Disguise episode 9 & 10

(Don’t Judge a book by its Cover)
Written by: Authoress Vivian.
Episode 9
“You know what Darry? I wonder what it feels to have parents” She said and belched loudly.
Oh! no, The alcohol!!
I just kept mute and listened to her.
“All my entire years on Earth have been filled with cold comfort except for granny who’s been there for me.”
She paused and drank the whole content from the glas-s and wanted to refill another glas-s but I st©pped her.
“I have always yearned for the love of my mom and dad. I won’t blame them tho, it wasn’t really there fault. After all none of them held me when I was born except granny”. She said and this time around, tears dropped from her eyes.
“Mom died while giving birth to me and Dad died after hearing the news of her death. Their love is strong, isn’t it? Where there too heartless not to even think or recall that they just brou-ght a tiny little creature into this Earth?” She said and more tears rolled.
I stared at her with pity. I didn’t know her parents are dead?.
“Granny’s love is something I live on, but sometimes I feel like I nee-d a different kind of love. Someone to hold and cudd-leme but I just face with this cold comfort over and over again”. She said.
I turned her face towards me and wiped her tears.
I pu-ll-ed her into a hvg and she smiled.
“Am I that bad, that no one seems to love. Am I not beautiful enough, Oh! I get it, it’s because I’m poor!” She said.
“ssssh! Don’t say that Emily. Not everything is about money. You’re pretty just the way you are” I said and she sm-irked.
“Even the boy I’m in love with, hasn’t said anything yet. I don’t even know if he loves me back. I can’t bring myself to tell him, because I’m afraid of what his reply could be. ” She said.
Uhn? She’s in love with someone!
“Who’s the person?” I asked, my heart suddenly beating fast.
She dis£ngaged from the hvg and smiled.
“Let’s dance…. c’mon” She said and pu-ll-ed me up.
She inser-ted a disk into the CD and the song started as Emily increa-sed the volume.
“It’s too loud!” I said and covered my ears.
She ignored as she began to dance off key.
“c’mon Darry! Don’t be a kill joy” She said and held my hands as she started jumping ma-king me Jump as well.
Are we seriously dancing or performing some indirect Excercise?.
“Emily!” I called and held her preventing us from Jumping.
“What? You don’t like the way we dance? Fine how about this” She said and turned.
Before I could say Jack, She started grind herself against me.
What the hell is she doing?.
And Just then, she started twer-king. And not just anywhere but right on my di-ck.
“$h!t!” I said as new feelings erupted throu-gh me.
I feel my hands move on it’s own and held her w@!st.
As if that motivated her, She began to go fast, Awakening my little thing.
She suddenly st©pped and looked at me with a sm-irk on her face.
I looked down at myself and realized how ha-rd I’ve become. She made me ha-rd just this few seconds?.
Slowly she pushed me, ma-king me sit on the couch.
By this time, I was alre-ady lost in the world of fantasy.
I stared at her as she climbe-d and sat on my l@p. She began to move her h!pslowly.
“Fu*k” I m0@n ed.
I know I shouldn’t be doing this but right not……. I’ve lost it.
Who would have thought that she’s a badas-s naive girl!.
She moved her hands and cu-mpped my face.
“Darry! My superhero. I didn’t know how it started, but I find myself falling in love with you. No scratch that! I love you Darry”. She said and I looked at her in shock.
Does it mean I’m the man she talked about earlier?
“Emily?” I called and immediately, she slammed herl-ips on mine.
Guess she hasn’t k!$$£d before because she didn’t move herl-ips, rather she used her to ton-gue to li-ck myl-ips.
I didn’t know what c@m£ over me because I find myself taking control of the k!ss.
She began to reciprocate as I began to explore her mouth, k!ss!ngher so de-ep.
Herl-ips are so intoxicating as I couldn’t get enough of her.
She m0@n ed into my mouth and that alone gave me the stamina as I de-epened the k!ss.
Slowly, I began to move my hands into her shi-t, ru-bbing her ba-re back.
Damn, what the hell is she doing to me?.
Right now, I’m so ha-rd .
Her skin is so smooth and flawless.
I traced my f!ngersdown her back as her b©dy quivered against my t©uçh.
I moved my hands to her Tommy, which felt so warm.
I t©uçhed her bellybu-tton, it felt so small and pointed.
Automatically, my hands moved up to her che-st as I cu-mpped her bo*bs throu-gh her br@.
It felt so full and soft.
I moved my hands to her back, re-ady to uncl!pher br@…..
She suddenly broke the k!ssand placed her head on my shoulder.
At that point, I c@m£ back to my s-en-ses.
What the hell Just happened?.
“I love you Darry…. I really do?” I heard her say.
“What is wrong with me? Why did I loose control? You don’t know what you’re doing to me Emily.” I said but got no response. Guess she’s alre-ady asleep.
I made her sit on the couch and rests her head on my shoulder.
“I love you too Emily! But I’m afraid of how you would react when you finally come to know the truth. I fear you might reject and dispise me. I’m afraid you’ll think I only pla-yed with your feelings”.
Right now! I just scre-wed up and I hope she doesn’t remember what happened.
I k!$$£d her forehead and closed my eyes reminiscing over the k!sswe just had.
How intense!
