Bloody Samaritan episode 10 & 11



GENRE:- r0m@nç£



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Walking inside her working place, someone pu-ll her back with her hair and gave her a resounding sl@p.

“What the fv¢k!” Adele shouted and held her cheek in pain.

She turned back to look at the person. “What did I do to you?” Adele asked angrily.

“Did you think I don’t know you’re going out with my husband” Mrs Thomas said.

“Madam are you okay?” Adele asked. “You’re very disrespectful” Mrs Thomas said and sl@pped her again.

“Mum what did you want us to do today?” Claire asked. “Let’s watch movie” Mrs Clark replied.

“Alright mum” Claire replied and put on the TV. Mr clerk staggered inside the house and st©pped on seeing Claire.

“Hey you what are you doing in my house?” Mr clerk ask and point to Claire.

“Am here to see mum” Claire replied. “Your mother isn’t here, your mother is in the grave” Mr clerk said.

“Clerk that’s too harsh, I won’t take that from you” Mrs clerk said angrily and Claire bur-st into tears.

“Am very sorry my daughter, you know he’s a drun!kard, he doesn’t know what he’s saying” Mrs Clark said.

“I know what am saying, she killed her parents” Mr clerk said.

“Clerk st©p this madness!” Mrs clerk said angrily. “Did you want to fight me because of this w*tch?” Mr clerk asked pointing to Claire.

“Yeah I will fight you if you don’t respect yourself” Mrs clerk replied.

“Oh my dear wife wanna fight me” Mr clerk said and move closer to Mrs Clark.

He re-moved her wheel chair and Claire quic-kly rushed to her before she fall down.

“You’re a devil, mum you’re moving out of this house now!” Claire said.

“But…..” Mrs clerk said and Claire cut in. “You don’t have a say in this, am talking you out of this place” Claire said and helped her to the chair.

“Eat your house” Claire said and wheel Mrs clerk out.

“Where are you taking my wife too, did you know that I can sue you for taking my wife from me?” Mr clerk said drun!kenly.

“You haven’t seen anything, I will deal with you for taking my wife away. ” Mr clerk said and fall on the chair.

“Hello mum” Nathan said to the person on the other end of the call.

“How are you my darling?” Mrs O’Brien ask. “Am good mum, hope all is well?” Nathan asked.

“All his well my dear son, I want you to bring your girlfriend to the house, am bored” Mrs O’Brien replied.

“Alright, I will bring her on my way to work” Nathan replied.

“Thank you very much my darling, I can’t wait to see her” Mrs O’Brien replied and end the call.

“Mum want you in her place, make sure you behave yourself when you get there” Nathan said.

“Wow” Jane said and does some happy dance. “Can’t wait to see my mother inlaw to be” Jane said.

“In your dream, go In and dress up” Nathan said. “Alright give me a few minutes” Jane said and rushed to her room.

She empty all her cloth on the be-d, she sat down on the be-d contemplating on the cloth to wear.

“Which clothes can I wear to impress her?” Jane asked herself and scattered all the clothes Nathan brou-ght for her on the be-d.

“I think I will go with this blue go-wn” she said and picked up the go-wn.

“Thank you for bringing her” Mrs O’Brien said and hvg Nathan.

“You’re welcome mum, am getting late for work I will see you tomorrow” Nathan said.

“Alright darling” Mrs O’Brien replied and wave her hand at him.

Wyatt opened the car door for him and he sat at the back seat.

“Howe dare you raised your hand on me” Adele shouted and raised her hand up to sl@p Mrs Thomas back and Thomas hold her hand immediately.

“What are you doing, are you trying to sl@p my wife back?” Thomas asked.

“Leave her hand now!” Someone shouted e Thomas leave her hand immediately.



GENRE:- r0m@nç£



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“What are you doing, are you trying to sl@p my wife back?” Thomas asked.

“Leave her hand now!” Someone shouted and Thomas leave her hand immediately.

“Hey you sl@p her back, sl@p her as many as you want” Nathan said and Adele look shocked.

“I said sl@p her back!” Nathan yelled. “But sir” Mr Thomas said and Nathan gave him the look to keep quiet.

Adele look at her palm and smile happily to her self.

She gave Mrs Thomas a resounding sl@p on her left Cheek and another one on her right cheek.

She sl@pped her four times.

“Are you satisfied?” Nathan asked and Adele nod her head. “speak up!” Nathan said.

“yes” Adele replied. “Sl@p her husband too” Nathan said.

“plea-se am not re-ady to lose this work, so plea-se don’t let me to sl@p him” Adele said.

“I said sl@p him now!” Nathan yelled and Adele sl@pped Thomas immediately.

“Good, Thomas is this how you and your wife treat people working un-der you?” Nathan asked.

“Am very sorry sir” Mr Thomas said with his head bow.

“What did she do?” Nathan asked.

“She’s goi……” Mrs Thomas wanted to reply him but Nathan cut in.

