Castle of love episode 39 & 40

Castle of love episode 39


(Blair returns to the room with a glas-s of water and gives it to Austin)

Austin: (collects it) Thank you (he gulps it down)

Blair: Do you think this dream may be connected to your step mom in real life?

Austin: Honestly, I don’t know

Blair: This might sound ridiculous but I think she’s trying to kill you in real life, The dream you’ve been having is a warning sign that you should be on guard.

Austin: You’re right, But what could she possibly gain by killing me? (thinks) Wait…. Maybe she wants me dead so Paul can inherit the throne

Blair: I thought so too, Should we tell your dad?

Austin: He wouldn’t believe us without solid proof, It’ll just sound like a far fetched tale to him.

Blair: In that case, we should always be on alert, we’re in a castle with over a hundred people, Not everyone will like us,enemies are everywhere, We don’t know who is who.

Austin: Yeah

Blair: (yawns) I nee-d to get some sleep, Just to relax and clear your mind

Austin: I can’t

Blair: Should I get you warm milk?

Austin: I can’t take it, I’m lactose intolerant.

Blair: Ohhhh, So what should I get for you?

Austin: Just go to sleep, Don’t worry about me.

(Next morning)

Blair: Good morning, Did you get some sleep last night

Austin: Yeah, I get some shut- eye

(Just then, Blair holds her hand over mouth as if she wants to puke)

Austin: What’s the matter?

Blair: (mumbles) I’ll be back

(Blair runs to the toilet to vomit, Austin follows her)

Austin: Are you ok?

Blair: I don’t think so, I feel weak and nauseous

Austin: I should take you to the hospital

Blair: There’s no nee-d for that, I’m…..

(She vomits again)

Austin: Now I’m definitely taking you to the hospital

(At Lucas Hospital)

Doctor Welsh: Great news, Paris health has improved greatly, she’ll be discharged in three days time.

Mr Smith: Wow, this is wonderful, thank you so much Doctor.

Doctor Welsh: You’re welcome, Excuse me

(He leaves)

Paul: I’m so happy

Mr Smith: So am I, Thank you Prince Paul, for taking care of her bills, I’m really grateful for this

Paul: It’s nothing, I love Paris and I’d do anything to make sure she’s alright.

(Austin takes Blair to Lucas hospital for some tests to be run on her)

Blair: What’d you think the test results will say?

Austin: I have no idea, we just hope for good news.

(Doctor Welsh comes out from a ward)

Austin: So Doctor, What’d the results say?

Doctor Welsh: Congratulations Prince Austin, Blair is two and a half weeks pregnant

Austin: (happily) Wow…

Blair: (screams in excitement) Woah!!! I can’t believe it…. This is great news!!!

Doctor Welsh: You should start your antenatal care treatments in about a month

Blair: Okay

(He goes into a ward)

Lola: I’m happy for you both

Blair: Thank you my darling

(She hvgs Blair)

Austin: (To Blair) We should start preparing, I should go buy baby items, diapers, baby wipes, formulas….

Blair: Calm down Austin, isn’t it too early?

Austin: Its not… Never say never!

(Back at the castle, Austin and Blair inform everyone of the good news)

King Roland: I’m happy for you my son… I’m going to be a grandfather

Cecilia: This is amazing, Congratulations

Austin: Thank you

(Queen Victoria enters the room)

Queen Victoria: What’s the jubilation all about?

Paul: Blair is pregnant mom, Austin’s gonna be a father soon.

Queen Victoria: (feigns her smiles) Glorious news, it would be nice to have a baby crawling here in this castle after so many years.

(Blair and Austin exchange glances)

Blair: (to the king) We’ll be back my king, we nee-d to go plan a list of the baby groceries

(Blair takes Austin to their room)

Blair: I just had a rethink, we shouldn’t have told anyone that we’re expecting a baby

Austin: Why shouldn’t we have done that?

Blair: Like I said earlier, we don’t know who is who, Someone might plan to kill me just to get rid of our child

Austin: Oh yeah, I guess I didn’t think this throu-gh

Blair: Now I’m really scared

Austin: Don’t be, Nothing will ever happen to us.

(In the dungeon)

Hitman: I regret everything bad I’ve done, I know that if I die, I’m going straight to hell.

Tiana: Good for you.

Hitman: You haven’t told me why you’re in here

Tiana: Well I and the queen burnt down the sto-reroom in an attempt to kill Blair, the prince’s wife but unfortunately it was the prince that was in there

Hitman: How did you get caught?

Tiana: I expo-sed myself, I just didn’t know what c@m£ over me.

Hitman: So you’re the one taking blame for all of that while the queen got away?

Tiana: Well I’ll be re-leased soon.

Hitman: (laughs) Wow I’ve never met someone this ditzy, so what’d you think your judgment will be?

Tiana: Well I’m confident I won’t be punished because Queen Victoria told me she was going to talk to the king to re-lease me

Hitman: You mean Queen Victoria that insulted you yesterday?

Tiana: Yes!

Hitman: (laughs) You really think she’s going to save you?

Tiana: Of course, we’re friends.

Hitman: Did you hit your head somewhere or you’re just naturally dumb, I don’t nee-d to be psychic to know she’s lying to you, She’s just deceiving you and there’s no way she would ever let you out of here because she knows you might tell on her that she was your accomplice

Tiana: (ponders over what he said) Huh??


Castle of love episode 40

(Queen Victoria goes to see Tiana in the dungeon)

Queen Victoria: Hey Tiana

Tiana: (angrily) Welcome back… Betrayer!

Queen Victoria: (smiles) Why the sudden attitude?

