The wanted v!rg!nepisode 17 – 19

The Wanted vir-gin

(First to sleep with her)


Genre: r0m@nç£/complicated

Chapter seventeen

2 days later….

The five princes went to the hospital to pick up Irene.

They bought some clothes for her to change while coming back to the palace.

When they got to the hospital, they saw that Irene was alre-ady prepared to go home. A young lady was there to help her pack her bags.

Irene was busy moving round the room.

She wore a big hoodie and joggers that made her look so small.

Irene didn’t know that the princes were staring at her.

When she saw them standing at the door, she bowed.

“How are you feeling now Irene?” Tony asked.

“Much better my prince” Irene replied.

“Okay, I nee-d to tell Mom about it, excuse me” Tony said and left the room.

Fredrick walked towards Irene and held her shoulder.

Irene was embarras-sed and shy. She lowered her gaze, staring at the ground.

“I hope youuu aree feeling muchh better now, iveee misssedd you Soo much” Fredrick stammered.

Irene smiled in reply.

“Come on Irene, let’s go” prince leo said turning to leave.

“And why would she follow you?” Casper asked.

“Do you have a problem with me dropping her off?” Leo asked.

“Oh plea-se, save your time for your business…” Casper replied.

Josie leaned against the be-d and folded her arms watching the drama.

She sighted her sister looking so annoyed and frustrated.

Suddenly, prince Garrett gr@bb£d her and her bags and left the room.

Prince Fredrick didn’t want to do anything cos he doesn’t want to get beaten up by Garrett.

He just watched silently.

Prince Leo and Casper didn’t noticed that irene had left the room.


Prince Garrett got to the car and opened the pas-s£nger door for Irene. She got into it and he shut the door.

He also got into the car and placed Irene’s bag at the back seat.

“ti-ght£ñ your seat belt” Garrett said as he started the car.

“Where are we going my prince?” Irene asked with her weak voice.

“Do you trust me?” He asked calmly.

Irene lowered her gaze and fastened her seatbelt.

Prince Garrett moved the car and hit the road.


Josie was alre-ady getting bored with the argument.


“What?” They yelled.

“Do you noticed that the lady you guys are fighting for is no where to be found?” Josie asked.

They looked round the room.

“Where did she go?”prince leo asked.

Then, prince Tony entered the room.

“Where’s Irene?” He asked.

” Prince Garrett took her” Josie said and left the room.

“Fredrick, you didn’t do anything?” Casper asked.

“Annd geet a puunnch onn my face. I couldn’t stoopp themm” Fredrick stammered.

“This is all your fault…you think you could mess with her like you do to other maids” prince Leo yelled.

“Come on, let’s are all ma-king a scene” prince Tony said and left with Fredrick.

After some time, leo and Casper left the hospital.



Prince Garrett and Irene drove for a long time.

Irene would stare outside and lower her gaze, pla-ying with her f!ngers.

Garrett would steal a glance and smiled.

Suddenly, the car c@m£ to an hault.

“We are here…” Prince Garrett muttered.

Irene stared outside and saw the big mall in front of her.

She saw the clas-sy ladies and guys.

She stared at what she was wearing and back outside.

“Let’s go…” Garrett c@m£ down from the car.

Irene sighed de-eply and c@m£ down from the car.

Garrett held Irene’s hand and they walked towards the entrance.

“Isn’t that prince Garrett? He is so cute”

“Who is that lady? She is so lucky”

“OMG, I nee-d to take this. Where is my phone?”

“It’s prince Garrett”


Irene shyly walked with Garrett.

Finally, they got into the mall.

“Pick the clothes you like and make up. Anything…” Garrett said.

Irene stared at him.

“Why are you doing this?” She asked slowly.

“Do you have anything to wear for Saturday’s ball?” He asked.

“Honestly, I don’t have anything to wear” Irene thought.

“Fine, I’ll take only small clothes ” she said and disappeared.


After selecting, she found three clothes that she liked.

At the end of the shopping, Irene bought 40 clothes, 5 sneakers, 4 heels, 3 purse and 2 make up set.

“I’m done..” she said to Garrett.

Garrett stared at her and Chuckled.

“Why did you laugh?” She asked.

“You said earlier that you won’t buy much” he reminded her.

Irene folded her hands.

“I’m a lady, what do you expect? We don’t really mean everything that we say” Irene said and walked away.

They arrived at the counter and Irene stood behind a blonde lady.

After the lady was done, she turned to leave and she turned out to be….

Princess Rachel.

“Hey snitch, are you here for a lil shopping?” Rachel asked

Irene lowered her gaze.

