The obsessed mafia king batch 2

♦️SHE IS ALre-adY MINE♦️
✍? Pamela James


Alexa’s P.O.V

He snapped his f!ngersma-king me jump out of my trance.

“Wh..what you mean?” I asked as I kept looking down.

He held my chin as he lifted it ma-king me look into his eyes.

His eyes were magical but so dark.

He was staring at my eyes so intently that I felt n-ked un-der his gaze.

“I want to marry you” he confessed.


“Yes! Marry me”, he said it so casually like it was nothing.


He s-en-sed my answer.

“I am expecting a yes .. OR…” he left the s£ntence unfinished as he sm-irked.

He stared at me from head to toe me as he stepped back walking out of the room casually.

I sat on the floor shocked and terrified.

What does he meant by that?

Without wasting a second, I quic-kly gr@bb£d my bag running out of the sto-re.

I walked so briskly home, with fear in my b©dy.

He could be following me.

What if he kills me?

Since yesterday everything have been going wrong for me.

Just why?

I wished I didn’t follow the voice last night.

I wish I wasn’t curious, just maybe I wouldn’t have been in this mess I am in right now.

Maybe he won’t be taunting me like he did few minutes ago.

Thank God mum wasn’t home when I got home.

I couldn’t sleep when I got home.

I couldn’t even eat.

I threw the food mum had cooked and dished out for me to eat.

I threw it outside tge house so she wouldn’t find out and ask me questions.

The least I wanted is to make her worried.

How can I sleep?

Why did he want to marry me?

He is joking right?

You can’t just meet someone today and the next day you propose marriage to them!

The hell!

I don’t even know me.

I’m sure he doesn’t even know much about me too.

“Brrr Brr” my phonr rang.

It was from an unknown number….


Who could it be?

I picked it up.

“Hello?” I said as I swallowed my spit.

“Mmmm, you couldn’t sleep love?

Its him!

I could recognize his voice.

His de-ep soft voice.

“plea-se I would never tell anyone about anything!” I pleaded.

“ssshh shhh Don’t cry love! You nee-d to save these tears for the time when you will be with me…. IN MY be-d”, he replied.

Shivers ran down my spine at the though of it.

“No! I won’t marry a murderer!”, I gathered my courage.

“Alexa, Alexa, How innocent you are! You are not marrying a murderer darling! You are marrying a ..MAFIA!”

I dropped the phone shaking my head in horror.

“No! No! this can’t be true! Is he a Mafia?”

I hvgged my knees sobbing.

Just then a text message notification c@m£ in.

[Your count down has begun tick tock tick tock]

I threw my phone away covering my self with a blanket.

I’m scared.

I’m terrified.

I feel like he is here.

Like he is hunting me.

I’m his prey and he is the hunter.



“…that’s all about her mother” my friend,Manuel, re-ad out Alexa’s mother information out to me.

“Okay?” I hummed.

“No criminal cases,doesn’t owe any debt, never been arrested or in any kind of scandal.” He continued.

“That’s good. Pretty interesting. More reasons for me to have her daughter.”

“What is about her mother dude? Looks like you are in a hurry Justin!”, Manuel sm-irked.

“Aah, I am not in a hurry buddy! I’m desperate now”, I closed my eyes imagining herl-ips.

“Then why do you want to take her mother? The same way you want to take her mother, is the same way you can have her. Just bring her here instead!”

“I will! But let me pl@ywith my kitten first”, I said keeping my eyes closed.



“Alexa, Why are you still slee-ping?”, My mom c@m£ in the room trying to wake me up.

“Oh Lord! You have a fever!”, she quic-kly t©uçhed my forehead getting anxious.

Since childhood, whenever I get scared of something or someone, I get high fever and I was badly scared of him.

I’m scared of what he might do to me.

If he can kill someone, definitely he would kill me if he has the chance.

” baby, are you alright. You have a fever. I won’t let you go to work in this state.” My mum said panicking.

I tried to sit up to calm her down.

“Mum, I’m fine. I’m just tired. I won’t go to work today. I will just rest at home and before you know it, my temperature will be back to normal.” I said trying to smile.

She looked at me for a while, like she was trying to re-ad me.

