Diamond in the rou-gh episode 4 & 5

💎Diamond In The rou-gh💎
💎Episode 4💎
💕Madison’s POV💕
“Michelle come on…you’re gonna be late”I called out..I wonder what that boy is doing inside..
“Mama my shoe”he c@m£ out with one of his shoes in his hands and the other is till worn
“Michelle,I wore this for you the other time why did you pu-ll it off”
“I donno”he replied as he li-cked his Popsicle
I helped him wear the shoe and sighed in satisfaction
“There…now let’s go”I took his hand and we made for the door..
“You re-ady for school I see”Mrs Russell said as she c@m£ out of her house..she’s re-ady for work…she’s a nurse
“Yes Mrs Russ”Michelle said and she smiled
“Good morning Mrs Russ”
“Good morning my dear,come on,let me drop you off”she said and we made for her car
We all got in and I sat in the pas-s£ngers seat with Michelle on my l@ps
She drove us to Michelle’s school and I walked him to his clas-s
“Be a good boy to Miss Gold okay”
“Yes mama”he nodded with a pout and I smiled
“So mama will be going now,I’ll come pick you when school is over okay?”
He spre-ad his hands for a hvg and I hvgged him
“I love you mama”that almost made me cry
“Love you too baby”I pu-ll-ed out of the hvg and opened the door to his clas-s and he entered
Mrs Russ doesn’t drive me to work because..you know,she’s a nurse and she has to be early.
“Taxi”I hailed a cab and he st©pped
“Olivers”I said and the driver nodded as he hit the road
“Hey Abigail”Andrea my co-worker greeted
“Hey Andrea..good morning”
“Morning..come on,there are a lot of customers”she pu-ll-ed me by the arm to the kitchen..I put on my uniform and apron and set to work
“Table three nee-ds a waiter”Madam Oliver,the owner of the restaurant said…
“I’m on it”I screamed as I took my notepad and pen
I walked to the table and gave the customers my best smile…its two guys..probably in their twenties and they didn’t hesitate to s£nd me lvstful gaze as I approached them..well,who wouldn’t?..I’m a brown skinned beautiful girl with hour glas-s figure
“What can I get you gentlemen”
The blonde one li-cked hisl-ips and I mentally rolled my eyes
“I’ll take a Cajun chicken burger and a plate of pickled onion rings”the other one said and I nodded as I wrote down his order
“What about you sir”I asked the blonde one
“Um..just give me pecan pie with maple cream”
I wrote it down
“Okay sirs..be patient while we bring your orders”I said and they both nodded
I walked to the kitchen and wow…this place is busy,I wish I can cook in this kitchen for once…just once
“We have two orders coming in”I said as I waved my notepad up
“What do we have”Sally,one of the cooks asked
I gave her the note and she wi-de-ned her eyes..
“Jeez,do these people wanna kill us?…why would they order for pecan pie?…and is that maple cream?I’m not even sure we have maple cream”I wander why she’s whining,pecan pie is so easy to make and she can just make homemade maple cream..its so easy
“Gosh I’m exhausted”Andrea whined as she emptied the used dishes in the sink..she’s the only person I have a little bit of close relationsh!pwith in this place
“I have to do all these dishes..I’m tired”
I chuckled and patted her back
“Get to it”I sma-cked her head pla-yfully and she laughed
“You’re not to lazy around Abigail,we have a lot of customers”Mrs Oliver said as she cut up some veggies..I really admire her,she’s a great cook and a very ha-rd working woman..her restaurant, “Oliver’s Place” is the number one selling restaurant in the whole town…I said town,not city..not the whole Texas.
ma-king this place to be jam packed with people all day and night and that’s why the pay is good
“Another order”I said as I walked into the kitchen
“Abby,order for table three is re-ady”Sally said and i rushed to her…I arranged the orders carefully in a tray and I carried it as I made for the table
“Here is your order”I said as I placed their respective orders on their table..
“Sorry your order is kinda late..we didn’t have maple cream so we had to make new one for your food”I said to the blonde one and he nodded in un-derstanding
I wiped the sweats on my forehead and gave an exhausted sigh..I’m damn tired
“Jeez..today is the busiest day in the history of Oliver’s”Andrea said as she rested her head on my shoulders
“I know right”I took a long gulp of water and sighed as I swallowed it
“Our break will soon be over you know”she said as she raised her head from my shoulders
“Yeah..in the mean time,lets go check what’s going on in the kitchen..and see if we could help”I said and she scoffed
“You mean..and see if you could help”she emphasised on the “you” p@rt
“I’m gonna rest for a while here”she la-id well on the mattress..
