The obsessed mafia king batch 1


♦️SHE IS ALre-adY MINE♦️
✍?Pamela James


After ¢v-mm!ng for the third time, I was loosing my s-en-ses.

“St©p! No, St©p plea-se! I can’t take it anymore. No.. plea-se”

He kept thrû-sting ruthlessly as he gro-an ed claiming my b©dy.

I begged between crying

“Justin…..plea-se…leave me…”


“Alexa,can you pas-s me those cans?”My colleague shouted from the other corner of sto-re


I am Alexa!

A simple girl who works at a sto-re as a waitress.

It’s the least job I can find instead of just wasting my time sitting lazily at home.

I love my Job very much. It’s less stressful and of course entertaining.

I get to see different faces everyday.

Different Faces with different tastes.

“Okay, okay! I can hear you clearly so st©p shouting Mitchell!”, I replied with a giggle.


Mitchell c@m£ with a broom in her hands.

“All finished Alexa and we are the last people remaining again” Mitchell said.

“Yep. I guess we are just like always.” I shrugged my shoulders.

But just then we heard some foot steps.

I turned to see a very handsome tall man of about 6ft

He took calm steps towards me as he placed some things on the desk which were duct tape, rope, knife and a can of coke.

“Are you going to murder someone?”, I asked in a friendly teasing tone.

“Maybe darling…”, He stated in a de-ep voice.

I chuckled and started scanning.

This city is really weird.

“That will be a bill of about…ughm….6 dollars” I said while glancing at him.

He was still staring at me even after I told him his bill.

“Do you nee-d anything else sir?’ I asked.

“…”,he calmly stated.

I get this a lot.

I’m used to it alre-ady.

Customers always finding way to get into my p@n-ties.

At first, I do get angry but Mitchell told me its no big deal and I should just over look it, ignore them and continue my business.

That is if I am not interested.

“Thank you for coming. Money plea-se” I said trying to control my anger.

Though it was the middle of the night but I was not expecting him to be desperate.

He seemed like a really rich decent guy at first.

He sm-irked placing a 100 dollar note at the desk.

I quic-kly turned around to give him his change before realizing he was gone.

“Hmmm? Where was he gone to?” I wondered.

If he doesn’t comes back tomorrow for his change, I will as well keep this money in my Piggy bank.

Customers tends to forget their change and come back for it the following day.

But I don’t think he will mind if I took his change.

Come on, don’t judge me.

He looks rich.

I mean filthy rich.

I don’t think he will mind if I took the remaining balance.

Mitchell c@m£ out with a bag hanging on her shoulders as I c@m£ out from my trance on what to do with the change.

“Alexa Let’s go”she stated.

She closed the windows while I switched off the lights and moved aside for her to lock the marts.

Chapter 2

Alexa’s P.O.V

“So that’s how Ricky and I went to the concert… Oh Aww, we have to go to separate ways from here”, Mitchell pouted as she realized .

“Yeah. Smile my chatter box! We will meet tomorrow. Byee”, I waved my hand walking staring at the moon.

I walked home happily thinking of how my day went and how I planned to enjoy my sleep tonight.

Just go home.



And sleep!

“plea-se don’t do this.”

my feet st©pped automatically at the muffled scream.

I am not a br@ve girl but looks like someone nee-ded help.

“Shut up!” Someone roared.

I tried to listen standing there when I heard another voice like someone was hitting something.


My sixth s-en-se was telling me not to go but my curiosity was pushing me to find out what the voices were all about.

I took careful steps towards an old warehouse as I followed the voices.

I peeped inside the half opened door only to find a man brutally hitting someone tied up on a chair.

Just then another shadow appeared.

“I wish you could go back and tell about what could happen when you betray me…Tch Tch Tch”



I g@sped stepping backward but he s-en-sed my pres£nce and turned around.


The change guy.

The rich dude.

The guy I asked if he wanted to commit murder.

Yes, him!

I sprinted and ran as fast as I could.

I was running out of breath.

I turned to see if anyone was following but there was no one behind me.

I took a de-ep breath as I tried to calm my heart.

I guess they didn’t notice me.

Good for me!


Alexa Breath.

Don’t let mom know.

She will be worried as hell.

I composed my self as I rang the door bell.

My house was only 10-15 steps.

I took long steps and rung the bell.

Soon my mother’s face appeared as she opened the door smiling but as I know alre-ady, she will definitely find out that I’m not alright.

She frowned ma-king her forehead wrinkled.

“Alexa! Are you okay sweetheart?”

That’s question number one.

She will ask me dozens of questions today.

” Why are you sweating this much? Why are you breathing this heavy?”

I sighed knowing I have been busted.

“Oh…ummm mom it’s h0t out there and emmm.. arr.. I was running actually so yeah.. ” I tried my best to come up with an excuse.

“Why were you running child?”, my mom raised an brow.

“We… we were competing I suppose. Mom!! I am back from work. Are you planning to keep me at the door all night?” I pouted trying as much as possible to change the t©pic and divert those her questions.

“Oh I am sorry my child… Let’s get inside… I made pasta for you” She smiled as I smiled getting inside.



“Why did you let her go Justin?” My friend, Manuel asked.


