Disguise episode 11 & 12

(Don’t Judge a Book by its Cover)
Written by: Authoress Vivian.
Episode 11
Did I really do the right thing by letting her know about my feelings and starting a relationsh!pwith her?.
You know what? Let’s forget about this for now. We’ll cross the bridge when we get there.
I’m so glad I have her and I’ll do everything not to let her go.
I just hope this stupid plan of mine won’t affect my relationsh!pand she’ll un-derstand”.
“A penny for your thoughts” Emily said bringing me out of my thoughts.
“And what is my man thinking?” She asked.
“Just thinking about how lucky I am to have you as my girlfriend” I said and pu-ll-ed her close to me.
We just Finished cleaning the living room and we’re currently walking throu-gh the garden.
“You should be lucky!” She said smiling.
“I didn’t know your granny was a prophetess.” I said.
“Granny? A prophetess? and how” I asked.
“Well, she told me that she sees some chemistry going on between us. I thought she was just saying things but right now, I guess she was right. And I want this chemistry to go on forever” I said and pe-cked her check.
“Now I know where the Son-in-law thing is coming from!” She said.
Just then, the gate opened. Guess Harry and Susan are back.
We watched as Susan c@m£ out angrily.
She walked past us but suddenly st©pped.
“Hey! Why are you two just lazying around. Don’t you have something else to do” She snapped.
“Actually ma’am, We’re done with our chores for now” I said and she eyed me.
I wonder why Emily isn’t talking?.
“And why is your hand around her w@!st” She asked.
“I wanted you to ask that question and you just did. Ma’am, This man here is my b©yfri£ndand the one I love” Emily said and Susan raised an eyebrow before bur-sting Into a fit of laughter.
“This is hilarious! A driver and a maid in a relationsh!p?” She asked still laughing.
“Yes, A driver and a maid in love! But as long as we love each other and that’s one thing I honestly don’t see in your own relationsh!pma’am. You lack love” Emily said and Susan st©pped laughing and glared at her.
“Lowlifes nicompoop!” She snapped and walked away angrily.
“That was h0t!” I said to Emily.
“She nee-ds to know that money isn’t about everything. Simply because we aren’t rich we shouldn’t fall in love” Emily said sounding a little bit sad.
I turned her face and k!$$£d her briefly.
“You did good anyways!” I said
” At least she knows we’re not some people she can just Manipulate”. She said.
Just then, Harry walked towards.
“Sir!” Emily called. “Good day sir. Actually sir, I don’t know if you can give us permission to go see my grandmother”
“Sure!” Harry said and Emily beamed.
“Thank you Sir, You are the best boss ever” Emily said and Harry looked at me before walking away.
“You miss granny, don’t you?” I said.
“I do, and I have this strong urge to go see her” Emily said.
“Ok, Go get changed and we’ll go there together”. I said and she nodded before walking away.
Fast forward……..
“Granny!…. Granny!!” I called Standing by the door but got no reply.
Is she planning to do what she did the other day? I better be careful.
“What’s wrong?” Darry asked.
She isn’t replying” I said
“Let me gave a look” Darry said.
“Be careful Darry, we don’t want you having another head pain” I said and he smiled and walked in while I followed behind.
“It’s empty!” Darry said.
“uh?” I said and my heart began to beat.
The room!
I ran upstairs to Granny’s room and I meet her Unconscious on the floor.
“Granny! Granny!!” I called as I shook her b©dy but she wasn’t responding.
Tears gathered in my eyes instantly.
“Emily!” I heard Darry call. Guess he didn’t know when I ran upstairs.
“Darry! it’s granny” I said as I began to cry.
“plea-se don’t leave me granny, I hate this prank” I said in tears.
Darry felt her pulse and placed his head on her che-st.
“She’s still breathing! We should take her to the hospital” He said and carried granny as we ran out of the house.
“Nurse! Doctor! there’s an emergency! Help us.” I yelled.
The nurses c@m£ out almost immediately with a stretcher and placed granny on it.
“You have to stay out here ma’am” a nurse said preventing me from going in.
“What do you mean! she’s my granny! I nee-d to be with her” I said in tears still struggling.
“I Know ma’am, but you have to let us to our job properly” The nurse said annoying me the more.
“My granny nee-ds me!” I yelled.
“Emily! Just let them be” Darry said and held me, I felt relaxed just a little bit.
I turned around and hvgged him ti-ghtly.
“Granny! She’s gonna leave me” I cried.
“Sssh! Nothing is going to happen to her” Darry as-sured.
“She’s all I got, I won’t be able to handle it if anything….. if anything happens to her”
“It’s okay!”
1 hour later……
I sat down de-ep in thought with Darry beside me.
Just then the doctor c@m£ out and I sprang up.
“Doctor!” I called as I rushed to him.
“How’s she, is she okay?”
“How are you related to the patient?”
“I’m her granddaughter and his her son-in-law. Tell me how she is? I asked feeling rather impatient.
“Well, we managed to revive her. it’s a good thing you brou-ght her in here immediately. But I’m afraid there’s a bad news”
“A bad news? I asked and he nodded.
“And what is the bad news all about” I asked feeling nervous.
I felt Darry place his hands on my shoulders, right now I can’t think straight.
“The bad news is that she had a very severe heart attack, and that’s mainly because she hasn’t been using her medicine lately”.
What? a heart attack? Granny has one but she always takes her medicine!. I wonder what happened.
“So what now Doctor!” I asked
“She has to un-dergo a surgery which is called Precutaneous coronary intervention”.
“Has it gotten to that?” Darry asked.
“It has! If she isn’t operated on then I’m sorry, because she won’t be able to survive the next attack which is likely to occur in hours time or maybe days”
“What? go on with the surgery then” I said.
