a mermaid’s love episode 44

( Melody Musical High… )


By, Naomi Cindy B.



“Starr!” Lotus shouted instantly, pushing Martin away from herself.

She left the pool and ran to Starr who’s now lying unconscious on the ground.

“Starr!, Starr wake up!” She yelled fearfully, feeling his heartbeats.

He’s still breathing so she made to carry him in her arms but Martin intervened.

“I’ll do it” he said, carrying him instead.

He took him into the house and dropped him on Lotus’s bed.

“His temperature is hot” Lotus said, feeling it.

“What are you gonna do?” Martin asked.

“I nee-d to cool it and bring it back to normal, I should lay beside him and share my coldness with him” she replied and made to lay beside him but Martin stopped her.

“We can devise another means Lotus” he said.

“He might die!, He’s just a weak human who’s unlucky to be the soulmate of a wretched mermaid like me, I must do all I can to save him” she replied and lay beside Starr, wrapping her arms around him .

Martin turned his back on them instantly.

“My father told me you’re my bride” he said.

“He must be mistaken, I’m not your bride per say, you were reborn so I’d have a choice, Starr will die if I choose him because he’s a human, you’re a nonhuman and that’s why we met, if I choose you, goddess said I’ll be free from my cruel fate” she replied.

“So…what are you gonna do?” Martin asked.

“I don’t know, I don’t want to lose Starr” she replied, looking at Starr’s unconscious face.

“So…you both have been dating, no one knew” he said.

“We had to keep it for some reasons best known to him” Lotus replied and Martin sighed.

“This is the trickiest fate I’ve ever seen…no it’s actually crazy, how can I be reborn as a second choice, why can’t I be the first choice!, Why did they have to make Starr the first choice when the deities know he’ll die if you choose him!, Why are they being nosy and inconsiderate!” Martin said painfully.

When Lotus sensed Starr has received much coolness, she stood from beside him.

“What do you…mean?” She asked.

“Do I really nee-d to say it to your face before you know I’m also in love with you?, I love you Lotus!, I fell for you and…. I’ve been holding myself back because I didn’t want to be too forward, now I’m regretting it” he replied and faced her.


“Goodbye” he said and made to leave but she held him.

“What?” He asked, looking at the contact.

“Even if Starr wants me to choose him, I can’t” she said.

“Then?” He asked.

“I won’t really be able to forgive myself if he dies because of me, I won’t be able to” she said quickly.

“So?” He said hopefully.

“Don’t go yet” she replied.




Bluey has almost got tired of waiting, he was able to make noodles thought he doesn’t know if it’ll be delicious to her taste but he’s impatiently waiting for her to come back so they’ll eat together.

The hot pot gave his palms so much burns and right now his hands are full of burns but he’s quite proud of himself.

He made edible noodles.

He looked at the time again and got more impatient.

He walked out of the house and peeped outside, checking maybe she’s on her way back already but she’s not coming yet.

He pouted and was about to go back in when he heard two neighbors conversing down the balcony.

“The girl who lives in the rooftop room, that highschool girl!” The first one said.

Bluey listened attentively.

“Tasha?” The second one said.

“Yes!, It’s her!, She got into an accident down the road, it was so fatal”


“Yes, she was crossing the road on her way home when a car ran into her, the car sped off immediately it hit her”

Bluey didn’t bother to wear his sli-p-ons, he rushed down the stairs, rushing past the two women.

“Natasha please…. don’t do this, don’t” he thought as he ran fast .

A large crowd is there already when he got there, he made his way into the middle of the crowd and his eyes wide-ned.

His heart flew out of his che-st immediately.

Tasha is lying down in the pool of her own blood, blood oozing out of her mouth and head.

“Natasha!” He screamed, rushing to her.

He sat on the ground and her blood stained his clothes as he placed her head on his lap-s.

His tears fell in torrents.

“Nata…. Natasha…..look at me” he said, his whole body shaking.

Natasha hiccu-pp-ed painfully, her eyes shutting slowly.

“Natasha!!!!” He screamed tearfully.

“I….I’m….I…. don’t…. want to…die” Natasha said with the remaining breath in her and her eyes closed completely.

