Waking up married Episode 17 & 18

(My husband is a billionaire)
Pen name: Aspiringcliche
Note: Things are gonna get heated here.
You’ve been warned!!
Stella’s P.O.V
I don’t even remember how long we
were there. It was long enough though.
After our swimming, I started to feel a
little tired from the fun we had.
I smiled as we walked hand in hand
back to the villa. When we got inside, I
walked over to our room and pu-ll-ed out
some clothes.
“Let’s watch a movie,” I told him.
“Alright. Go take a shower first,” Jasper
told me. I nodded before walking back
into the room.
The shower was nice. I made sure to
scru-b myself good before putting on my
pajamas. I b!ow dried my hair a bit. I
went back to the living room to let
Jasper take a shower next.
“I’ll be done soon. Go ahead and pick
whatever you want to watch,” Jasper
“You sure?” I asked him.
“Of course,” Jasper said before walking
into our room.
I made the popcorn first. I poured it into
a bowl before going over to the living
room. I looked throu-gh the movies
before settling on a random one.
I flopped onto the couch as I pu-ll-ed the
blanket over my legs. I went on my
phone to look at the posts from the
“You re-ady?” Jasper asked walking over.
“Yup,” I said before putting my phone on
the coffee table. Jasper sat next to me
ma-king me smile over at him.
As we watched the movie, there was
one scene that seemed heated. I felt a
little awkward watching it. I don’t know
what was ma-king me feel awkward. I
was a grown woman who is married.
A little more into the movie, there was a
scene where they were confessing their
love to one another. I looked over at
Jasper who looked back at me. We
stared at each other for a bit. It wasn’t
in an awkward or weird way. It was
more of a confused about our feeling
Then next thing I knew, Jasper put the
popcorn bowl down and k!$$£d me. I
k!$$£d back as I wra-pped my arms
around him. He pu-ll-ed me to his l@p as
we continued to k!ss. I felt him k!ss
down to my n£¢k ma-king my heart race.
He pu-ll-ed away and looked back at me.
I leaned up and k!$$£d him once more. I
moved my hands onto his che-st.
“I want you,” I said softly.
“Are you sure?”
Jasper picked me up and walked to our
room. He lied me on the be-d before
k!ss!ngme again. I pu-ll-ed him close to
me as we k!$$£d. I took his shi-t off as
he did the same with me.
We continued to k!ssuntil he started to
k!ssdown to my che-st. Thank god I
decided not to wear a br@. He took in
one of my brea-sts into his mouth
ma-king me m0@n .
Jasper’s other hand gr!pp£dmy other
br£@st as he su-cked onto my other one.
I ran my f!ngersthrou-gh his hair. I
m0@n ed in plea-sure.
Jasper started to re-move my pajama
shorts. He took off his shorts before
lowering down. He k!$$£d my inner legs
before removing my un-derwear. Jasper
inser-ted a f!nger in me. I m0@n ed once
He added another f!nger ma-king me
grind a little more. His f!ngerswent in
and out as I grinder onto them. Jasper
rose back up to give me a k!ss. He
re-moved his f!ngersbefore getting up.
“Where are you going?” I asked
“Getting a c0nd0m,” Jasper win-ked
before hurrying off. He c@m£ back with
the small wra-pper before taking off his
briefs. He slid on the c0md0mbefore
climbing back into the be-d.
“Are you sure you want this?” He asked
“I’m sure,” I nodded.
Jasper started to slide into me. I
m0@n ed out in both pain and plea-sure.
Once he was fully in me, he let me
adjust to his size. I started to grind
again, letting him know I was re-ady.
He thrû-sted into me slowly. He soon
picked up the pace ma-king me scratch
his back a little. Jasper m0@n ed out as
he held onto the headboard for support.
His arm wra-pped around my w@!st as he
thrû-sted into me more.
“fas-ter. plea-se,” I said as I wra-pped my
legs around his w@!st. Jasper did so
ma-king me m0@n even more.
“I’m so close,” I told him. Jasper gr-unted
a little as he continued.
“Jasper,” I m0@n ed out as I felt myself
re-lease onto him. He m0@n ed out as
well before st©pping his thrû-sting. I
looked up at him before giving him one
more k!ss. Jasper pressed his forehead
against mine.
He pu-ll-ed out of me before getting up.
Jasper took off the c0md0mand went to
the bathroom. I lied on the be-d out of
breath. Jasper c@m£ back with a
damped cloth. He opened my legs a
little and cleaned me up a bit.
“Thanks,” I said.
He put the cloth into the hamper before
lying down next to me. His arms
wra-pped around my w@!st. Our bodies
were close together. My brea-sts were
on his che-st.
“That was amazing,” I told him.
“I didn’t hurt you. Did I?” Jasper asked
“No. You were perfect,” I told him before
giving him a k!ss.
