the office during summer episode 87 & 88

(Feelings; From Me To You…)

By; Sommy Pearl F.

Chapter 87&88

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Marie quickly pushed the mother away, in readiness to hit the so-called rapist.

She stopped halfway and stared de-eply.
“Ni…Nicey? What are you doing here?”

“Who are you!” Phil’s mother, Mrs Counters barked, from the floor where she was pushed on.

“Mother? Mother!! Is that you?” Phil shouted, after recognizing her voice, and the name she always called him.

“What happened to you? What are you doing here??” She inquired.

Phil sniffed.

“Your eyes? Why is it covered with bandage all around?” She asked, softly touching the bandage.

“I…got beaten up in school” He stuttered.

“Leave now, you! Do you know him?!” Mrs Counters asked. written by sommy pearl f.

“Mum,,, please. Let her be. I know her” Phil said, quickly.

Mrs Counters sighed de-eply and sat down.

“You were beaten up to this extent?? In school? Don’t tell me, you were bullied. And why was that? What happened?” Marie asked.

“I…don’t really know the reason. It came unexpected and suddenly from someone I least expected” He cooed.

“Goodness, I un-derstand your pains and I’m sorry this happened. But your eyes,,, What happened to it?”

“My eyes is severely injured and I’ve being hearing rumors,,, that I’m gonna blind”

“What? Blind? Oh no,,, Not nicey’s eyes” She shook her head.

“Can you stop calling my son, Nicey. His name is Phil! Phil!! And he knows the reason why he was bullied. Maybe, he doesn’t wanna tell you but I’m gonna tell you” Mrs Counters stood up.

“My son was bullied for what he never did. The bully made a statement saying my son ra-ped her sister during a meet up on a Saturday!!” She was crying now.

“I know my son too well. He’s too gullible. He wouldn’t do something like that” She added.

Marie eyes blinked a thousand times.
“You’re feel? like your name is feel? F. E. E. L??” She spelt.

He shook his head.
“It’s P. H. I. L,,, but Feel, F. E. E. L,,, is my code name, and pen name” He explained.

Marie gulped. She was somehow confused.

“Mother,,, I swear,, i never ra-ped anyone. I never did such a thing. I can’t do such a deed. That Saturday, I never asked for a meet up. I never saw the girl that day,,, you know that. You and Beverly are my witnesses”

“What Saturday? That Saturday when you stayed with me from morning till evening. You never left, of course”

Phil nodded.
“You un-derstand,,, I’m so glad”

“If you didn’t ra-pe this girl? Who did?”

Phil shook his head.
“I wish i knew,,, but I promise to find out more very soon. I’ll look into this, and find how what really happened, why this happened, and the master planner”

“But,,, I can’t do this without my eyes” He added, sadly touching his bandaged face.

“You! Leave now!!” A harsh voice sounded, after the door flung open.

Marie flinched, and quickly stood up.

She turned to see the doctor and the nurse who tried stopping her.

“Mrs Counters, Master Phil. We apologize for the h@$$le and for allowing an intruder in” The Doctor said.

“No. It’s fine. And point of correction,, she isn’t an intruder. She’s a mother to me”

“Oh…” The doctor muttered.

“Yes. Now,,, leave. I want her to keep staying with me”

“Nicey,,, Its fine. I…wanna leave now” Marie stood up.

“Now? Oh no,,, Please… stay with me” He said.

“I’m sorry,,, I gotta go”

“Will you come back for me?” He asked.

Marie looked at him, with her teary eyes. She sniffed, sighed heavily and walked away. written by sommy pearl f.

“Mother?! Mother?! Answer me!” Phil called.

“She’s gone” Mrs Counters came closer to him, and he sniffed.

“Phil? Mum??” A voice whispered, from the door.

“Trina? Is that you? You’re back?” Phil asked.

“What happened? Why are you crying? Why are you trembling??” Mrs Counters ran to Trina.

Trina fell down, and broke down into tears. She was shaking so bad.

“You alright, Trina?” Phil asked, and stood up, walking slowly with the aid of touch.

“She…She…died” Trina cried.

“Who?? Who died?!” Phil screamed.

“My new best friend!!” She screamed, more in tears.

“Best friend?” Mother and son uttered, confusedly.


“Doctor?? Can I have a word with you, please?” Marie for-ced a smile and he nodded.

“Follow me” He said, and led her into the office.

She sat down, opposite him.

“Nicey,,, Sorry, I mean, Phil. How is his eyes? Is he gonna be okay?”

The doctor sighed de-eply.
“Phil can’t see anymore. The young handsome lad is blind”

“What? Oh no”

“Scarlett,,, look at what you did now” She thought, sadly.

“We haven’t gotten pair of good eyes yet. It rare, you know. And no one is willing to donate too” The doctor said.

