Waking up married Episode 19 & 20

(My husband is a billionaire)
Pen name: Aspiringcliche
Stella’s P.O.V
I was now in New York with Jasper. We
had moved everything in but haven’t
unpacked everything yet. We were
unpacking a bit right now.
“I can order take out. We can just relax
and rest,” Jasper tells me.
“Alright,” I smiled.
“Oh, there’s a p@rty on Saturday night
and we have to attend,” Jasper told me.
“Really?” I asked.
“Yes. Don’t worry, Tessa and br@dley
Bain will be there. You’ll love Tessa.
She’s down to Earth,” Jasper tells me.
“I love her designs. They’re amazing,” I
said in awe.
“Yeah. She’s a great designer,” Jasper
“Can we talk about something?” I asked
“Can we do it over dinner?” Jasper
asked me.
“Yeah. Of course,” I said. I wanted to
talk about our new deal but talking
about it over dinner would be okay.
I unpacked some important things as
Jasper ordered the food. I placed some
pictures of us, me and my friends, and
our families on some of the shelves. I
started to put the kitchen stuff away as
soon as Jasper got off the phone.
“So, how do you like the new
ap@rtment?” Jasper asked me.
“I love it,” I smile over at him.
“I know it’s not like our house in
California but it’s still pretty big,” Jasper
tells me.
“Honestly, I like this better than the one
in California. I like how it’s much
smaller but big enough to have people
over,” I told him.
“I’m glad you like it,” He tells me. I
managed to get most of the kitchen
done while Jasper got some boxes
“You have a lot of stuff,” Jasper
mentioned as he stared at some of my
“Yeah. They’re from a road trip me and
the girls did after high school,” I told
“Really? What happened?” Jasper asked,
looking up at me now.
“We decided to go from California to
Texas. We got a dart and a map and
wherever the dart went to, we go there,”
I told him.
“Sounds fun. Did you enjoy Texas?”
Jasper asked.
“Yeah. Got to see a lot of cool places.
My parents were livid when I left and
c@m£ back,” I told him.
“Would you want to do that again? Do a
road trip?” Jasper asked me.
“Yeah. I don’t know where to go but I’d
love to do that again,” I told him.
“One day, we can go on a road trip if
you are up for it,” Jasper tells me.
“Really?” I asked.
“Yeah. I’ve always wanted to do one,”
Jasper told me.
“You never done one?” I asked.
“Nope. My parents were strict and kept
a close eye on me,” Jasper said before
putting the souvenir on a shelf. I
wra-pped my arms around him before
k!ss!nghis cheek.
“Want to watch a movie?” I asked him.
“Sure. What kind?”
“Comedy?” I suggested.
“I’m up for it,” Jasper said.
“We can watch it after dinner,” I told
“So what do you want to talk about?”
Jasper asked me as we sat and ate our
“The new deal,” I say softly.
“Oh right. Well, I’ll have my lawyer help
set up some new terms and agreements
for this,” Jasper said.
“That’s it?” I asked him.
“Did you want more?” Jasper asked me.
I shook my head in response. I didn’t
want to push it.
“Don’t worry about the contract. It’s
going to be okay,” Jasper told me.
“Alright,” I smiled softly.
“Now, tell me what movie you want to
watch,” Jasper said.
“Hm. How about 21 Jump Street?” I
“I like that movie. Go get comfortable
and I’ll put it on,” Jasper said.
“Okay,” I smiled before walking over to
Once I was done changing, I sat on the
couch. Jasper tossed me a throw
blanket which I snuggled up into.
“I’ll be right back. I have to go change,”
Jasper told me.
I sat on the couch, going throu-gh my
phone. I didn’t know how long I was on
my phone until Jasper took it out of my
hands and k!$$£d me instead. I giggled
a little at the action. Jasper pu-ll-ed away
and smiled.
“re-ady?” He asked me.
I put my phone down as he pla-yed on
the movie. Jasper let me put my legs on
his l@p as we watched the movie
I must’ve fallen asleep during the movie.
I heard Jasper’s phone ring ma-king us
wake up almost at midnight. Jasper
picked up the phone, yawning a little. I
looked around to see us in our
“Hello?” He asked groggily.
“Are you serious? You know it’s
midnight here right? Yes I was asleep!
Okay, goodnight, Tommy,” Jasper said
hanging up.
“Thomas was calling you?” I asked.
“Yeah. Sorry. He was drun!k. Go back to
sleep,” Jasper said.
“Kinda ha-rd to do so now really,” I said,
sitting up a bit. Jasper k!$$£d my
“Do you want to cuddle?” Jasper
“Do you?” I smiled tiredly.
“Kinda,” Jasper said.
“Alright then,” I said before lying down.
Jasper was the big spoon as we lied on
our sides. I held his hand as we closed
our eyes again.
“Sweet dreams,” Jasper said before
k!ss!ngthe back of my head. I hummed
in response.
“Night,” I mumbled.
(My husband is a billionaire)
Pen name: Aspiringcliche
Saturday Night
Stella’s P.O.V
I stood in the mirror as I smoothed out
my dress. I saw Jasper walk over
ma-king me smile over at him. He was
wearing his evening suit, only his dress
shi-t was a dark navy blue.
