Disguise 13 & 14

(Don’t Judge a Book by it’s Cover)
Written by: Authoress Vivian.
Episode 13
Emily and Darry walked into the Mansion with their both hands interwined.
“I should go see the boss!” Darry said.
“I’ll come with you! I nee-d to speak to him about taking a leave” Emily said and Darry shook his head.
“Yeah, I nee-d to take care of granny after the operation”
“Right! I’ll speak to him on your behalf since I’m going there anyways!” Darry said and Emily nodded.
“I’ll go pack some few things!” Emily said as they p@rted ways.
In the Kitchen…..
I walked to the Kitchen and began to pack some food That would be enough for Darry, Granny and I.
Since we’re going back to the hospital, I think we’ll spend a night there.
“You thief!” I heard Susan said and I turned.
I looked around me like I’m trying to find what she’s talking about.
“St©p pretending! I’m talking to you. Why are you stealing food?” She asked and folded her hands.
“Stealing food? You must be mistaken!”.
“Seriously! Then what’s in your hands” she said.
“Listen Susan, I don’t have your time. Besides I was just packing food for ….”
“How dare you call me by my name!. I’m your Boss”
“But you don’t act like one!” I snapped and she narrowed her eyes at me and scoffed.
“I can see! That’s why you’ve resulted in stealing food from me to feed your poor b©yfri£ndand your parents” She said and I frowned.
“What did you just say?” I asked and walked close to her.
“Exactly what I meant!” She said.
“Thank your stars you didn’t repeat yourself” I said and turned and continued packing the food.
“Go ahead and steal! That’s what your parents have raised you up to be” She said and I st©pped. Anger erupted throu-gh me.
I turned sharply and landed a deafening sl@p on her cheek.
She held her cheek and faced me before sl@pping me back.
I didn’t see that coming.
“How dare you l@yyour filthy……” I didn’t let her complete her statement before giving her another sl@p, and another with an extra.
3 h0t sl@p! and her cheek turned red.
“Don’t you ever mention my parents with that smelly gutter you call a mouth. ”
“You Rat!” She yelled and charged at me.
I am well prepared.
I gave her another sl@p catching her unawares as I began to dragged her hair.
She held mine also but her grip on me isn’t as strong as mine.
“Help!!? Harry!!”She started screaming.
“Enough is enough Susan! You can insult me but not my parents. I’ve had it up to my last nerve. You’re just a pathetic bit-ch” I said still dragging her hair.
“Emily…. Susan?” Darry and Harry called as the both ran to us trying to separate the fight.
Darry finally succeeded in pu-lling me away while I kept breathing ha-rd .
“Baby! Look what she did to me!” Susan said crying.
“This is just the beginning!” I said
“Shut up bit-ch! You should be fired” She snarled at me.
“Congratulations monkey! But you can’t fire me” I fired back.
“Baby! Do something!” Susan said to Harry but he kept mute.
“To hell with you! To hell with everyone”! She yelled and walked away.
“Sir Harry! I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to get into a fight with your fiance. But she pushed the wrong bu-tton and I couldn’t hold it any longer” I apologized.
“It’s okay Emily, it wasn’t your fault.” He said and walked away.
“Here have some water!” Darry offered.
I collected the glas-s cu-p and drank the water.
“Feeling better my tigress?” Darry asked and I looked at him.
“Yeah! You were looking like a fierce lioness who’s re-ady for attack.”. He said and I laughed.
“What really happened?” He asked and I began to explain.
He signed and carried me up placing me on the kitchen counter.
“She got what she’s looking for! You sure did quite a number of on her face. Now she’s looking like a real model.” He said and we both laughed.
“I couldn’t tolerate her calling you poor and insulting my parents”.
“And that is why you’ll forever be my fierce tigress.” He said and placed hisl-ips on mine.
Immediately, he pu-ll-ed out and I frowned.
“Why did you st©p?” I asked.
“Well, You said we’ll only k!sstwo minutes a day. You made the rules remember?” He said.
“Well damn those rules” I said and slammed myl-ips in his.
He giggled while k!ss!ngme back.
I think hisl-ips is the only antidote I nee-d to forget about Susan.
I de-epened the k!ss.
Fast forward……
Right now, we’re on our way back to the hospital.
“I really feel bad for sir Harry!” I suddenly said.
“Why’s that?” Darry said focusing on the road.
“He has to put up with Susan’s behavior till old age. if I were him I’d have called off the wedding right from day 1”
“That would soon come to pas-s!” I heard Darry say.
“Say what? I asked.
“nothing!” he said and I just shrugged.
Then it cli-cked
“I wonder who paid for Granny’s fee!” I said.
“Do you have an idea?” I asked.
“nop” He simply said.
“Where were you at that time” I asked and I felt him tense a little bit.
“I… I.. actually, I went to the parking lot” He said and I hummed.
“For what?” I asked
“I thought I left the keys. so I went to check it out”
I stared at him for a while before looking away.
Why do I feel like he knows something.
On our way to Granny’s Ward we meet the doctor.
“It’s a good thing you c@m£, we’re about to carry out her operation!” He said as we stood outside her ward.
“Can I speak to her for a moment plea-se!” I asked. Even though granny is still at sleep, I just want to see her.
“Sure but make it snappy!” The doctor said and I nodded before entering.
“Granny!” I called holding her hand.
“It’s time!. I want you to fight for my sake. I know you can do it. Just remember that I love you so much” I said and k!$$£d her forehead before walking out.
“we’ll begin” The doctor said and went in.
