a mermaid’s love episode 42 & 43

( Melody Musical High… )


By, Naomi Cindy B.


Perfect song for this chapter: SUDDENLY by Kim Bo Kyung


Martin ran out of the bathroom and his mum came into his room, she heard his screams from the door.

“Martin!” She shouted shockingly when she saw the fire on his hand and his red face.

“Mum I don’t un-derstand what’s happening to me!!, Put out the fire please!!!” He cried.

Mrs Luther walked quickly to him and took off his ne-cklace but immediately she did that, he p@$$ed out on the floor.

“Martin!, Martin!” She shouted fearfully, crying as he continued laying unconscious.

“What did the old woman do?, I don’t know what to do again….I don’t know!!!” She cried.

As Martin p@$$ed out, he sli-pped into another realm, the realm of fire where king Zeus is the ruler .

Immediately he stepped in, the kingdom almost crumbled with screams from the inhabitants.

He stood still by the gate, looking at himself.

He’s now wearing a silver armour and a ring which has a blood drop crystal as a decor, a crown is sitting regally on his head.

? All hail prince Sun!!

? All hail his highness!!

? Welcome back prince Sun!!

? Hail!!, Hail the prince!!

No mirror to see the reflection of his face but he surely knows fire is burning in his eyes, he could just feel it.

He continued walking into the kingdom and soon, four men came with a palanquin.

“It was sent by the king, please get in your highness” one of them said.

He went in sluggishly.

The men carried it and he was taken to the palace of fire.

Though the whole building is surrounded with fire, the fire is still not burning it.

It’s gigantic and beautiful yet it looks dangerous.

He was led into the palace where king Zeus is waiting.

A giant but handsome man who’s an older version of Martin.

He hu-gged Martin ti-ghtly immediately he got to him, letting him know how much he misses him.

“Welcome back Sun” he said, patting his back.

Martin broke the hu-g and looked at him, surprised that he actually looks like this man.

“I… don’t un-derstand what’s going on” he said confusedly.

“Samshin must have wiped your memories, I’ll bring them all back” Zeus replied and grabbed Martin’s head.

As if programmed, all the memories started coming back slowly.

He’s the second prince of this kingdom of fire, his mother is dead but his stepmother who’s a sorceress and his stepbrother who’s a wizard were hell bent on killing him because it’s obvious he’ll become the crown prince.

They’re more powerful obviously and prince Zeus couldn’t even save him so he took the risk of sending him out of the kingdom in form of a foetus, Samshin helped in making him find his way into Mrs Luther’s wo-mb and he was reborn as a child but his powers were sealed inside the woodpecker feather ne-cklace.

King Zeus let go of his head and held him ti-ghtly so he won’t fall.

“My stepbrother… and stepmother, are they still alive?” He asked, looking him in the eye

“No, they fell into the pit of the shintamani fire, their wicked deeds caught up with them” Zeus replied.

“And now?” Martin asked again.

“You have to bring home your bride, princess of the healers” he replied.

“Princess of the healers?”

“Princess Lotus, you’ll have to find out what she is by yourself, she’s a nonhuman like you” Zeus said.

“Lotus isn’t human?, And she’s my bride?” Martin said.

“Yes” Zeus replied.

“So…. Mrs Luther isn’t really my mother” he said.

“She was just a channel by which you were reborn, she has a baby in her wo-mb before Samshin planted you there too” Zeus replied and Martin quickly faced him.

“That means she gave birth to i and her real human baby, then where’s the baby?” Martin said.

“You’ll have to find her” Zeus replied.

Martin woke up to life and Mrs Luther stopped crying, she has actually put the ne-cklace on his ne-ck again.

“Martin!” She called quickly, helping him to sit up.

His temperature is hot like fire.

“Mrs Luther” he called, getting her shocked.

“Martin it’s mum” she replied.

“You gave birth to I and another baby right?” He asked and she fell on her bu-tt in shock.


“Where’s the second baby?” He asked again.


He stood and left the house immediately.

“How did he…. how did he… know” Mrs Luther stuttered, not realizing her tears till they fell on her hands.




Tasha’s eyes opened slowly and she felt something on her forehead.

She tou-ched it and when she saw it’s a we-ttowel, she sat up.

“Did I p@$$out?, Gosh!” She said, yawning gently.

She suddenly saw Bluey beside herself and smiled.

He’s sitting but he’s sleeping at the same time.

She went closer and smiled, touching his hair slightly.

Her eyes darted around his face and she moved her fingers to his li-ps suddenly, touching it car-essingly.

She bit her own li-p as she tou-ched his own and she kept that up for long till he opened his eyes, she got caught so it was quite ha-rd to take her hand off.

She kept it right there and Bluey took it, he held her hand and felt her temperature by touching her forehead slightly.

“You’re back, did you sleep well?” He asked, ru-b-bing her hand.

