The survivors episode 23





The t©uçh. The same t©uçh that tells me whenever
the devil visits me.
I managed to opened my tired eyes. Eyes swollen
from tears and sleepless night.

“My pretty girl.” He mocked as he moved his wheel
chair closer to me.
I refused to look up and a sl@p landed on my back. “Proving stubborn?” He laughed devilishly.

“Listen! I’m going out, but I will be back for you. In
case you don’t know, I know about your little secret,
and I as-sure you that your lovely friend will pay. But
for now, I’m going.” He hit me, pushing his wheel chair towards the door and left.

I would never betray Juliana. She had gone throu-gh
a lot. I don’t know why life is so cruel to some and
friendly to some. Why? I asked myself as I rested
my head on the wall.
I shifted moving my tied legs and hands to sit
comfortably but it was useless as I ended up felling on the cold ground.

About some minutes later, with my eyes closed. I
heard the sound of the door opened and I wondered
if Adams was back so quic-kly. But then all I heard
was footsteps. The person wasn’t holding a t©uçh
and I was scared since everywhere was dark.
The sound of footsteps st©pped.

I strained my eyes and saw two legs stood at my

“Linda.” A de-ep masculine voice called and I gulped
down my saliva.

I raised my head and tears streamed down. He’s here t o set me free.
He c@m£ for me.

“Don’t be scared. I’m here for you,” he said,
tou-ching me as he bent down.
I wept silently as he loose the rope from my legs
and hands.
I coll@psed on his b©dy as I held onto him. He
turned his back to me and I climbe-d on his back.
All I could do was cry. I poured out my mind
throu-gh tears. I was happy getting out of the damn
After he took me pas-s the back door, he helped me
inside his car and as he was about starting the car,
the police car arrived. But immediately, he took off.
I didn’t forget about Juliana. I told lucky I have to
see Juliana. I know wherever she is, she’s in danger
but this time, not only because of her.

“Lucky… I have to find…Juliana. We nee-d to
find…your cou…sin. Juliana! Juliana!”

“Wake up! Linda wake up!” Someone tapped me, waking me up.
I moved restlessly on the settee before I finally woke up, face to face to Lucky.
I quic-kly sat up. “You’re back?”
He sat beside me on the settee.

“Yes.” He replied.

“So what did he say?” I asked impatiently.

“Jerry told me Angela had been arrested…”

“What? For what?” I looked shocked and curious at the same time.

“She tried to kill Juliana,” He explained.

“Oh my God!” I shook my head, ignoring Angela’s case. “So, what did he tell you about Juliana?” I quic-kly asked him.

“I have the address to the hospital,” he said.

“Very good.” I wore my sandals and immediately got up on my feet.
Looking directly at Lucky, I brou-ght out a picture.

“Lucky, I have to see Juliana now! It’s very important I see her now.”

Showing Lucky the picture, I moved closer. “She nee-ds to save her. She nee-ds to save Ella, her daughter.”

“Yes. Juliana has a child.”


As I walked in throu-gh the open door, everywhere
was silent and peaceful. I walked in slowly and was
about calling his name when I heard voices.
“Don’t you think Willy should know about his child?”
The guy asked in a quiet tone.
“No.” I heard Adams vehemently replied. “Willy
must not know. And you won’t tell him,” he said to
the other guy.
“But Adams,” the guy disagreed. “Willy is your son
and he has the right to know that Ella is his

“Not when I’m still alive, will I accept the child of
that bastard as my granddaughter!” He retorted

“Accept it alre-ady,” the guy told him. “There is no
reason for you to get angry. Juliana is dead and

“Of course I will!” Adams sounded angry. “That
bastard lured Willy in falling for her. Now Willy
doesn’t care about what I do, nor me!” He yelled.
“You’re shouting Adams,” the guy cautioned him. “Everyone will here this if you don’t calm down,” he
said in a very low voice, that I had to move a bit

“There is no one around except Angela. And she’s
in her room.” Adams replied, cooling his voice.
“So, what’s your plan for the girl?” The guy asked.

Adams gave a light, devilish chuckle. “I’m keeping
her,” he said shortly.
“Adams! She’s your granddaughter!” The guy said in

“I don’t want to hear you call her that. Okay!”
Adams quic-kly said, and continued. ” A child from
that bastard is no daughter of mine. Ella will work
for me.” His tone sounded determined.

“Adams!” The guy called out his name but he
st©pped him.

“Shhh…. No one must know about this. And you
won’t dare go against me. Or else…” His voice
c@m£ down. “You know what I can do Larry.” He
threatened and I finally gr@bb£d the guy’s name.
“You should get going, she should be here anytime
from now,” Adams said.

