Bloody Samaritan episode 14 & 15



GENRE:- r0m@nç£



Don’t copy or repost 🙅🙅🙅



“I will, i find her Interesting, we are going to get her tomorrow evening, but make sure you pay for her mother operation, and move her mother and her sister away from the house Adele friend take her too, that place isn’t good for her” Nathan said and walked to his room. “Wait is master falling inlove?” Wyatt asked and bur-st into laughter.

“That’s not possible” Wyatt replied and went out of the house

“Here’s the money I saw in your room” Adele said showing her father the money she saw.

“plea-se don’t take everything that’s the only money I have” Mr clerk replied.

“And how’s that my business, or did you want me to b!ow your di-ck with this gun?” Adele asked pointing her fake gun to her father di-ck.

“No plea-se, my di-ck is very important to me, my di-ck is the only beautiful thing in my b©dy” Mr clerk replied.

“I know, that was the reason why I wanna b!ow it with my gun” Adele replied.

Her phone ring out loud and she picked it immediately. “Hello doctor!” Adele said to the other end of the call.

“Hello miss clerk, I have good news for you” the doctor said.

“Really, what’s the good news all about?” Adele asked. “Someone paid for your mother operation” the doctor said and the money fall from Adele hand.

“Tell me you’re joking doctor” Adele said happily.

“No I am not joking miss clerk” the doctor replied.

“Thank you very much doctor, can I know the person?” Adele asked.

“No miss clerk, the person wanna stay anonymous” the doctor replied.

“Awww, how I wish I can see the person and thank him or her” Adele said.

“There’s no nee-d to know the person, the most important thing is that, you mother operation money have been paid, Make sure you bring your mother in two days time” the doctor said.

“Alright thank you very much doctor” Adele replied happily.

“My regards to your mum” the doctor said and end the call.

“yessssss” Adele said happily and picked the money from the floor.

“What’s it my dear, did you mind to share?” Mr clerk ask.

“Who’s your dear?” Adele asked with an eye roll.

“Am sorry, did you mind to share” Mr clerk said.

“You won’t think how you’re gonna be from me” Adele said and sat on the chair, like the American boss we watch in movies.

“Clerk, I just feel like shooting your di-ck” Adele said.

“No plea-se you can’t do that to me, you c@m£ to this world because of this di-ck” Mr clerk said and Adele scoff out loud.

Her phone ring out again.

“Not again!” Adele said and look at the caller. “Claire hope my mum is fine” Adele said pick the call immediately.

“Adele plea-se where are you we nee-d you in my house right now” Claire said.

“Hope no problem?” Adele asked. “There’s no problem just come” Claire replied.

“Alright am coming right away” Adele replied and end the call.

“I will see you guys some other time” Adele said.

“plea-se come and re-lease us from this bondage you put us” Mr clerk said.

“Enjoy your bondage” Adele said and ran out. “Hey go inside our ap@rtment in twenty minutes time” Adele said to the security guy.

“Alright Ma” the security replied and Adele ran off to get a cab.

“Claire what happened, where’s my mother?” Adele asked Claire.

“She’s inside” Claire replied. “But why’s this guy parking your luggages out, did you owe your landlord?” Adele asked.

“No, he said his boss said he should move us to somewhere better” Claire replied.

“And you allowed him?” Adele asked. “He said his boss have alre-ady paid for mum operation” Claire replied.

“Wait .. who’s your boss?” Adele asked. “My boss is anonymous” the guy replied.

“I don’t think we can go with you, I nee-d to know who your boss is” Adele said.

“My boss is a bloody Samaritan, you won’t like to know him, he love helping less privilege like you” the guy replied.

“You’re cra$y, did I look like a less privilege to you?” Adele asked and pu-ll the guy ear.

“Wtf” the guy said angrily. “What’s your name?” Adele asked.

“What did you want to use my name for?” The guy asked.

“So you expect us to follow total stranger that we know nothing about?” Adele asked.

“Fine am Sam” The guy replied. “Can I see a picture of where you’re taking us to?” Adele asked.

“Sure” the guy replied and brou-ght out his phone.

“Here’s the picture” the guy replied. “Wow the house is beautiful” Adele said.

“So are you going with me or not?” The guy asked.

“Is there free food?” Adele asked.

“Sure my master will be the one to be feeding you guys” the guy replied.

“Wow, where’s mum, Let’s go” Adele said.

“You want us to go with him just like that?” Claire asked.

“This life is all about risk, I believe he won’t paid for mum operation if he wanna hurt us” Adele replied.

“Alright” Claire replied and walked inside the house to get Mrs clerk.

“You s£nt for me?” Adele asked with an eye roll. “Yes I just wanna inform you that you aren’t going back to your house today, because your father haven’t paid back the money he borrowed from me” Nathan said.

“But what will I be doing in your house?” Adele asked.

“That one is none of your business, you’re my property and I can do anything I want with you” Nathan said.

“That one is none of your business, you’re my property and I can do anything I want with you” Adele mimicked.

“Are you cra$y?” Nathan asked angrily. “Are you cra$y” Adele Mimicked.

“Get out!” Nathan shouted and point to the door.

“Get out!” Adele mimicked and Nathan stood up from his chair angrily.



“Are you cra$y?” Nathan asked angrily. “Are you cra$y” Adele Mimicked.

“Get out!” Nathan shouted and point to the door.

“Get out!” Adele mimicked and Nathan stood up from his chair angrily. “Where are you going to?” Adele asked.

