Bloody Samaritan episode 12 & 13



GENRE:- r0m@nç£



Don’t copy or repost 🙅🙅🙅



Are you aware that you will be one of my properties, if your father didn’t pay back the money he borrowed from me tomorrow?” Nathan asked.
“What are you talking about?” Adele asked. “Your father borrowed money from me and used you as a colletera” Nathan replied and Adele bur-st into laughter.

“I guess you don’t know what you’re talking about” Adele said.

“Oh, or is it because I didn’t thank you the other time you helped me out, am sorry my bad thank you very much mr” Adele said.

“And did I look like a joke to you!” Nathan shouted and Adele move back in fright.

“Don’t shout at me, are you planning to hypertension, I haven’t forgiven you for what you did to me the first time we met” Adele said.

“Don’t Sharp your mouth on me, am just saying this so you won’t be surprise when I come for you tomorrow” Nathan said.

“You can’t come for me, I am human I can never be your property” Adele replied.

“Let’s watch and see my dear” Nathan replied. “Did you even know my father?” Adele asked.

“I love that question” Nathan replied and stroll throu-gh his phone.

“Hey who’s this?” Nathan asked and showed him Mr clerk picture.

“He is my father” Adele replied. “Good, it’s good that you know him, you can leave now” Nathan said.

“How much did he borrowed from you?” Adele asked with tears in her eyes.

“You don’t nee-d to know, you can’t pay me back even if I tell you, so I wanna save myself the stress of telling you” Nathan replied.

“I can’t be your property, am the one taking care of my mother” Adele said.

“Out!” Nathan said and point to the door.

“plea-se Mr grumpy, sorry Mr C.E.O” Adele said. “Get out now!” Nathan shouted.

“St©p shouting at me” Adele also shouted. “You’re trying my patience” Nathan said.

“You’re also trying my patience, I have been begging you since but you don’t wanna listen to me” Adele said.

.”What sort of human are you?” Nathan asked. “I should be asking you this question instead.” Adele said.

“Did you want me to sack you?” Nathan asked. “You can’t sack me because you aren’t the one that employed me” Adele replied.

“$hit!” Nathan said and ban-g his head on the table. “Just get out of my office” Nathan said.

“You can’t s£nd me out” Adele replied and Nathan pick his phone from the table.

“Hello Wyatt, where are you?” Nathan asked. “Am outside sir” Wyatt replied.

“Come inside the office now, I nee-d to help me drag a goat out” Nathan said.

“Am sure am not the one you’re referring to as a goat” Adele said and Nathan plug in his head Phone.

“Sir am here, where’s the goat?” Wyatt asked and Nathan point at Adele.

“She’s the goat, drag her out I don’t wanna see her in my office today” Nathan said.

“Alright boss!” Wyatt replied. “You don’t nee-d to drag me out, I will go out by myself because I am not a goat” Adele said and walked out of Nathan office.

“I find her interesting” Nathan said and bur-st into laughter. “Really?” Wyatt asked with a smile.

“Did I talked to you?” Nathan asked.

“No am very sorry sir, pardon my manner” Wyatt replied.

“get out, I want to be alone” Nathan said and Wyatt walked out of his office.

“How long have you guys been d@t!ng?” Mrs O’Brien ask and Jane spill out the drink in her mouth and she left out a nervous smile.

“Hope there’s no problem dear” Mrs O’Brien replied.

“There’s no problem ma” Jane replied. “So answer my question” Mrs O’Brien said.

“Two years ma” Jane replied with a smile. “Two years?” Mrs O’Brien ask.

“Yes ma” Jane replied. “Are you sure, because Nathan told me he didn’t have a girlfriend last year, and I did some findings and find out he is telling me the truth” Mrs O’Brien said.

“Maybe, that was when I traveled out” Jane replied.

“Alright my dear, just make sure you’re very careful with Nathan, he get angry easily” Mrs O’Brien replied.

“Alright ma, can you do me a favor ma” Jane asked.

“Sure my darling” Mrs O’Brien replied. “I don’t wanna go back to the house today can you help me tell Nathan that I can’t come back today” Jane said.

“Sure, am even happy that you wanna keep my company” Mrs O’Brien said.

“Thank you ma” Jane said. “You can call me mum, you’re my daughter in-law to be” Mrs O’Brien replied.

“Am honored ma” Jane said with a smile. “Let go to the kitchen, I wanna bake chocolate” Mrs O’Brien said.

“I don’t know how to bake it mum” Jane replied. “Don’t worry I will teach you” Mrs O’Brien replied and stood up from the chair.

Nathan get out from his office and walked to his car.

Adele rushed to his side and st©pped him. “How may I help you miss?” Nathan asked.
“Mr grumpy can you plea-se drop me off in my house” Adele asked Nathan.

“And did my car look like a cab to you?” Nathan asked.

“I didn’t say your car look like a cab I only asked for a ride, and I don’t even mind if your car is a cab” Adele replied.

“I can’t” Nathan replied and enter the car. “plea-se I don’t have money for cab” Adele said.

“So you can beg, just come inside” Nathan said and Adele rushed inside the car.

“Easy!” Nathan said. “Wow inside the car is so cool” Adele said and spre-ad her leg.

“Did you realized you’re inside my car?” Nathan asked.

“Yeah I know, let me enjoy myself before you come for me tomorrow” Adele said and Nathan shake her head.

Adele stand down from the car and rushed inside their house angrily.

She met Mr clerk and two of his bit-ch*s eating each other face in the sitting room.

