Bloody Samaritan episode 16 & 17



GENRE:- r0m@nç£



Don’t copy or repost ???



“Who… Who did this makeup for you?” He asked in-between laughter.

“Why is this one laughing like a psycho?” Adele asked looking around.

. “Your makeup looks horrible, who did this for you?” Nathan asked still smiling.

“Just tell me you love my makeup and st©p beating around the bush,” Adele said.

“Am not beating around the bush, just take a look at yourself” Nathan said and pick his phone from the ground.

He showed Adele and Adele collected the phone from him.

“What the fv¢k, what did I did” Adele shouted and Nathan bur-st into another round of laughter.

“I will so kill Claire today,” Adele said and rushed inside the restaurant.
. “Claire John!” She shouted.

“Why are you shouting like a barking dog?” Claire asked.

“Ahh, she said am barking like a dog,” Adele said dramatically.

“What happened, why are you calling my name?” Claire asked.

“I did that makeup so that, that monster will get angry and he won’t take me with him, but he was just laughing like an f99l” Adele said.

“Your look is very funny now,” Claire said.

“I thought people like him don’t laugh I don’t know why he laughed,” she said.

Nathan stepped inside the restaurant and look around for Adele and Adele rushed to hide in Claire’s back.

“Come outside!” Nathan said and Adele roll her eyes and walked out.

“let’s go!” Nathan said and gr-ab her hand.

“plea-se take care of my mother and help me explain to her,” Adele said.

“Alright, I also nee-d to get going because I am getting late” Claire replied.

“You guys should enjoy yourselves,” Mr clerk said and stand in the middle of the Ladies.

pla-ying loud music and shaking his w@!st to the rhythm of the music, yeah my problem is no more in this house so I can enjoy myself” Mr clerk said.

And spray money on the air and the ladies rushed to pick the money.

“I have money I am a very rich man,” Mr clerk said happily.

“Am now a free man, but that doesn’t mean I won’t go back and bring my wife” Mr clerk said dancing.

“You guys should enjoy yourselves because you guys are my joy giver, Hey loud the music, the music isn’t loud enough,” Mr clerk said.

He walked to a girl and hit her *SS with money. “Call me a rich man” Mr clerk said and the lady shouted.

“You’re a rich man” with a smile.

“Yeah, Money is good” Mr clerk said with a smile.

“Baby your phone is ringing,” one of his ladies said.

“Who’s the caller?” Mr clerk asks. “My wife!” The lady replied.

“End the call I don’t want to talk to her now” Mr clerk replied.

“When am I gonna be free from you?” Adele asked.

“You’re my property now, so I can decide not to free you,” Nathan said.


This guy is cr*zy, but come to think of it, he is a handsome devil, u didn’t have time to check him out before, he has nicel-ips and a good b©dy, but he doesn’t have manners.

“What are you thinking about?” He asked and tap me.

“Don’t t©uçh me” I growl.

“I will re-lease you, only if you can impress me,” he said, what’s he talking about.

“Impress you as to how?” I asked.

“You will un-derstand later” he replied.

My phone ring out loud and I brou-ght it out of my bag, why is Steve calling me.

I picked up the call immediately.

“Hello Steve,” I said and Mr grumpy look at me immediately.

“How are you doing baby?” He asked and I put more volume.

“Baby!” Mr grumpy called surprised.

“Am fine” I replied.

“When will you be free, I will like to see you,” Steve said and Mr grumpy collected the phone from me immediately.

“She’s not coming, she’s now my property,” Mr grumpy said.

“Give me back my phone” I shouted.

“I owned you now, so automatically the phone is also mine,” he said.

“Mr. I will advise you to give the phone to the owner” I heard Steve say.

“Mr I can track you down and kill you I don’t give a fv¢k,” Mr grumpy said and I snatched my phone from him.

“Steve I will talk to you later,” I said and end the call.

“Why did you collect the phone from me?” He yelled and I moved back in fright.

“you’re lucky am in a good mood today, I would have thought you a lesson you will never forget” he said.

“You can’t do anything to me” I replied and he gr@bb£d me by my n£¢k.

“Ahh” I shouted and he leave my n£¢k immediately.

“Don’t try me,” she said with a deadly glare and I hold myl-ips together with my hand.

Am not sure I can keep quiet, Am very sure I will di* before tomorrow.

I know what to do, I will frustrate his life till he returns me to my house.

.My phone ring out loud again and I picked it up immediately.

“Hey mum,” I said happily.

“My darling, I heard you’re going on a trip with your boss, plea-se be very careful my dear” mum said worriedly, I can see she’s worried from her voice.

“Alright I will, how’s your health?” I asked.

“Am fine, just be very careful” she said. “Alright, mum,” I replied.

“You’re ma-king noise” Mr grumpy said and I glare at him.

“I will blind that eyes for you,” he said.

“You can’t do anything Mr,” I replied.

“Jewel, who are you fighting with?” Mum asked.

“Mum relax, am not fighting with anyone, I was only pla-ying with my friend, I will talk to you later,” I said and end the call.

“Hey watch your ton-gue, before I cut it for you,” He said and Wyatt drove to a compound, he parked the car in the garage and rushed to open the door for Mr grumpy.

I c@m£ down from the car speechless looking around in shock.