I turned to Darry and hvgged him as tears rolled down my cheek.
I hope everything goes well.
Episode 14
I walked into the room in anger.i walked to the mirror stand and looked at my face.
That bit-ch! The nerve she’s got.
Look at what she did to my face! The face I’ve cherished. She have the guts to l@yher filthy hands on me!.
And Harry! Aaargh!
He didn’t even defend me!
Just then, the door opened and he walked in.
“Susan!” he called timidly.
I glared angrily and walked towards him giving him a sl@p.
“You animal! How on Earth did I become your fiance. You’re such a j£rk to stand and watch an ordinary maid insult me.!” I snarled and he looked at me.
“I don’t even know how I got engaged to you” I said.
Then he broke into a mischievous smile and I furrowed my eyebrows at him.
Then the smile turned into a hearty laughter ma-king me look like a fool.
“What’s ma-king you laugh?” I asked feeling annoyed.
“What do you think of yourself uhn?” He said and I eyed him.
“Do you really think I was in support of this whole engagement thing? Do you think I’m going to get married to you out of love? God forbid I get married to a spoilt br@t like you. I’m only in this charade we call engagement because of my parents” He said and I stared at him in anger.
“You feel as if you have everything at the ti-p of you f!nger. But that can be snatched away from you within a twi-nkle of an eye. You call Emily an ordinary maid but she’s better than you and everything you do” He said and that angered me the more.
“Get out! Get out!!….. Ingrate!” I yelled and pushed him out while he continued laughing.
I pu-ll-ed my hair in frustration.
It’s been 3 hours now and we haven’t heard a thing from the doctor.
I stood up from the chair and began to pace to and fro.
“Don’t worry love! Everything will be fine” Darry said and I signed.
“We don’t even know if everything is fine. The doctor hasn’t said anything yet”. I said. my heart constantly beating fast.
“There’s nothing to worry about. I have a strong feeling that granny would survive this”. Darry said.
Just then we heard the door creak open.
“Doc!” I called rushing to him.
“How’s she? is she okay? did she survive” I said at a time. this time, my heartbeat increa-sed.
“Baby! Calm down” Darry whispered.
“Well miss….. What can we say?” He said keeping a neutral expression.
I couldn’t find any good or bad news in his face.
Damn this doctor! He wants me to die of premature heart attack.
God forbid that!
“We did our best and the surgery was successful” he said.
I heaved a sign of relief.
“She’s perfectly fine now.” he added.
I felt a tear sli-p…
“Thank you doctor” Darry and I said at a time.
“It’s my Job!”
“Can we see her now?” Darry asked.
“Sure! but right now she’s still fast asleep. be sure not to wake her up” he said and we nodded.
“I’ll be one my way!” he said and walked away.
“I told you love! That granny would be alright” Darry said and I nodded before hvgging him.
“Thank you Darry! For staying by me”. I said still hvgging him.
“It’s nothing. c’mon, let’s go see granny”. he said.
We walked into Granny’s Ward.
I smiled as I approached her.
“You see Granny! I told you I wasn’t going to let you go so easily.” I said
“Thanks be to whoever the anonymous is because he c@m£ at the right time” Darry said and I nodded.
“Did you talk to sir Harry about my leave?” I asked.
“Yes and he approved it!”
“Really?” I asked and he nodded.
“But you didn’t mention it to me earlier, I’d have packed my things. Now I have to go back to the Mansion”
“You don’t have to! I’ll go get it for you” He said and I smiled.
“You’re simply the best love!” I said and k!$$£d him.
“Stay here with granny! I’ll be back” he said.
“No! You don’t have to come back today! You’ve being throu-gh Alot of stress. Go home and get some rest, you can come back tomorrow with my bags”.
“Are you sure? but you…”
“Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine”
I walked into the Mansion and meet Harry sitting on the couch.
“What’s going on?” I asked moving close to him.
“I just gave that bit-ch a piece of my mind.” He said.
“What did you say to her? Hope you didn’t say anything about the plan?” I asked and he shook his head.
“I didn’t. I can’t just wait for your birthday p@rty so all this can end” He said and I smiled.
“I can’t thank you enough for helping me with the plan. If you hadn’t helped me, I won’t have known about her horrible behavior. I won’t have found Emily” I said.
“The p@rty is just in two days time. You have to be patient and everything would be over” I said and he nodded.
“I’ll get going now! I still have somethings to do” I said and walked away.
***** The next day*******
I opened the door to Granny’s Ward only to meet granny and Emily chatting happily.
Guess our tough granny is awake.
“Granny!” I called and she looked at me and smiled.
“Darry my boy!” She called as I walked close to her.
“Come give mama a hvg” She said with her hands wi-de open.
I walked close to her and gave her a hvg.
“How are you feeling?” I asked.
“Strong as Ever” She said and I laughed.
I walked to Emily and pe-cked her cheek.
“I missed you love!”
“I missed you more!” She said and we heard someone cleared her throat.
It was granny!
“Can someone tell me the meaning of what I just saw?” Granny asked
“Uhm granny! Emily and I are a couple” I said and she looked at me.
“aren’t you happy granny?” Emily asked.
“off course I am” She said and broke into a smile.
“I knew you two had something going” She said and we all laughed.
“When am I leaving this hospital?”
“I spoke with the Doctor and he said in two days time” I said.
“Erm.. Emily, there’s gonna be a homecoming p@rty for Harry in two days time. I want you to be there”.
“But granny…”
“Shut up Emily!. You have to go with your b©yfri£nd. Don’t worry Darry she’ll be there” Granny said and I nodded