The pain of the heart episode 10 – 12


Episode 10
By O.D Oluwasegun

“James you are the only guy I have ever known. If its throu-gh S-x that I got infected, then its from you” Nancy said. James quic-kly held Nancy hand and led her to the compound of the house. He didn’t want his mother to hear anything about the test. “Look, you nee-d to keep your voice down yea! My mother is in there” James said. “James, I’m not in the mood for your mum’s drama, I nee-d answers James!!” Nancy said with a louder tone. James then took GHC 500 out of his pocket and gave it to Nancy

Take this, I promise to be at your end tonight so we talk about it. plea-se do this for me, James said. “James, if you don’t show up, you wouldn’t like what will happen next” Nancy cautioned him. “This test result is equally important to me as it is to you so trust me on this, I will be there” James reas-sured her. Nancy walked out on him still sobbing a little.

One amazing thing was, James never showed any sign that he was surprised about the news. Its seemed he was alre-ady aware of his HIV status. He was actually not bothered about the news. All he was worried of was how to keep the news away from his mother.

As James was going back into the house he suddenly saw Juliet running out of the house. James tried asking where she was going to but Juliet ignored him and went out of the house.

Soon after, Mrs. Johnson c@m£ out but she was too late to st©p Juliet from running out of the house, she had alre-ady gone by then.

“Prostitute, witch, come back here and you will see. Hypocrite.” Mrs. Johnson shouted as she c@m£ out. “Mum, what is it? James asked. “James, can you imagine? That girl is pregnant.” His mother said.

“Juliet? pregnant? James askedm ” and who is responsible for her pregnancy? He continued. ” That’s what she is refusing to tell me, she just ran out while I was asking.” Mrs. Johnson said. “Mum, lets wait for her to return. Ben and I will talk to her” James suggested. “You better do” Mrs. Johnson said and went back into the house with James.

James again was not surprised that Juliet was pregnant. Its seems he had a lot of things hidden in the dark. Nothing seems to amaze him. Its either he was alre-ady aware or he was just not bothered. Juliet on the other hand, just ran into the church room and knelt before the altar crying. She looked up into the heavens and began praying. Tears kept running down her cheeks.

Her prayer was so loud that Daniel who was sitting on one of the pews heard everything she was lamenting about. Juliet didn’t even realize that Daniel was sitting there. He was a new member in the church and an organist. He joined the church just about a week ago, but in no time, with his exceptional talent almost everyone knew him. He was also there to pray, and was actually re-ading the bible when Juliet ran in.

Daniel was a regular guy but with a lot of charisma. It seems he was just perfect with everything he did. No one knew where he c@m£ from or where he stayed. However anytime his help was nee-ded, Daniel was not ha-rd to find. In a nut shell, Daniel was very secretive. He sat down and listened to Juliet. After some few minutes, Juliet was totally silent. She had st©pped praying and was lying beneath the altar.

Daniel stood up and went to her. He took her by the hand and said “God, has listened to your prayers, wipe off your tears and be thankful to him instead” His hand felt cold and there was something about him that made Juliet feel that she had known him for long.

As much as he is a total stranger to Juliet, there was something about him that made him look familiar. Juliet couldn’t just figure out what that was. His words were so comforting and as-suring. Those words were enough to make Juliet involuntarily smile, as if everything was alright.


His words were so comforting and as-suring. Those words were enough to make Juliet involuntary smile, as if everything was alright. ” Do I know you somewhere, I don’t know but there is something about you that makes you look familiar” Juliet asked. “I don’t think so dear, come, lets sit down and talk” Daniel said.

They went and sat at the nearest pew they could find. “Juliet why should you worry so much when actually you should leave everything in Gods hand” Daniel asked. “Look, I know your foster mother very well, its unfortunate she does not know me like I do, sometimes she can be exaggerating a little but you nee-d to pray very ha-rd for God to take control, I used to work for your dad, as a matter of fact am his lawyer. You are the only one am telling this because he never even trusted his own wife.” He continued. “Really, mm I miss him so much, But Daniel you won’t un-derstand what am really going throu-gh.” Juliet said. She made it obvious that she was hiding something. Daniel noticed it instantly.

