Castle of love episode 37 & 38

Castle of love episode 37


(At Lucas Hospital)

Mr Smith: How is she now Doctor?

Doctor Welsh: Mr Smith, your daughter is still in a bad condition and she’s losing a lot of blood, Her blood group is O and She’ll nee-d a blood transfusion from someone with the same blood group as hers

Mr Smith: Oh no, my blood group is B

Blair: Mine too

Austin: Mine is A, I can’t donate to her.

Mr Smith: (To Doctor Welsh) But don’t you have the blood group O in your blood bank?

Doctor Welsh: I’m afraid not, we’re out of blood group O… If you don’t find someone who can donate to her on time then….

Blair: (quivering) Then what?

Doctor Welsh: She might not make it

(He goes into a ward)

Mr Smith: (falls on the floor crying) What am I going to do now?

Blair: Mr Smith, get up, Crying and wailing wouldn’t solve anything.

Austin: Wait here Blair

Blair: Where’re you going?

Austin: Back to the castle, I’m going to go get someone from the castle with blood group O

Mr Smith: (happily) Really? Thank you so much Prince Austin

(Back at the castle)

King Jerod: King Roland plea-se listen to her, She’s innocent, This hitman might just be trying to frame her for something she didn’t do.

King Roland: Well there’s no way she can prove her innocence… Until then, she remains in the dungeon.

King Jerod: This isn’t fair, she’s the only child I have and the heir to the throne of Cas-sagrande

King Roland: Actions have consequences, she should have thought about that before hiring a hitman to kill Paris

King Jerod: But she didn’t do it

(Austin comes running in)

King Roland: What’s the matter son?

Austin: It’s Paris, she nee-d blood transfusion from someone with blood group O.

King Jerod: I and Anita’s blood group is O as well

King Roland: We don’t nee-d your blood, I’m sure someone else in this castle has the same blood group as Paris.

(After getting medical reports from everyone in the castle, it turns out that no one has the same blood group as Paris)

King Roland: That’s all, No one else is O

Paul: Dad, the only way to save Paris is to accept King Jerod’s help

King Roland: No way!

Paul: Dad plea-se, right now we have to put pride and ego aside.. They’re the only one who can save her

King Roland: Very well (To a guard) Fetch Anita from the dungeon

Guard: Yes my king

(Anita is brou-ght from the dungeon)

King Roland: Are you re-ady to confess?

Anita: (sighs) I didn’t do it!

King Roland: Paris is in nee-d of blood, Her blood group is O and she’ll nee-d a blood transfusion from someone with the same blood group as hers, After a thorou-gh search it turns out that no one else has blood group O,Your father tells me your blood group is O and she’ll which means you’re the only one who can save her life.

Anita: So what do I do?

King Roland: You’ll follow my son, Austin back to the hospital and donate blood to Paris.


Mr Smith: How is she now?

Doctor Welsh: Fortunately, The blood transfusion was successful, She’s better now Mr Smith

Mr Smith: (he falls on his knees) Thank God.

Doctor Welsh: And she’s alre-ady responding to her treatments

Paul: Thank you so much Doctor Welsh

Doctor Welsh: You’re welcome, just doing my job my prince

(He leaves)

Blair: (To Austin and Paul) Who was the person that donated blood to Paris?

Paul: It was Anita

(At the castle)

Anita: I’ve returned my king

King Jerod: King Roland, Anita just saved Paris life, And royal protocols demand that all debts be paid, Am I right?

King Roland: You are, But I’m going to make an exception in this case

Anita: What? Why?

King Roland: You have to confess or else, You’re never going to be spared.

King Jerod: But this is ridiculous!

King Roland: Jerod! Remember what I told you earlier

King Jerod: Forgive me King Roland

King Roland: Anita, The only way you’ll be saved is of you confess to your crimes, The hitman alre-ady has solid evidence against you….