“Can I donate to him?” Marie whispered.

The doctor wide-ned his eyes and raised his brows.
“Sorry,,, Come again?”

“Can you donate my eyes to him, and give me his. The boy doesn’t deserve all this. He’s nice after all. I’ve been a bad mother” She was tearing up now.

The doctor stared at her confused.


“What did you say? You wanna give my son your eyes?” Mrs Counters asked.

“Yes” Marie answered, dryily.

“But…but why?”

“Cause I’m the bad mother who didn’t raise her children well” Marie was crying now.

“What do you mean?”

Marie heaved and explained everything to Mrs Counters. She told her how her daughter bullied him, thinking he did bad.

Mrs Counters sighed.
“So,,, That girl is your daughter?”

“Yes. I’m sorry for her act” She sobbed.

“Its fine. Has the doctor checked your eyes yet? What did he say?”

“He says its okay, and good”

“Okay then. Let’s go on with the operation,, However,, After all this, Let’s return back to our normal lives and bury all this. Let’s not bring this up again. Hope I’m cleared?”

Marie nodded.
“I wanted to suggest that first”

Mrs Counters smiled.

“I have a favor though” Marie whispered.

“What’s that?”

“Don’t tell Phil i was the eyes donator”


“I have a last favor”

“Hmm…Go on”

“Scarlett,,, Please,,, rele-ase her from the cell. I promise to raise her well. She won’t cause trouble like this in the future anymore, I promise” Marie cried bitterly.


“How could you say he isn’t the rapist!!!” Samantha screamed, and pushed the table.

“Just listen to me first, plea-

“I ain’t gonna listen to your bullsh!t. How do you know Mr Feel isn’t the rapist. And now,,, you are saying,,, you wanna donate your eyes to him cause he’s innocent?!!”

“I’m not going back on that. I’m gonna make him see again” Marie swore.

Samantha sobbed.
“Why are you like this?? He ra-ped me!! He ra-ped your daughter! You gotta see me pleading, and crying that day”


“Mum,,, The moment you give your eyes to that sc-umbag. I’m gonna disown you as my mother. I’m gonna leave this house! Got that!!” Samantha screamed and walked away.

“Just,,, Listen… to me,,, Please…Samantha” Marie cried ha-rd.


Scarlett shook her head.
“Mum,,, Its a lie,, right? Tell me its a lie. How,,, how did all this happen then??”

“Nicey never ra-ped her. He was with me throu-ghout that Saturday,,, the same day Samantha was ra-ped”

“And why are you just saying all this now!!! What in the hel! have I done?!!” Scarlett shouted, crying so much.

“I had to bury it. I didn’t want it to hurt and haunt me”

Scarlett scattered her hair in frustration.
“Then who,,, who ra-ped Samantha??”

“Samantha,, I know her then. She wouldn’t have said a lie about that. Something happened. Someone else ra-ped her” She added. written by sommy pearl f.

“Wait,,, the letters. I could get something from it,,, Fu-ck,,, Its with Dyl-

She paused and ran her eyes around.
“Something’s off” She muttered.

“What?” Marie asked.

“The handwriting on the letters doesn’t belong to Phil” Scarlett murmured and brou-ght out her bag.

She opened it and took out the handwritten note, Dylan gave him.

He had written down Samantha’s location there for her, back then at the station.

“Scarlett? What’s going on?” Marie asked.

Scarlett focused her gaze on the familiar handwriting.
“The letters,,, The handwriting….” Her whispering voice trailed off.

“They all belong to Dylan,,,

“Kwrrrrrreeeee!!” Thun-der suddenly striked.


“I think its about to rain” Lesley mumbled, with sleepy eyes.

“I guess” Dylan replied, calmly

Just then, his phone started ringing.

“Geez, Who’s calling late at night?” Lesley asked, and Dylan took his phone from the table.

He looked at the screen and swallowed ha-rd.

“Who’s that?” Lesley asked, now, looking at him.

“Work” He replied fast and stood up.

“Its quite late”

“Excuse me” He chuckled nervously and went off to the sitting room.

Ari slowly opened her eyes.
“Umma?” She whispered.

“Uh,,, Ari. You awake?”

Ari nodded.

“Why? Did the thun-der wake you up?”

She nodded again.

Lesley smiled, and hu-gged her close.
“You can go back to sleep”



“Water… I wanna get water from the kitchen. I’m very thirsty”

“Huh,,, Alright. But hurry,,,okay? Don’t fall asleep on the couch like last time or I won’t carry you”

Ari giggled and nodded.

“Off you go” Lesley stro-ked her hair and watched Ari stand up.

She left afterwards.


“Hello?” Dylan whispered, holding the phone really close to his ear.

“Come out…” He heard a cold sharp voice.
