The love doctor episode 9 & 10

💙(He’s a life saver but also a heart breaker)💙
💙💙Episode Nine💙💙
Jared’s POV cont’d👨‍⚕
Twenty minutes later at the Hospital🏥💙
I waited eagerly in the waiting room as Isabel was attended to by Vanessa..
Since my shift hasn’t started I’m not allowed to check what’s wrong with her…
Oh god I hope she isn’t dead.
Or worse pregnant for another man..
I can’t hurt and make a pregnant lady suffer?!!..
‘Vanessa how is she??’..i asked as she walked in and rose to my tired feet..
‘Ohhh she’s okay,she’s just worn and tired that’s all,i think some idiot has been working her to death’..she replied patting me on the shoulders..
‘Well I’m the idiot I think,can she go home now??’..i asked..
‘Yeah she can,she just nee-ds to rest that’s all and i can’t administer any drugs to her cause she’s on an empty stomach,Jared you’re a doctor and you shouldn’t have made her suffer like that’..
‘I don’t nee-d any reprimanding Vanessa,my shift starts in thirty minutes so i don’t think I’ll leave any second’..
Isabel’s POV👩‍⚕
I opened my eyes only to be taken away by the strong smell of methylated water..
Ohhh I’m in the hospital..
Why am I in the hospital??..
‘In case you’re puzzled about where you are -you’re in the hospital’..Lover boy said next to me and i jo-lted..
‘Yeah i know where I am,I can smell the blood alre-ady why am i here??’..i replied throwing him a sarcastic look..
‘You pas-sed out and the other nurses think you’re pregnant!!!’..he replied…
‘What?!!,me?!!,pregnant?!!,there’s no way I’m pregnant I’m a…’..I tried to say but my voice trailed off at the time..
‘You’re a what??’..he asked..
‘Ohhh never mind it’s not your concern i want to go home’..i muttered resting a hand on his forehead which was very h0t….
‘You can’t go home’..
‘Cause you’re going to help me today in my office’..
‘Why am I going to help you in your office??’..
‘Well cause you’re my maid and I want to be near me when I nee-d you’..he answered and before i could say anything else his phone ringed..
He checked the caller and smiled..
📱:Oh hi Pamela it’s been long…ohhh yeah how’s that your business??…don’t talk to me that way Pamela you’re my girlfriend and not my mom…Well it’s over anyway bit-ch!!!’..he screamed and gro-an ed angrily…
‘Whoa you’re really a heart breaker’..i muttered standing up..
‘Shut up Isabel,there’s a cafeteria downstairs so go with this card and get yourself something to eat,come back to this room and rest till it’s 5:00am then work starts again deal???..he said..
‘Deal’..i replied and he walked away..
This is the first time he acted nice for a second or so..
I wonder why he treats women like trash??..
Twenty minutes later💙
I gazed around as i went down the escalator of Jared’s hospital..
Everywhere was painted white and i smiled as i saw a doctor tell a little boy whose legs were broken that everything’s going to be okay…
I wish i could tell my mom that with full sincerity…
That everything’s going to be okay..
‘Ma’am you’re blocking the line’..a young guy said..
‘Ohhh sorry uhhh where’s the cafeteria??’..i asked..
‘It’s just by your left’..he replied and i nodded before walking away..
I walked into the little building which was decorated with cute food stickers..
‘What would you like to have??’..A woman in her mid-fifties asked smiling broadly..
‘Ohhh I don’t know really,i want anything that can satisfy my devouring hunger and i guess I’m supposed to pay with this card i think’..i replied handing the white laminated card over to her…
Her eyes scanned it a little and she saw something which made a sparkle of amusement appear at the corner…
‘Ohhh you’re with Doctor Jared??’..she asked and i nodded…
‘Yeah i am’…
‘Are you his girlfriend??’..she asked and i bur-sted into an hysterical laugh..
‘Ohhh hell no’..
‘Good,that boy saves lives but he also breaks hearts,I call him the Love doctor you see’..she muttered and i bur-sted into another laughter..
‘More like the tears doctor,he treats women like s¢v-m,he’s one of the main reasons why i can never get married’..
‘Ohhh here have this huckleberry pie(🥧),some toast and beans (🍞) and this glas-s of milk (🥛),it would hold you for a while’..she replied changing the mood of her face and when i turned back i saw the reason why…
A lady doctor was walking towards us and from the looks of it she doesn’t look too plea-sed or happy to see me…
‘Eghhmm You’re Isabel right??’..she asked in a somewhat harsh tone and i frowned..
‘Yeah who wants to know??’..i retorted…
‘Look I’m Vanessa,I’m the doctor in charge of…
‘She’s not the one in charge’..the cafeteria lady interrupted..
‘Shut up Pammy!!!’..She countered and then took me by the arm to the nearest table..
‘Look Isabel i don’t want us to get on the wrong foot okay??,has Jared made any advances towards you lately??’..she asked and i smiled mischievously…
Well since Lover boy wants me to suffer who says i can’t pay him back??..
