The sacrifice episode 36



Amy had a ha-rd time slee-ping last night. Thoughts about who might have been s£nding her chocolates kept bugging her mind all throu-gh the night, so much that she had tossed and turned on her be-d till the early hours of this morning when she finally suc¢v-mbe-d into the realms of dreams.

Even in her few hours of sleep she had dreamt about receiving those packages again and this time Blake had come to deliver them personally wearing that sunny smile of his that always made her head spin and her heart flutter.

Amy heaved a de-ep sigh as she got out of be-d to get re-ady for work.

Blake wasn’t being fair to her at all. Must he be so blind not to see her feelings for him? He hasn’t even showed up since the last time he c@m£ to her office to tender that stupid apology of his which by God still made her angry at him.

Jade’s words about receiving chocolates from her crush had sown some thoughts in her heart. Could it really be Blake? Or did she have a secret admirer at work?

God! what is this guy doing to her? Since she started receiving those gifts, thoughts of Blake had ba-rely left her mind. She kept wishing this gifts were coming from him and no one else, because if it wasn’t, she’d kill whoever it was with her own two hands.

Amy got herself re-ady for work. She was too bothered with boy issues that she had forgotten to do her make up as usual. Well it wouldn’t be an issue since her so called ‘crush’ had ba-rely been showing his face to her lately. There was rarely no reason or rather no one else to look pretty for.

‘Damn you Blake!’ she cussed loudly in her heart.

‘When you finally fall for me, I’ll make your life a living hell’ She hisssed for the upteemth time as she drove herself to work. She had made a resolve to st©p liking him, but where has that gotten her? Absolutely nowhere!. But rather she kept missing him. Her stupid heart can’t get a grip of itself.

Since she can’t help how she feels she’ll just have to deal with it. This was so frustrating!

When Amy stepped into the office everyone gaped on seeing her face ba-re. What the hell happened to the ‘slaying queen?’ This was the first time in forever that Amy Walker showed up to work with her face ba-re.

Not that she always wore heavy make-ups, but she always had a considerate amount of it on. No one could actually remember what she looked like without it. But still this little boss wasn’t lacking at all in beauty even without her make-up on.

Though everyone was surprised on seeing Amy, the person who was really surprised was Amy Walker herself, when she saw what was lying on her desk.

A bouquet of tuli-ps and her favorite chocolate just as she has been receiving in the last couple of days. Flowers? That’s new.

Amy was surprised when she saw them, and her cheeks lightly turned red when she noticed the eyes of her colleagues on her as soon as she walked into the office.

Amy stood in a daze in front of her desk with her eyes fixed on the flowers and chocolate. This were all her favorite. Her favorite flowers and her favorite br@nd of chocolate. The variant colors of the tuli-ps were just like rainbows.

Her hands slowly reached for the flowers, and she slowly brou-ght it to her nose and took a whiff of it. The relaxing redolence sift throu-gh her nose ma-king a smile break throu-gh her face.

Amy dropped her bag on her desk and with her free hand picked up the box of chocolate which she opened. She closed it back and walked to her seat behind the desk.

Her eyes kept looking at the flowers with a hand gently stro-king it’s petals. She looked throu-gh the bouquet for a card or anything to indicate who could have s£nt these to her. Her heart leaped for joy when she saw a small card stucked in the flowers. Maybe Blake has decided to reveal himself as the one behind these gifts. A sweet simple appeared on her face as she quic-kly opened it but whatever hope she had seconds ago were completely squashed when all she saw was “They are not as beautiful as you, but I hope they make you smile”

Amy stared as those words for a while oblivious to the curious eyes gazing at her. She looked back at the flowers and chocolates and the closed her eyes ti-ghtly. This was a nice gesture after all.

s£nding the tupli-ps was really messing with her heart. No one ap@rt from her family and Jade had ever s£nt her tuli-ps. Never did her ex-b©yfri£nds£nd her either.

Amy was struggling with herself internally if she should simply throw all this away or keep them. She opened her eyes and looked at them again.

What if they were really from Blake? Won’t he be mad at her if she throws them away or give them to someone else?

She bit her lowerl-ips ha-rd when that thought c@m£ to her mind. Why was she even considering his feelings when he was constantly tormenting hers.

‘Blake this had better be you or I swear I’ll jump into the arms of whoever it is’.

‘Amy, you must really be mad. Threatening him like he knows about your stupid feelings. Get a hold of yourself, he doesn’t know you like him and he might not even like you at all’ She chided herself in her head.

“I hate you mini Beau, I really hate you” She mumbled un-der her breath as she pu-ll-ed the petals in annoyance.

Amy was so lost in thoughts that she didn’t notice someone walking towards her desk.

“Hey beautiful”

Amy brows crea-sed when she heard that voice in her head ‘Wow Amy way to go, you now even hear his voice in your head. That’s too much pfft’. She thought she must have started hallucinating.

She jo-lted back to reality when she heard that voice again this time a little bit louder.

