Bride of the seven gods episode 6

Written by TOM
I slumped on the be-d when Janice told me the news. Killed? I’m going to be killed.
“What are we going to do Zanillia? I told you to stay out of trouble but you wouldn’t listened”. Janice cried. Why is she crying? I supposed to be the one who should be crying but I wasn’t. I just stared in shock. The thought of me getting killed was really terrifying.
“I…… Let’s run away”. I start to pack my clothes. “That’s the only option”.
“Run? You seem to be forgetting that this is the immortal realm. There’s no way out if the portal isn’t opened”.
“Then we’ll find somewhere to hide”.
“Search all the house. She mustn’t escape”. The head of guard shouted from outside.
“It’s too late. The guards are here”. The guards barged into the room forcibly. They seized me by hand and dragged me away.
“What do you gain by doing this”? San asked.
“Yes. That girl is innocent”. Gia joined in.
“Innocent”? Eason raised his head up to look at them both. “I guess she must have bewitched you. Take a look at Sean’s face. That devil beat him to pulp. Death is her only punishment”.
“I don’t want her to die”. Sean pouted ma-king a baby face. “She didn’t knew I was the seventh lord. She was just being defensive and besides, it’s all my fault. I didn’t knew a girl was busy undressing before I opened the door so she mistook me as a per-vert”.
“The deed cannot be undone. She hit you, so has older brother ordered us to kill her”.
“I think you’re being vengeful Eason”. Kris said. “You should just say you want her dead instead of using older brother decree to cover your shameful act”.
“How dare you talk to me in such a manner”?
“Why? You don’t like it? If you don’t, then change your stupid attitude. I’m out of here”. Kris left.
“Me too”. Gia left and the others joined in one by one till it remains only Eason in the room.
I shivered with cold. Why’s this place so cold? Everywhere was surrounded with ice. I was also sitting on an icy chair. That made me shivered more but the guards stood like they felt nothing. I guess this is one of the benefits of being immortal. Someone walked in. It was San. The guards greeted him.
“You may all leave”. He said to them.
“Sure”. They bowed slightly and left.
“Are you okay”? He move towards me and unlock the chain tied to my hand.
“Yes”. I nodded gently.
“You’re freezing”. He t©uçhed my face. “Hopped on my back. I’ll get you out of here”. He turned his back to me.
“Don’t worry. I’ll take responsibility for everything”.
“Okay then”. I climbe-d on to his back and he carried me like I weight nothing. His back was firm and his scent smell so good. “Hmm”. I m0@n ed.
“What”? He asked.
“Nothing”. I blu-shed and la-id on his back. This was the first time a guy would carry me on his back.
“Here”. San hand me some money. “You’ll nee-d it”.
“Thanks”. I smiled. “What about the competition”?
“I’ll come and find you once three month is up. You just have to practice ha-rd ”.
“Okay. Thanks so much”.
“It’s nothing. I was only doing my job”. He said. “I should go”.
“Okay, bye”. He left and I sighed. Maybe if I hadn’t hit Sean, I wouldn’t be in much trouble. I started to walk but I noticed all eyes were on me. People kept nodding and whispering to themselves with their eyes on me. Is there something on my face? Or……..they knew about the crime I committed. Damm. I should get out of here ASAP. I hurried my pace.
The sky had turned dark. My feet were all so-re from too much walking. I should find a place to rest tonight. I found a small house. A light was lit inside.
“Hello! Anyone here”.
“Who’s that”? An old woman c@m£ out.
“Hello ma’am. Can I pas-s the night here”? Her face turned pale and white as she stared at me. Like someone who just saw her dead son. “Ma’am”?
“Ghost”. She shouted. “Everyone there’s a ghost”. She ran in and shut her door.
“Ghost? Do I look like one”?
“Yes”. Someone answered. A man c@m£ out of the shadow. He was wearing a light blue silk robe. I could see his blue eyes even in the dark.
“I’m Feiye”. He introduced. “I live some miles away from here. You seem to be looking for shelter young Ms”.