Anita: Fine! I did it… I paid the hitman $1,500 two days ago to kill Paris because I just wanted revenge against her for humiliating me, Now I’m an object of mockery in Cas-sagrande because Paul abandoned me

King Roland: Very well, As you should know, all crimes deliberate or accidental cannot go unpunished.

Anita: I know….

King Roland: By the King’s decree, You are hereby banished from Azrael, And if you ever return, you’ll be killed on sight.

Queen Anna: (g@sps) Oh no

King Roland: Leave Azrael at once and do not ever return!

Anita: Yes King Roland

(Anita and her family leave the castle)

(That night)
(In Austin’s room)

Austin: (gro-an ing) Uhhh (he dreams while he sleeps)

(In his dreams, He’s in a beautiful meadow surrounded by beautiful flowers, Suddenly, the flowers turns brown and the clouds turns red, He looks and sees Queen Victoria approaching him with a dagger and she shouts “You’ve stolen my son’s honor”, She begins to chase him and he runs for his life, He falls over a ledge but before he gets up, Queen Victoria catches him and pins him down, Then she plucks out his eyes and stabs him continuously while shouting “You’ve stolen my son’s honor “… Austin screams and wakes up in fright)

Blair: (she wakes up on hearing his scream) What’s wrong?

Austin: I just had a terrible nightmare

Blair: About?

Austin: About my step mom, she was chasing after me with a dagger and when she caught me, she kept stabbing me till I died.

Blair: What could this mean?

Austin: That my life is in danger…


Castle of love episode 38

(At Flavor Motel)

King Jerod: Hurry up and pack your things Anita, The guards mustn’t meet us here by dawn

Anita: Yes father

King Jerod: You’re a disgrace to our family.

Anita: I’m a disgrace? How?

King Jerod: Why would you pay an as-sas-sin to kill that baker’s daughter, How do you think the subjects of Cas-sagrande would react if they find out about this.

Anita: But you wanted revenge on the people of Azrael as well, including King Roland… Besides Paris is an Azraelean.

King Jerod: I wanted revenge against King Roland but it didn’t involve murder.

Anita: Whatever! The deed has been done alre-ady!

King Jerod: Ugh! You’re just like your mother

Queen Anna: Do not bring me into this (To Anita) Don’t mind your father, sweetie.

Anita: Never did, never will.

Queen Anna: Good! (pats her head) My poor daughter, now you’ve lost Paul forever to that wretch!

Anita: Honestly, I give up on him, Paris can have him if she wants, My life is worth more than fighting for that stupid boy

Queen Anna: Now that’s the spirit…..

King Jerod: You both should st©p talking and pack, it’s almost 6am.

(A day later, At the hospital)

Mr Smith: Doctor how is she ?

Doctor Welsh: She’s much better now, She’s fully conscious, you can go in and see her now

Paul: Okay

(In Paris ward)

Paris: (her eyes are half opened) Dad? Paul?

Mr Smith: (hvgs her) I’m so elated, Thank God you’re alright now

Paul: (hold her hands and k!sses her) I’m so happy you’re back, I don’t know what I’d do if you had given up the ghost

Paris: What…. happened?

Paul: You got sh0t while we were at your dad’s bakery about five days ago, And you were in a really bad condition, you lost a lot of blood but fortunately, Anita donated blood to you… (sighs) Thank God you’re ok

Paris: Me too, Where’s Anita? I should thank her for saving my life

Paul: She had to, She is the one behind your predic@m£nt, she paid a hitman to kill you and fortunately she was caught…. Saving you was the only way she could be spared.

Paris: And what about the hitman?

(Back at the castle)

King Roland: (To the hitman) What is your name?

Hitman: My name is Felix Merantè, I’m from Ayrendil…. But I usually come here because I have many people here in Azrael who pay me to kill people, You know what they say, everyday for the thief, one day for the owner, my cu-p is full alre-ady, I guess it is time for me to die.