“Quiet, am not talking to you” Nathan said and face Thomas.

“she didn’t do anything sir” Mr Thomas replied. “Thomas why dont you tell him the truth” Mrs Thomas said.

“Woman, did you want me to kill you” Nathan growl and Mrs Thomas move back in fright.

“My wife thought, she was going out with me” Mr Thomas said.

“Hey you, are you going out with a married man?” Nathan asked.

“No, he was the one disturbing me” Adele replied.

“Did you have evidence?” Mrs Thomas asked and Nathan rushed to her and gr-ab her n£¢k.

“Are you cr*zy, did I ask you to talk?” Nathan asked angrily.

“Am very sorry” Mrs Thomas said and cough out. Nathan throw her on the floor and move closer to Adele.

“Young lady did you have any evidence?” Nathan asked.

“Yes I do” Adele replied and brou-ght out her phone.

She showed Nathan the messages Thomas has been s£nding to her.

She stroll to her audio recorder and pla-yed a voice note.

“What did you have to say about this?” Nathan asked.

“Nothing sir, am very sorry” Thomas replied. “Meet me in the office now” Nathan yelled and walked inside the restaurant and Thomas also run after him.

“Wait is he the boss” Adele asked herself. “Mrs fighter Weldon, why dont you just tie the useless husband you get married to with rope?” Adele asked.

“I will so deal with you if my husband lose his job” Mrs Thomas replied.

“Bring it on my dear” Adele replied and stick her ton-gue out at her.

“You will regret ever crossing my p@rt” Mrs Thomas said.

“You’re the one that crossed my path, Mrs married woman, don’t you know you get married to a manwho-re?” Adele asked and walked inside the restaurant.

Nathan sat on his office chair with his leg Cross.

“Is this how you and your wife treat workers?” Nathan asked.

“No sir, am very sorry” Thomas replied. “I hate hearing sorry!” Thomas said and Nathan move back in fright.

Nathan picked his phone from the table and dial Wyatt number.

“Boss” Wyatt said from the other end of the call.

“Meet me in the office now!” Nathan said and dropped his phone.

“What’s your position, in this place?” Nathan asked.

“Manager sir” Thomas replied and Nathan nod his head. “What’s the work of a manager?” Nathan asked.

“Sir…” Thomas said. “You heard me, answer my question now!” Nathan yelled and Thomas clear his throat.

“Manager work is to plan, direct, organize, staffing, directing and controlling” Thomas replied.

“Instead of you to do all this things, you mentioned you’re busy slee-ping with workers, I wanted to give you this restaurant before, because I love appreciating my workers, but many people are complaining about you, now I found out you aren’t who I think you’re.” Nathan said.

“Am very sorry sir!” Thomas said and Nathan ban-g his hand on the table.

“Don’t tell me sorry!” Nathan yelled. “Boss” Wyatt called.

“Welcome Wyatt, drag him out and take him to the torture room, am coming to teach him a lesson he will never forget” Nathan said.

“Yes boss” Wyatt replied and drag him out of the office. “idi*t” Nathan said and brou-ght out a packet of cigarettes.

“Welcome beautiful” Mrs O’Brien said and Jane smile happily at her. “What will you like to take?” Mrs O’Brien ask.

“Apple jui-ce” Jane replied with a smile. “Alright my darling I will be right back” Mrs O’Brien replied and walked inside the kitchen.

She c@m£ back with the apple jui-ce and gave it to Jane.

“Thank you very much ma” Jane replied with a smile.

“Did you truly love my son?” Mrs O’Brien ask. “Sure we love each other ma” Jane replied.

“Good, plea-se don’t take his love for granted, because he has gone throu-gh a lot, I just nee-d you to heal his broken heart, because he’s the only one I have” Mrs O’Brien said.

“Really, he didn’t tell me what he pas-sed throu-gh, can you kindly tell me ma?” Jane replied.

“No I can’t tell you, he will be the one to tell you hiself” Mrs O’Brien replied.

“Can I ask a question?” Mrs O’Brien said. “Sure” Jane replied with a smile.

“How long have you guys been d@t!ng, I mean you and my son” Mrs O’Brien ask, Jane spill out the drink in her mouth.

“Mum relax yourself, you aren’t going back to that house again” Claire said.

“But I can’t leave my husband house just like that” Mrs Clark said.

“Mum all this you’re saying are none my business, my own business is that you aren’t going back to that house, I won’t allow that, did you want him kill you before your time” Claire said.

“But he will be alone in the house” Mrs Clark said.

“Don’t worry his bit-ch will stand by him, you nee-d peace, that house isn’t for you” Claire replied.

“You s£nt for me” Adele said. “Yeah!” Nathan replied going throu-gh some files.

“Am here, what did you call me for?” Adele asked.

“Are you aware that you will be one of my properties, if your father didn’t pay back the money he borrowed from me tomorrow?” Nathan asked.

“What are you talking about?” Adele asked.