“Yeah but everyone keeps turning me out”.
“Well, that’s because of the death curse written over your head”.
“Death curse”? I shoved my hand over my head.
“Ah! You’re mortal. Maybe that’s why you couldn’t see it”.
“But why’s there a death curse over my head”?
“You were bound to die today, weren’t you”?
“Don’t worry. It will clear off tomorrow”.
“That’s a relief”.
“Want to spend the night at my place”?
“Well, since others keep turning you out”.
“I…..but I just met you”.
“I’m not a bad person. You’re free to chose whatever you like”. He walked away.
“Wait”. He st©pped and looked at me.
“You change your mind”?
“It’s just for a night”. I raised one of my f!ngers.
“Who knows”. He smiled and walked away. This guy looks kinda suspicious. Why would he help me out of the blue? The wind howl gently and I shivered. I still haven’t recovered from that icy cold prison. I should really get some shelter. I followed.
I sat by the fire keeping myself warm. The room was bright. I could now see the man face clearly. He’s such a young man. His icy blue eyes fli-ckers as he stared into the fire. He really had a beautiful face. His hair were richly black. Neatly packed in a bun with an hairpin holding it. I wonder how long his hair is. He was more like a____.
“Will you st©p staring at me”? His voice jeered me back to my conscious state.
“What”? I felt embarras-sed and looked away. “I wasn’t. I was just looking around”.
“I guess you haven’t seen a good-looking guy as me”. He smiled.
“San is more handsome”.
“San”? His brow arched then he looked at me. “You’re from the palace”?
“Yes but I was kicked out”.
“Ah! You must be the crazy girl who hit the seventh lord”.
“Crazy? I didn’t even meant to hit him”.
“No wonder the death curse appears over your head. You were supposed to be killed today but you escaped. What a br@ve thing to do”.
“Is the curse gone”? I waved my hand over my head.
“No”. He pas-sed me a cu-p of tea. “Drink some. It’ll keep you warm”.
“Thanks”. I drank. “I thought you were some kind of weirdo. Thank you for saving me”.
“Not to worry. I was just doing my duty”. My mind flash back to San. He also said the same thing. Immortals are really kind. “Not everyone”.
“What”? I asked in confusion.
“Not every immortals are kind. Some are worse than you can imagine”.
“Wait a minute, you can re-ad my mind”?
“Yes and thanks so much for complimenting my looks”.
“You heard that too”?
“You should sleep. We’ve work to do tommorow”.
“We? I’m only spending a night here”.
“We’ll see about that”. He was leaving.
“Where are you going”?
“None of your business”. He left.
“What a secretive person”. I drank the tea.
Who knew I would lost the money San gave me. If not, I wouldn’t be here chopping tree for this mean guy. I looked over to where he la-id enjoying the cool breeze while I work here un-der the scorching sun. So mean. How I wish I could chop his head off with this axe.
“I can hear that”. He talked.
“St©p re-ading my mind. I don’t like it”.
“Then st©p thinking. I don’t like it too”.
“Piss. What a crazy person”.
“You’re going to far Ms”.
“Why? I didn’t ask you ask you to re-ad my mind and besides, I’m not your slave”.
“You were the one who agreed to work for me”.
“That’s because no one would hired me. Ain’t you being so mean towards me”.
“This. How can you tell me to chop down a tree. You can’t even do it”.
“Really? Do you want to see me chop it down in a flash without moving an inch from here”.
“Piss. Proud as-s. I’m just a normal girl while you’re immortal. Isn’t there a hvge difference”?
“You’re right”. He sat upright. “Two sliver penny deducted from your salary”.
“What! Why”?
“First, for talking rudely to me and second, because I feel like”. He smiled. “Chop the tree down before I return. I’ve to gr-ab something to eat”. He left.
“What”. My stomach roared with hunger. Then I realized I hadn’t eaten anything since morning. What a mean guy. “I hate you! Die! Die”! I kept hitting the tree with my foot.