King Roland: Good to know you’re aware, I’ll decide what to do with you, until then…. (to the guards) Take him to the dungeon

Guard: Yes your Majesty

(In Cecilia’s room)

Austin: I nee-d to talk to you about something important

Cecilia: Go on

Austin: I keep having this dream, That I’m a in peaceful place but suddenly everywhere becomes turbulent, And our step mom appears and begins to chase me

Cecilia: We should see a priest about this, This isn’t ordinary

Austin: (bur-sts into laughter) A priest? Why do you always as-sume everything is spiritual

Cecilia: This is no laughing matter, Your life could be in danger.

Austin: But do you think our step mom is trying to kill me?

Cecilia: Probably, But that’ll never happen.

Austin: I hope so, I’ll have to watch her closely

Cecilia: And you’ll have to be heavily guarded, Prevention is better than cure.

(At the dungeon)

Tiana: What are you in here for?

Hitman: Attem-pted murder

Tiana: Who did you try to kill?

Hitman: Paris Smith, I was paid to do it.

Tiana: Has the king pas-sed out your judgment?

Hitman: Not yet, that’s why I’m in here.

(Queen Victoria comes to the dungeon)

Queen Victoria: Hey Tiana, how’s life treating you in here

Tiana: Badly.

Queen Victoria: Well this is your fault, Next time you’ll learn not to say things abruptly.

Tiana: I know it’s my fault but plea-se have you talked to the king?

Queen Victoria: Be patient!

Tiana: plea-se hurry up, I’m dying in here, I haven’t eaten good food in a week

Queen Victoria: He’ll take his time to reconsider

Tiana: Isn’t there anyway you could make him hasten up?!

Queen Victoria: What’s wrong with you? I told you to be patient! I told you never to say what we did to anyone but you forgot what I said, You even deserve all of this, I regret ever joining f0rç£s with you, You’re so dumb and stupid!

Tiana: (surprised by her outbur-st) Huh?

(Queen Victoria leaves the dungeon)

Tiana: Wait….. Come back!!!

(That night, In Austin’s room)

Austin: (wakes up again in fright) Ahhhhhh!

Blair: (she wakes up too) A nightmare?

Austin: Yeah, I should go wash my face.

(Austin goes to wash his face and returns back to the be-d)

Blair: Are you re-ady to sleep now?

Austin: That’s if I’ll sleep, I keep recalling that dream

Blair: I want to go get water for you to drink downstairs, I’ll be back soon

Austin: Okay thanks

(Blair goes to see Tiana)

Tiana: What do you want b©yfri£ndsnatcher?

Blair: I want us to talk

Tiana: About what?

Blair: Queen Victoria!

Tiana: I know nothing about her or whatever you’re about to ask me, I swear to God, she never helped me to…..(realizes what’s she’s saying and st©ps talking)

Blair: She never helped you to what?

Tiana: (quivering) Nothing.

Blair: (notices her nervousness) You know something, spill it, what is Queen Victoria up to?

Tiana: I told you alre-ady, Nothing.

Blair: Austin’s been having strange dreams about her chasing him, And I believe it’s connected to her in real life

Tiana: You should ask her about it, not me….

Blair: She’s the only one you ever as-sociate with in this castle which means you must know something about all these

Tiana: Well I’m not in her head, It’s not like I know when or how she’s planning to kill you and Austin.

Blair: (realizes she just spilled the truth) You know what… I shouldn’t bother wasting my time with you, You’re clearly not re-ady to talk.

(Blair leaves the dungeon)

Blair: Oh no, this is bad, I wish I was with my phone to have recorded all what Tiana said, Queen Victoria is planning to kill I and Austin, But why? Wait a second…. Her son, Paul would have been the heir to the throne if Austin wasn’t alive and maybe she wants to kill him to accomplish her mission and I’m just one of the obstacles in her way, That’s why she’s after our lives…. It all makes s-en-se now.