“Hello beautiful”

Amy was shocked when she realized that she was not hearing voices but the person who was calling talking to her was actually standing right in front of her, like she had conjured him out of her thoughts.

Blake was flashing her that usual beautiful smile that made his eyes shine S-xily. His smile made every woman around ogle at him and their hearts flutter uncontrollably. Amy was not an exception, she was totally and stupidly mesmerized by Blake’s beauty.

Her heart was racing at the sight of this man. She didn’t expect him to show up at her office this morning after so many days. She was feeling regretful and cussing herself for not applying her make up and enough deodorants as usual.
She just felt like cussing her luck.

She blinked her eyes as she was still in a daze. She could hear her beating loudly in her ears as she continued staring at him.

Just the day she decided to be void of makeup, ‘Blake Beau’ had approached her.
What was wrong with this man? No proper timing at all!
Was she looking beautiful enough? What about her breath? Was it smelling fine?…Hold on, why was she being bothered about her breath anyway? It’s not like he was going to k!ssher right? Her eyes fell to his perfectly thin and firml-ips. How great would that be if she got a k!ss…no, no, just a brush l!pk!ssfrom him, then her destiny on earth would be duely fulfilled.
What the hell was she thinking?

Amy sighed inwardly at all the silly thoughts going throu-gh her head. ‘Amy!!! don’t get lost’ she screamed in her head.

One minute she was cussing at him for not noticing her feelings and for not being sure if he was the one s£nding her those chocolates and this flower.

Should she use this opportunity and ask him if he was behind all this? No! Amy kicked that thought out of her head. She wasn’t going to do that. But what if…

Get your $h!t together Amy walker! She tried to compose herself together.

Blake had a way of messing with her thoughts. Her br@in short circuits itself whenever he shows up and she simply can’t get her thoughts right.

“Good morning Director…Blake” She said stutteringly. She took a de-ep breath to calm herself, she could make herself known to him. Calling his name was ma-king her heart skip.

“I must say you look beautiful this morning. Acrosoft must have a thing for only hiring beautiful women” He said with his signature smile as he took the seat across her desk.

“Thank you” Amy replied trying so ha-rd not to blus-h to his words. Her ears were burning her just by listening to his alluring voice. She couldn’t control her eyes from trailing the contours of his face.

‘God why is this boy so pretty’. One look at him was enough to crumble her resolve into dust, and her dissipitate completely.
Amy was doomed.

“It’s that lavender I smell on you? I knew a beauty would always smell so nice” Amy subconsciously brushed her hand throu-gh her hair. How did he know that?
It’s the smell of her shampoo that pungent?

Amy cleared her throat and looked at him. If she continued with this conversation she can’t predict what she’ll say next.

“Sir what can I do for you?” She asked with a serious face.

“Can you really do something for me?” Blake asked with a mischievious smile.
“I was thinking about what I could do for you. But then I remember how capable you are” Blake sighed with his eyes still fixed on her.

“Thank you. But there must be something, no?” Amy asked again. Blake was doing it again, he was outrightly flir-ting with her. That was actually his forte.

Amy was indeed a capable woman. Working in the development dep@rtment of the company she has built an impeccable reputation for herself as one of the most efficient staff in the company.

“So I was thinking if the mighty supervisor would be able to review this do¢v-ments?” He said putting a few do¢v-ments on her desk.

“I was thinking you’re the best person for the job…so I it brou-ght over to you” He paused and smiled flir-tatiously. He continued…

“I would have been able to do it, but I have a few meetings to attend to. So I hope you don’t mind”

“Uhmm…not at all sir” Amy said pu-lling the do¢v-ments closer. She knew that was how Blake handled his work issues. Him delegating this to her didn’t come as a surprise at all and she definitely can’t refuse him.

In as much as she would love to yell at him for not acknowledging her feelings and taunting her endlessly, she still can’t say no. He was still her boss. As least she got to see his pretty face closely after so many days.

“I’ll see you at the meeting with it” He said as he rose up from his seat when his eyes fell on the flowers lying on her l@ps and the petals which she was squishing ti-ghtly between her f!ngers. Amy eyes followed his line of sight and she threw the petals in hands on the floor before dropping the flowers on her desk.

Is he going to say he was the one s£nding her the gifts? Amy narrowed her eyes staring at him anxiously.

“Nice flowers you’ve got there. Pretty as you, don’t you think?” He asked c0cking his brow, with a smile tugging on the side of hisl-ips. Amy felt deflated after hearing him speak. Whatever light that was shining in her eyes completely dimmed out completely.

What was she expecting from this dense fellow? She sighed.

“Thank you” She replied dryly.

“I’ll see you soon, miss Walker” He win-ked at her before walking out of the office.

Amy looked at the bouquet of flowers one more time, before dumping them in the trash can angrily. They definitely didn’t come from him.

She opened the file Blake had given her, but hers wandered back to the flowers again.

‘But what if he really s£nt them?’