Prince Garrett c@m£ from behind and held Irene’s shoulder.

“Hey lil sis” Garrett greeted.

“Hmmmph, i see you are together. I’ll be going. I’ll be waiting for you at home…bye Irene…” Rachel sh0t Irene a ha-rd glare and left.

Garrett gave the cashier his card and the goods.

“I know she is creepy. Don’t let her scare you okay? I’ll be here to protect you” Garrett whispered into Irene’s ear.

Irene felt some warmth in her ear. It made her shook and s£nd shivers down her spine.

She has never felt anything like it before.

She turned to stare at prince Garrett.

” Tell me, why are you doing all of this?” Irene asked.

“I’m just tryna be nice to you..” he replied.

“Why are you trying to be nice to me?” Irene asked.

“Because I care about you?” He replied calmly.

“Why do you care about me? I’m just a mere maid…”

“Because I love you Irene…”

Irene eyes sh0t wi-de opened.



.Episode 18-19

??The Wanted vir-gin?‍??

?(First to sleep with her)?

?Chapter eighteen?

“Because I love you…” That word kept ringing in Irene’s ear…

She kept her eyes wi-de open and her mouth was also opened.

She stared at prince Garrett with a mixture of confusion and stupidity on her face.

Suddenly, Garrett bur-sted into laughter.

“You nee-d to see the look on your face..I’m just kidding Irene” Garrett lied. He knew with the kind of expression that was on Irene’s face, she would never reply him.

Irene swallowed ha-rd and she yawned.

“You must be sleepy, let’s go home”

Irene nodded and took the bags to the car.

They entered the car and zoomed off.



As prince Garrett drove into the compound, it was a little bit crowded with workers.

The event management has been moved to a professional, since Irene was well.

As Irene c@m£ down from the car, queen Anne waved at her.

Irene ran to meet her and bowed.

“Oh my dear, are you well now?” Queen Anne asked.

“Sure my Queen. I can still manage the ball” Irene said with her tiny voice.

“No Irene, you are weak and nee-d rest okay?” Queen Anne said.

Irene lowered her gaze, looking sad.

“I’m sorry my queen” she muttered slowly.

Queen Anne placed her hand on Irene’s shoulder.

“Thank you Irene”

“What did I do my queen?” Irene asked.

“Because of you, Fredrick is back to his feet” queen Anne said.

“I’m glad he is…my queen” Irene smiled.

“The girls have been waiting for you. They nee-d you to help them with their as-signment. Hope it won’t be stressful..” Queen Anne said.

Irene smiled and ran into the hall and walked to the girls room.


Prince Garrett carried all the bags from the car. He didn’t see Irene anywhere.

“Mom, where’s she?” He asked.

“She’s busy, find someone else…” Queen Anne replied smiling.

“I wasn’t gonna do anything to her..she owns these bags.” Garrett said.

“Wow, the first lady you took out for shopping. Is there something you are hiding from me Garrett?” Queen Anne asked teasing his son.


Immediately, Rachel drove into the compound.

She alighted from the car, holding two bags. One for the cloth another white nylon bag with a medicine label on it.

Queen Anne and Garrett sighted the nylon.

“Are you sick Rachel?” Queen Anne asked.

“I’m fine mom” she replied hurriedly.

“Who is the medicine for?” Garrett asked.

“It’s none of your business j£rk” Rachel replied and hissed.

She walked into the palace.



“Hey girls, who missed me?” Irene said as she opened the door of Wren and Zoe’s room.

They both ran to hvg her.

“Big sis, I missed you so much” Zoe said.

“I missed you more” Wren said calmly.

“Well, I missed you girls more. How have you been?” Irene asked as they walked to the be-d.

“Fine” they chorused.

“The queen said you have an as-signment…show me” Irene spoke calmly, then sat on the be-d.

“We were asked to do a short video of 5 minutes of our environment and put it in a flash drive and bring it to school on Monday” Wren spoke.

“It’s easy and we have time for that. Well, you can start is my phone” Irene activated airplane mode and gave the girls her phone.

“Thanks big sis..” they chorused.

They ran out of the room.

Irene stared round the room.

“At least they know how to keep the room clean… except their wardrobe” Irene murmured and went to arrange their wardrobe.



Rachel got to the kitchen and s£nt the maids out.

“Leave..” she ordered.

They bowed and left one after the other.

Rachel looked back to check if no one was watching her.

She started looking for the medicine. She searched everywhere.

“Where the hell is that stupid medicine?” She murmured.

As she turned she saw an old box behind the sto-reroom door.

She walked towards it and opened it.