“Oh!…. Yes” she replied awkwardly and he smiled.

“I was so worried last night, you were shivering unconsciously and I was scared, you didn’t talk to me, you just kept laying down and…

Tasha giggled, making him look at her.


“You looked cute” she said and he smiled cutely.

“Are you going to school today?, It’s past 8 already” he said.

“It’s Saturday dummy, but I have to go to work full-time” She said, standing up immediately.

She rushed into the bathroom and took her bath briskly.

“I made coffee” Bluey said, staring at her as she wiped her body.

She looked at him, giving him a glare which made him look away from her.

She smiled and quickly dressed up then she took a cu-p of coffee from him but she spit it out immediately she drank from it.

“Is there even anything you can do?, It’s too bitter for my liking” she said with a sour face

“I’m sorry, I should have added sugar” he replied.

“You didn’t?” She asked and he blinked cutely.

She took the sugar box and added enough sugar.

“You didn’t eat last night, did you?” She suddenly asked.

“I didn’t, but I’m fine” he replied but his stomach made rumbling noises immediately, proving him wrong.

“You’re something else, you should have cooked noodles!”

“I don’t know how to light the cooker” he replied.

“What!” Her eyes wide-ned and he bit his li-p in embarr@$$ment.

“I can’t believe this” she rolled eyes and lightened the cooker.

She placed a pot of water on it and waited for it to boil before throwing two packs of noodles into it and after adding the ingredients, she covered it

“If you want it w£t, bring it down five minutes from now but if you want it dry, bring it down seven minutes later, and turn the cooker switch to the left to turn it off .. ok?” She instructed.

“Yes ma’am” he smiled and she scattered his hair before trying to leave.

“Natasha” he called and she looked back.

He came to her and fixed a wristwatch on her wrist.

“What?” She asked, looking at it.

“It’s mine, but you can have it” he said.


“I have nothing to do with it anyways” he replied.

“It’s worth?” She asked.

“Maybe seven million dollars” he replied and her eyes wide-ned.

“Did Jesus use it or something?”

“It’s a rare expensive Br@nd, you nee-d to leave you’re late already” he said and she nodded slowly, still looking at the watch.

“What?, You aren’t going to work anymore?” He asked.

She slowly looked up at him and before he knew it, she hu-gged him.

“Make sure you don’t come out, your pictures are everywhere as wanted and there’s even a bounty on it” she said.

He smiled, hu-gging her back.

“I promise not to come out, happy now?” He said, touching her hair.

She broke the hu-g and stepped back.

“Bye” she waved.

“I’ll be waiting” he replied and she left.




Lotus went in with Jungkook beside her, beholding the trainees who’re getting trained by their trainers, they’re in the dance session right now.

Jungkook sp-otted Ryan amidst the dancers, he’s the best now since Jungkook is gone.

“There, my killer” he pointed and Lotus looked that way.

“The one wearing a cap?”

“Yes, it’s him, I nee-d a keg of water, I should pour it down for him too and make him fall” Jungkook replied but Lotus stopped him.

“If you kill in your quest for revenge, you’ll disappear instead of going to the afterlife, do you want that?” She asked and he shook his head negatively.

“Then let’s give him what he deserves” Lotus smiled and stood right.

“Your tear” she said and Jungkook shed a little tear which he dropped on her pointer finger.

By now , the trainees are on recess so Lotus dropped the teardrop in Ryan’s water.

Ryan drank from the water and instantly, he screamed out, holding his head ti-ghtly.


?Ryan are you ok?

The others rushed to him and Lotus smiled.

“What’s happening to him?” Jungkook asked.

“He drank your tear with the water, his head will split uncontrollably and he won’t be able to have a peaceful sleep till he tells the whole Seoul how he killed you” Lotus replied and Jungkook smiled.

“I love you noona”

Lotus stro-ked his hair and they both vanished.

Landing back home, she was expecting to meet Starr at home but he’s not.

“Why?, He promised to come early” she thought, picking her phone.

She dialled his line but it’s off.

“Is he ok?, I miss him” she thought worriedly.




“What!, A girlfriend?, How could you even think of dating at eighteen!” Judy ranted loudly.

Starr was about to go out some minutes ago when she stopped him and when he told her he was going to see his girlfriend, she flared up immediately, saying she’s against it.

“She’s the girl in my dreams mum!” He yelled back.

“And I’m saying no love life for you yet!, When are you gonna start listening to me!”

“Dad supports me!, Why are you so different!” He shouted, wishing Davis is around.

“I’ll have to talk some sense into Davis once he arrives, it’s not making sense that you’re dating at eighteen, I told you no girlfriend till you turn twenty!”

“Why the Fu-ck are you taking this personal!” He shouted and he was surprised by her next action.

Judy slapped her soundly, he held his face shockingly.

