The survivors episode 16





Fearfully, I moved back, I clenched my fist to st©p myself from trembling. ‘ What nons-en-se is he
saying? My Mom can’t be alive! If she’s alive, she
will look for me. She will never abandon me to face
this alone. This guy is just driving me crazy.’


“Don’t you call that name! I cut in, I’m not Juliana! Don’t make me go crazy and keep your silly information to yourself.”
A sad smile appeared on his face and I can see he was filled with anger, but he managed not to do anything stupid. “Whether you pretend or not, I know its you Juliana.” He told me.
A tear pricked down at the corner of my eye, he has the gut to confront me. Where did he get that from. I was full of anger and I couldn’t hold it any longer. “So what? What are you going to do to me? Tell your father I’m alive? Tell me? What else did you expect me to do? Sit down and watch while your father find me and kill me again?” I exploded.

“But I saved you?” He said

“Yes, you did! But you used me, you destroyed me! You were among those who took away my happiness. Willy, I mean nothing to you!” My arms crossed as I stared at him with my teary eyes. He stood there silently fuming, he was holding a glas-s and I heard a sound as he slammed it on the wall. I felt sorry for him and quic-kly put on my clothes. At the same time, my heart was pounding, he found out the truth, does Adams know this yet?
I really have to let him know that I’m not a coward anymore, I’m no longer scared of his father, he deserve the position he is right now. Thank his stars he survived this time. But no, his death was only shifted. God really wants him to suffer in that wheel chair before his time because death is the only penalty for what he’s done.

I picked up my bag and was on my way to the door entrance when I heard his voice. “I pray you don’t regret this!” He muttered for me to hear. My hands began shaking, I was weak in the knees, holding back my tears, I dragged myself out. I fell to the ground and let out the tears have been holding. I place my hand on my heart to prevent it from breaking. I st©pped crying because I heard someone’s footsteps. The person must have quic-kly hide when he/she saw me.

I brou-ght out my phone to check the time because every where was dark since its late at night. I checked the time on my phone and it was alre-ady 10:30p.m. I pushed myself up and took to my heels as I ran out of his compound, afraid of who the person might be. I took a bike and headed home, I kept dialing Linda’s number but she isn’t picking. Immediately I got home, I walked in and I met the door locked. This confirmed Linda isn’t home.
Where will she be by this time of the day? I opened the door and entered, turning to lock the door, my phone rang and I left the door open and quic-kly picked my call. It was Linda.

“Linda! I cut in, where did you put your phone.”
She didn’t answer my question as she went on speaking very fast. “Juliana leave the house now!”
I was getting scared myself, “Linda don’t scare me and tell me what’s going on right now!”
Her voice was shaking and trembling with wariness. ” I can’t Juliana! But a car has been chasing me since I went out this evening. That’s why you nee-d to leave that house. Something is going on.”
“Oh my God! I exclaimed, Something terrible happened today Linda.”
“I can’t talk right now, go to Mr Malik and go hide there, will join you there.” She said before I heard a crash and her voice c@m£ out screaming “helppppppppp….”
“Linda! Linda!” I shouted her name very loudly. “My
God, what’s happening? Save Linda for me. I can’t
lose her too. She’s all I got right now.” Tears streamed down my face, my b©dy trembled and I was shaking with fear. “where do I go now?”
‘Juliana leave the house now!’ I remembered Linda’s warning and quic-kly picked up my purse to start going to Mr Malik but immediately I turned, my breath was cut in my che-st as I glued to my sp©t.

“Is someone scared?” She said with her two eyes glaring at me.
“Angela!” I murmured and gulped nervously before I continued,
“what are you doing here?”

“To tell you, you have no where to go.” She spat irritatedly.

“And who are you to dictate for me?” I spat back.

“Oh, come on Juliana! You’ve got nowhere to run to.”
I was confused at her mentioning my name, Willy must have told her too. “Excuse me!” I whispered out.

“I heard everything you and my brother discussed. If my brother can’t finish this, I will.” She said as she brou-ght out a gun and pointed it at me.

I moved to the back a bit, Is she insane? ” what are you doing Angela?”

“What does it look like you bastard! Nothing will ever st©p me from killing you right now.” She retorted angrily. “I might have saved you once, but today, no one will save you. I thought you were a good person, you’ve got no right to criticize my father because you’re about to become a murderer just like him. You and your stupid friend have been poisoning him and I know your intention is to kill him.”

“Don’t you dare call me a murderer!”

“And what are you? Give me a name for someone who is trying to kill someone else.” She demanded fiercely.

“You’ve got no manners, you spoilt little br@t!”

“Don’t you dare insult me!” She said raising her hand and sl@p me ha-rd across the face. “I don’t take $h!t!” She spat. Not letting it go, I raised up my hand and hit her face with the anger burning inside of me. She raised her head and tears rolled down as fast as they can. Her face was red and she glared at me. All I could see was pain and suffering, “I hate you for trying to kill my Dad. He’s the only one have got ever since my Mom was dead. No matter who you think he is, he’s my father. He’s still my father and he will always be my father. He might have chos£n that life, but he’s got a heart too, he love me as much as I love him and I will do anything to save his life because I know one day, he’s going to st©p living such life and we will be happy again. I always felt sorry for you because I knew the reason why my brother was busy chasing you. He should be the one paying for this instead of my father.”

