Castle of love episode 33 & 34

Castle of love episode 33
Written by Johnny Patel

(Queen Victoria leaves the sto-reroom and sees Tiana in the hallway)

Tiana: My queen… Where’re you coming from?

Queen Victoria: The sto-reroom

Tiana: Why we’re you in there?

Queen Victoria: (lying) Because Blair was in there, and since you hate her, I wanted to help you get revenge on her!

Tiana: Wow… What’d you do?

Queen Victoria: (lying) I locked her up in the cool room and set the sto-reroom on fire with this lighter (shows her the lighter)

Tiana: This is amazing (she collects the lighter from Queen Victoria)

Queen Victoria: Why’d you collect it?

Tiana: I’m going to the sto-reroom to set everything on fire… I nee-d to make sure Blair burns to ashes

Queen Victoria: Hold on….

(Before Queen Victoria completes her s£ntence, Tiana runs into the sto-reroom and sets more goods on fire)

Tiana: No one will save you this time Blair, you’ll burns to ashes!!!

(She makes sure the whole place is burning, Suddenly, a gust of wind b!ows fire in her direction, she screams in fear and runs out of the sto-reroom, leaving behind the lighter)

(In the hallway)

Queen Victoria: You’re back… Did you do it?

Tiana: Yes, the fire you set was even reducing, I had to set everything on fire again

Queen Victoria: So where’s the lighter?

Tiana: (checks herself) Oh no… I must have left it behind when I ran out

Queen Victoria: What’s wrong with you?Go back in there and get it

Tiana: Huh? If I’ll go back in there, I’ll die

Queen Victoria: Do you know how incriminating it’ll be for both of us if that lighter is found?

(In the cool room, Austin tries ha-rder to break the door)

Austin: Argh! Why won’t you budge…. (He smells smoke in the air) Smoke? From where? (He bends down and checks from the hole below and sees the sto-reroom on fire) NO!

(Meanwhile, Blair talks to Lola)

Lola: I’m really enjoying myself

Blair: Well today is a day for merry and enjoyments

Lola: I wish this day never ends

Blair: (smiles) Me too

(Cecilia comes to meet Blair)

Cecilia: Blair! Dad’s going into the p@rty hall, Its time (To Lola) I’m sorry for the interruption

Lola: It’s alright

Blair: Okay (To Lola) I’m sorry… I’ll be back soon

(Cecilia and Blair go into the p@rty hall)


Paul: Dad, are you busy now?

King Roland: Not really, any problem?

Paul: I nee-d to show you something in the p@rty hall

King Roland: Okay, what is it?

Paul: Come with me…

(Paul takes King Roland to the p@rty hall, the lights are put off)

King Roland: What is it you wanna show me… Why’s everywhere dark?

(King Roland puts on the light and Paul, Cecilia, Blair and several guests comes out of their hiding)


(A banner saying “Happy 55th birthday King Roland” drops down along with balloons, confetti…)

King Roland: (excited) Wow, I didn’t even remember… Thank you all for this

Cecilia: It’s nothing, Besides you deserve to be celebr@ted

King Roland: Thank you Cecilia

Paul: (hands him the Rolex watches) Happy birthday Dad

King Roland: Thank you my son (he collects the watch) Where’s Austin?

Paul: He told me he was going to the sto-reroom to get some drinks, I haven’t seen him since then

Blair: He should be out by now.. I’ll should go check on him

Paul: I’ll come with you…

(In the cool room, Austin shouts for help and keeps trying to break the door and smoke begins to fill the air)

Austin: Why did I leave my phone behind, I could have called for help (coughs) SOMEb©dy HELP ME!!!!

(Blair and Paul arrive in time)

Paul: (shocked) Fire? How did this happen?

Blair: Oh no, Austin might still be in there…

(Paul takes the fire extinguisher and enters the sto-reroom and manages vanquishes the wildfire a little bit)

Paul: Austin!!! Are you there?!!

Austin: (shouts from the cool room) YEAH!!!

(Paul attempts to go to the cool room but the flames increases ra-pidly and Paul tries futilely to put out the fire)

Paul: No, the fire is too much, I can’t go throu-gh (he runs out of the sto-reroom)

Blair: Is he in there?

Paul: Yes! He’s tra-pped in the sto-reroom and can’t get out, and the fire is too much for me to go throu-gh to unlock the door

Blair: No, We can’t leave him in there!!! (Blair attempts to go into the sto-reroom but Paul pu-lls her back)

Paul: You can’t do that, its too dangerous… quic-k! Call the fire service!!!