As I heard him said that, slowly, I re-moved my heels
and quietly ran back to the main entrance. Was
about knocking the door, when the guy c@m£ out. I
gave him a light smile and walked in, as he went

I listened carefully as Linda narrated everything. She didn’t look hurt, but I felt bad inside of me. I really can’t say why I refused to tell her about Ella, but on the other hand, I wanted to protect my daughter, without knowing Adams have this evil plan for my girl. There was a time I wondered why Adams never told Willy about Ella. So, that was his reason for keeping it as a secret too.
“Juliana!” Linda called, and we were both staring at each other.
“I was mad knowing you kept a secret from me. I expected you to have told me about it from the start. I wanted to confront you, but I realized, you never wanted her to get involved. Trying to get close to her would jeopardize all our plans. So I decided its better to leave her out of it. Hoping once this revenge thing was done, you will have her back. But everything turned out badly for us,” she said as a tear pricked down at the corner of her eye.

I felt bad for ma-king Linda suffered. It was all my fault. Just like I did to Mark. At the thought of how Mark’s death was announced brou-ght tears to my eyes. After all I did, yet she stood up for me. I can’t believe Linda could still support me, when she knew I was keeping a secret from her.
My heart leapt for joy as Linda walked in this morning throu-gh the door. When she explained all Adams did to her, p@rt of me was feeling guilty, because it was all my fault. Juliana, it’s your fault.

Your fault! Your fault! My mind kept repeating and the tears c@m£ running down my face. But I’m glad I didn’t lose her.
“Juliana don’t cry. You should thank God you’re saved. What if Angela had done it!” She moved closer to my be-d and hvgged me ti-ghtly. “You have no reason to be sad or cry anymore. Adams is gone. If not for Lucky, I wouldn’t be here.”
My cry increa-sed, as I hvgged Linda more ti-ghtly and cry on her shoulder. My cousins must be very angry with me, because Lucky c@m£ here with Linda, and didn’t bother to say hi. Not even Catherine. I really don’t know, but I think I’m the bad person here. I can’t expect them to check on me, after all, My mom and I s£nt their Dad to prison.

Now, I can’t st©p blaming myself. Mark died because of me. Linda suffered because of me. And here I am on this sick be-d fighting for my life. I can feel but still can’t walk properly. And how can I help my daughter. Its all useless.
“How will I save her Linda?” I asked brokenly.
“We will,” she as-sured me. “Lucky will help. Just take your drugs and recover quic-kly,” she said pu-lling me into a ti-ght hvg again, and I bur-st into another fit of tears.

The two greeted each other and took their seat in the cafeteria.
“I’m glad you made it out,” Larry said lightly to Willy. His voice didn’t carry much enthusiasm, because he actually called Willy three days ago when he was free, to discuss a matter that bother him all the time. But he only told Willy to meet him at the cafeteria they sometimes visit.
“You said its important we meet here,” Willy reminded him.
“Yea,” Larry said shortly, then paused.
“What are you going to do about Angela’s case?” Larry asked in a concern tone, trying to start a conversation.
“I really don’t know.” Willy honestly said. “I know it will be ha-rd to get her out of there.” He looked worried. “So, is that why you called me?”

“Hmm…no” Larry mumbled.

“Larry tell me. That shouldn’t bother you that much.”

“Yes, but willy,” he went on,” I should have told you about it but I know you won’t do as I say, and that could put me in trouble.”

“Okay. So what’s it?” Willy impatiently asked.
Larry doesn’t know how to put it and suddenly it sli-pped out of his mouth. “Ella is your daughter,” he blurted out before he could st©p himself.

“What!” Willy looked astonished and gave him a confused glance.

“What type of joke is that!”

“No Willy,” Larry said grimly. “Juliana has a child with you.”
Now, Willy was on his feet. He looked mad and shouted angrily.

“How would you keep something like that from me?”

“Because, if had told you, you will definitely keep her away and your father will suspect.” Larry quic-kly said, as people around stared at them.

“Who cares!” Willy’s voice laced with anger. “Of course I will. She’s my daughter!” He said firmly, as he ru-bbe-d his face with his two hands in frustration.

Larry got up. “You’ve got no reason to fear for her life anymore. You’re a free man, and all you nee-d to do is protect her,” he genuinely said, as he placed his hand on Willy’s shoulder. “Everything was for the best.”
Willy knew he couldn’t stay angry at Larry. He had been a great help, but he felt really bad not knowing Ella was his daughter all these years. He can’t believe he had a callous man as his father. And how come Juliana never mentioned it to him.
He turned to his friend. “Thank you Larry,” he said as the two pu-ll-ed themselves into a ti-ght hvg.