“Are you sure? We can just go to the doc….”

“I’m fine mom. I’m really fine. Don’t worry.”

“Alright darling. I believe you.” She sighed, before she left my room.


That wasn’t ha-rd .

I la-id back on my be-d, trying to get him away from my mind.

I picked up my phone and login to my Facebook to see if I can see anything that can make me laugh or at least smile.

After some few minutes of scrolling throu-gh my newsfeed and replying few chats, my door was jo-lted open.

Who the hell enters my room without knocking!!

Of course, its mom.

She never knock before entering.

Well, that only happens the days I don’t lock my room door.


I really love my privacy sometimes.

“I am heading to the market baby, I have to buy some fresh chicken to make you chicken soup. ” My mother said wearing her coat properly.

“Okay, mum. Take care. ” I said as she gave me pe-ck on my forehead.

“Call me if you nee-d anything. I won’t be long. I love you baby.”

“I love you too.”

And off she went.

I went back to what I was doing before.

Yeah, I was facebooking.

I checked my message box to see few texts from Mitchell.

>>>>Hey girl, your mom called earlier. How are you feeling now ?


Mum alre-ady informed her so quic-k.

I hope she haven’t announced it to the world.

>>>>> I just have a fever. I will get better, don’t worry.

>>>>>fever? Really?

She s£nt the text with a doubting emoji.

>>>yeah, you don’t think its fever.

>>>yeah. You might be pregnant.

Damn! This girl eh.

>>>I’m not babe. I’m single remember? I don’t even have a b©yfri£nd, so how can I be pregnant.

>>>you don’t nee-d to have a b©yfri£ndbefore you get pregnant. You can have a one night stand or..


>>>Okay okay okay. Easy girl. I was just joking. I will come check you after work, alright?”


>>>take care of the unborn baby.


>>>I was just joking. I nee-d to attend to customers.

My phone suddenly rang.

I looked at the caller ID.


But different from the one that called me last night.

I picked it up.

Good morning my love! Did you even sleep?

My hands started trembling.

I could feel him sm-irking on the phone.

“About what we discuss last night….”

“What about it?” I asked trying to hide the fear in my voice.

“Baby let me help you ma-king a decision fast!”, he said calmly.

“Your mother… she is in front of me…”, he said in a warning tone.

“What!! What about my mother? Don’t do anything to her plea-seeee!”, I tried to shout.

“But I want to! How about s£nding her b©dy to…”, he laughed while saying this.

“Take me.. T…Take me! N…Not her! plea-se! Not my mom! P..plea-se”, I weakly said.

“Good decision love”, he cut the call

I started panicking!

I have to see my mom.

I reached out for my jacket briskly walking out of the door.

But just as I opened the main door, I saw something…

♦️SHE IS ALre-adY MINE♦️
✍? Pamela James



Just as I opened the main door, my mom was there with all the grocery she said she was going to get at the supermarket.

“Oh! Alexa where are you going?”, she looked at me surprised.

“Mom! Mom! Are you okay? Thank goodness. “, I hvgged her.

“Hahahah yes sweetheart! This gentle man here helped in buying all this and gave me a ride home too. One of the reasons I c@m£ home early”, she turned to reveal the guy.

My breath hitched in my throat.

My heart beat quic-kened.

“This is my daughter I have been telling you about Justin! Isn’t she pretty?”, my mom proudly introduced me to him.

“Sure. She is really beautiful ! “, justin stepped forward looking into my eyes.

He took my trembling hand k!ss!ngthe back of it.

“She is my lovely little kitten. My one and only baby”, mom added.

“Soon she will be mine” he whispered staring into my eyes.

I felt something ringing in my ears and before I could bring myself to what is happening, the ground was coming closer and everything was blackening out.

Last thing I felt was a pair of strong arms holding me

I could feel someone stro-king my hair as my eyes moved un-derneath my eyelids.

Mixture of fresh lavender with Clary sage.

A manly scent hit my nostrils as I fluttered my eyes before opening.

I opened my eyes to see him and his piercing dark brown gaze fixed on me.

I quic-kly f0rç£d my b©dy to pu-ll away from his but he quic-kly held my wrist pu-lling me back harshly.