(Soon, the fire service arrives in time and evacuates everyone out of the castle and saves Austin)

King Roland: (hvgs Austin) Thank goodness you’re safe

Blair: (rushes to meet him and hvgs him) Thank God you’re alright

Paul: I can’t imagine what would have happened if we hadn’t come to the sto-reroom on time

Austin: (sighs in relief) I’m glad you did

Paul: But this is strange, how could the sto-reroom have caught fire when there was nothing to ignite it

Austin: This means someone deliberately set it on fire


Tiana: My queen, I thought you said Blair was the one who locked up in the cool room, But it was Austin

Queen Victoria: Oops, sorry, my mistake… Because I could remember vividly that Blair was the one in the cool room

Tiana: Well she got away and Austin almost got killed, Even though I now hate Austin, I don’t want him dead

Queen Victoria: Well he’s alive now

Tiana: I know, I’m just saying you should be careful next time

Queen Victoria: Okay, anyways, whatever happens, do not tell anyone about this, Is that clear?

Tiana: Yes my queen

(A firefighter talks to King Roland)

King Roland: Thank you so much for saving my son’s life

Firefighter: You’re welcome my king (shows him the lighter) I found this in the sto-reroom when we put out the fire

King Roland: (collects it) How could a lighter end up in the sto-reroom?

Firefighter: With this, I can only deduce that this was no mistake, someone deliberately set the sto-reroom on fire.

King Roland: Whoever it is, that person will surely be found… And dealt with!

(King Roland addresses his subjects)

King Roland: In spite of what just happened, I want you all to know this was no accident (holds up the lighter for everyone to see) Someone deliberately ignited the sto-reroom on fire with this specific lighter… If the perpetrator doesn’t come out to confess in three days time, Severe punishments will be awaiting all Azraeleans!!!

(After the p@rty event, Cecilia talks to Blair)

Cecilia: I’m still in shock over what happened, This means someone is after Austin’s life

Blair: I think so too

Cecilia: I can’t believe how this p@rty that was jubilee suddenly turnerd into a disaster

Blair: (pats her) Its ok, it wasn’t your fault

Cecilia: I know, now we’ve lost one million worth of goods to the fire,I just hope the perpetrator gets caught on time

(Cecilia goes into her room)

Blair: (thinks) Wait a minute.. The fire must have started when I accidentally lit the curtain on fire, Maybe that’s how the whole fire started, Does this mean I’m behind this incident?


Castle of love episode 34

(Next Day)
(Cecilia goes to visit Dylan)

Dylan: Hi, good morning, why didn’t you tell me you were coming?

Cecilia: (sighs) Why did you bail on me yesterday?

Dylan: How do you mean?

Cecilia: So now you’re gonna act like you don’t know what I’m talking about?

Dylan: I’m serious, I don’t.

Cecilia: Yesterday was my dad’s birthday and Austin and Blair’s reunion p@rty, And I could remember giving you an invite to come, I waited up for you but you never c@m£

Dylan: Look, I’ve got so many things on my mind and I just forgot, I’m really sorry

Cecilia: What’s up with you? You don’t call or text me like you use to.

Dylan: Look we don’t have to be clingy all the time

Cecilia: Clingy? So calling and texting your girlfriend is now termed “clingy”?

Dylan: I’m just saying we should give each other some space, That’s all.

Cecilia: What’s happened to you… You’ve changed a lot these past few weeks, Ever since we made out and you got a job, things have been different between us.

Dylan: That’s why I’m always occu-pied, because I have a job now.

Cecilia: Or you’re grown tired of me isn’t it?

Dylan: No Cecilia, don’t say that, you know I love you

Cecilia: Then act like you do, you know what? Call me when you’re less busy (angrily) Goodbye Dylan!

Dylan: Cecilia wait….

(Dylan’s twin brother, Devon comes out of the room)

Devon: I heard all what you both discussed… Why don’t you just tell her?

Dylan: You want me to tell her I still swindle people? No way, she’ll hate me and I’ll get arrested… Again!

Devon: Well you can’t hide it forever.

(In Paul’s room)

Paul: It was a close one yesterday mom, what if Austin got killed

Queen Victoria: Well he didn’t get killed.

Paul: I wonder who would have tried to kill him

Queen Victoria: Who knows? Anyways, I nee-d to tell you something

Paul: Go on…

Queen Victoria: Paul, your father celebr@ted Austin’s and Blair’s reunion but when you and Paris got together, you weren’t celebr@ted, Don’t you see, Your father loves Austin more than you?

