the office during summer episode 85 & 86

(Feelings; From Me To You…)

By; Sommy Pearl F.

Chapter 85&86

★ ★

“You don’t wanna talk to me?” The guy muttered, with a smile.

The girl stared at it for a while, sniffed, and looked around.
“My mum…I can’t find her. I think I lost her”

The guy’s eyes wide-ned.

“My mum and I were walking together. I saw something fascinating and checked it out. When I went back, Mum was gone. I walked around, and looked for her,,, but I couldn’t still find her. Here I am now, and she’s still missing. What to do?” She kept crying.

The guy sighed.
“What’s your name?”

“Be…Beverly” She sniffed.
“Can I call you, Oppa? I don’t nee-d to know your name”

He smiled and nodded.

“I was even planning to hide my identity in the first place” He said to himself.

He didn’t want anyone, to know he was Phil Counters, and his father was the CEO of the most biggest and successful company in Korea, RM Companies.

“So, Beverly,,, do you know where you stay? I could take you there, if you don’t mind. Oh,,, don’t worry, I’m a nice guy” He winked, and Beverly smiled.

“Oppa, you’re so handsome” She said. written by sommy pearl f.

“Oh my. Thank you” He flushed red.

“So,,, lead me to your place” He held her hand.

“To be honest, I don’t know my place anymore” She muttered.

Phil quickly turned to her.
“Excuse me? Why not?”

“I went around in circles, and cause of that,,, I don’t know where I am. I don’t know how to go back home anymore. I’m such a failure” She was crying again.

“No. No. No. Its fine. Just tell me your home address. If I don’t know the place, I’ll use my GPS on my phone” He smiled.

Beverly blinked her eyes.
“I…don’t know it”

“Pardon? Know what?”

“I don’t know my home address” She was crying again.

“But…but why not?” He asked.

“Its not my fault” She shook her head.
“We just recently moved to a new apa-rtment and I don’t know the address. I should have learnt it immediately we arrived. I’m such a bad luck”

“Oh no. Don’t say that. I have another idea”


“Yes,,, How about we call your mum?”

“Yes! Let’s do that” She nodded.


*Sorry, but this line isn’t available for now. Try again later*

It was the 5th time they were both hearing this from Phil’s phone.

“Are you sure, this number is correct?” He asked.

Beverly nodded, sharply.

“What to do?” She sighed.
“I’m now a lost kid!!” She cried.

“Don’t say that” Phil said. written by sommy pearl f.

“Do you have another idea on how to find my family now?” She sniffed.

Phil looked around, and chuckled nervously.
“Huh,,, Yeah. Yeah…I do”

“What’s that, Oppa?” She asked.

“Let’s…wait for her here. She will come running to you” He smiled.

“You sure, she’ll find us here?”

“Why not? Let sit” He smiled sitting down on the bench beside Marie’s stall.

Beverly sat down close to him.

Marie smiled.
“Wonders never end…” She muttered.

She had been watching them ever since.

“What a scenario” She added, and checked the time.

It was 7:43am then.

“Well, let’s see how your idea goes, Nice guy” She thought and raised her brows.

“3 corn dogs please” A customer came to her.

“Oh yes. Sure” Marie smiled wi-dely, and went to it.


Phil yawned tiredly.

“Oppa? You tired?” Beverly asked, sadly.

Phil shook his head.
“Not at all. Why should I be? I’m agile as a monkey” He winked.

“I’m glad. Mum will still find me, right?”

“She will” Phil smiled.

Beverly nodded and faced front.

Phil looked away.
“Gosh. I’m damn hungry” He muttered, and ru-bbed his stomach.

“I really hope for a miracle right now” He thought and just then his stomach growled loudly.


Phil wide-ned his eyes in embarr@$$ment.

Beverly quickly looked at him.

*Grrrwwwwww* It came again.

Phil’s eyes were on his stomach which was vibr@ting.

“Oh c’mon. Not this type of miracle. Stop” He thought and crossed his arms on his stomach.

“Oppa, you alright?” Beverly asked.

“Yes, I’m fi-

“He isn’t” Marie came over.
“Your Oppa is hungry” She added.

Phil looked and quickly stood up.
“Anneoseyeo” He bowed.

“Its the corn dog ahjumma” Beverly said.

“C’mon, Beverly. Be respectful” Phil said, and she scoffed.

“Don’t mind her,,, mother” He said.

“Mo…ther?” Marie wide-ned her eyes, with a scoff.

Phil scratched his head.
“Its better than calling you ahjumma. You made us use your bench and stall shed without complaints and laments. We are grateful”

Marie smiled.
“Guess you’re a really nice guy,,, Nicey”

“Nicey? What’s that?”

“What I’m gonna call you” She said, and Phil chuckled.

“You hungry?” Marie asked.

“Huh,,, not real-


“Yeah! I’m veryyyyy hungry” Phil said, and Marie laughed.