“You know what? You are irresistible”, his husky de-ep voice s£nt shivers down my spine.

“L…leave me! Where is my mom?” , I tried to overcome his dominant aura struggling to free my wrist.

He sm-irked lightly brushing my cheeks with the back of his f!ngers.

I shuddered from his t©uçh getting teary.

“Sshhh,shhh,my love! How many times do I have to tell you?… Save these tears for what I am going to do to you… LATER”. He said sniffing my hair as he pu-ll-ed me closer.

“Wh..why are….you doing this….to me?”, I squirmed crying trying to get out of his hold.

He is a monster.

A beast.

A murderer.

He isn’t human at all.

Does he even have a heart?

I hate him!

“Because I can!”, He whispered in my ear looking at myl-ips.

“fu-ck…” , he cursed un-der his breath.

“I want to k!ssthese tremblingl-ips of yours but…”, he leaned forward towards myl-ips ma-king me want to let out a loud cry.

I shut my eyes not wanting to see what he about to do next..


He paused.

“But your mother is in my way…”, he whispered getting up sitting on the chair away from me.

Just then my mom walked in.

“Oh! God! Alexa.. you are awake. Doctor plea-se” she gestured a man in coat to move forward as he started examining me.


Alexa’s P.O.V

“Miss Alexa seems like you are in lot of stress now adays. You should eat and sleep properly”, Doctor said while writing down the prescription.

I nodded trying to ignore the pres£nce of that devil in the room.

“Here are some tablets to regain your energy, now I should take my leave”, the Doctor said as he stood up leaving the room after my mother and Justin thanked him.

“Oh Justin! Thank you so much! How could I ever repay you”,

My mother seemed grateful not knowing what a monster he was.

“Aisssh! You are embarras-sing me mother! I will be happy if you ask if I want anything”, He said eyeing me.


I looked at him in disbelief.

Suddenly his phone rang.

He picked it.

I could see his face changing from soft expressions to dark one.

He just said okay and then hang up the call.

“Mother! I want to stay and talk to you but I am afraid I have to go now… But I will come back soon”, He took my mother’s hand and k!$$£d the back of it as he took a step back and bowed.

“Anytime son!”, My mother was so happy with him.

Justin bent down taking out my trembling hand k!ss!ngthe back of it.

“Eat well princess. You nee-d energy for what is coming next.

With that he stood up leaving me speechless.


I inhaled as I got out of the car standing in front of my torture room situated out of the city.

My men bowed down at me as I entered.

Manuel was beating a chained guy mercilessly.

“That’s enough manuel”, I put a hand on his shoulder as I glared at the man bathed in his own blood.

I bent down to his level.

He was coughing out blood.

“Who s£nt you?”I r0ûghly pu-ll-ed his hair to lift his face.

“I…I will never tell you”, he made a hissing sound due to pain.

I sm-irked

“Very well then…..Manuel?”, I paused for a moment as I signaled to be handed a knife.

I stood up walking towards his back!

“So you won’t tell me? hmmm?”

“Never Justin I w……”
He couldn’t complete his s£ntence as I suddenly pierced my knife in his back.

“Aaahhhhh” He screamed horribly ma-king the walls echoes.


I dug the knife de-ep into his back carving a J sign while his blood was oozing out.

“… Your soul won’t even forget this”, With that I pu-ll-ed out the knife as he screamed dre-adfully again.

“You..You are a devil”, he screamed in pain.

I c@m£ forward as I sm-irked.

“I am…and seems like you are of no use to me now”, with that I stabbe-d him multi-ple time until I was sure he was no longer breathing.

Yes, I killed him.

“How many times do I have to tell you. use gun idiot. Gun”, manuel was annoyed.

“I don’t care Manuel. take a picture of him especially the back and burn the b©dy to ashes.” I wiped my hand with a white hand kerchief.

“By the way you alre-ady have the information right?” I turned to ask.

“Yes I know how impulsive you are so I alre-ady dug out everything”, manuel said unchaining him.

“That’s why you are an Ace”, I laughed walking outside.

“Sounded more like an a-ss”, Manuel mumbled.