The new cleaner last batch

(A guy in the midst of gals)



‘Fly first clas-s?’,i said audible enough for both of them to hear.

‘Uh, you can go’,he said.

She looked puzzled, then left.

How is that even…….i think she mistook him for someb©dy else.

I let that sink into my mind as i diverted my thought to Bella.

‘Pray she gets better soon’,i muttered.

I took a quic-k glimpse at mason, he’s still looking as worried and sad as ever.

He must really love Bella a lot.

A message popped in my phone.

Lover?? Lol, i saved my bestie’s name as lover…..or did i?

cu-pcake……’,i re-ad silently.

My heart flutters whenever he calls me such cute names even though he must be joking about it.

I didn’t even realise i was smiling.

‘You won’t st©p teasing me huh?’,i s£nt back.

‘I LOVE YOU!’?he texted almost immediately .

‘Lol….silly’,i replied and dropped my phone.

He loves me? He’s always pu-lling my legs.

I stared out the window and breathed out loudly.
It’s been a rou-gh day.


Why can’t i seem to bring myself and tell them the Godamm truth?

Well….surely, the truth will be out Somehow!

We landed safely and we alighted.

Bella was rolled out, and into an emergency van waiting alre-ady.

We entered and the driver drove to the hospital

They got there real quic-k….and wheeled her into a ward.

I paced up and down nervously, ma-king silent prayers, when a message popped into my phone.

I re-ad it *am keeping an eye on you

Once she has regained consciousness, you’ll do your side of the deal.*

‘Selfish man’,i muttered and put my phone on flight mode.

Several doctors rushed in, nurses running about…..mhen !

I have never felt so anxious, tense and worried like this in my life.

After several horrible hours of waiting, a doctor’s approached us.

‘Well…..we brou-ght her out of danger, she’s safe now. Her case was rare and complicated, but…..she should be conscious

In an hour or two’,he replied.

‘Thanks so much doctor’, i said happily, shaking his hands.

‘Can we go see her?’,zara asked.

‘No….till she’s conscious’,he replied and walked away.

‘Atleast she’s out of danger’,Julie said and i glared at her. She opened both palms, asking me *what?*

I ignored and looked another way.

Some minutes later, Bella was wheeled out.

‘Where are you taking her?’,we echoed.

‘Well, to the normal ward’,a male nurse replied.

I ran my hands throu-gh my hair.

Am so relived.

I went to the balcony, recieving fresh air, as i sat on a chair and crossed my legs.

‘Lemon jui-ce?’,someone offered, i looked…… it was Julie.

‘No thanks’,i rejected. She leaned at the rail, near the pillar, crossing her legs.

‘I don’t like you anymore’,she blurted out.

I stared at her for a while then looked away.

‘That’s good to know’,i replied dryly.

‘So….’,she stressed, probably speechless.

‘Why did you do it?’,i blurted.

‘For crying out loud, what did i do?’,she said, pissed.

‘You…..somehow…….you’re involved in the cause of Bella’s accident!’,i managed to say.

‘What? Is that what you thought all these while?’,she asked.


‘Well fine i admit to the fact that i…..plotted against her but not death, i jus wanted my bestie in an awkward position with her, You’ll see it s£nd flare up, thats all’,she replied.

Hmmm……i can’t see an atom of sincerity.

Buh why did……lemme not take sides yet.

‘So…..what did you mean by…*you regretted ever saving her?*’,i asked.

‘Oh well, she was on duty that day and i c@m£ to pay her a visit, i saw someone that pushed her into the river, it actually seemed like the person did it on purpose…anyways, what Bella was wearing was too heavy to let her swim, so i ran and pu-ll-ed her out’,she replied.

‘Uh, backwards a bit….tell me more about this push of a sort, how did it happen, describe the person. Tell me everything’,i said, paying ra-pt attention.

‘Hmm….Mr detective. Alright, well i stood a very far distance away when i sighted the figure, like a feminine running suddenly, and hit Bella into the river. The strange p@rt which made it clear to me, that the act was intentional was that, after hitting Bella, she didn’t st©p to he’ll, instead she ……left’,she narrated.

Yea…that act was intentional..but why?

‘It’s getting really late. The doctor said we will take Bella back to our hospital tomorrow, i wonder who paid the bills’,she said, and i let out a cough.

‘Uh…yea’,i muttered.

‘Take this, now you know i didn’t plan to kill Bella, i know you must be hungry. Good night’,she said, leaving a doughnuts and lemon jui-ce before she left.

Yea….am so hungry, i devoured it, and in no time, i was done.

Ah…..i feel much better!

I stood up and went inside, i sle-pt on a chair……..

The next day, early in the morning, we boarded a flight back to London.

We got there, and she was taken to a ward.