“Okay…I’ll be back”I said and she waved her hands in dismissal
I went to the kitchen and its still as busy as ever
“Hey Sally,nee-d any help?”
“Yes plea-se,help me with that pasta”she said as she points to the boiling pasta on the g@s cooker
“You nee-d sauce for it?”I asked and she nodded
“Hmm mm,sauce sauce sauce”I mumbled as I ransacked my eyes round the shelf
I picked out the necessary ingredients and I set to work..
“You’re really good at this”Sally commented and I smiled
“You’re chopping the onions really fast,even I can’t go as fast as that…how did you get that fast?”she asked in amusement and I chuckled
“I just..know how to do it”I said with a shrug and she tsked
I was still working on the pasta sauce when someone barged into the kitchen
“Kelly,what the hell!”Micheal,one of the chefs yelled
“Shhhhhh…keep it down”Kelly whispered as she closed the door quietly
“What is wrong with you”Madam Oliver asked
“Alexa Grande is here”she said and everywhere bec@m£ silent
“What?”Madam Oliver exclaimed in a whisper
“Yes…she’s here and she wants to see you”
Madam Oliver quic-kly washed her hands and re-moved her apron..she smoothened her hair with her hands and breathed out before opening the door…I’m guessing you’re wandering why we are all surprised and worked up because Alexa Grande is here..let me explain
Alexa Grande is the number one chef in the whole America…in fact I see her as the best chef in the world..she has won many competitions..she got the award of the “Golden Spoon”last year..that’s the biggest award of all times..she’s rich, influential,she has restaurants all over the world..not just any restaurant..5 star restaurants..she’s my role model,I got inspired by her and I’ve been dreaming to meet her one day and guess what?..she’s at my work place…like OMG!!!!
But the real question here is…why is she here?..we didn’t get any appointment from her and our restaurant isn’t a type of restaurant she can come to,like its too low for her standard..you get what I mean
I wander what’s going on out there with her and madam Oliver
Oh..finally she’s back
“How’d it go”I asked as soon as she c@m£ back to the kitchen
“We’re in trouble”she said and we all looked troubled,I’m sure our hearts skipped a beat
“Wha..what happened”Andrea asked…when did she get here anyways
“Does anyone know how to prepare Pasta e Fagioli?”she asked and they all scrunched up their nose..some gave her a quizzical look
“Pasta e what now?”Kelly asked with a raised brow
“Isn’t that like…a Mexican dish?”Sally asked
“Yeah”madam oliver replied
“Why are you asking if anyone can cook it..who ordered for it?”Andrea asked
“Alexa Grande”she said and Micheal exclaimed
“We are scre-wed…so scre-wed”Sally lamented
“Where are we gonna find who can cook that…that dish is damn complex..and besides we don’t serve mexican dish here..”Micheal said and I cleared my throat ma-king everyone to turn their gaze in me
“I can cook Pasta e Fagioli”i said and they are gave me quizzical looks
“You?…cook it?”Andrea asked unbelievably and I nodded
“Are you sure?..we don’t want any mistakes”Madam Oliver said and I nodded..I’m sure I can cook it,its one of the recipes I’ve been studying..its kinda complex but I can make it
“I’m sure..I’ll be done in the next 1hr but I’m gonna nee-d some help”
“Okay…Andrea,Micheal..you’re in charge of the ingredients…Sally,James..help Abby in cooking..Kelly,take Tequila(a type of wine)to Alexa to keep her busy..the rest of your go attend to the other customers..everything must be in order..now,go go go!!!”she instructed and we all set to work..
