Crazy billionaire child episode 3 & 4

❣(Psycho’s falls in love)❣
✍️Episode 3✍️
I glanced at Zach briefly before turning to face my mom.
“Who’s he betrothed to?” I asked not referring to anyone.
“Ashley, this is your betrothed, Dad has always talk about” Mom smiled facing the Price’s.
“Zach, I bet, Ashley would make a good mother to your kids” Mr Price tapped Zach’s shoulder.
“Dad, can a woman who smokes make a good mother?” Zach said with so much mockery in his tone.
I kept staring at him frightened, what if he decided to tell everyone that he knew me before now.
“Zach, No responsible woman would smoke” Mrs Price added.
“Of course, No responsible woman would do such, so why are you asking me to marry an err…..atic” Zach lingered and I gave him a pleading eyes, “well, I meant in some movies, most parents f0rç£d their children to marry irresponsible spouse”.
“Talking about irresponsible, what your definition for that?” I changed my position to sit with Zach.
“A woman who smokes, a woman disregarding a man, all these are irresponsible act” He move slightly away from me.
“Haven’t you seen men who threatens to beat up their betrothed, men who drinks to stupor, men who change women like the way women change undies, are these not also irresponsible men?” She hissed loudly giving a devious sm-irk.
“Ashley, there’s no point arguing with you, only if I had known” I ru-bbe-d my palms against my forehead.
“If you had known what!” Aunty Ophelia screamed ma-king me jo-lt in shock.
“If he had known I was his betrothed” I covered up.
“Do you two know each other before now?” Aunty Ophelia eyed us cynically.
“No!!!” We both yelled again for a second time.
I was about to say something when Zach gr@bb£d my hands.
“Excuse my betrothed and I” He smiled and I glared at him.
We hurried up the stairs, Zach pushed me into his room violently, ma-king me hit my bu-tt on his be-d so ha-rd .
“So you don’t want to behave reasonable right?” He locked the door with keys and dashed to his closet bringing out a wh!p.
“What did I do?” I ru-bbe-d my bu-tt which still hurt.
“How dare you disgrace me in front of my parents?” He spat, “just because of what you said, Aunty Ophelia thinks we know each other”
“But you started all these” I laughed loudly.
“When am done with you, you will learn to keep those silly mouth of yours shut” He put up the wh!pand almost landed it on my b©dy.
I turned swiftly, avoiding the wh!p. I picked up the flower vase which was on the center table and threw it against the television hanging on the wall, Everything shattered within a twi-nkle. quic-kly, I took a piece of the broken flower vase and stood in front of a frustrated Zach.
“Make another attempt to hit me and see what I would do to you” I raised the glas-s above my head.
“Look, what you have done” He was fretting, “you have destroyed my TV” He spoke sadly.
“Zach, you caused it” I sat beside him on the couch.
“Ashley, you would have to go downstairs and tell everyone that we can’t marry” He ordered, “we aren’t compatible and can never be”
“Zach, you would have to say that yourself” I shrugged.
“Ohh, so you want me to tell my parents that I can’t marry you, so you would be the good one, why not go tell them yourself, so I would be the good one” I laughed loudly.
“How did I ever meet you?” Zach sighed in frustration.
We kept quiet and was staring at the ceiling when we heard a knock on the door.
“Zach!!” That was mom, Mrs Price.
Mom kept knocking.
Zach and I got up, and we gathered all the shattered glas-ses into the washroom. I got a broom and quic-kly sweep the pieces, while I rushed to open the door, Zach la-id on the be-d and pretended to be asleep.
“Are you two slee-ping?” Mom asked without ma-king an attempt to enter the room.
“Yes ma” I ru-bbe-d my eyes yawning loudly.
“Oh, sorry for disturbing” Mom smiled and walked away.
I fell on the be-d and Zach opened his eyes. It was really crazy!, I mean, was I going to spend my entire life pretending?.
I smiled as I watch her sleep. Her smile was so captivating. I stro-ked her hairs gently, pla-ying with herl-ips. I k!$$£d her pas-sionately and she opened her eyes gradually.
“How long have I been here?” She said in her most S-xy voice.
“Three hours now” I tapped on my phone screen, checking the time, it was past 5pm.
She got off the be-d and walked to the washroom, “I nee-d to go now”
She hurriedly took her bath. Once, she was done dressing, she took her phone and dialed her father’s number.
“Dad, could you plea-se call the driver, I got an appointment by 6pm”
Her father gave a reply, I couldn’t hear. She sat on my centre table and attem-pted to wear her shoes when her eyes caught her purse.
“Well, you planning on keeping this with you?” She took the purse and unlocked it.
“I thought of giving you when next I see you” I chuckled.
“Where’s my thirty dollar?” She yelled.
“It’s not your money” I sh0t her a stern look.
“I thought you were only a womaniser, I never knew you are a thief” She sounded upset, “Give me my money before I scream thief” she threatened.
“I owe you nothing” I said boldly.
Before I knew, what was going on, she gr!pp£dmy shi-t by the n£¢k.
“Give me my money or I’ll strangle you” She held my shi-t by the collar firmly.
Just then, the door opened.
“Zach love, The shi-t looks perfect on you” She adjusted my collars and placed a k!sson myl-ip.
“Aunty Ophelia brou-ght this dress for me” I t©uçhed her cheeks.
“Trust me, to take care of you when we finally get married ” Ashley giggled
“Perfect couple” Aunty Ophelia who had been watching said, “Zach” Aunty Ophelia called, placing emphasis on my name.
I stared at her with so much fear.
“What happened to the TV?”