(My husband is a billionaire)
Pen name: Aspiringcliche
Stella’s P.O.V
I woke up to see Jasper holding onto
me. I felt my stomach growl a little
causing me to sit up. I looked over at
the time. 10:15 pm. I gr@bb£d his shi-t
from the floor before putting it over me.
I walked to the kitchen and looked
throu-gh the cabinets. There was stuff to
make but I wasn’t sure what to make. I
felt Jasper’s arm wra-p around me. I
look up at him and smiled.
“Hungry?” I asked him.
“I can eat.”
“Should we go out?” I asked him.
“If you want,” Jasper suggested.
“I nee-d food. I’ll get re-ady,” I told him.
Jasper pu-ll-ed me into another k!ss
before letting me go back to our room.
I got re-ady quic-kly so we could eat. I
waited for Jasper to get re-ady before we
went out to the car. I sat in the
pas-s£nger seat while Jasper was going
to drive.
“Where to wife?” Jasper said. I chuckled
a little at his nickname for me.
“Surprise me husband,” I told him.
Jasper smiled at me before driving off.
He drove to a restaurant that didn’t
seem too busy. As soon as he parked
the car, we walked over inside. We
walked over to the host who smiled at
“How many?” He asked.
“Just two,” Jasper told him.
“Right this way,” We followed him to the
table which was next to the window.
“This is nice,” I say.
“Stella, I know we remarried because of
my desperation of avoiding an arrange
marriage but I think I’m really starting to
fall for you,” Jasper told me. He held my
hand that was on the table. I smiled at
him. I could feel the heat rush to my
“I’m starting to fall for you too,” I tell
“What if we make a new deal?” Jasper
asked me.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“New contract? New deal? New
everything when we get to New York,”
Jasper told me.
“Alright. New deal. New everything,” I
agreed. Jasper smiled at me before
k!ss!ngthe t©p of my hand.
Stella’s P.O.V
It’s been a few days after our
honeymoon. I was packing up some of
the things alre-ady with the help of my
family. Jasper was nee-ded in New York
as soon as possible. He had an
ap@rtment over there alre-ady but was
willing to look at more options if I didn’t
like it over there.
“If I’d known better, I think you’re
running away from us,” Mom joked.
“Why would I ever run from you guys?” I
asked her. I felt my phone buzz ma-king
me look down.
“Who’s calling?” Dad asked me.
“Jasper. I’ll be back,” I said.
“Tell him thanks for leaving us to pack,”
Calvin yelled. I laughed a little before
walking into the kitchen.
“Hello?” I said after pressing the answer
“Hey, Stella. How’s packing?” Jasper
asked me.
“Fine. Calvin said thanks for leaving us
to pack,” I joked.
“You know I’d be there helping you if I
could,” Jasper told me.
“I know. Anyway, how’s your business?”
I asked him.
“Great. We’re about to make a deal for
with an insurance company,” Jasper
“Good luck then,” I said.
“Thanks. How are you doing out there
alone?” Jasper asked me.
“I’m fine. The girls want to have a small
outing before I have to leave for New
York,” I tell him.
“Be safe out there alright?” Jasper told
“I will,” I said.
“I gotta go. I’ll see you later,” Jasper
“Alright. Bye,” I said.
Jasper’s P.O.V
Tessa opened the door ma-king me
smile at her. She smiled back as br@dley
walked over to her.
“Hi, boys,” She said.
“Hi, Tessa,” I said to her.
“How was your meeting?” She asked as
she stood next to br@dley. He stood up
so she could sit down.
“Fine. We might finalize things
tomorrow,” br@dley told her.
“That’s great,” Tessa said.
“How are you, Tessa?” I asked her.
“Fine. How’s Stella?”
“She’s good.”
“He’s letting her do all of the packing
back at home,” br@dley joked.
“Jasper, you can’t let the poor girl do
that alone,” Tessa said.
“I plan to take her out when she gets
here. Kinda like a sorry gift,” I told her.
“Has she ever been to New York?” Tessa
asked me.
“Oh, well, make sure you take her
everywhere,” Tessa said.
“I will,” I told her.
“I should probably take Tessa home,”
br@dley told me. I looked down at my
watch. It was only 7:30 pm.
“It’s early. I just c@m£ to say hi to
Jasper and to make sure you’re not
overworking,” Tessa told him.
“Always checking up on me,” br@dley
said before giving her a small k!ss.
“Let’s not do so much PDA. Don’t want
Jasper to miss Stella too much now,”
Tessa told br@dley.
“No. No. It’s fine. I should be getting
home as well. Get the penthouse re-ady
for Stella when she comes,” I told them.
“Why don’t we all walk out together?”
br@dley asked.
“Yeah. I mean, we’re heading off into the
same direction anyway,” I said.
“Come on,” Tessa said getting up.
To be continued

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