my head.
“ouch! granny, it hurts”
“that’s what you get for going ha-rd on me” she said.
“You know I can’t go ha-rd on you. you know you’re my favorite and I love you so much to do that” I tea-sed and she laughed.
“yes granny” I looked at her only for me to see her giving me a weird look.
“why are you home by this time?”
“oh!” I said and re-leased a nervous laugh.
“I.. actually… I.. I’m done job hunting for today”. I said stuttering.
she raised an eyebrow at me.
“it’s still morning Emily, Don’t be a lazy dumbas-s girl. You’re gonna go out there and resume job hunting”.
“granny!” I called but she ignored and picked up her knitting thre-ad and nee-dle.
I signed, it’s useless talking to granny. I guess I better get my as-s out the streets or else I won’t have a good night sleep with granny. I picked up my purse and walked out.
I signed as I leaned on the wall with my eyes closed.
it’s been 4 hours and the story is still the same, no job vacancy. Today is the worst day of my life. I feel so frustrated.
Just then my eyes caught something on the wall.
Job vacancy!
I moved closer.
Job vacancy of a maid?
Immediately, the gate opened and an expensive car drove out but st©pped in front of me.
oops! I hope I’m not in some kind of trouble.
The window rolled down as a lady popped out her head.
” Good day ma’am”
“Good day to you dear, are you here for the Job?”
“yes ma’am”
“Thank goodness, finally! are you sure you’re re-ady for this Job?”
“I’m sure ma’am”
“hold on a sec!” she said and placed a call across to someone while I just stood and admired her beauty.
Just then an elderly woman showed up. Just the same age with granny, I guess.
” Nanny Maria, this is our new maid. Brief her on everything she nee-ds to know.” she said and the nanny nodded.
I bec@m£ confused.
“Does it mean I have the Job?” I asked and she nodded before driving off.
that was easy!.
I felt someone tap me from behind.
It was nanny Maria.
“Go get your things because you’ll be staying in the Mansion. when you’re back, I’ll brief you about your Job”. she said and I nodded.
I turned and walked away with a bright smile.
I finally have a Job.
Episode 2.
“Susan!” Mom called as I c@m£ down the stairs with my headphones on.
“Susan!” Mom called, this time louder.
“what is it mom?” I asked
“Really? Susan, is that how to speak to your mother?” She said but I ignored and got busy with my phone.
“I raised you better than this Susan! How did you suddenly become rude and ill mannered.” she said and I huffed and stood up.
“I don’t really know why you called me, but am running late for my sh0t so just say whatever you wanna say” I said.
“Susan!”Dad said as he c@m£ in. “why are you so rude Susan”
I rolled my eyes and turned to live.
“Your fiance is coming back today, you should get prepared and go see him” Dad said ma-king me st©p.
“Fiance! Fiance!! fiance!! who the hell is this fiance that you all won’t st©p bugging me about”
“How will you know when you literally avoid this t©pic and all you care about is your modelling job” Mom said and I rolled my eyes.
“Harry Kenwood” Dad said and my eyes popped out in shock.
“You mean that I’m engaged to Harry Kenwood! and he’s coming back today” I squealed but mom and Dad walked away.
This must be a dream!
I haven’t been there before! I hope I impress them.
I should go get dressed.
I made it back to the Mansion with my luggage and I must say, the building is extravagant.
granny was happy that I’ve gotten a job but she made it look as if she wanted me out of the house.
But I wouldn’t blame her tho, she simply wants the best for me.
Now back to where I am. Right now I’m standing outside the maid’s quarters with nanny Maria tutoring me about everything like a coach lecturing it’s trainee.
“So you mean, Harry Kenwood owns this Mansion and he’s coming back today and that’s the cause of this preparation?” I asked and she nodded.
“He’s lucky!” I said
“He sure is! This day is very special for the Kenwood family, so we’ve to give it all our best”
I nod. “The lady, who’s she?”
“oh That’s ma’am Rita and she’s the mother to Harry” she explained and I mouthed an oh!
“Let’s get back to work, according to the info I got, they will be here in the next 15 minutes.” she said and began to lead me to the Kitchen.
But the foolish me got lost admiring the Mansion, not until I bu-mped into someone.
“You lousy twit!”
my bad!
I rode into the Kenwood Mansion and I must confess it’s beautiful.
I c@m£ down and decided to into the Mansion. I’m their soon to be daughter in-law, that shouldn’t be a problem right?.
Just then someone bu-mped into me.
“You lousy twit!” I yelled as I looked at her.
she looks so lame and…. poverty smells around her.
“I’m sorry, sorry” she apologized.
“oh! You should be, nicompoop”.
“With all due respect Missy, I’m neither a lousy twit nor a nicompoop. I’m Emily, re-ad myl-ips E-mi-ly.” she said and I huffed.
“oh plea-se! Judging from your outfit or should I say Uniform, you’re just a lowlife maid”
“what’s going on here?” an elderly woman asked coming out and the Emily girl bowed her head immediately.
“ma’am, I was just on my way to the Kitchen when I mistakenly bu-mped into this lady” she said innocently.
“really? mistakenly or purposely” I said and she looked at me with anger.
“Enough!, The Kitchen is that way Emily, get back to work”
“yes ma’am” she said and walked away.
“and who are you?”
“Well” I said and fli-pped my hair backwards. “I’m Susan and a Fiance to Harry Kenwood”.
“Susan! I’m Harry’s mom and he’ll soon be here, but for the meantime you can just……”
She was cut off as the gate opened and flashy cars drove in.
Guess my Harry just arrived.
“Don’t forget all we talked about” Harry said and Darry nod.
“feel free to order me around, don’t forget, you are Harry and I am Darry” Harry explained further as the car drove in.
“I’ve s£nt Dad and Mom text messages and they are all aware of the plane”
And let the game begin!
Note: Harry is Darry and Darry is Harry.
“Mom!” I called as I can to hvg her putting my acting skills in place.
“oh! my boy, you’ve grown so big” Mrs Kenwood said as she hvgged me back.
“what an actor you are” she whispered into my ear ma-king me smile.
“Harry! Son!” I heard Mr Kenwood’s voice.
“Dad!” I called as I hvgged him.
“I’ve missed you all”
“we’ve missed you too son!”.
My whole b©dy was itching me as saw My Harry standing beside the car.
oh! my boy! I wish I could just hvg him right now.
I continued to stare at him as he stared right back at me with a smile.
I quic-kly put a call across to nanny Maria so she could let the new made come take their luggages to the room.
At first when my husband told me about the plan and I saw Harry’s message, it sounded ridiculous.
I’ve never seen his fiance but coming from the Peters family, she ought to be well behaved.
But the Susan I encountered earlier is so rude and now I totally agree with my son’s plan.
Well, let’s see how it goes.
“Ahem!” someone cleared her throat and oh! it’s the Susan girl.
“Ahem!” I cleared my throat ma-king everyone turn to me.
“And you are?” Harry asked
I catwalked to him and interwined my f!ngerswith his.
“Susan, Your fiance” I said with a smile.
“I must say you’re beautiful as they describe-d” He said.
“Not just beautiful but S-xy” I added and he nodded.
Just then someone pushed me and almost made me fall. i turned around and saw it was Harry’s driver I felt anger surge throu-gh me as I quic-kly landed a sl@p on his face and pushed him ma-king him fall.
“Are you daft! How dare you try to push me and ruin my dress which costs more than your entire miserable life put together” I yelled.
How would you describe Susan’s behavior?
Hope you all are enjoying the story and I’m not confusing you.