Rachel sm-irked.

“Found it…”





?Chapter nineteen?

Rachel sm-irked as she slowly brou-ght the medicine out of the box.

“Mum thought she could hide this thing…away from princess Rachel…hell no”


She opened the medicine and opened a white container. She poured the substance into the medicine.


She slowly returned the medicine into the box and cleaned her hand.

Suddenly, she heard a noise.

She turned her head and saw two shadows running.

Rachel swiftly walked out of the kitchen and saw Zoe and Wren running.

“Come here now…” Rachel called out.

Wren and Zoe st©pped but didn’t turn back.

“Where is the phone?” Wren murmured.

“It fell…” Zoe replied.


“Are you deaf?” Rachel yelled walking towards them.

She finally got to where they were and turned them to face her.

She squee-zed their cheek.

They both gro-an ed….

“What did you see?” She asked.

They shook their head.

“Good, if I hear anything from you both…you will regret it” Rachel said and re-leased their cheek with f0rç£.

“Now run!!…” She yelled.

Zoe and Wren ran for their dear life.

Rachel sm-irked and left them…

“Let me sit and watch the show”



Irene was coming out from the kids room, she bu-mped into prince Tony.

He was holding a game.

“If you less busy, you could join us in the lobby” Tony said.

“No one can beat me in that game, it’s my favorite” Irene replied sm-irking.

“Then we are waiting for you…” Tony replied.

“Let me finish with prince Fredrick….then I’ll come for you and finish you…” Irene yelled as Tony walked out…



The king’s room was just few metres away, he heard Irene’s last word clearly….

“I don’t trust this lady…” He said.

The queen was relaxing on the be-d.

“Which lady?” She asked.

“The one you trust..” he replied.

“If you don’t, I trust her…” She said and l@yback on the be-d.

“I nee-d to see Fredrick…” She murmured and left the room in annoyance.

“She wants to finish them all…I can’t let her kill my sons”



Irene made the medicine and went to Fredrick’s room.

Irene saw Queen Anne talking to Fredrick.

She bowed..

“Come in Irene.” Queen Anne spoke softly.

“Here’s your medicine my prince” Irene said.

“Imm getinng better…Doo I havve too stilll take thiis bitteerr thingg?” Fredrick stammered.

“No…you must take it” Irene f0rç£d him.

“Yes, take it dear” Queen Anne convinced him.

“Fine, illl takee it foor Irene” he said and gulped down the medicine.



“That’s nice..” queen Anne said ru-bbing his back.

Irene took the glas-s and walked towards the door.


Suddenly, Fredrick started vomiting white substance. It looked like foam.

As he gro-an ed, Irene looked back.

She quic-kly ran to help him.

The queen was panicking.

“What is happening to him?” She asked.

“This does not look like the first time he took the medicine” Irene said.


“Fredrick!!!” Queen Anne yelled shaking Fredrick.


Suddenly, the king, some guards and the princes entered into the room.

“Fred!!!” Tony called out.

“What happened to him?” Leo asked.

“I…I…don’t know..he just took the medicine and…this happened” irene wanted to cry.


The king frowned.

“Guards!!! Arrest her!!” He ordered.

“… plea-se your majesty. I didn’t do anything. Trust me” Irene screamed as the guards held her with f0rç£.

“Take her to the room…” King Zen spoke angrily.

“Father…she is innocent” Garrett spoke.

“Yes father, she will never do anything like that to Fred” leo spoke.

“The doctor is on his way..” Tony entered the room again.

“Take her!!!” King Zen yelled.


The guards gr@bb£d her with f0rç£ and left the room.

They wanted to follow her.

“No one will see her except the maids…she is going to eat twice a day. Unless, she confesses her evil deeds” king Zen spoke and left the room.

The queen sat silently, sobbing, looking at Fredrick who was breathing slowly.



Then the doctor c@m£, everyone left the room.

The doctor examined him and took some blood samples to the hospital.

“Before then, give him this. I’ve injected him. He will be conscious soon. But once he wakes up, no one should question him” the doctor advised and left.

The queen nodded and also left to talk to her husband.



“Why would you arrest Irene?” Queen Anne asked.

“I did the right thing…” King Zen said looking outside the window…

“You didn’t…you didn’t let her explain. How can you just l@yaccusations on her. This was not the first time my son was taking that medicine. Besides, she is just returning from the hospital. How can you blame her?” Queen Anne explained.

“Fine, you think she is innocent. I give you three days for you and your sons to prove that she’s innocent… If not able to prove, I’ll move her to the dungeon” king Zen said and left the room in anger.



