Babysitting the bad boys Episode 11

Episode 11
👖Babysitting The Bad
Boys 😎
💯[Our Nanny] 💯
By: Blessing D writes
(The fight)
💝Kendra’s POV 💝
I gulped down nervously as I watched him stare at me.
“He continued starring at me in the eyeball ma-king me wonder what his thinking.”
“Oh plea-se!”
“Lord help me overcome this temptation.”
“What were you doing with him ?” He asked again and I coughed.
“Am I not supposed to be his babysitter?” I shouldn’t behave like this or they’ll all look down on me.
“Um..nothing, why do you ask?”
D”o you have any problem with it?” I cooed trying to sound normal.
“He chuckled and backed me for a while.”
“What’s he gonna do?”
“Geez! I’m seriously scared.”
“He stood for a while and walked back to his brothers.”
“gr@bb£d his car keys and left.”
“Huh! What was that?”
I noticed the twins were also confused by his actions but ignored him.
I heaved heavily and continued on my way.
👖Rico’s POV 👖
That bastard!
“What’s he trying to do?”
“Get at me? And he thinks the best way to do that is throu-gh kendra??”
I drove to a lonely p@rt and st©pped my car.
Then brou-ght out one of my phones and dialed his number – cole.
“Meet me at the cross section, I said and dropped the call immediately.”
I ti-ght£ñed my grip on the steering as I waited impatiently for him.
“Few minutes later he drove towards my car and packed right at the front facing my car with his.”
“He c@m£ out with his f!ngersinser-ted into his pocket and I also c@m£ out.”
“He sat down on his car waiting for me to get to him.”
“What the hell are you trying to do with Kendra??” I asked sounding angry and he only chuckled.
“Is not your business what I do with her, he replied arrogantly.”
“You wanna bring her into this fight, huh!?”
“Then be re-ady to dig your own grave, I hushed.”
“You must be crazy brother to think that you’ll do more than a dead rat, you’re weak and you no it.”
“You try to prove otherwise in front of everyone but you’re actually really weak.” So am wondering what a weak person like you can do.
“Well, its will be fun watching you, he said and I ti-ght£ñed my fist and backed him.”
I couldn’t control my anger and I turned back and punched him right on his silly face.
“He gro-an ed and held his face as he managed to stand on his feet.”
“You wanna no what a weak person can do right?” I rasped and gr@bb£d his collar and made to punch him a second time but I was too late.
He dogged it and I hit his car.
“$h!t! I gro-an ed as I loos£n my hand.”
“Its hurt real bad.”
“Before I could turn to face him, he gr@bb£d me down to his car and we engaged in a h0t fight.”
I drove into the compound late in the night and packed my car in the garage.
I stormed in still angry.
“The first person my eyes landed on was kendra.”
She g@sped immediately she saw me.
“She wanted to ask but I didn’t wait for her to complete her s£ntence before I took the stairs.”
“My brothers must be in their different rooms.”
💝Kendra’s POV 💝
“What thefu-ck happened to him?”
“His face is filled with bruises.”
“Don’t tell me he got into a fight.” It looks really bad and his shi-t is actually stained with blood.
“Oh! What am I gonna do?” I thought for a while and an idea hit me.
I asked a maid to pas-s the first aid box to me and she did.
I took the stairs and st©pped in front of his car.
I exhaled before I knocked on the door.
I heard no reply and knocked again.
Still no reply.
Isn’t he in?
He just arrived now.
I t©uçhed the door knob and it wasn’t locked.
I popped my head in once I’d opened and I saw him sitting on a chair facing the mirror.
“He didn’t even turn to see the person.”
I walked in fully and cleared my throat hoping he’ll turn but didn’t.
I took a step forward and got to where he was.
“Am sure his seeing me throu-gh the mirror.”
I stood behind him and looked into the mirror.
He was starring at me from the mirror.
“Um..Rico, I can see that you’re hurt so I..I brou-ght some med to treat you, I said nervously.”
“He didn’t reply and I sighed.”
“Gosh! This guy is a real headache.”
I moved to the table and sat on it.
I also dropped the first aid box on the table beside me facing him properly.
“He still didn’t say a word so I decided to ignore him too.”
“First we nee-d to disinfect the injury so I brou-ght out cotton wool from the box and applied spirit to it.”
“His hand was bleeding but he ignored it.”
“What a j£rk! Bad boy.”
I gr@bb£d his hand and made to clean it with the cotton wool but he re-moved his hand from mine immediately.
I starred at him but he didn’t return it.
“Anger was clearly written on his face.”
“Oh lord!”
I took his hand for the second time and he re-moved it again.
I scratched my hair wondering if I should sl@p some s-en-ses into his head but I no that I won’t leave to tell the story.
“He might as well kill me here and bury me inside the WC.”
“To be sincere I don’t no where all this courage c@m£ from but I think I gat this.”
I gr@bb£d his hand for the third time and he made to re-move it but I held him ti-ght.
I placed his hand on my legs and cleaned the blood with the cotton wool and I think I heard him winch.
I finished doing it and opened the box again.
I took out the bandage I saw there and plastered on him.
“Even tho I really don’t no how to apply it but I still tried my best and next it was his forehead.”
“Oh $h!t!” I closed my eyes for a sec and draw the chair he was sitting on closer to me with all my might.
I took out another cotton wool and applied spirit on it.
I lifted the hair covering the injury and cleaned it with the cotton wool.
I dropped the cotton wool and took out a plaster.
I plastered it on the injury and covered his hair with it.
That one is done.
“Thank goodness!”
And now the last one.
It was close to hisl-ips side.
I’m I gonna be tou-ching hisl-ips?
I took out another cotton wool and applied spirit on it.
“Then I moved closer and carefully cleaned that p@rt.”
I kept the cotton wool and took out another plaster.
I bent to plaster it but one of my f!ngersmistakenly t©uçhed hisl-ips.
“And for the first time since I started what I was doing his took his eyes to mine.”
“My f!nger was still on hisl-ips and gosh its really soft.”
I also starred at him.
“And like that our eyes locked into each others.”
I’m enjoying this.
Stubborn Rico.
Rico and Kendra.