“Someone call an ambulance!!!, Ambulance!!!!” He screamed.

The crowd started parting ways and chairman Kings appeared with his guards immediately.

“Get him” he ordered.

Bluey was grabbed and for-ced to stand but he pushed all the guards away from himself stubbornly.

“Don’t touch me!, Don’t touch me!!”

“Take him!” Chairman ordered again and he was grabbed more strongly.

“Natasha!, Natasha!!” He shouted, looking back as he was taken for-cefully into the car.





Starr’s eyes opened and he spranged up, sitting on the bed.

A soothing violin tune is playing slowly from outside and even without seeing the player, he knows who it is.

It’s the exact tune he always hears in his dreams when he was still a dreamer.

He rushed out of the room and went downstairs where he met Lotus, sitting on the couch, playing the violin.

Jungkook is sitting in front of her, smiling as he watched her.

Martin is present too, he’s sitting beside Lotus and when their eyes met, Starr’s eyes bulged.

He could clearly see the ne-cklace on Martin’s ne-ck, same with his own, no difference.

“Why are you wearing that?, How did you even locate this place?” He queried.

Lotus kept playing the violin.

Martin didn’t reply, he stood and went to the freezer, he got a bottle of cold water and poured it in a cu-p then he offered Starr.

“Have some, calm down” he said.

Starr took the cu-p but knowingly let it go, it crashed on his leg, hurting him.

Lotus had to hold back herself when she saw the scene, she has to act indifferent and uncaring right now if she wants the drama to produce the desi-red results.

“How could you hurt yourself” Martin said.

“Are you trying to take Lotus away from me?, What’s the meaning of the ne-cklace you’re wearing and how did you find this place!” Starr shouted.

Though he sounds stern but it’s also obvious in his voice that he’s scared.

His voice is shaking.

Lotus stopped playing the violin and stood.

“I’m not yours anymore Starr, and I’m letting you go too , you’re not mine anymore” she said, folding her fists ti-ghtly as she spoke.

“What” Starr said shockingly, facing her.

“It doesn’t really make sense, does it?, I’m 2500 years old, you’re just eighteen, you couldn’t even give me what I want, it’s senseless to get paired with you and that’s why I decided to cut this short” she said , sounding heartless.

“Lotus” Starr whispered as she started taking steady steps to her.

Her words were like thorns, getting shoved into his heart , they’re like razor, ripping his heart to shreds.

It felt like a sharp sword, tearing his heart to bits.

“I’m done wasting my time with you….I’m done using you” she said when she finally got to her.

“You’re lying… right?, Lotus you’re lying” he started crying.

“I’m not smiling, so you should let my words sink into your heart, hate me as much as you want, cos I hate you already” she said and more tears rushed out of his eyes.

The pain in Lotus’s che-st right now is burning and vicious but thanks to her powers, she’s fighting it ha-rd.

She kept folding her fist more and more as she poured out the hurtful words.

“I’ll make Martin my soulmate instead, he’s ready to give me what I want so let’s just forget about each other and never come here anymore” Lotus continued

“Don’t leave me, please” Starr cried like a kid.

“Avoid me if you wanna live, I’m toxic to your existence” she replied.

“Lotus I love you….I love you more than my dad, I love you more than my mum and even myself, I’ll really go mad if you forsake me, don’t do it, don’t leave me baby” Starr continued crying.

“noona” Jungkook said, unable to watch his tears anymore.

Lotus looked at him and shook her head.

Martin closed his eyes as Lotus suddenly grabbed the ne-cklace on Starr’s ne-ck.

She pulled it and it broke, the crystal beads fell and bounced on the ground, the feather pendant turned to a real feather and flew away.

Starr’s eyes wide-ned in their sockets and he staggered shockingly as sweat covered him.


He bent down and started picking the beads fast, crying in the process.

“The woodpecker feather is gone, the little bond we shared is gone too, forget me Starr, just the way I have” she said and an heavy wind came immediately.

It rolled him up swiftly.

“No!!!!!!” He screamed as the wind rolled him out of the mansion.

It started raining and he lost consciousness as he was transported from the house to only God knows.


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