Nathan move closer to her and raised her chin up. He suddenly feel the urge to k!ssher and he slam hisl-ips on her.

“Wtf!” Adele said and pushed him away from herself immediately.

“Idi*t you have stolen my first k!ssaway” Adele said and ran out of Nathan office with tears in her eyes.

“Baby girl what happened to you, why are you crying?” Claire asked.

“He k!$$£d me, he stole my first k!ss” Adele said and bur-st into tears and Claire hissed out loud.

“Is that the reason why you’re being dramatic?” Claire asked.

“I guess you don’t hear what I said well, I said he stole my first k!ss” Adele said.

“Why did you go to his office in the first place?” Claire asked and Adele explained everything to her and Claire Look at her with shock in her eyes.

“You mean you mimicked, that strong face guy and he didn’t do anything to you?” Claire asked.

“He k!$$£d me” Adele replied and Claire hissed out loud.

“Is that what am talking about, I guess the boss love you, but wait.. hope he’s not the one that paid for mum operation?” Claire asked.

“I think so too” Adele replied. “I don’t want to ask him now, I want to gather enough evidence” Adele said.

“Alright, but have you told mum what father did?” Claire asked.

“I can’t tell her, because she will have heart failure, I will told her am going on a trip with my boss, and I will explain to her after her operation” Adele replied.

“That’s better” Claire replied. “Let’s go back to work before the boss come out” Claire said.

“Am not doing anything today, am mourning my first k!ss” Adele replied.

“You’re cra$y” Claire said. “And you’re a m.a d woman” Claire replied.

“I will show you pepper later, I just wanna pretend like am very hurt, I want that m.a.d guy to feel guilty” Adele said.

“And you think someone like Mr O’Brien will feel guilty, you’re the m.a.d person here my dear friend” Claire replied.

“Idi*t” Adele replied with an eye roll and sat on a chair.

“fv¢k, what has come over me, why did I k!$$£d her?” Nathan said and rou-ghing his hair with his hand.

“He placed his head on his office table thinking on how he’s gonna face her.

“I think I will just leave for home, let me distract myself with something fun” he said and stood up from the chair.

He dial Wyatt number and Wyatt rushed inside his office.

“Pick my bag and let’s go to the house” Nathan said.

“Hope no problem sir?” Wyatt asked. “Don’t ask me f90lish question Wyatt” Nathan said.

“Am very sorry sir” Wyatt replied and walked after him.

Adele hvgged her leg to herself immediately he saw Nathan.

Nathan wanted to walked pas-s her but he was feeling guilty for once, he have never felt guilty before, he look back and saw tears rolling down her cheeks.

“$hit, why am I feeling like this” he said and move closer to her.

“What happened to you?” Nathan asked pretending as if he doesn’t know what happened to her.

Claire stood in a corner watching them, she was surprised to see Nathan and Wyatt opened his mouth in shock.

“Get out!” I don’t want to see you” Adele yelled and Nathan smile at her and bend down to her level.

Wyatt clean his face with his palm to be sure it’s his boss, he has knew for the past ten years.

“Am sorry!” I don’t know what c@m£ over me” Nathan said and used his hand to re-move a strand of hair from Adele face.

“Take that dirty hand of yours away from my face” Adele said angrily.

“Am sorry I don’t mean to hurt you” Nathan said.

“Get out” Adele said. Nathan stood up and clear his throat.

“Wyatt will come and pick you later, good day” he said putting on his intimid@t!nglook, and Adele was scared when he sees his face.

Wyatt rushed and open the car door for him and he entered the back seat.

Wyatt parked the car at the garage and Nathan head to his torture room immediately.

“How are you Thomas?” Nathan asked. “Am not fine sir, this plsce is h*ll” Thomas replied.

“Yeah, you will get use to it with time” Nathan said and brou-ght out his wh!p.

“sir plea-se don’t use that on me” Thomas said. “Am not using it on you” Nathan said and wh!phim on his back and he shouted in pain.

“Am very sorry sir, I won’t try that again” Thomas shouted.

“And did you think you will have the chance to do it again by the time am done with you?” Nathan asked.

“Am sorry sir, it was the devil work” Thomas shouted.

“Devil?” Nathan asked and Thomas nod his head. “devil s£nt me to punish you” Nathan said and move closer to him.

“What did you brou-ght this cloth for, because you told me you aren’t going with any clothes?” Claire asked.

“Just watch and see” Adele said and rushed to the dressing room and Claire run after her.

“Wait, what are you applying makeup for?” Claire asked surprised.

“You asked question alot, just let me do my thing” Adele replied.

“Alright ma” Claire replied and placed her hand on her w@!st.

“How do I look?” Adele asked. “Jesus, you look horrible the makeup isn’t good at all, just look at the mirror and see yourself” Claire replied.

“Jealousy, am beautiful” Claire replied. “I will advice you to check the mirror before going out” Claire said.

Nathan parked his car outside the restaurant and look at his wristwatch for the untenth time.

“Why is this girl not out?” He asked hiself.

His phone ring out loud and he brou-ght it out from his pocket.

“Hello mum” he said to the person in the other end of the call.

“How are you doing son?’ Mrs O’Brien ask. “Am fine mum” Nathan replied.

“I just wanna inform you that your girlfriend is on her way to your house” Mrs O’Brien said and Adele c@m£ out from the restaurant, the phone fell freely from Nathan hand and he bur-st into laughter.

“Who… Who did this makeup for you?” He asked in-between laughter.