I’m so tensed right now..I’m gonna be cooking,for the first time in the restaurant and for Alexa Grande!!!!I feel like I’m gonna b!ow up
“Okay so Andrea I’m gonna nee-d..beef,carrots,tomatoes,onions,ring pasta,lettuce,cabbage,cheese,honey and avocado sauce. ”
“I’m on it”Andrea said as she rushed to the kitchen sto-re to get the ingredients
I washed my hands and put on my apron and my cooking cap..okay Madison..you’re about to make a dish of a life time..make it count
“And then I’ll just sprinkle the cheese on it and voilà meals done”I said as I placed the bowl of pasta e fagioli on the tray with a plate of apple pie ice cream pie..you can’t have Mexican food without Mexican dessert..I hope Alexa likes my food
“You re-ady?”Madam Oliver asked and I nodded as I re-moved my apron and hung it
“Let’s go”
I carried the tray and I exited the kitchen and there she was sitting in all glory..with an aura of deliciousness(LOL)
Okay..I can do this
“So sorry ma’am for keeping you waiting”Madam Oliver said and Alexa smiled
“No problem..I know the dish I ordered for would take much time”she said in her beautiful no so American accent..it sounded more Mexican
“Here is your order”I said as I placed her food carefully on the table
“Looks nice..I bet it’ll taste nice”she said and I mentally squealed
“I bet it will,enjoy your meal and we are at your service if you nee-d us”Madam Oliver said and she nodded
“We’ll be going now”with that,we both bowed and left her pres£nce
“How’d it go?”Andrea asked as soon as we got back to the kitchen
“Fine…I guess”I said with a shrug
“I hope she likes your food Abby”Sally said and I crossed my f!ngers
“I hope so”
“Hey let me see”
“No..I wanna see what’s going on too”
“Jeez you’re stepping on me”
Micheal,Sally and Andrea are peeping throu-gh the door to hear what Alexa is telling Madam Oliver..not that they can hear anyways
“They are coming everyb©dy shut up”Andrea whisper yelled…we weren’t even talking
The door creaked open and Alexa walked in with Madam Oliver trailing behind
“Are these your workers?”Alexa asked
“Yes my Lady”Mrs Oliver answered
“Hmm”she bu-mmed as she strode checking us out one after the other..my breath almost hitched when she got to my front
“Who made the pasta”she asked and my heart skipped a beat
“Its Abigail ma’am”Ma’am oliver said and I stepped out..I was so scared..didn’t she like my food?..was it too spicy,salty?..or she didn’t like the honey I put in it…different questions ran throu-gh my mind
“You are the Abigail?”she asked
“Yes ma’am”I said trying ha-rd not to shutter
“Where did you learn that recipe?”
“Online?..just that?”she asked and I nodded
“How many times did you practice or before you got it?”
“I tried it once and I got it that very first time”I said and she smiled
“Did you go to any catering school?”
Jeez,why is she asking me these questions
“No ma’am,not at all”I answered
What does she mean by wow
“That dish is the best thing I’ve ever tasted in my whole life”
“Yes..that was superb,no superb is not the word,the word is…perfection”she said and OH MY GOD
Alexa Grande loves my food…she likes my food!!!
“Thank you ma’am”it took me a lot of self control not to scream out
“You don’t nee-d to thank me…that meal deserves a 5 star”she said and I couldn’t st©p smiling..I faced side ways and Andrea gave me a thumbs up with a grin
“And for that…”she reached into her bag and took out an envelope..the envelope was kinda big..like it is stuffed with something heavy
She took my hand and placed the envelope on it
“Madam Oliver,I give your restaurant a big thumbs up…and I’m re-ady to sponsor you in any area”she said and Madam Oliver beamed in delight
“Oh my God…thank you ma’am ,thank you so much ma’am ”
“You’re welcome and….I’ve not paid for my food.”
She reached for her bag again and took out almost 4 bundles of money…how can four bundles of money be in a bag,I’m sure there are still more in that bag
“Oh my God,this is too much my Lady”Madam Oliver said and Alexa chuckled..you know those rich and influential chuckle
“You earned it..now if you would excuse me,I have a meeting to attend to..kudos to you workers as well,you’re doing a really good job here..keep it up”with that,she proceeded to the door and left the kitchen
“We just got a good recommendation from the best chef in the world”Micheal said unbelievably
“We just got sponso-red by the best chef in the world”Andrea squealed
“Oh my God”I squealed and they all laughed
“I can’t believe this”Sally said
“Neither can I”Kelly added
“Someone should hold me,I’m about to die of excitement”Madam Oliver said as she c@m£ inside the kitchen
“We can’t hold you because we are all dying of excitement”I squealed and they all squealed with me
“Today is the best day of my life”Madam Oliver said in a sing song as she danced around the kitchen with the money bundles on her head
“What’s in the envelope Abigail”Kelly asked and I gazed at the envelope in my hands…I don’t know what’s in it but what’s in my head right now is…
💎Diamond In The rou-gh💎
💎Episode 5💎
💕Madison’s POV💕
“Mama”Mich squealed as he jumped on me
“Hey baby..had a fun time at school?”I asked and he nodded
“I got my sums right”he said and I chuckled
“You did?”he nodded and I pinched his cheeks pla-yfully
“Good boy,for that,I’m gonna buy you popsicle”I said and he squealed as he cl@pped his hands
“Let’s go Home”
I hailed a cab and we went home..I still can’t hold the excitement..I still can’t believe Alexa liked..no,loved my dish,I made the restaurant get a good recommendation and a lifetime sponsor from Alexa Grande..is this good luck or what?