‘Well for starters he c@m£ into my room and i was n-ked’…i started and she nodded in return..
‘Hmmm continue’..
‘And I tried taking my towel but instead he jacked it from my hands and f0rç£d me to stand n-ked in front of him’..i lied..
Well p@rt of it is true..
‘Hmmm and then what happened??’..she asked..
‘Well he tried to sleep with but thank God Mrs d!¢kon,Monica c@m£ in and st©pped the whole thing’..I added…
She smiled and rose up from the seat without saying another word…
Patted my left shoulder and then walked away sullenly while i sat down and dug in my meal…
The hospital should get re-ady to rumble…
Vanessa’s POV👩‍⚕
I knew it!!..
I knew it!!…
I fv¢king knew it!!!..
I knew that Jared had an hidden agenda since he was so keen on hiring that Isabel of a person..
I mean even though she isn’t stylish and all she’s really beautiful with her disheveled hair and her oversized frock go-wns…
‘Jared we nee-d to talk’..i muttered as i walked inside Jared’s office only to see him k!ssing..
k!ss!ngnurse Abigail?!!!..
Oh God!!!..
‘$h!t!!!… Abigail that’s how you give someone mouth to mouth okay???’..he said as he pushed the slutty Abigail away…
This dude has gotta be kidding me!!..
Abigail is not even his league..
Surely he should have known that she’s a slut?!!?..
‘Abigail go wait in my office,Jared we nee-d to talk now!!!’..i screamed..
She ran away and I’m 100% sure i saw her b!ow Jared a k!ssbefore closing the door..
‘Don’t baby me Jared I just want to ask a question’..i replied and paused a little..
‘Am I not enough for you???’..
‘Ohhh you are Vanessa and you know I love you I was just showing Abi some medical procedures’..he replied and circled his arms around my w@!st pu-lling me closer to feel the slight bulge un-der his trou-sers..
‘Were you also trying to show Isabel some medical procedures when you almost tried to sleep with her??’..i asked and he winced.
‘You’ve gotta be kidding me to think that I’ll sleep with that tramp!!!,does she even look S-xy to you?!!’..he screamed…
‘W..w..well she’s pretty’..
‘She’s pretty but not S-xy,come on baby you know I’ll never cheat on you,don’t believe what that stupid Isabel says okay??’..he muttered ni-bbling my n£¢k in the way that he knows drive me crazy…
‘Okay Jared’…
Isabel’s POV👩‍⚕
An Hour later💙
I was de-eply asleep when someone sl@pped my bu-tt and when I opened my eyes to see the bastard it was Jared…
‘Are you mad?!!!’..He screamed after a moment of silence and i winced looking at my jagged nails not paying attention to him…
‘What?!!’..i replied sharply and he gr@bb£d my hand..
‘Have I ever tried to sleep with you?!!’..he asked getting close to my face and i smiled..
I guess Doctor Vanessa has confronted him…
‘plea-se leave me alone Lover boy,i have few hours to sleep okay and besides why do I Care???,since you’re bent on ruining my life who says I can’t ruin yours?!!’..I fired back and he smiled..
‘Okay Isabel you t©uçhed the tail of a tiger and you’d surely get bitten,follow me’..
‘i won’t’..
‘Isabel follow me or I’ll call the cops for you and your mother!!!!’…
‘Okay fine I’ll follow you sheesh you’re such a glob!!’..i tea-sed and scratched my bu-tt as i followed him into his beautiful glas-sed office..
There were two red cu-pboards and a doctor of the year award plaque on one of them…
His files were neatly stacked on one side of the room and an examination table was by the side..
And oh…
A pack of c0nd0ms again..
What’s it with men and their pack of c0nd0ms?!!..
‘So what do you want me to do Doctor Jared??’..i asked and he smiled slyly..
‘i want you to give me a mas-sage Isabel until I say you should st©p’..he replied..
What’s so ha-rd about a mas-sage…
Four Hours Later in the morning⛅🌥️
‘Can i st©p now??’..i asked huffy..
‘No you can’t Isabel you’re just starting’..he replied patting my left f!nger..
‘Are you fv¢king kidding me?!!,I’ve been doing this for four hours and it’s almost 7:00am?!!!’..i screamed and he laughed softly..
‘You’re such a cry baby’…
Monica’s POV👩‍⚕
I wra-pped a scarf around my hair and put on my LV shaded glas-ses..
I turned around to check for prying eyes and then entered the car..
‘Hey Monica’..Jackson said and i winced..
‘Shut the hell up Jackson here’s the money you asked for’..I said and threw the large sports bag at him..
He squinted a little and then opened the bag which expo-sed fresh wads of notes from the bank…
‘Hope it’s complete??’.he asked..
‘of course it’s complete Jackson’..I retorted..
‘Good cause you don’t want Jared knowing about your secret’..
‘Yeah i won’t so if you’ll excuse me I’ll like to leave!!’..
Jared’s POV👨‍⚕
‘I want coffee’..I muttered as Isabel cli-pped my toe nails…
She glared at me for a while and then dropped the nail cutter on the table angrily..
