Castle of love episode 35 & 36

Castle of love episode 35

(In Austin’s room)

Paul: I’m happy Tiana is rotting in the dungeon, I knew something would go wrong the minute she entered the castle that day

Cecilia: I still can’t believe she would do such a thing

Austin: I do, I’m sure she’s been bent on revenge ever since we broke up

Blair: Well at least she’s been caught, she can’t harm you again.

Paul: Let’s just keep our f!ngerscrossed

Blair: Well no matter what happens (she holds Austin) I’ll never let anyone hurt him

(Queen Victoria goes to see Tiana in the dungeon)

Queen Victoria: I warned you against this Tiana

Tiana: I’m really sorry my queen,I was really angry, I didn’t know when I said all of those things

Queen Victoria: Now you’re taking the blame for it.

Tiana: Is there anyway you can speak to the king on my behalf?

Queen Victoria: I don’t know, He’s in a really bad mood, I don’t even think he’ll spare you considering the fact you tried to kill Austin.

Tiana: But I didn’t try to kill him, I thought it was Blair that was in the cool room (hits her head) I’m so dumb and stupid… I wish I had just kept quiet, now that stupid nurse has been exonerated!

Queen Victoria: Unfortunately…

Tiana: What do you think my punishment will be?

Queen Victoria: Honestly, you might be hanged, stoned to death or even burnt alive

Tiana: (she bur-st into tears) My queen… plea-se help me!!! I don’t want to die!!!

Queen Victoria: I’ll try my best to talk him.

(In King Roland’s room)

Queen Victoria: Your Majesty, I nee-d to speak to you concerning Tiana

King Roland: What about her?

Queen Victoria: When are you going to pas-s her judgment?

King Roland: Soon

Queen Victoria: If I were you, I’d have her executed so she won’t escape and kill Austin, she’s evil!

King Roland: I know.. But I believe she’s alre-ady paying for her crimes by rotting in the dungeon with rats and scorpions and she’s being fed only once a day

Queen Victoria: But it’s not enough, Just execute her alre-ady!

King Roland: Victoria! What’s your problem?

Queen Victoria: I’m sorry your Majesty

King Roland: Good, plea-se excuse me.

Queen Victoria: (bows) Yes your highness

(Queen Victoria leaves his room)

Queen Victoria: It’s only a matter of time before Tiana expo-ses me to save her own skin.. I have to kill her, Fast!

(Queen Victoria goes to the kitchen)

Cook 2: Good afternoon your highness

Queen Victoria: Afternoon, umm… When are you going to give Tiana her food?

Cook 2: Right now my queen.. I just want to dish it out

Queen Victoria: Ok be quic-k

Cook 2: If I may ask, Why?

Queen Victoria: (she hits her face viciously) How dare you question me?

Cook 2: (holds her face) I’m sorry your highness

Queen Victoria: Good! Now do as I say

(The cook gives Tiana’s food to Queen Victoria, Just then, Carol enters the kitchen)

Cook 1: Good afternoon Queen Victoria

Queen Victoria: Hey Carol, Long time no see, I haven’t seen you since the king re-leased you from the dungeon

Cook 1: Do you want to get something to eat?

Queen Victoria: No.

(Queen Victoria leaves the kitchen with Tiana’s food)

Cook 1: What did she want?

Cook 2: She c@m£ to take Tiana’s food

Cook 1: And you gave it to her? What if she’ll poison the food? Have you forgotten what happened last time?

Cook 2: But what was I supposed to do

Cook 1: Not give her the food! I hope you know that if she poisons that food and Tiana eats it, You’ll be the one to get punished

(In the hallway)

Queen Victoria: Let’s see how that woman will survive this (she puts poison in the gravy and mixes it well) Perfect.

(A servant pas-ses by)

Queen Victoria: Hold up

Maid: Your highness?

Queen Victoria: (hands her the food) Give this food to the guard at the dungeon, it’s for Tiana.

Maid: Yes your highness

(At the dungeon)

Guard: Here’s your food (gives the food to Tiana)

Tiana: Yuck! You expect me to eat this contaminated food?

Guard: You’re still complaining, If I we’re you, I’d st©p complaining and eat the food because I may not know when next I’ll be getting another one

Tiana: Pas-s!