❣(psycho’s falls in love)❣
✍️ Episode 4✍️
I kept staring at Aunty Ophelia with Ashley still glued to me. I had wra-pped my hands round her w@!st the moment Aunty Ophelia walked in.
“Oh, the TV” Ashley’s voice pu-ll-ed me out of my thoughts.
“Yes, how come all of a sudden the TV is no longer on the wall” Aunty Ophelia combe-d my room with her eyes.
I prayed silently for her not to notice the flower vase. Aunty Ophelia had been my nanny, since I was six and since then till now, she helps arrange my room and serves me food. Even though I was grown up now, she still saw me as that “little Zach”.
“Aunty Ophelia, the TV had a minor fault, so Zach took it off so he could make some corrections” She lied with a smile.
“Yes, Aunty Ophelia” I chuckled nervously.
“Zach, get me the TV, I could help fix it” Aunty Ophelia commanded.
“You said?” Ashley and I asked together.
“Where’s the TV, I know a technician who can……”
“Madam Ophelia” Mom’s loud voice disrupted Aunty Ophelia s£ntence.
“Yes, Mrs Price” Aunty Ophelia answered immediately and left the room.
Ashley sighed de-eply as we were both sweating profusely even when the air conditioner was on.
“Zach, I nee-d to go” Ashley pu-ll-ed herself out of my embr@ce, and took her purse.
“What about your Dad’s driver” I mumbled faintly.
“Tell him, I took a cab when he comes” She left the room.
I fell on my be-d and thought on how to save the whole TV issue before mom gets to know about it.
I was about opening the Price’s gate when Mrs Price called.
“Ashley” She waved her hands.
I st©pped and gazed briefly at her before dragging my foot to met her.
“Mrs. Price, Hope you are fine?” I had no idea what to say.
“Yes, I’m just bothered about your safety” She glowed.
“Excuse me”
“Zach!, hope he didn’t hurt you?” She sighed.
“N….., No” I stuttered, “Zach has been so nice since I c@m£ in” I chuckled.
“You two would probably make a good home then” Mrs. Price let out.
“A good what” I mocked coughing out loudly, “yes, Zach and I would make unique family” I quic-kly concocted myself.
“Can you visit the Price’s again?” She asked politely in a pleading tone.
“Yes, this Saturday” I shrugged.
About to leave when Dad’s driver drove into the compound, “I’ll have to go now, Mrs. Price” I waved and sprang into the back seat.
“What kept you?” I yelled out the moment we drove out of Zach’s house.
“Sorry ma” was all the driver could say.
I felt like giving him a ha-rd knock but on a second thought, I pitied him.
After my appointment, I drove to my parents house. I didn’t bother asking the driver to take me home because I nee-ded to talk to mom.
“Ashley, I guess you enjoyed your today with Zach” Dad smiled at me.
“Enjoyed!” I rolled my eyes, “today is just like every other day” I said plainly.
“Ashley, remember that the only way you can have access to my property is to marry your betrothed” Dad said sternly.
“Dad, what I don’t get is how we were betrothed, I don’t un-derstand this whole damn thing” I was almost yelling.
“Ashley Bell, do all you can to save my face” Dad gave a shaky chuckle and excused himself.
While Dad was talking, mom sat and was watching. Dad left and I sat beside mom.
“Mommy, how much do you know about love” I gave a puppy face placing my head on her che-st.
“Love is beautiful and it’s best felt when it’s sincere” Mom explained.
“Mom, believe me, I don’t love Zach an inch. He’s too pompous” I complained.
“Ashley, you two are just coming up, Believe me, with time you two will get to un-derstand and love each other” Mom ca-ressed my cheeks.
“Seriously mom, I don’t believe that” I frowned.
I was just returning from where I went to get a new TV. All thanks to Ashley, who made me waste a fortune because of her reckless attitude. I parked at the back of mom’s car so it would be easier for me to move the TV to my room.
“Where are you going with a new TV” mom startled me.
“Mom, my old TV had issues and beside am tired of using that old Tv” I lied boldly.
“Zach, you should be saving towards your wedding and not buying TV” Aunty Ophelia who was standing beside mom added.
“Yes Zach, your second mom is right, you have to save towards that wedding” Mom smiled at me.
“Mom, who’s getting married?” I asked confused.
“You of course” Aunty Ophelia move towards me.
“Mom, I’m sorry if this is going to sound as a disrespect, but I will not marry that girl, Never!” I walked out on the both of them to my room.
Only if they knew that, that girl was such a who-re. Never in my life, would I take someone who smokes as a p@rtner. I smash my fist against the wall with so much anger.
“Arghhh” I screamed in pain.
“Zach” That was mom knocking on the door.
I kept mute because I wasn’t going to talk about this whole wedding issue.
“Mom, just go away” I said
“Zach, your father wants to speak with you”
I opened my fridge and brou-ght out a glas-s of water. I gulped it and prepared myself for Dad’s talk.
“Son, what is the problem” Dad asked.
“Daddy, I don’t find myself liking that girl not to talk of love” I said sincerely, “I don’t love her”
“But we have discussed about your betrothed long before now and you were eager to meet her” Dad paused.
“Now that I have seen her, I don’t like her” I blunted.
“Zach, you know that your wedding with Ashley is the only way I can get a 75 million dollar contract with Mr Bell” Dad took a de-ep breath, “don’t ruin this for me” Dad pleaded.
“D,,,,,,,ad” I tried to say something.
“Zach, disobey me and lose the right to own my as-set” Dad threatened.
Will the psycho’s be able to pu-ll throu-gh their parent’s threat?…..what if they end up daring their parents?

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