‘She should have been awake by now’,zara said to the doctor.

‘Well, she should have, we just have to wait and watch’,he replied and left .

Damn !!!

I saw someone Spying on us. I steadily but calmly went there and gr!pp£dthe person removing the mask.

‘You?’,i said in shock.

She tried to run, but i dragged her. Her phone rang, so i picked it.

‘Ma’am do i still nee-d to go into that hospital and kill her?’,the caller, a male asked.

I looked at her with rage and fury, i dragged her close to Bella’s ward where Julie and zara sat.

‘Well i was about to…..

‘This….this lady caused bella’s accident’, i said interrupting whatever Julie had to say.

‘WHAT??’,They both echoed.

‘Mind explaining to us?’,zara asked with folded arms.

I opened my eyes slowly as four teary eyes peered at me.

Its Julie and zara!
Where’s mason?

‘Ah, you’re awake’,Julie said.

I see she’s no longer upset, or maybe it’s outta humanity she’s here?

They leaned over and gave me a a heart warming hvg.

‘Where’s….ma…mason?’,i asked weakly.

‘Thats true. We’ll call him’,zara said and pu-ll-ed Julie outside.

I waited there until heard…..noise coming from outside corridor.

I stood up, my legs are really weak , i was about opening the door when i looked throu-gh the side glas-s.

Mason, Julie, zara…and Kate?

What is she doing here?

‘Would you mind explaining?’,zara asked her.

‘Fine….i did it, …i tried to kill Bella. I really hate her, i hate her so much. You know, back in high school, i had a crush on this guy Blake, but Bella went and d@t£d him. Then we studied in the same university, a guy i liked Felix…….he called me, i thought he wanted to profess same sort of feeling for me….. Buh he asked me to give Bella some chocolates and flowers, can you believe that? Then we went to apply for a job, we got the job, Buh Everyone go about praising Bella…Bella…Bella….’,she half yelled.

‘We’re calling the cops’,mason said.

‘Yea…my only regret is that i didn’t succeed in killing her, i mean i pushed her into the river, locked her in a room full of deadly snakes, and then this accident’,she scoffs.

I open the door slowly and surface.

‘Bella you………
I demonstrated for mason to st©p talking and walked over to Kate.

I sl@pped her countless times, until Julie pu-ll-ed me away, and i cried bitterly.

The cops c@m£ and took her away.

‘I guess it’s time for me to leave’,mason muttered and bows, then walks away.

‘What the…..’,zara muttered.

We ran to the balcony, as we sighted him probably waiting for a cab.

‘That j£rk! He’s really leaving’,Julie muttered.

A very flashy car st©pped in front of him. A man dressed in suit c@m£ out and opened the door for him and he entered.

‘Oh my’,zara g@sps

‘Is he truly rich?’,Julie asked no one in p@rticular.

‘Not rich…wealthy’,zara ch!pped in.

Why did he just leave without a goodbye or sort??

Its been two days….mason has neither called or visited.

‘C’Mon Bella, st©p staring at your phone. You been like ever since mason left you’,zara said offering me a glas-s of jui-ce.

‘Oh my…..turn on the tv quic-k’,Julia shouted as she entered the house.

Zara turned on the tv.


Mason’s picture…..
Zara g@sps.

‘So mason is the ceo’s heir …..our formal cleaner’,zara said in disbelief.

‘I was shocked too’,Julie said, and ru-bbe-d me at the back.

I can’t let this happen……never!

I was about to run out when Julie stooped me.

‘Its late alre-ady’,she said.


I got to the venue, a lot of rich people were pres£nt…….

The wedding had alre-ady commenced.

‘You are now……

‘St©p’!I yelled.

I ran over to where they stood. All eyes were on me.

‘Young lady, how dare you’,an old man shouted, i guess it’s his father.

I pushed the bride aside and stood in front of mason.

‘You cant do this to me, I LOVE YOU’!i said.

He looked at his dad…

‘Am sorry dad’,he said and crashed hisl-ips on mine. The crowd g@sp

‘I LOVE YOU too baby’,he said.

‘Darn it’,the bride shouted, as tears flowed down her cheeks. She ran off.

Mason’s father walked over to us.

‘Dad i LOVE her’,he said.

‘We made a deal that you’ll get married to a woman of my choice once i get her bills paid’,he said and i g@sp.

‘Dad, am sorry i couldn’t keep the promise’,he replied.

He looked at the crowd and then at me.

‘You love my son?’,he asked and i nodded slowly.

‘Ugh……..i……i approve’,he blurted out and i hvgged him excitedly.

‘Ops…..sorry’,i said, but he pu-ll-ed us.

‘Come her both of you’,he said and hvgged us as the crowd cl@p and cheers.