Guard: Your loss (he drops the food for her and leaves)

Tiana: There’s no way I’m eating this junk

(She pushes the food to a far end in the dungeon)

(In the kitchen)
(Paris comes to deliver bre-ad)

Paris: I’m glad Tiana was caught,If she wasn’t, She might have attem-pted to kill Prince Austin again.

Paul: Fortunately, that won’t happen again, Austin is heavily guarded

Paris: Thank God for that (she drops the bre-ad on the cabinet)

(Paul holds her by the w@!st and attempts to k!ssher but she moves herl-ips away)

Paul: What is it

Paris: Not now Paul, I nee-d to hurry back to the bakery to as-sist my dad.

Paul: Fine, I’ll esc-rt you

(Paris and Paul leave the castle)

(At the motel King Jerod is lodged in)

King Jerod: I heard the person who started the fire at the castle had been caught

Queen Anna: Really? Who was it?

King Jerod: Prince Austin’s ex girlfriend, Tiana.

Queen Anna: I wish Prince Austin had burnt to ashes in that fire including his brother, Paul. I want them all to pay for humiliating Anita

King Jerod: Me too.. I want to get my revenge on King Roland as well

Queen Anna: When are we heading back home to Cas-sagrande?

King Jerod: Not anytime soon… Where’s Anita?

Queen Anna: She went for sightseeing

King Jerod: Sightseeing? But she isn’t new to Azrael

(Anita goes to meet a hitman)

Anita: Are you the hitman my friend told me about?

Hitman: Yes

Anita: In that case, I nee-d you to do one simple job

Hitman: What is it?

Anita: (shows him a picture of Paris) I want you to kill this woman

Hitman: Paris Smith?

Anita: You know her as well?

Hitman: Yeah, the daughter of Mr Smith, a popular baker here in Azrael

Anita: Yes, I want you to shoot her dead, I’ll pay you any amount, just do what you know how to do best.

(Paul esc-rts Paris to the bakery)

Paris: I guess this is where we say goodbye

Paul: Now about that k!ss…

Paris: Oh right

(Paris leans in and k!sses Paul)

(Up on a roof near the bakery)

Hitman: There she is…

(he reloads his sniper and targets Paris,When he gets her in a specific position, he shoots her and when she falls to the ground, he flees immediately)

Paris: (gro-an s in pain as she bleeds) Uhhh (her eyes are half closed)

Paul: PARIS!!! PARIS!!!


Castle of love episode 36

(At the castle)

Blair: Austin, what’s wrong?

Austin: It’s Paul, he just called me and told me Paris got sh0t and they’re at the hospital as we speak

Blair: Oh no… This is horrible

Austin: Are you coming with me?

Blair: Yes

(At Lucas Hospital)

Paul: Doctor Welsh, How is she?

Doctor Welsh: She’s in a really bad state my prince, At this stage we should pray for God’s intervention.

Mr Smith: Can we see her?

Doctor Welsh: I’m afraid not

(Doctor Welsh goes into a ward)

Mr Smith: (holds his head) she’s my only child, I don’t know what I’d do if she dies

Paul: (pats him gently on the shoulder) She’ll survive this, I have faith in God

Austin: I wonder who would have done this….

(The hitman calls Anita)

Anita: (over the phone) Were you able to do it?

Hitman: Yes, And I don’t think She’ll be able to survive it

Anita: Good (she ends the call)

(He comes across four guards on patrol)

Guard 1: (sees him) St©p!

Hitman: (turns around) Yes?

Guard 1: Take off your mask and hood

(The hitman tries to run but the other guards block him, he eventually obeys and takes off his mask and hood)

Guard 1: Where are you coming from at this time of the night young man?

Hitman: Uhhh, I went to see a friend…

Guard 1: (notices his heavy backpack) What’s in there?

Hitman: Ummm… It’s my clothes and shoes

Guard: (still suspicious) Offload it!

Hitman: Huh? But I alre-ady told you what’s in it?

Guard 1: I don’t believe you, Open the bag and offload the things inside it

(The hitman anxiously opens the bag and the guards see sniper, rifle and many other types of shooting gun)

Guard 1: (g@sps) Young man, what on earth are you doing with these guns?