“Don’t tell me this house is yours?” I asked. “You will like to close your mouth, before flying take your second k!ss” Mr grumpy said and put his hand in his trou-ser pocket.

“What the fv¢k!”



GENRE:- r0m@nç£



Don’t copy or repost ???



“Don’t tell me this house is yours?” I asked. “You will like to close your mouth, before flying take your second k!ss” Mr grumpy said and put his hand in his trou-ser pocket.

“What the fv¢k!” I shouted. “Hey st©p shouting, they don’t shout in my mansion, you can see that this place is very peaceful,” Mr grumpy said.

“You mentioned something like fly taking my second k!ss, does that means you’re am an.i.mal?” I asked looking around the house.

“How dare you refer to me as an animal?” He asked and drag my hand.

“Hey don’t hurt me,” I said, I thought his hand will be strong, but I was very wrong because his hand his very soft, like a newborn baby’s hand on her skin.

“Take your hand off me now!” I said.

“What if I don’t?” He asked.

“I will bite your hand” I replied. “You can’t,” he replied and I bite him ha-rd on his hand and he hissed out loud.

“I don’t even know you bite me, your teeth are like form, if you try that with me next time, you will have yourself to blame,” he said.

“You can’t intimid@t£ me in this house because I don’t like trouble” I replied.

“br@vo, I think you’re misbehaving, because I gave you the chance,” he said and walked away.

“You can’t leave me alone in the place” I shouted and ran after him, I will come back to check the house later, I can’t afford to get lost in this house, we get to a door and he st©pped, he input some pas-sword and covered it with his big b©dy, the door opened and he entered the house.

I also entered the house and I was lost looking around, I thought I have seen it all, oh man, this living room is so beautiful and big, this guy has good taste.

“Let me know when you’re done looking around,” he said and put on his intimid@t!nglook and I scoff out loud, I will give you the grace to look around because I am very sure, you haven’t seen a mansion, as big and beautiful as mine,” he said.

“Who told you this house is beautiful, this house wanna make me puke, you nee-d to sue the person that gave you the idea to build this type of house” I replied him.

“Am sure if they join you and your generation together, you can’t afford a mansion as beautiful as this” he said

Wait, did this guy just mention my generation.

“How dare you mentioned my generation?” I asked angrily.

“You brou-ght that upon yourself” he replied. “Look here Mr, the fact that you claimed to own me doesn’t give you the right to insult my generation” I replied.

“Is your generation useful?” He asked and walked away.

“Come back here,” I said and tried to run after him before a maid st©pped me.

“Am sorry, you can’t go to the boss room” she said.

“What’s this one talking about, someone just insulted my generation and you want me to let it slide,” I said and pushed her away.

“Miss, I will advice you to come back, Mr. O’Brien isn’t someone to toy with” the maid replied.

“That’s your problem, not mine,” I said and run m after Mr grumpy.

“What did you want, why did you follow me to my room, did you wanna start your work today?” Mr grumpy asked.

“Which work are you talking about?” I asked. “You can come inside my room to see the work am talking about” he replied and walked inside his room and closed the door on my face.

“What the fv¢k, Le me get out of here before he comes back for me.

I worked out of Mr grumpy room and met the maid in the sitting room.

“Are you re-ady to go to your room Miss?” She asked.

“How did you know am Miss?” I asked.

“I didn’t see a ring on your f!nger ma” she replied.

That’s true, she’s brilliant.

“Why can’t you fight for me, when your boss insulted me, what happens to lady code?” I asked.

“I am not re-ady to lose my life ma” the maid replied.

“You mean he will kill you if you interfere?” I asked.

“Yes,” the lady replied and look around in fright.

“So he kills anyhow?” I asked and she nod her head.

“Ahh, I think am dead, I don’t even know what he’s planning for me,” I said.

“You have to be extra careful with him” she replied.

“God what have I put myself into, Mr grumpy plea-se forgive me I will never insult you again,” I said.

“Let me take k you to your room, Miss,” she said and I nod my head in reply.

“What’s your name?” I asked her.

“Gabby” she replied. “Wow nice name” I replied and she blus-h.

“Wait did you just blus-h, or my eyes were deceiving me?” I asked and she covered her face with her hair.

This is cr*zy,” I said and she smiled shyly.

She pushed the door open with her hand and gesture me to come in.

“Where are we?” I asked. “Your room ma” she replied.

“This place can never be my room, this room is too big for someone like me” I replied.

“It’s yours, Miss, am the maid Mr. O’Brien as-signed to you, call me if you nee-d anything,” she said trying to walk out.

“Come back, you haven’t given me your number,” I said and she point to a telephone on the nightstand.

“Oh, alright,” I said and smiled at her.

I climb the be-d and jumped on it happily.

It’s so soft, money is fv¢king good.

I nee-d to take my bath, I opened the wardrobe and I discovered that there’s no single cloth there, what did this man expect me to wear.

I walked out of the room and walked angrily to his doorstep, I placed a knock on the door and he opened up immediately.

“How may I help you?” He asked.

“Hey darling,” a lady said and pushed me away from the road and rushed to hvg Mr grumpy, I will so deal with her, how dare her to push me away, can’t she just excuse me respectfully.


Me am speechless.