When I heard those words, my heart crushed at trying to take away someone else’s happiness. I never knew she love her Dad so much. I felt sorry for her because she deserve a father who will give her a life better than the one Adams gave her. I closed my eyes trying to wash away those pity feelings I felt for her. As I opened my eyes, she was aiming the gun at me. Have got nothing to fight her back, my heart was raising as tears was falling helplessly down my face, something was telling me to do something. And I really don’t know what to do but what I know is I can’t die. Not now.

“Its time to end this once and for all.” She whispered out.
My God! Is this the end? I thought. Willy isn’t here
to save me anymore. I cried out at the thought of Willy saving me whenever death threatens me. Have used him too, and nothing can make him forgive me too. As Angela glared at me, she put her f!nger on the trigger to shoot, I close my eyes waiting for her to shoot when I heard the sound of the door swung open.
“You can’t kill her!” The familiar voice said.

My eyes sh0t open staring into Willy’s cold eyes. h0t tears ran down my face, its him! He saved me! God, I can’t believe this after what have caused him.
Angela turned to her brother in shock, “she tried to kill Dad.” her voice trembled as she spoke, “I wasn’t expecting you to say that because I thought after everything you found out, you will hate her as much as I do.”
“As you can see, I didn’t!” Willy replied in a low tone with hands in his pockets trying to act cool.
“Really? I can’t believe you wouldn’t do anything Willy. She used you!”

“I know.” He replied shortly.

“You really don’t care, do you?” Angela asked Willy with unbelieving eyes. I knew I have to do something because Angela is very stubborn and I don’t think she would listen to Willy. “Well, she faced me, don’t thank your God yet, because no one can st©p me, not even him. She turned her head to Willy. Nothing can st©p me from killing my Dad’s greatest enemy. After I’m done with you, she turned to me, your little Ella will pay for the rest where I have her.”

‘Do something’ something keeps telling me. As she turned to her brother to say something, I swung towards her to kick the gun away but she was at alert and we both struggle together with it. The gun let out a sh0t. Before I realized what just happened, Angela’s b©dy hit the ground and I froze in panic as a tear pricked down at the corner of eye. My God! I
didn’t do it! It was her. Heavy tears rolled down my face and I couldn’t raise my head up to face Willy.

I bent down to check her b©dy to see if there is something I can do but she wasn’t breathing anymore. Fear of what will happen next lit flames of terror in my heart. I finally raised my head up, my heart suddenly sank as I saw Willy’s cold, ha-rd stare, whose eyes now blazed with fury. “Are you satisfied?” His voice trembled reflecting rage.

“Willy, I did not do it. I didn’t fire that gun.” I explained, pleading.

“You…you killed my sister.” He muttered trying to calm his racing heart as distrust, disappointment, anger was boldly written all over his face.

“I didn’t do it. Willy, plea-se let me exp-”

“You keep quiet!” He shouted slamming his hand on the wall. Tears fell slowly from his eyes, I covered my mouth with my hands crying uncontrollably. I have never seen him this angry. His eyes red, full of fury with pain and hurt.

He move closer to me and seized me by my wrist, “you wanted my Dad dead, and you couldn’t find a place in your heart to forgive me after how I proved myself to you how sorry I am.”
I ignored the painful thud in my che-st, “No Willy, I placed my other hand on my che-st. I just couldn’t! The pain was so de-ep inside of me.” I said as I sob in front of him.

“Don’t feed me that stuff!” Willy said fiercely re-leasing my wrist.

“I was the idiot here. A big fool to think I was in love with you. But now, you’re satisfied.”

“I’m sorry Willy.” I pleaded moving my hand to t©uçh him but he shoved it away.

“I shouldn’t have come here.” His voice c@m£ out low and controlled as he shook his head and ran his f!ngersthrou-gh his hair. He stormed out slamming the door behind.

“Oh my God! This is crazy!” I muttered crying my eyes out. Ignoring my condition, I remembered Angela mentioned Ella’s name. I sniffed and brushed my tears away, Ella doesn’t deserve to be punish for my own mistake. I have to do something to save her. She’s just a child!

I hurried out of the house and went after Willy. I know I’m the last person he would want to see right now, but I have no choice because he’s the father and he won’t let anything happen to his own child. We have to save her.

As I stepped out onto the street, I saw him walking slowly in the middle of the road, lost in his thoughts. Not aware of the car racing towards him, “Willy, Willy! I shout out his name at the t©p of my voice and ran as my legs could take me. “Willy!” I pushed him out of the way and I ended up getting hit instead of him. I was tossed up like a ball. I felt a sharp pain going throu-gh my whole b©dy as I hit the ground. I didn’t know why I did that, but the truth is, I don’t want him dead. If this is all I can do for him, I’m happy I saved his life. I heard him yelled my name and ran as fast as he can to meet me, but I felt my b©dy getting weaker and weaker before everything went black.