Hitman: (stammers) Umm…. I…. I…

Guard 1: ANSWER ME!!!

Hitman: (cries) I’m sorry… I never meant to shoot her..

Guard 1: Were you the one who sh0t Mr Smith’s daughter earlier today?

Hitman: I’ll confess,Yes, I was paid by someone to kill her….

Guard: (to the other guards) Take him to the king! He’ll decide what to do with you!

Hitman: No!!! plea-se don’t do this, I’m sorry!!!

(The hitman’s apologies fall on deaf ears and the guards drag him to the castle)

(At the castle)

King Roland: So how’s is she?

Paul: (weeps) She’s still unconscious Dad, Honestly I don’t know what to do now

(The guards take the hitman to the throne room)

King Roland: (sees them) What’s going on?

Guard 2: Your Majesty, this man was caught with different ammunitions ranging from small pistols to rifles (he shows the king the backpack)

King Roland: (to the hitman) What are you doing with these guns?

Hitman: (sobs) Your Majesty… plea-se forgive me, I was paid to kill Paris…. I’m really sorry

Paul: (angry with blood red eyes) WHAT?!!!

(Paul attacks the hitman and throws punches at him severely while the hitman futilely attempts to block this hit, the guards eventually restrain him)

King Roland: Paul st©p it!

(The guards separate Paul from the hitman)

Paul: (struggles to free himself) Let go of me!!!

King Roland: (To the hitman) Who paid you to do it?

Hitman: (cleans his bloody nose) It was a woman, I don’t know her name, She’s tall, has dark hair, brown eyes….

Paul: Anita!

King Roland: Huh?

Paul: It has to be Anita, she’s the only person capable of this.. I’m very sure of it

King Roland: (to the hitman) Where did you meet this woman?

Hitman: Few miles from Flavor Motel

King Roland: She and her family must have lodged in there (to the guards) Go and bring Anita!

Guard: Yes your highness

(The guards hastily leave the castle)

(At Flavor Motel)

Queen Anna: Anita, when did you get back

Anita: Few hours ago… Why?

Queen Anna: Well your dad and I were worried because you left without telling us

Anita: When are we heading back to Cas-sagrande? Because I’m alre-ady tired of staying in this God forsaken kingdom!

Queen Anna: I wouldn’t know, Although your father says we’re not leaving anytime soon.

Anita: We should! Nothing good ever comes out from this kingdom

(Someone knocks at the door)

Anita: I’ll go open it

(She opens it and the guards enter the room)

Anita: What do you want here?

Guard: We have orders from the king, you’re nee-ded at the palace right now

Anita: For?

Guard: You’ll be informed once we get there

Queen Anna: Anita, what did you do?

Anita: Nothing (To the guards) Go we’ll be right behind you

Guards: Unfortunately we can’t, you’re to come with us.

Queen Anna: (to Anita) Hold on, I’ll go get your father.

(Back at the castle)

King Roland: Anita, this man here says you’re behind Paris attem-pted murder?

King Jerod: (angrily) What? That’s preposterous!!!

King Roland: Jerod, You do not interrupt me while i speak.

King Jerod: Do you realize you’re talking to the King of Cas-sagrande?

King Roland: We’re not in Cas-sagrande, This is Azrael, you will do as your king commands,And you will talk when I allow you to talk, Is that clear?

King Jerod: (furiously) Clear.

King Roland: (To Anita) Is what he’s saying about you true?

Anita: Of course not, He’s a lying s¢v-m, I’ve never seen this man before in my life.

King Roland: (To the hitman) Do you have any evidence to back up your claims?

Hitman: I do. (He reaches for his backpack and takes out his phone then pla-ys a voice recording of he and Anita’s conversation) I recorded it incase things went awry.

King Roland: Anita this is your voice!

Anita: (nervously) For all we know, he could have paid someone to a mimicry of my voice

King Roland: GUARDS!!!

Guards: My king?

King Roland: Take her to the dungeon, When she’s re-ady to confess, I’ll let her out.

Anita: (screams) BUT I’M INNOCENT!!!

King Jerod: But King Roland, you cant throw a princess in the dungeon

King Roland: She’s only a princess in Cas-sagrande, In Azrael, She’s a mere subject (To the guards) Take her away!