“Starr…I’m…I’m sorry ok?… I’m….

He ran to his room before she could conclude, he shut the door on himself and sat on the ground, still holding his face hurtfully.




Chairman Kings car stopped in front of the restaurant and a guard came out of it.

He entered the restaurant and came back with Tasha after some minutes.

“Chairman wants to see you” he said, gesturing at the car.

Tasha hesitated before going in, finding herself beside the frowny man.

“I’m sure you’re aware that I’m on the lookout for Bluey” he said, not looking her way.

“Oh…yes” she replied fearfully.

“You guys seemed to have gotten closer before he disappeared, you have no idea of where he is?” He asked, finally looking at her.

“No…I don’t” she replied as innocent as possible.

Chairman Kings eyes caught the wristwatch on her wrist and he sighed.



It looks like it’ll soon rain but Martin doesn’t care.

He kept walking around the streets as dusk set in, he’s not ready to go back home yet, not just yet.

Finding out everything about himself and getting to know he has a nonhuman bride too, getting to know Mrs Luther is just a channel of his rebirth, not his real mother, it’s too shocking.

Surprisingly, the shock that Lotus isn’t human didn’t last on him, it left quickly… maybe because he has always found her weird and strange, she’s abnormally naive too.

To be candid, he misses her so much, that she avoided her all yesterday and he didn’t see her before the school closed, he hasn’t seen or heard her voice today too so it’s worse.

He got his phone and dialled her line.

Luckily for him, she picked.

“Hey cu-pcake”

“Martin” she replied sadly.

“What’s wrong?” He asked.

“Have you seen Starr today?” She asked.

“No, why?” He asked.

She didn’t reply, instead she hung up and that only increa-sed how much he misses her.

Surprisingly, her location downloaded in his head and he could see the gold mansion live.

“There’s an house like this?” He thought, making his way there.




The appearance of goddess Rivera was what actually what made Lotus hung up on Martin.

She threw her phone on the couch and walked to her.

“I’m sure you know the question on my mind already” she said.

“Why he suddenly started smelling like you?” Rivera smiled.

Lotus calmed, waiting for her to say more.

“He’s your second choice” Rivera said.

“What are you talking about?”

“You’ll have to choose between him , and Starr”

“Impossible!, I can never trade Starr for any other person goddess!” Lotus shouted.

“I’m not saying you should trade him, I’m not saying you should choose Martin either, it’s your choice to make” Rivera replied and stood.

“Mul your junior mermaid was gifted to your mother’s wo-mb by me, that’s why she is a normal mermaid who has no magical powers” she said.

“I know” Lotus replied.

“Cleo your senior mermaid was possessed in your mother’s wo-mb by sorceress Morgana, she ruled Quenshi with her dark powers for centuries till your father fought the war to take the kingdom from her, your mother was pregnant during the war and when Morgana was getting casted, she left some deposits of her dark powers in her wo-mb, and that’s why Cleo was born with dark magical powers” Rivera explained.

“And you, you know you were a gift too, you were gifted to your mother’s wo-mb by Queen Cora, the first queen of the healers, the healers are the most powerful breeds of mermaids because of their pure magic and healing voices, you came from the breed of healers” Rivera continued.

“I know” Lotus said.

“Do you know there’s a curse on the healers?, And that curse is the main foundation of your cruel fate” Rivera said.

Lotus swallowed emptiness.

“Queen Cora fell in love with a human too just like you, but the human betrayed her and got her killed, she created a curse before dying”

“Which curse?” Lotus asked.

“Any mermaid from the breed of healers who falls in love with a human, the human will die and the mermaid will surely lose all her magical powers, even her voice” Rivera said.

Tears rushed out of Lotus’s eyes immediately.

“It hasn’t happened because you both haven’t completed the bond sealing, I mean mating” Rivera said.

“No!!!!” Lotus cried more loudly.

“Martin was brou-ght to earth because of that, he’s the prince of seven fires, from the kingdom of fire, your cruel fate will be quenched if you choose him, he’ll protect you from the claws of upcoming enemies, but if you choose Starr, Starr will die, do you want that?” Rivera said.

” Stop talking!!!!, Stop!!!! ” Lotus yelled tearfully, her eyes shinning bright blue as tears rolled out m@$$ively.

Rivera turned her back and vanished.

“I love Starr so much!!!, This can’t be happening…no!!!” She screamed hurtfully.

She ran out to the pool, still crying blindly but immediately she jumped in and transformed, Martin appeared beside it.

“Mermaid” he smiled, her eyes wide-ned as her golden tail shone.

“Martin, how did you…”

He jumped in with her immediately but she shifted back from him.

“Stay back” she said quickly, blocking her nose with her palm so his scent won’t pene-trate but he still came closer and hu-gged her ti-ghtly.

Starr came in with tears in his eyes but immediately he saw the scene, he p@$$ed out.


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