“I think you are hiding something from me, what is it? You can trust me” Daniel as-sured her. “Daniel, can I trust you? Juliet asked “Juliet, why ask this question, I alre-ady saw it in your eyes before you asked that you alre-ady trust, you can trust me, my dear” Daniel said. He was right. As soon as Juliet saw him, she felt comfortable and safe around him. He had alre-ady won her trust with his words of encouragement. “So you have the gift of re-ading minds now? Juliet ironically asked.

“That’s for you to tell me.”Daniel answered. Juliet was feeling very at ease with him, so she began opening up with him. “Daniel, am pregnant, I found out this morning. I didn’t know what to tell mum, that’s why I ran here” Juliet said. “I see, have you alre-ady gotten the father involved” He asked. “That’s the problem, I don’t know the father” Juliet said. Daniel’s facial expression changed as Juliet gave that answer, however he never jumped into conclusion until he heard everything Juliet had to say.

“How, I don’t un-derstand? Daniel asked looking very confused. “Daniel, I was R@p£d” Juliet revealed. Daniel was the very first person that Juliet had told this to. “What, by who? Daniel asked. “That’s what I don’t know, he was wearing a mask, He took my pride away, I don’t know him or where he c@m£ from and up till now, am being tormented by this everyday” Juliet said and began sobbing. Daniel saw in her eyes that she was being truthful, he believed her right away.

Meanwhile, back at the family of Johnsons house, Ben had returned and met James and his Mother at living room. He knew it was a normal thing for them, he then greeted them and without asking any questions, went straight into Juliet’s room, only to meet her abs£nce. He looked around the house to see if he could find her but she was no where to be found. He had a little pres£nt for her. Lately Ben and his mother were not really getting along with Juliet being the bone of contention. He then had no option than to come back to the living room asking from them (James and Mrs. Johnson) of her where abouts.

“James, where is Juliet? Ben asked James. James was in total silence as he didn’t know the answer to give him. It took Mrs. Johnson to interrupt them with an answer. “My son, nob©dy knows where your so called sister had gone to, do you know that, that Juliet you keep standing up for, is pregnant” Mrs. Johnson said. “oh no, but how? Ben looked surprised. “How did this happen?” He continued. Ben looked more concerned about this, than anyone else. The news of the pregnancy shocked him. He went straight to his room and locked himself up.

In about 20 minutes, Ben c@m£ out of his room with a luggage. It looked as if he was going somewhere. When Mrs. Johnson saw him, she wondered where he was going. “And where are you going to with those luggage? Mrs. Johnson asked. ” Sorry, I forgot to tell you, I am traveling to the central region, will be back in a week time” Ben said. “Just like that, what business do you have doing at central region ” She asked “Mum, don’t you think, am old enough to go about with my own business. I will call you. I must be on my way” Ben said and walked out on her. Mrs. Johnson called him several times but he ignored him and went away. “What has come over this boy?” Mrs. Johnson asked

herself. She then decided to go back to her room when all of a sudden the door leading to the living room opened. It was Juliet accompanied by Daniel. “So you have returned” Mrs. Johnson asked. “And young man, I guess you are here to plead on her behalf” She continued. Daniel smiled at her and said. “On the contrary, that’s not what am here for” Daniel said. “I suppose, you are looking for the father of the pregnancy? Well, you are looking at him” Daniel said .

Daniel and Juliet were up to something. Whatever it was, Mrs. Johnson was definitely not happy about it……

Episode 12

Daniel and Juliet were up to something. Whatever it was, Mrs. Johnson was definitely not happy about it. You could tell the surprise on Mrs. Johnson face. She didn’t believe her ears. “Juliet, since when have you known this man? Besides, he is just a new member in the church” Mrs. Johnson asked. Juliet was about answering her when Daniel interrupted. “Mrs. Johnson, I think I nee-d to have a conversation with you .” Daniel said. “Oh yes, we really nee-d to do that. Juliet, excuse us” Mrs. Johnson said instructing Juliet.

Juliet left them and went into her room. To her surprise she found a note on her be-d. It was from Ben. She opened and re-ad it. Back at the living room, Mrs. Johnson and Daniel had begun their serious conversation.