“I’m sorry, I can’t. You have to pay the sum of $500,000.00 before I can perform the operation”.
“What? plea-se doctor! I promise I’ll pay the money in installments, just carry on with the operation.” I begged.
“I’m sorry, that’s our hospital policy. I’ll be in my office, when you’re re-ady with the money, you let me know”. He said and turned to leave.
“Hold on Doc! Can we see her now?” I asked and he nodded before walking away.
How the hell would I get such amount!.
Episode 12
We walked into Granny’s Ward and saw her lying down looking a bit pale.
“Granny!” Emily called and sniffed as she say down beside her holding her hands.
Though, she’s still fast asleep. only the beeping sound of the machine could be heard.
“You don’t look beautiful granny! This isn’t the warrior granny I used to know. You use to tell me to keep fighting and be strong but right now you’re doing the exact opposite. How could you pl@ywith your health when you know I only have you in this world.” Emily said as tears kept falling out of her eyes.
“Fine! You want to abandon me just like that? You want to leave me thesame way my parents did? Don’t you even care if I’m gonna survive it if anything happens?” She paused and sniffed.
“$500,00.00! the doctor wants this hvge amount just for your operation. But when it comes to you granny! I’ll work my life out just to pay for your operation because I’m not letting you go so easily.” Emily said.
At this point, I think I’ve seen enough. It breaks my heart to see Emily in tears.
I have to do something! The operation must be done today.
Without informing Emily I walked out of the ward.
“Excuse me Nurse! Where’s the doctor’s office?” I asked a nurse.
“That way sir” She said and pointed towards a p@rticular direction.
“Thanks!” I said and rushed off.
“Doctor!”I called barging into his office.
“Young Man! This is my office, You can’t just barge in here unannounced” He said standing up.
“I’m sorry…. sorry” I apologized even though I don’t really mean it.
“What can I do for you?” He asked.
“I want you to perform her operation immediately” I said.
“You’re the son-in-law to the old woman right?” He asked and I nodded.
“Sorry young man, I explained that to you earlier. This hospital has it’s policy that nee-ds to be followed. You have to pay the bills for her operation” He said.
“The money isn’t the problem, I just want you to as-sure me that you’ll carry out the operation successfully” I said.
“You don’t have to worry about that sir” He said.
“So how do I pay?” I asked.
“You can do some transfer to me!”
“I’ll be right back!” I said and ran off to the car and picked my cheque book.
I ran back into his office and quic-kly filled the cheque.
“Here!” I said and handed it to him.
“It’s settled then. I should go inform the lady that you’ve paid for the bills”.
“Hold on Doc! Can you do me a favor?” I asked and he nodded.
“plea-se don’t let her know I paid the bills” I said.
“Why is that? She has the right to know” He said.
“I Know, the reasons are personal to me” .
“very well then!” he said
“Thank you Doc, I’ll take my leave now and you can come in later”. I said and he nodded.
I walked into the ward and meet Emily still seated with granny. This time, she isn’t talking but just staring.
“Baby! ” I called and placed my hands on her shoulders.
“Where have you been Darry?” She threw the question at me.
“I… I …” I stuttered.
She stood up and faced me. I can see her eyes alre-ady red and swollen.
“What? You left me too Darry, I was looking for you. I thought you’d left me!” She said as tears gathered in her eyes.
“It’s okay! I totally un-derstand if you don’t want to help me raise granny operation fee! That is why you left. Tell me why did you come back” She said
I un-derstand she’s going throu-gh a lot right now and she’s just venting all her anger and frustration on me. I should just let her express herself.
“You don’t have to run! I’ll find the money myself…..”
“There’s no nee-d for that” She was cut off by the doctor.
we turned to him.
“What do you mean by that Doctor!” Emily asked.
“You don’t have to pay for the bills. An anonymous person has settled it” The doctor said and Emily shook her head.
“No… no.. There must be a mistake somewhere!.”
” Am sure I ain’t mistaken miss! The bills are settled and your granny would be operated on tomorrow” He said and for the first time since the incident Emily broke into a wi-de smile.
“Who paid for it Doctor, just let me know, at least I should thank him”
“You don’t have to! I’m sure he’s heard you” He said and Emily narrowed her eyebrows.
“I’ll take my leave now” He said and turned to leave.
“Thank you Doctor!’ Emily said
She quic-kly turned to granny.
“See, granny. You’re safe now” She said.
“Baby! We should go home. You haven’t eaten anything?” I said and she looked at me.
“But we’re coming back right?” She asked and I nodded.
I turned to leave but she held me back and hvgged me.
“I’m sorry Love! I didn’t mean what I said. I was Just angry at myself and I blamed myself for what happened to granny. I poured all my anger on you. I must have said hurtful words to you, plea-se don’t get mad at me” She said in the most sweetest voice.
I smiled and wra-pped my hands around her w@!st.
“I’m not angry at you. I totally un-derstand how you feel. I just want you to know that I won’t ever leave you, no matter your situation, I’ll always be here for you” I said and she nodded.
“I wasn’t thinking straight, sorry” She said looking at me before placing a lingering k!sson myl-ips.
I cu-mpped her face and slammed myl-ips on hers k!ss!ngher de-eply.
She reciprocated immediately as we explored each other’s mouth.
Damn thosel-ips!
She f0rç£fully broke the k!sscatching her breath.
“I love you Emily! “I said
“I love you too!” She said and I brou-ght myl-ips close to hers.
“What are you trying to do?” She asked.
“I’m trying to k!ssmy baby” I said
“No! That’s enough k!ss!ngfor today. We’ll only k!ssfor two minutes a day”
“What? It’s unfair” I said.
“Nope! I’m just saving my poorl-ips from you. c’mon let’s go” She said and I gro-an ed as we walked away.