“What about you, little one?” Marie looked at Beverly.
“Or should I say Beverly?” She raised a brow.

Beverly swallowed ha-rd.
“Yes, I’m hungry” She said.

“Like corn dogs?” Marie asked them.

“Like it?” Phil frowned.

“We love it!!” He beamed

Marie laughed.
“That’s my Nicey!!!”

Phil smiled, as he watched her get it.

“Thank you mother” He collected it from her.

“Thank you” Beverly said, eating in a rush.


“Its late already, and I’m done with sales. What are you gonna do now, Nicey?” Marie asked.

Phil scratched his head.
“I really don’t know,,, but I can’t leave her here either” He said, and they both looked at Beverly who was sleeping on his thi-ghs.

Marie sighed de-eply.

“Beverlyyyy!!” They heard a loud scream and they looked.

Beverly opened her eyes.
“Mum!!” She gushed, and ran to her.

Her mother hu-gged her.
“Where have you been? I’ve been searching all over for you” She was about to cry.

Beverly sniffed.
“I’m fine mum,,, Oppa helped me. He stayed with me, and tried looking for a way to get to you. Mother also gave us something to eat and drink”

“Oppa? Mother?” Her mother raised her brows, confused.

Beverly turned and pointed to the duo standing.

Beverly held her mother hand as they walked towards them.

“Thank you so much” Her mother muttered.

“You’re welcome” Phil replied, softly.

Marie smiled.
“How did you find us though?”

“I went to the station as soon as I missed my baby girl and i met some kind cops. Our eyes have been on the CCTV ever since. We saw Beverly moving around later, and we followed her steps that way from the computer. I rushed here as soon as I saw her here. Thank you both. I appreciate”

“You’re welcome” They said.

“I’m Mrs Usher, by the way” She smiled.

“Call me Marie” She smiled

“Its nice to meet you”

“My plea-sure…,,, What about you?” Mrs Usher eyes went to Phil.

“Huh…” Phil blinked his eyes.
“Just call me Nicey for now” He quickly said.

“Nicey?” Mrs Usher asked.

“Yeah” He nodded.

“Huh,,, Okay? So, Nicey. Where do you stay? I can drive you home to your parents”

“Nope, I’m fine. Goodbye and I promise to see y’all later. Especially you, Beverly” He winked walking away.

“Goodbye Oppa!!” She waved.

He waved back.

“Such a cute nice kid” Marie laughed, as they watched him enter RM company.

“What’s he doing in there though?” Marie thought, and Mrs Usher thoughts were likewise.


“I warned you and if I’m not mistaken, You promised me you wouldn’t bully anyone, ever again” Marie eyes were soaked with tears.

“I know, Mum… but this time, He deserves it” Scarlett sobbed.

“Right now, The victim is hospitalized at Valerie’s hospital and you’re here staying he deserves it?? Listen, If care is taken,,, You’ll rot in jail, definitely”

“So,,, you won’t listen to my reasons!”

“And what reasons do you have to almost kill a innocent kid?!”

Scarlett scoffed.
“Innocent?? A kid? You call a monster that?? He ra-ped Samantha!!”

“Excuse me? What did you just say?”

“That innocent kid ra-ped Samantha!”

“And I’m asking what you mean!!”

“You remember Mr Feel?”

“Why not? He was the one who se-nt those love letters to Samantha”

“Yes. That Saturday, Mr Feel asked for a meet up and she went. Not knowing she was going there for her doom…”

Marie swallowed ha-rd.

“Mr Feel ra-ped Samantha” Scarlett whispered slowly.

“You…you sure?” Marie stuttered and tears ran down her eyes.

“And why would I lie about that? Samantha wouldn’t even lie in the first place. She wasn’t sick that day. She just didn’t want to go to school cause of her emotions”

“Oh no. What to do. Sam,,, My baby” Marie eyes brou-ght out tears. Her li-ps were vibr@ting.

“Time’s up. Back to your cell” A prison ward came to them.

Scarlett stood up and her handcuffs got exp-osed. She had this sad look on her face. written by sommy pearl f. on fb

“Mum…” Scarlett whispered, as she slowly walked away.

Marie sniffed.
“Don’t worry. I promise to save you. I’ll definitely let you out and I will make things better for Samantha. As for Mr Feel, I’m gonna kill him finally myself” She whispered, as she watched her daughter leave sight.


“You can’t just go in!” The nurse shouted, and tried to hold Marie but she was strong.

She locked the door fast and the nurse ran off to get the keys

She ran into the VVIP ward, and her guess was right.

Marie walked few more steps and later saw both mother and son hu-gging each offer ti-ghtly.

They were both seated on the bed.

“Muummmm” The boy cried loudly.

“Don’t worry, I’m here for you” The Mothers’s voice said.

“Whether, you ra-ped her or not,,, I’ll protect you… I promise” She added, and Marie got enraged the more.

She clenched her fist and rushed to them.