Tiana: You’ve been pla-ying me all these times, You never wanted to help me, you were just using me to get what you want

Queen Victoria: (laughs) I’m glad you figured that out, Thought it’ll take you ages considering the fact that you’re very dumb and stupid, The castle’s dog even has a higher IQ than you do.

Tiana: You’re revolting and I’m going to make sure I expo-se you to the king!

Queen Victoria: Oh really, And with what evidence? Try it and get your execution immediately… It seems you’ve forgotten the punishment for laying a false accusation on a member of the royal family.

Tiana: (angrily) Argh! Wait till I get my hands on you…..

Queen Victoria: Unfortunately, That’ll never happen because I’m going to make sure you get executed real soon.

Tiana: (crying) YOU’LL PAY FOR THIS I SWEAR!!! (She ban-gs on the cell)

Queen Victoria: This will teach you lessons, One, People aren’t who or what they seem, Two, Never trust anyone.

(Queen Victoria leaves the dungeon)

(Queen Victoria goes to see George)

George: Good afternoon my queen, Long time no see, How’ve you been?

Queen Victoria: Save the plea-santries! I nee-d your help

George: What is it?

Queen Victoria: Austin’s wife, Blair is pregnant, Unfortunately I don’t know how I’ll kill her since she’s heavily guarded, Instead, I want her pregnancy to be flu-shed out

George: How do you intend to do that?

Queen Victoria: (she hits him in the che-st) I DON’T KNOW, THAT’S WHY I’M HERE!

George: Owww (mas-sages his che-st) Well, I think I can help you with that

Queen Victoria: How exactly?

George: I know a merchant who sells liquid ab-ortion pills, I’ll patronise him, You’ll inject it in one of her drinks and…..Voila! The baby will be flu-shed out.

Queen Victoria: Smart! When are you going to get it for me

George: Today

Queen Victoria: Perfect, I’ll come back to collect it.

(In the dungeon)

Hitman: I wish I could turn back the hands of time, I regret everything I’ve done up to this moment.

Tiana: Me too, I’m sure your punishment will be light compared to mine

Hitman: Or maybe its the other way around

Tiana: I just want to give that bastardized queen the beating of her life when I get out of here.

Hitman: Maybe we CAN get out of here

Tiana: How?

Hitman: By escaping, The guards will be here anytime soon to give us food, then we’ll knock him out and take the keys to the dungeon and then run out of the castle and leave Azrael

Tiana: Wow… That’s brilliant

(A guard brings them their food)

Guard: It’s turkey Tuesday

Tiana: You call this turkey? Yuck!

Hitman: (To Tiana) NOW!

(Tiana hits the guard in the knees which makes him lose balance, The hitman uses the opportunity to hit him in his pressure point which knocks him out)

Hitman: (takes out the key to the dungeon) Let’s leave here before someone notices we’re gone

Tiana: Wait (takes out a knife from the guard’s armor) I have to kill that queen before leaving!

Hitman: Now’s not the time for revenge

Tiana: We’ll nee-d to take a car in order to move fas-ter

Hitman: Where will we get a car?

Tiana: I know where they keep all the car keys, I’ll sneak into the room and get it!

(As the hitman and Tiana leave the dungeon, an alarm goes off)

(In the throne room)

King Roland: So how are the preparations so far?

Austin: We’ve bought almost all the items Dad.

Queen Victoria: That’s good, And do you nee-d my help with anything?

Austin: Not at all (smiles nervously)

(Axel comes running in)

Axel: Your Majesty!!!

King Roland: (gets up from the throne) What is it?

Axel: Tiana and the hitman just escaped from the dungeon, They’re almost at the portal

Austin: We nee-d to go there to prevent them from escaping

(Axel, Austin, King Roland and Queen Victoria and few guards rush to the castle gates)

King Roland: (Sees the hitman and Tiana entering a car) St©p!!!

Hitman: (To Tiana) quic-k! Enter the car!!!

Tiana: Not yet (sees Queen Victoria and gets down from the car) You…. (angrily) I’M GONNA KILL YOU!

(Tiana rushes over to Queen Victoria and attempts to stab her but Austin swiftly collects the knife from her and they struggle, In the midst of their struggle, Austin swings the knife in King Roland’s direction, inadvertently “stabbing” him in the abd0m£n and he falls to the ground)

King Roland: (gro-an s) Uhhh

Austin: (drops the knife) Oh no! Dad!

Queen Victoria: (holds him) My king….

(Tiana uses this opportunity to get into the car, she and the hitman wreck the castle gate and escapes, Axel and two other guards chase after them in another car)

(On the highway)
(The guards fire missiles at the car but the hitman swiftly dodges all of them)

Tiana: They’re onto us, Drive fas-ter!

(The hitman revs the car and speeds past most cars on the highway)

(In Axel’s car)

Guard 1: They’re out of sight (notices Axel’s movements) What’re you doing?

Axel: Keep driving!

(Axel re-moves his head and hands out of the car window and targets the hitman car, When he’s in a close range, he throws a spear at the car’s tyre which punctures it, The wheel of the car becomes wobbly and the car steers out of the highway)

Tiana: Felix what’s happening?

Hitman: Oh God! I think the tyre has been punctured

Tiana: AHHHHHH!!!!!

(The car goes out and somersaults down the steep highway and catches fire with Tiana and Felix locked inside)

Tiana: (coughs) Felix… (sees him unconscious with blood running down his face)

(The fuel leaks and comes in contact with the fire and explodes, killing Tiana and the hitman)

(Back at the castle)
(King Roland lies lifeless on the ground)

Austin: (sobs) Dad…. No!

Queen Victoria: (to a maid) Go get the first aid kit

Blair: This is way beyond a first aid kit, We should take him to the hospital!

(The ambulance arrives soon to take him to the hospital)