“Yay..we’re home”Mich squealed as i unlocked the door
“I’m gonna go pla-y”he scurried to the room and I trailed behind him
I got to the room and slumped on my be-d..I’m exhausted
I sat up and reached for my bag and took the envelope out..I don’t know why I’m so scared to open it..okay,here goes nothing
I opened the envelope and di-pped my hands inside it,my hands felt something and I took it out..my eyes almost popped out of its socket..
4hvge bundles of $100 notes…someone should plea-se wake me up….OMG,I’m sweating right now,I’ve never held money this much before,what I’m I supposed to do with this hvge money..I gotta do something..I’ll call Jason..yes I’ll do that
I quic-kly took my phone and dialed Jason’s number
📞”hey sis
📞”I’m gonna explode
📞”okay…picture this as I tell you
📞”this afternoon at work,I got the shocker of my life
📞”what is that
📞”Alexa Grande..in my place of work!!!”I squealed
📞”no way
📞”yes way
📞”then what happened
📞”then she ordered for Pasta e Fagioli
📞”what the hell is that?
📞”its a Mexican dish that no one in the restaurant except me knew how to cook
📞”wait…so you cooked it?
📞”OMG..so,so what happened..did she like it?
📞”she didn’t like it
📞”she actually loved it
He squealed like a teenage girl..I had to take the phone away from my ears to prevent it from being blocked
📞”Oh my God sis this is fv¢king good news
📞”heck yeah..and guess what?
📞”she promised our restaurant a lifetime sponsor and not only that,she payed a lot of money for the dish..almost a hundred thousand dollars
📞”The fv¢k?
📞”yeah its crazy…that’s not even the best p@rt
📞”what’s the best p@rt
📞”when she got to know I was the one that cooked the dish,she gave me an envelope filled with something..guess what the something is
📞”yes money!!!
📞”Jesus…wait wait how much
📞”I don’t know…I got home now and I checked the envelope and boom..four bundles of $100 poured out”I whisper yelled and I heard him g@sp
📞”okay sis,I’m literally jumping round the house right now..like..I can’t contain my happiness
📞”Me too…I’m so hyped right now..what I’m I supposed to do with that much money
📞”Um…you know what?
📞”find a way to save it..maybe in a bank or a safe place..we’ll know what to do with it later”
📞”okay..gosh I’m visibly trembling right now
📞”just breathe and relax,calm your nerves
📞”okay…I’ll talk to you later
📞”yh…but sis,plea-se call dad okay?
📞”I will
📞”okay,thanks bye
📞”take care
I cut the call and squealed as I bounced on my be-d still squealing
Mich laughed at my displa-y
“What”he asked and I laughed
“I’m happy”
“Happy?”he snuggled up to me and I nodded with a smile
“yay!mama’s happy”he squealed and started jumping on the be-d and I joined him..our giggles filled the room as we jumped up and down
We finally settled down and I was breathing heavily..I picked up the envelope to return the money in it but I felt something dangling in it
I di-pped my hands in and brou-ght out what was dangling and..is this..is this a card??
Wait a sec..its her card..Alexa Grande’s card,she left her card in the envelope..or she deliberately put it there?
Wait..does this mean I have to call her?..I’m kinda confused
I’ve been staring at the card as I twirled it in my f!ngersfor almost 10minutes now not knowing what to do to it..
A battle is going on in my head right now..should I call or not
I think I’ll call..yeah,I will
I punched in the numbers with trembling hands and cli-cked on “call”..it rang and i breathed in sharply
There’s no going back now
She finally picked and I cleared my throat before talking
📞”Good evening ma’am”I greeted
📞”good evening and to whom I’m I speaking
📞”um..this is Abigail ma’am,the girl that cooked your order at Olivers”wait,doesn’t that sound stupid?
📞”oh yeah..I’ve been waiting for your call since”
📞”Yes..I nee-d to talk to you..in person
📞”when ma’am
📞”My chauffeur would come pick you at your house tomorrow by 10am..if that’s okay by you
📞”its okay ma’am..that’s fine by me
📞”excellent..your address?