I saw her.

The girl at the mart.

She looked terrified.

Manuel wanted to chase after her but I signalled him to let her go.

She won’t be a problem, that I know.

“Don’t worry dude, ” I sm-irked.

“SHE IS ALre-adY MINE so she won’t be a problem, that I can as-sure you”

Manuel gave me a puzzled look before nodding.

“If you say so. I will just clean up this mess before the cops comes. ”


I threw away the gun and walked out of the warehouse as I got in my Lamborghini.

Dad, I guess it’s time to get you one of your wishes. I thought as I smiled devilishly.

“Where to sir?” My chauffeur asked as I entered the car.

“My dad house.”

“Okay sir.”

My dad is one of the riche-st man here in California.

He has lot of estates, business, companies, investment and a whole lot than you can imagine.

Let me bur-st your bubbles?

I am the only son.

Meaning, I am the only one who will inherit his properties when he pas-s away.

Yet, I still have a name for myself.

I am Justin Crowder.

The youngest billionaire in America.

California h0ttest pla-yboy.

I am the mafia leader of BLACK DIAMINDS.

A rich tycoon.

A brilliant gambler.

Owner of so many casinos.

And a ruthless pla-yboy.

“Sir, we are here.” The chauffeur informed me.

The door was opened out for me as I stepped out breathing in cool air.

My dad sure have good taste.

The floor was tiled in Gold.

The mansion is the biggest and largest in the city.

I was greeted by the guards and I just responded by nodding.

“Good day sir Justin.” One of my dad maid greeted me se-ductively.

What was her name again?




Whatever. I have heard a lot of girls name and her name is the last thing I can memorize right now.

Yeah, I did have a past with her.

I was drun!k.

I wouldn’t have anything to do with a low life pvzzy.

But that night, I was angry and in the process I got drun!kand got so high.

Then she c@m£ to my room with some excuse of hearing sounds of shattered broken bottles.

I looked at her and her nightie was damn too attrac-tive.

Her curves, bo-ob s, everything was calling on me and I didn’t know when I gr@bb£d her and had my way with her.

I sighed as I remembered that scene.

I walked away, getting into my dad office without responding to her.

Her pres£nce irritates me.

I will ask my dad to fire her once we are done discussing what I c@m£ here for.

“Justin, if you are lying again, I …”

“No dad. I have really found the girl I want to marry and I will let you meet her very soon. I am serious.” I stated.

I had once promise him like this in the past and I fail in introducing them to him.

Truth is, I didn’t want to get married.

I didn’t want to get tied to a p@rticular woman.

And getting a wife will only make me weak.

But right now, after I saw her….

My view about marriage changed.

I suddenly want to have her always.

With me.

All day.

” Okay! This is the last time I am trusting you son. I won’t give you your inheritance unless you get married.” My dad clearly stated.

I sighed.

“I know dad! ”



I was taking sip of wine can when manuel barged in.

“Here is all the information you wanted”, He threw the file at me.

I caught it while drinking.

“It has all the information, From her birth certificate to her recent CV. All the likes and dislikes.”

I nodded as I opened the file.

“But dude, what If she doesn’t accept your proposal?” Manuel asked as he crossed his arm leaning on the door of my office.

“she will… She will be giving herself to me on her own”, I sm-irked while turning the pages.

“Ah! You devil ! ” He laughed as he closed the door leaving.

I took her picture as I kept staring at it for few moments.

My eyes averted towards my be-d as I sm-irked.

“Soon you will be lying right here…right un-der me… begging and trembling” I smiled evilly as I took a sip from the can I bought from her mart.


Someone put their hand on my shoulder as I jo-lted badly.

“Woah you scared me Mitchell”, I placed a hand on my thumping heart.

“And you scared me too! Gosh! Girl I c@m£ to tell you that I will take a half day leave but you didn’t receive my calls. it seems like you nee-d it more than me. Are you Okay?” She asked, looking at me concerned.

“That is because you always leap like a tiger. I am perfect as always” I made an okay sign as I win-ked at her.

“Huff! Thanks God. I am going on a d@t£ with my baby today. I am so excited” she was almost jumping.



“Bye Mitchell”, I waved at her as she waved back k!ss!ngRicky going out with him.

I got back to work and got a lot of customers that I attended to which totally made me forgot about what happened.

“Check…check..checkk… anddddd ccheck”, I cheerfully sang as I looked at my watch.

Time to go home.

I walk into the changing room humming a song but I st©pped in my tracks when I saw him.

“Hello Alexa! we meet again”, he spoke in a husky voice as he walked towards me.

I took steps back until I hit the locker behind me.

He walked until he caged me in his arms.

“Such a beautiful voice….I would love to hear it… in a different way” he said in his de-ep voice which made me shudder.

“W..what do….you…you want from me?”, I asked shakily.

“What Do I Want From You?”, he repeated my words.

“I suppose I gave you your answer alre-ady lovely Alexa”.


I could feel his stare on me but I was paralyzed keeping my stare fixed on the floor.

He scares me.

He leaned forward as he whispered in my ear.

“YOU! I WANT YOU ” I wanted to protest but my mouth was dry. My br@in was not working.