Babysitting the bad boys season two episode 23

Episode 23
👖Babysitting The Bad
Boys 😎
💯[Secrets and r0m@nç£] 💯
By: Blessing D writes
(The devil himself)
💝Kendra’s POV 💝
“Rico, Rico?? Rico??” I kept calling but he wasn’t answering.
“Rico!!!!” I yelled and he turned and looked at me.
“Huh! What did you just say?” He asked now starring at me.
“What are we gonna do? What are we gonna do about Cole?” I asked him for the second time.
“Um..I don’t no Kendra, I’m totally confused myself” he mumbled.
“But, we gat to do something, let’s look for him or something” I suggested.
“I don’t know ken. We’ll talk later” he mumbled again and started leaving.
Oh God! Goodness God what is happening?
So, Nick planned all those $h!t?
And..and did he mention about him helping to find my parents?
Oh $h!t! Why didn’t he tell me? I thought and started walking away from the roof t©p downstairs.
I don’t even know where he is. Where can I find him? I wondered turning around in the hallway.
And I no longer have his number.
Oh $h!t!
Hours later. At the mansion.
👖Rico’s POV 👖
“What? What do you mean its all Nick’s plan?”
“Nick planned it all, is that what you’re saying?” Jason asked almost yelling.
I sighed pathetically and held my temples.
“Geez! How could he? How could he do such a thing pretending to be the victim? I’m gonna call Cole now.”
“That bastards nee-ds to be dealt with” Mason Ch!pped in and left to call him.
I wanted to st©p him but had no strength in me.
I’m just totally confused. I’m lost of ideas.
I really don’t know a way to deal with all these.
🎲Cole’s POV 🎲
I dropped the call with Jason and scoffed.
Its unbelievable. He can’t be telling me the truth.
$h!t! Where is he? I thought and left my room in search of him – Nick.
I opened his door and there he was facing his computer.
I pu-ll-ed him up and made him face me.
“Is it true? Did you really forge that letter? Did you?” I snarled and he shook in fear.
“I nee-d answers!” I demanded but he just kept mute.
“Don’t you un-derstand my words again?? I nee-dfu-ck*ng answers” I gro-an ed still holding his shi-t and he nodded his head slowly.
I re-leased my grip on him and sl@pped him ma-king him fall back on his computer sit.
I lifted him up again a threw him a punch across his face and hisl-ips started bleeding.
Damn it, I’m so angry today and he is adding to my anger.
“Why?” I gro-an ed my fist ti-ght£ñed in the air re-ady to punch him again.
“Why did you do it?” I demanded angrily.
“I’m..I’m..sorry” he sniffed alre-ady in tears.
“You…you’re a damn bastard. Why the hell did you do it? I nee-d answers not yourfu-ck*ng tears alright?” I yelped.
“I was only jealous alright? I was jealous of your relationsh!pwith him. You are always with him every day forgetting you had a brother.”
“I just wanted you to myself for a while so I thought of ways to separate you and..and…Sheila helped me in it because you two were d@t!ngthen..and you didn’t like her and..”
I left him and sank my f!ngersin my hair and he continued sniffing.
“Now did you get me all by yourself? Have you eaten me enough? How come you’re my brother, huh!?”
“You’re more like the devil himself, how could you do such a thing?” I questioned in anger.
“I was gonna graduate and knowing fully well you’re the only one here with me I did it, I thought you weren’t gonna come because of him so I did it.”
“But..but I never thought it’ll last this long I swear to you, I thought you two were only gonna fight for just a week or two..I..didn’t expect.. I’m sorry” he cried.
“I can’t forgive you. Now did it last for two weeks? Hasn’t it be two years alre-ady?” I snapped.
“I’m sorry, I was not thinking straight then, I was just a little kid then, plea-se forgive me” he continued.
“Whenever I see you two fight, I always feel guilty but…but couldn’t confess, plea-se Cole forgive me for mom and dad’s sake” he pleaded.
“You know what?” I asked turning to look at him.
“What?” He asked.
“Get out of this mansion, I don’t wanna see you for the meantime or I’m afraid I might hurt you for mom” I gro-an ed.
“Alright but plea-se..”
“Just go!” I cut him of and he nodded and left.
👖Rico’s POV 👖
I sat down on the couch in my room still thinking about the whole thing.
So, I accused him wrongly.
Gosh. I’m I that stupid? Why didn’t I believe him when he said he didn’t write the letter?
I wish I had settled things with him the moment Kendra asked me to be I still proved stubborn.
What thefu-ck is gonna happen now?
I buried my head in my palms and heard the door opening.
I raised my head up to see the twins.
“You can’t believe it Rico. Do you know who is at the door?” Jason asked.
“Who?” I mouthed.
“Its Nick. The devil himself” he replied.
“What? What is he doing here?” I questioned.
“Its good his here, I’m gonna deal with him” Mason gro-an ed and stormed out.