“Mrs. Johnson, I know you may find this surprising but I have actually known Juliet for long even before I joined the church. She is very dear to me and I take the responsibility of the pregnancy. ” Daniel said. From Mrs. Johnson view, she saw Daniel to be a very wealthy young man. She felt that probably, Daniel will be another source of income if she was able to lure Daniel into marrying Juliet. After all, she is pregnant and per their church’s doctrines, one nee-ds to marry before conceiving a child but in Juliet’s case, it was not that easy. The only thing to absorb her was to get Daniel to marry Juliet. Her attitude then changed all of sudden. She began acting nicely and welcoming.

“Good, Juliet is a very good girl. She will be a good wife” Mrs. Johnson said. Daniel’s face changed, this wasn’t definitely p@rt of their plan. She was actually talking about marriage here. However Daniel was too smart for that. “Mrs. Johnson, I think marriage is a bit sudden. I believe taking responsibility of the child and Juliet herself is enough to keep her life back on track. When its comes to Marriage, re-adiness must be very vital” Daniel said.

Mrs. Johnson was not happy about the response Daniel gave. She doesn’t want him to take only the responsibility of the Child but also to marry her as well. With that, she could get rid of Juliet entirely and also use that to gain money that she had alre-ady been spending.

“Look, I hope you know the implications of what you are doing? You know Juliet very well and her role at church. If she does not get married, per our church’s doctrines, she will be relinquished from all her positions and aside that, she will be made to sit at the back and personally, I won’t stay un-der the same roof with such a person. I don’t think you want something like that to happen to her.” Mrs. Johnson said.

This was a bit ha-rd for Daniel to take, it was true about the church’s doctrines but he wondered why such things were in place. Is the church meant for righteous people? That’s a question which nee-ds to be answered. Juliet on the other hand was wondering what the note Ben had left behind meant.

“I’m really sorry Juliet, But I have to go. In the right time, you will un-derstand” She stood there wondering where Ben had gone to, before she realized James had come into her room without even knocking. Juliet got upset seeing him taking into consideration all he had done that morning. Trying to get her into slee-ping with him and even to the extent of lying to his mother that she was the one forcing herself on him.

” What are you doing here James? Get out of my room before I scream” Juliet said. “plea-se listen to me, forgive me but Juliet I nee-d you to hear me out on this plea-se” James pleaded. That wasn’t enough for Juliet, she even got angry the more. “I should have known all this while, you cunning snake. You bec@m£ so nice to me just because you wanted to satisfy your lvstful de-sire. May God forgive you. I can’t believe I was this stupid. ” Juliet said raising her voice. “Calm down Juliet, calm down, I’m really sorry for this whole thing, I am sorry, just hear me out plea-se. I beg of you”. James kept pleading. Juliet was silent, as angry as she was, her soft heart always had a way throu-gh her. She was quiet for some few seconds and said to James “You have 2 minutes, so you better start talking” James quic-kly went on with it.

“Juliet, I have a confession, I know we may have started on a wrong foot but I have actually not felt this way with anyone. I love you Juliet. I know ethically its wrong considering the fact that I’m your foster brother, but hey, who can decide who to be in love with, It just happens naturally. Juliet, I really do love you. I know you may be pregnant but it doesn’t change anything, I really love you” James said.

As tou-ching as James’s word was, Juliet found it funny. “and I suppose you want me to just accept your proposal and jump into your arms as your girlfriend when you are supposed to be my brother. where were you when Ben was being supportive all this while? Look, I believe you are done talking? Get out of my room” Juliet said.

“You are talking about Ben being supportive, that’s very funny. I don’t blame you. That’s how you have made him seen you.” James said.

“What do you mean by that, and how have you made me seen you, a liar and a snake?” Juliet said, but this time around more furious.

“Look girl, you better calm down. What if I tell you I’m aware you have been R@p£d and I know the one who did it” James revealed.

Now that got the attention of Juliet. Her face just lighted up with shock. “What! James you are not telling me something” Juliet said……

To be continued……….Don’t miss the next Episode.