Paul: That’s not true, besides, the whole reason for the celebr@tion was Autin’s recovery not he and Blair’s reunion.

Queen Victoria: I wish you’d open your eyes and see what i’m seeing

Paul: But you’ve told me this several times

Queen Victoria: Because I want you to be a man and act up before it’s too late!

(In Austin and Blair’s room)

Austin: Blair, what are you still thinking about, I’m alright, nothing bad happened to me

Blair: Austin, there’s something you should know

Austin: What’s that?

Blair: You should know that I was the one who set the fire yesterday

Austin: (confused) Huh?

Blair: I’m sorry, I accidentally lit the curtain in the sto-reroom on fire while I was waiting for you outside, I thought I had put it out but I didn’t…. I should go tell the king and take whatever punishment he gives me

Austin: But it was a mistake.. You do not have to do this

Blair: I have to, it’s the only way the other Azraeleans can be spared.

(In the throne room)
(Blair goes to meet King Roland)

Blair: Good afternoon your highness

King Roland: Afternoon Blair, What can I do for you?

Blair: I have something to confess, I was the one who set the sto-reroom on fire yesterday with that lighter, I thought I had put it out… Obviously not.

King Roland: (sighs) Oh Blair… You realize what this means don’t you?

Blair: (nods her head) I do.

King Roland: I’m sorry Blair, but according to our customs and traditions, a crime, deliberate or accidental cannot go unpunished

Blair: I un-derstand

(Tiana visits Queen Victoria)

Tiana: I’m really scared about this whole thing? What If he figures out we were the ones who set fire in the sto-reroom

Queen Victoria: He won’t figure it out.

Tiana: I hope so

(A maid knocks on the room door)

Queen Victoria: Come in!!!

(The maid enters)

Maid: Good afternoon your highness… The king requests to see everyone at the throne room.

Queen Victoria: (to herself) I wonder why (to the maid) We’ll be there soon

(In the throne room)
(King Roland pas-ses out Blair’s judgment in everyone’s pres£nce)

King Roland:… And so before pas-sing out my judgment, I’ll allow Blair the opportunity to defend herself

Blair: Thank you your highness (To everyone) I will not push the blame on someone else just to defend my actions, i want to apologize profusely for my careless attitude yesterday, I did something not many people would be able to do, I confessed because I care about everyone in Azrael and I don’t want any one to get punished because of me

King Roland: Very well, As a reward for your honesty, You’ll be given a very light punishment

Tiana: A light punishment? (stands up from her seat) This woman deserves to be hanged for endangering all our precious lives by attempting to burn down this castle.

King Roland: Sit down Tiana!

Tiana: Forgive me your highness (she sits down) But this woman isn’t as innocent as she seems, dark f0rç£s are surrounding her, She walked into the sto-reroom at exactly 8:35pm and picked up a lighter which was on the floor and locked the cool room Austin was in and then set the sto-reroom ablaze.

Cecilia: (confused) How do you know all of these Tiana?

Tiana: Huh?

Cecilia: How do you know the exact time Blair was there and she never mentioned where she found the lighter, she only told us she accidentally set the sto-reroom on fire with it, that’s all

Tiana: (realizes what she’s done) Ohhhh…

Blair: (looks at Tiana) I didn’t tell anyone else ap@rt from Austin that I found the lighter in the sto-reroom and how would you know all of these…. Unless you were there

Tiana: This is absurdity.. I will not sit here and listen to these false accusations

(Tiana attempts to leave but the guards block her from doing so)

King Roland: Do not move an inch Tiana! I have to continue Cecilia’s questions, How do you know all of these?

Tiana: Your Majesty, I….

Blair: (interrupts her) I know what I’m saying, I had put out the fire before I left the sto-reroom which means it must have been you… You restarted the fire didn’t you?

King Roland: Tiana is this true?

Tiana: (quivering) Of course not

Blair: It all makes s-en-se now, I think I’m innocent.

(Tiana angrily walks to Blair)

Tiana: (explodes with anger) You’re not! You awful bit-ch, I wish I had ignited you along with the sto-reroom I burnt down!!!

(Everyone is shocked by her revelation)

King Roland: GUARDS!!!

Guards: Your highness?

King Roland: Take her to the dungeon

Tiana: (screams in fear) Oh no.. plea-se my king forgive me, I never meant to do it, She started all of this, I’m only finishing what she started!!!

(Queen Victoria stays silent and ignores Tiana as she’s being dragged away to the dungeon)