Candy crush episode 3

Candy crush
Episode 3
At this point, I knew I was doomed…Esohe is just about to sl!paway from my f!ngers…
So out of fear, so many thoughts rushed throu-gh my mind.
“Just tell her you are from NEPA. That you c@m£ to give them bill. So that you can run away oh” The First thought c@m£.
“No” The second thought. “Tell her you are looking for one address like that which does not exist. So that you can run”
“See bro, just tell her you are a police officer. That you c@m£ to arrest her brother.” The third thought c@m£.
None of these seems convincing enough
Then a calm voice said “why run, when you have the opportunity to win her over. This may just be your only chance.”
At this point I knew I had to take charge and face this fear in the form of a human -Esohe.
Meanwhile all of these thoughts went throu-gh my mind within 10 seconds oh.
She was still expecting my response to her question with her hands on her ways.
Then Finally I coughed like a big man and said
“Good morning dear. My name is Tega. Some of my friends call me Tegito. I am very sorry for bothering you this morning. U see, ever since you c@m£ into this neighborhood, I have never been able to sleep nor slumber. All I do is think about you, morning, afternoon and night, I have taken Paracetamol because of you, take Panadol extra because of you, in fact, I plan taking vitamin C after now because of you”
“So?” She replied.
“Ehm, what I mean is that, I like you oh, well well.
I will eat h0t eba for you,
I will drink h0t akamu for you,
If u permit me I will drink cold zobo that is very block for you… Just to show you how much I love you.
I knew I was doomed. But surprisingly, with a smile in her face with her Oral B set of teeth, she sighed and said
“Hmm, well that’s quite interesting…Issoriat, I like you too. I have been admiring you too for long also. Just waiting for you to make the first move.
Then she drew close to me, staring into my eyes intently. I was just there standing like a mad man admiring a n-ked woman.
So in a bid to reciprocate, I drew closer to her, to give her a k!ss…and the next thing I felt was..
Kpai! A very loud sl@p, then I woke up from my sleep and saw Akpevwe staring at me. Then he said, “if your mouth ever draws close to me again ehn. I will break all your teeth. Nons-en-se.”
This was when it dawned on me, that it was just a dream all these while.
In real life, I have still not been able to approach Esohe