📞”oh..yeah..12,silver’s avenue
📞”good..we shall see tomorrow
📞”okay ma’am
📞”um…ma’am I saw the money,thank you so much..I really appreciate
📞”its nothing my dear
📞”Thanks ma’am
📞”its okay..bye for now and do take care of yourself
📞”good bye ma’am
The call ended and I sighed..she wants to see me?..but,why?
💕Alexa’s POV💕
I placed my phone on the be-d after the call,I can’t wait to speak to Abigail,she has some potentials and I also wanna know the reason behind her leaving home and changing her name..yeah I know she’s Madison Campbell..I heard about the news that happened a year ago,maybe that’s why she changed her name..I’ll find out tomorrow
“Hey mum”I heard a voice behind me and I turned..its my loving son,Romeo,he’s the best son I could ever ask for
“Hey sweetheart”he pe-cked me on the cheek and I smiled
“How was today”he asked as he took a seat beside me on the be-d
“It was fine…school is kinda tiring recently”he huffed and I chuckled
“Hmm,ma-king progress with your cooking dreams?”he hummed a yes and I patted his head…well,Romeo is attending a catering school,my catering school,Alexa Grandes Catering School,the biggest catering school in the world,we recruit youths that have dreams of becoming great cooks in the future and build them into something big…not that i f0rç£d Rommy to go,he naturally likes cooking,he says he wanna be the biggest chef in the world after me and he’s working towards it..I’m so proud of him
“And mum..Tiana extends her greetings”he said and I reluctantly hummed…Tiana is his girlfriend who I dislike a lot,that girl is the most disrespectful girl I’ve known,she lacks the word “Respect”she is ras,unmannered,i can’t call her my daughter-in-law in public,she’s a disappointment..I wonder what he gave Romeo to eat that he couldn’t see how bad she is
“Hmm?..is that all you’re gonna say?”he asked and I rolled my eyes
“Did you expect me to start jumping and screaming…yay! Tania extended her greetings to me”I screamed with unenthusiasm
“I don’t know why you don’t like her”
“I didn’t say that”
“Whatever,I’m going to my room..good night”he pe-cked me on my forehead and left my room
“I gotta sleep..I’m kinda tired”
💕Jason’s POV💕
I was doing some work on my computer when i heard a knock on my door
“Come in”
The door creaked open revea-ling dad in his pajamas,seems his re-ady for be-d
“Hey dad”I said as I closed my l@pt©p and placed it on the stool behind my be-d
“Hey son”
“Something you nee-d?”
“No,I..I actually wanna talk to you”he said and I arched my brow
“Sure,come sit”I said tapping a space beside me,he sat beside me and sighed de-eply before he talked
“Have you been reaching Madison?”he asked and I sighed
“I know you’ve been reaching her,you don’t have to lie”he said and I sighed in defeat
“What if I am?”
“I just wanna ask if..you know,if you could give me her number…he old number isn’t going,seems she changed her line”
“If I give you her number what do you wanna use it to do”I asked and he paused as he looked at me sternly
“I wanna call her..because..because I miss her,I miss my princess,she’s been gone for the past one year and..and its killing me,I wanna hear her voice even if I won’t get to see her,plea-se Jason plea-se”he begged in the verge of tears..I know he misses her,its very evident
“Dad..”I called as I took his hands
“You s£nt her out of the house remember?”I said and he nodded
“I know..and I’m sorry,i..I wasn’t in my right s-en-se then..I thought it would make things better but no,it made me lose her,I’m really sorry”He’s finally in tears right now and its ma-king me wanna cry
“Come here dad”I pu-ll-ed him into a hvg and I patted his back
“You don’t nee-d to call her dad,she said she’ll call you”I said and he raised his head up abruptly
“Really?”he beamed and I nodded
“Yeah..she’ll call you tomorrow”he sniffed and nodded
“Thank you son”
“You’re welcome dad…now go to sleep”I said and he stood up with a sigh
“I feel really happy right now..you sure she’s gonna call?”
“Very sure”
He jumped up in delight and gave a silent squeal
“I’m gonna talk to Madi…I’m gonna talk to Madi..gonna talk to Madi”he kept saying in a sing song wiggling his bu-tt as he exited my room..He’s sure really happy,I’m glad to see him this happy again
Gosh I’m sleepy..I got on my be-d and switched off the lamp and I drifted to sleep.