Episode 10.
What am I gonna say? Should I said that this is the best d@t£ in my entire life.
Nah! Ironically, This is the worst d@t£ of my life.
How did I end up getting engaged to this champ.
Yesterday’s outing with Harry was totally boring.
Who goes to a d@t£ and the so-called fiance made it look like a burial ceremony. It looks as if we were observing an hour of silence.
At the beach, All we did was walk around in total silence. People on the beach were acting all lovey dovey, but my case! Gosh…
Then we went to his parents house. All Harry and his Dad did was to talk about random things. And the Mom, She avoided me like a plague. And to think we spent a night here made me sick.
Who cares anyways! To think I took a live from my modelling job just to meet with this boring family.
I think I’ll go back to work after Harry’s p@rty.
“We enjoyed your stay” Harry’s mom said.
“I did too mom!”
“Well I didn’t” I snapped and they all turned to me.
“What’s wrong Susan?”Harry asked.
“Is there a problem?” Harry’s Dad asked.
“Yes! there’s a problem and everything is wrong, Why is this family like this? Why are you all so boring?” I said angrily.
I didn’t know where I got this anger from, but seriously! I nee-d to vent it out.
“What do you mean Susan?” Harry’s mom asked.
“Exactly what I said. Everyone avoided me. For Christ sake, am your Son’s fiance”.
“It’s okay if you want to feel among” Harry’s mom said and it angered me the more.
“Feel among? Seriously! You all should be happy to have a model as your daughter-in-law whose re-ady to marry this champ you call a son”
“Mind your language young lady! So what if you’re a model, should we worsh!pyou or perhaps li-ck your feet” Harry’s mom said.
“I won’t mind if you all worsh!pme, but teach your son how to be ro-mantic, and he shouldn’t take me to a cemetery and call it a d@t£”. I said and walked away angrily.
I hate that woman!
I opened the car and sat down. not too long before I saw Harry coming out.
As usual he didn’t say anything as we drove out.
I woke up with an hangover. I signed as I ru-bbe-d my forehead.
“Its morning alre-ady!” I said looking around. Then I saw Darry still fast asleep.
A little smile tugged at the corner of myl-ips.
I stood up and went to the kitchen to get some water.
By the time I returned, Darry was alre-ady awake.
“Hi, ” I said and he looked at me but quic-kly looked away.
“Here, have some water!” I said and stretched the glas-s to him, which he collected.
I sat down beside me and drank my water.
“How are you feeling?” I asked and he looked at me.
“I should be asking you that, You drank a lot last night”.
“I know…” I said and he cleared his throat.
“Do you remember what happened last night” He asked looking at me.
I vividly remember everything that happened last night. I messed up real bad. I only expressed my feelings towards. I shouldn’t deny.
“I remember everything!” I said and he wi-de-ned his eyes in shock.
“You do?” he asked and I nodded
“Where you been serious about what you said?” he asked.
“What if I say yes? What if me being in love with you is true? Would you love me me back?” I asked calmly and stared directly at him.
“Tell me! Would you love me back?”I asked.
“No!” I heard him say as I felt my heart sink.
“I don’t know….” He said further.
h0t tears gathered in my eyes as I tried fighting them back.
“Emily!! it’s….. it’s not..”
“It’s okay…. I un-derstand” I cut him off as I stood up and headed to the kitchen.
I leaned on the sink feeling too embarras-sed.
I picked a chopping board as I began to slice the onion venting all my anger on the poor ingredient.
I’m angry at myself. so angry!
I let the tears I was holding fall out freely.
I don’t blame him! I blame my stupid mouth and feelings for expressing itself.
I’m not the first girl to express her feelings to a boy right?
But I regret my actions. And to think we even k!$$£d?.
Gosh! I’m so ashamed.
I thought as I continued to slice the onion angrily.
“Emily!” I heard Darry called but I ignored.
“Emily… Listen to me plea-se!” he said but I didn’t reply.
“What?” I yelled facing him.
“What do you wanna say? Do you wanna remind me of how foolish I acted. uh, Do you wanna make make me feel more embarras-sed than I alre-ady am? Do you want to say to my face that you don’t love me? Go ahead, spill it out” I yelled using my hand to push him.
I don’t know where this anger is coming from. Right now! I want to get this shame off me.
Darry held me ….
“Calm down Emily…. It’s not what you Think?” He said…
“Really? Tell me what I should think. I’m not the first girl to express her feelings to a boy right? am I?” I yelled.
“Did I really make a mistake falling for you? was it a crime? Tell me, did I make a mistake? I….” I yelled but was cut off as he slammed hisl-ips on mine.
I pushed him and glared at him.
“I love you Emily.. I really do”
“Oh! plea-se, You don’t have to say that to me just because you pity me”. I snapped.
“I mean it Emily… I also feel the same way towards you.”
“Then why? Why did you make it seem like I’m forcing myself on you”.
“I’m Just scared you might hate me later in the future” he said and I furrowed be my eyebrows in confusion.
“And why would I hate you?”
“I don’t know, but promise me, promise me that you won’t get mad at me and nothing would separate us” He said.
“I can’t promise but I’ll try” I said and he smiled.
“Does that mean we’re a thing” I asked and he nodded pu-lling me into a hvg.