“re-ady?” He asked me.
“You look great by the way,” Jasper told
me, giving me a k!sson the cheek. I
smiled up at him before we both walked
out to the car.
“So what kind of p@rty is this?” I asked
“Just a business p@rty,” Jasper said.
“Oh. Okay,” I said.
“Don’t worry. I’ll have Celeste include
you to the little girl group she’s in,”
Jasper told me.
“What group?” I asked him confused.
“The wives of my friends get together
and are like this little pact,” Jasper told
“I’m not sure if I’ll fit in,” I told him.
“Don’t be silly. The girls will love to have
you in their little circle,” Jasper smiled
at me.
“Are you sure?” I asked him.
“Absolutely,” Jasper said before k!ssing
my head.
When we got to the p@rty, there were
some ph0togra-phers there. I looked
around as the p@rty had an amazing
view of the city.
“Jasper! Over here!” I heard br@dley Bain
call over.
Jasper and I walked over to the group. I
smiled at the girls who smiled back.
“Jasper, the last man to get married.
How does it feel?” br@dley asked.
“Great,” Jasper said.
“Alright now since the men are all
together, ladies,” A woman said.
“Have fun. Just be yourself,” Jasper
whispered into my ear. He k!$$£d my
cheek before letting me off with the
other ladies.
We all sat in a table with some drinks. I
sat next to Celeste and Tessa. Besides
us three, there were two other women.
“Oh Stella, this is Clary and Thea if you
don’t remember them from the wedding,”
Celeste told me.
“plea-sure to meet you both again,” I
“So Stella. You’re married to Jasper
now. What’s it like for you?” Clary asked
“It’s something,” I smiled.
“How do you like New York so far?”
Tessa asked me.
“I like it. It’s incredible,” I said.
“Now that you’re in our little circle, we
nee-d to catch you up on what to do and
to expect,” Thea said.
“Happy that you’re no longer the new
one, Thea?” Celeste smiled.
“You know it!” She said.
“Jasper mentioned that you care from a
middle clas-s family so this might
overwhelm you,” Tessa said.
“What should I expect?” I asked.
“First off, che-ster over there has a thing
for our Tessa here. He’s a no no,” Thea
started off.
“He doesn’t have a thing for me,” Tessa
“Yes he does darling,” Celeste told her.
“Secondly, since you’re married to
Jasper there’s one person who he
absolutely despises due to their rivalry
companies,” Clary told me.
“Who?” I asked.
“It’s Killian Coldwell,” Clary told me.
“Oh, I’ve met him before,” I told the girls.
“Well stay away from him,” Celeste said.
“He’s a mysterious little thing,” Thea
“Celeste, look over there,” Tessa said,
pointing over. Celeste turned over to
some man over on the other side of the
“Who’s that?” I asked Clary.
“Celeste’s soon to be ex husband,” She
“What happened?” I asked her.
“He cheated on her then she got
amnesia. Only remembered the time
before she met him at this p@rty. Never
told her the fact he cheated until she
remembered,” Clary whispered to me.
“Don’t look over, Celeste,” Tessa said,
moving sides with her.
“I should see how my kids are doing,”
Celeste said before getting up and
walking away.
“Poor thing,” Thea sighed.
“Thea, how did you and your husband
meet?” I asked her.
“Well, funny story actually. I adopted his
daughter. He and I met up when he
found out that he even had a daughter
and got talking. Now, here we are,” Thea
“How is Penny anyway?” Clary asked.
“Great. She’s growing up so fast,” Thea
“Can I steal my wife for a moment?”
Jasper asked. I looked up to see him
standing behind me.
“Go ahead,” Tessa smiled up at him. I
got up from the chair and held Jasper’s
hand. I walked over to the sides with
“Liking the girls?” Jasper asked me.
“Yeah. They’re all so sweet,” I smiled.
“They really seem to like you,” Jasper
“I hope I didn’t make any bad
impressions,” I told him.
“You’re fine,” Jasper told me before
k!ss!ngmy head.
“Jasper, glad to see you here again,” I
saw Killian walk over to us. Jasper
pu-ll-ed me a little close to him as soon
as he saw Killian.
“Hello, Killian,” Jasper greeted.
“I hear you both got married
congratulations,” Killian said.
“Thank you,” I said to be nice.
“Jasper, I can’t wait to hear about your
new plans for your business soon,”
Killian told him.
“I bet you can’t,” Jasper said.
“Well, I’ll see you both later then I
guess,” Killian said before walking off.
“He’s… something,” I told Jasper. I was
unsure on what to say about Killian.
Jasper didn’t say anything. I wra-pped an
arm around him. Jasper k!$$£d the t©p
of my head as we looked at the p@rty.
“br@dley was talking about going on a
double d@t£ with him and Tessa,”
Jasper told me.
“That sounds nice,” I told him.
“You want to do that?” Jasper asked
me. I nodded up at him.
After the p@rty, Jasper and I sat in the
car to go back to the penthouse. The
driver drove off as I leaned against
“Tired?” He asked me.
“A little,” I told him.
“We’ll be home soon,” Jasper said
before k!ss!ngmy head. I held his hand
as I closed my eyes a bit. All I could
think of was me in my pajamas,
cudd-ling next to Jasper in be-d.