“Clerk!” Adele shouted. “Where are your manners?” Mr clerk ask.

“Hey you guys should get out of this house, I want to discuss with this s¢v-mbag” Adele said pointing at Mr clerk.

“You don’t have the right to s£nd us out” one of the ladies said.

“Alright ma, I am very sorry ma” Adele said and walked to the kitchen…



“You don’t have the right to s£nd us out” one of the ladies said.

“Alright ma, I am very sorry ma” Adele said and walked to the kitchen.

Working inside the kitchen, I stood at the middle of the kitchen, thinking of what to do, clerk bit-ches are gonna suffer for what clerk did to me.

I think I will go for water, I walked inside the bathroom and fetch enough water, walking inside the sitting room, I saw them still eating each other face, I walked inside my room and c@m£ out with a rope.

I tied them together from the back and they shouted.

“What the fv¢k!” The one that insulted me shouted.

I carried the water from the ground and emptied it on their head.

“are you cra$y?” Father shouted angrily. “Am not cra$y Mr clerk, you’re the cra$y one here, how can a reasonable father sold his daughter because of money” I said and he look at me in shocked.

“How did you know, I wanna make it a surprise for you” he said with a smile.

“It’s the surprise that will kill you Mr clerk, should I just kill you and your b*che-st once and for all” I said looking around, then I remembered I have a toy gun in my room.

“Am coming back” I said and walked inside my room, I c@m£ out with the toy gun and point it at Mr clerk.

“Hey you can’t scare me with that toy gun” Mr clerk said.

“Oh you think it’s toy gun” I said and hold the gun with enough confident, so he won’t know the gun is toy gun.

“You cant sh0t me” he said. “Why can’t I sh0t you?” I shouted.

“Because I am your father” Mr clerk said.

“God forbid, you can never be my father, you’re an animal” I said pointing the gun on his head.

“Adele what did you want?” Mr clerk ask. “Good question” I said and bur-st into laughter, I look at the bit-ches and they’re both shaking in fear, yeah that’s what I want.

“I never wanted to come, but you f0rç£d me to, can you see what you caused” one of the lady said and bur-st into tears.

“This isn’t the right time for you to cry, this man sold me his daughter, because of you guys and you guys have the gut to spend the money” I said.

“We are very sorry” they chorused.

“Shut up!” I shouted and they keep quiet immediately, wow this action films have been watching really help me today.

“Adele plea-se don’t kill me I will give you anything you want” Mr clerk said.

“Good I nee-d your di-ck and kidney” I replied and he shouted.

“Oh I forget to add that I also nee-d your heart, yeah I wanna sell it to a rich man” I replied.

“Ah, Adele that’s too much” he shouted.

“I can’t ask for money because you don’t have the type of money I want” I replied and sat at the edge of the chair.

“Adele plea-se!” He beg with tears In his eyes. “fine, where’s the money you borrowed from Mr O’Brien?” I asked.

Don’t be surprised how I knew his name his name is written boldly In his office door, I haven’t gone to that p@rticular place since I started working in the restaurant, until yesterday.

“I have spent it” he replied. “Don’t tell me you spent all the money?” I asked.

“No the only money remaining is the one I wanna give my darlings” He replied and I look at the bit-ches, they’re both looking at me with teary eyes.

I moved closer to the one that insulted me and gave her a resounding sl@p.

“Ahhh!” She shouted and hold her cheek in pain.

“Aren’t you guys ashame of yourselves, you’re going out with a man old enough to be your father, am sure you guys are still in college” I said and they both nod their head in reply. “I found that very offensive, talk with your mouth” I minick Mr O’Brien and brou-ght out my phone to snap them.

“I nee-d your parents number, i nee-d to show them what their children have been doing” I said and picked my bag from the floor, I picked up a razor and move closer to the one that insulted me.

I will like to give you a new style, I said and move closer to her, I used scissors to trim half of her hand before scrambling it with the blade.

I picked-up my phone and snapped them with it.

They called their parents number for me and I s£nd the pictures with an interesting caption to them and I also s£nt it to my Instagram story.

Wait I haven’t seen my mother and Claire since I c@m£ back what did you do to them?” I asked.

“Claire has taken her away” he replied.

“Why, what did you did to them?” I asked.

“I did nothing he replied. “Are you sure?” I asked and he nod his head.

“where did you keep the remaining money because I can’t suffer in vain” I asked.

“The money is inside my room” he replied. “we also have some money to give you, plea-se let us go” the bit-ches said.

“Quiet, I dont nee-d your money” I said and walked inside Mr Clark room.


“Sir am have gotten the information you nee-d sir, her father is a very useless man sir” Wyatt replied.

“Really?” Nathan asked and collected the phone from him.

“Wow, this girl is cra$y, he said going throu-gh the pictures and videos Adele posted.

“This is cra$y, she went to deal with her father because of what I told her” Nathan said and Wyatt stretched his n£¢k to see the video is boss was talking about.

He bur-st into laughter immediately he saw the video. “This lady is very cra$y sir” Wyatt said.

“Yeah I find her very interesting, go pay for her mother operation money, but tell the doctor that I don’t want her to know who paid for the operation” Nathan said.

“Does that means, you won’t accept her as the colletera again?” Wyatt asked.

“I will, i find her Interesting, we are going to get her tomorrow evening, but make sure you pay for her mother operation, and move her mother and her sister away from the house Adele friend take her too, that place isn’t good for her” Nathan said and walked to his room.


Nathan hmm 😒😒