‘Fine I’ll get you coffee’..
‘Come back here!!’…I ordered as she walked towards the door..
‘Don’t give me that attitude and oh next time when addressing me make use of the term ‘sir’ since a regular maid is what you are,dirty little thing you can’t even look pretty for once in your life always so haggard in everything!!!’..i screamed..
She kept mute for a while staring at me and then walked out without saying another word..
Was I too harsh on her??..
Hell no!!..
She deserves every word I say to her…
After a minute she c@m£ back with a cu-p of h0t steaming coffee…
‘Here’s your coffee,sir’..she muttered and slammed it on the table..
‘Hmmmm kneel’..I replied and noticed the way her eyes glazed with tears…
‘Why should I kneel I’ve given you your coffee?!!’..she asked and I smiled..
‘I want you to kneel before giving it to me Isabel,you’re my maid and my maid is what you’ll ever be!!!,you’ve got to do whatever I tell you to or else your miserable mother would go to jail!!!’..
‘My mother isn’t Miserable!!!’..she fired back and I sniffed..
‘If I say your mom is miserable then she is!!!!,kneel Isabel!!,just know you’re suffering all because of your miserable mother!!!’..i screamed and then she rose to her feet..
‘For the last time you bastard my mother isn’t miserable!!!!’..she fired back and the next thing I Knew..
She poured the h0t coffee on my face!!!..
Oh God!!!.
Jared’s POV cont’d👨‍⚕
‘Towel!!!,Abigail get me a towel!!!,someb©dy get me a towel!!!’..I screamed as I down the hospital hallway like mad man half blind..
The coffee was so h0t that I’m sure my face is gonna peel like a banana…
‘Doctor Jared are you okay??’..Marie asked..
‘I’m not okay Marie get me a towel -water -anything!!!’..i cried out and the next thing I knew a bucket of water was poured over my head..
I ru-bbe-d my eyes and blinked as fast as i could and when everything c@m£ back to normal the view was clear to me..
There Isabel was -holding a bucket in her left hand and her eyes sparkling with tears..
‘You’..was the only word that c@m£ out of my mouth..
‘Follow me to my office now!!!’…
A minute later💙
I changed into a fresh shi-t inside my personal bathroom and c@m£ out only to see Isabel pacing around my office like a nervous freshman about to go on stage….
‘Are you happy now??’..I muttered and she jo-lted immediately she heard my voice…
‘Uhhh before you s£nd me to jail just know that I didn’t pour that h0t coffee on you unprovoked-for crying out loud you called my mom miserable Jared!!! That’s just way out of line so if you want to call the cops you’re free’..she said…
Well I guess she’s right…
I was way out of line when I called her mom miserable..
Goddammit i don’t even know what’s going on in my head anymore…
‘Okay fine Isabel I won’t call the cops on you’..
‘Yes really,I guess I shouldn’t have said that but it still doesn’t mean I’ve forgiven you for pouring that coffee on me’..I replied and her face broke into a pretty smile…
‘You know you’re nice but….
‘Ohhh shut it Isabel,just go home okay and prepare lunch for me,I’m brining my girlfriend home tonight’..i said and she laughed…
‘Is it Vanessa??’..she asked and I frowned de-eply…
‘Go home Isabel’..
‘You’re a heart breaker Jared d!¢kon I wonder what women see you’..
‘Go home Isabel!!!’..I screamed and she scurried out the door…
That talkative…
What do women see in me??..
Does she think I’m not a real man???..
Kevin’s POV💙
I sighed de-eply as the ambulance drove away with a lodger of mine…
Mr Rudolf,my favorite customer..
I can’t believe he just had an heart attack..
I turned to walk back in the h0tel but then the corner of my eye caught someone -Isabel -Jared’s maid I think…
She’s so damn pretty…
‘Hey Isabel!!!’..I called out and she turned..
She saw me and her face broke into a smile..
‘Ohhh good afternoon Mr Kevin it’s so nice seeing you’..she said as I nervously dug my hands into my pockets…
I don’t get why I’m so nervous around her..
‘so it’s f..funny seeing you here,where are you off to??’..I asked..
She winced a little before answering…
‘Well I’m off to the d!¢kon Mansion,your d!¢k head of a best friend oh sorry Jared made me work so ha-rd yesterday that I fainted,I’ve just been discharged from the hospital’..she replied and tucked her honey-blonde hair behind her ear…
She’s the first woman to call Jared a d!¢k head…
‘You’re so funny and you’re the only woman who hates him,even the ones he’s hurt love him more than anything so yours is surprising’..I admitted and she chuckled softly…
‘Me??,Love Jared??,Hell no that is totally not my type well enough of the chit chat I’m off’..she said and scurried off…
Jared’s not her type??
Whoa she’s a first..
Jared has got to hear this…
Twenty minutes later💙
I rested a h!pon my desk and gr@bb£d my phone only for Victoria to bur-st open my door and walk in rudely…
‘Where were you last night Kevin??’..she asked..
‘Pardon??’..i responded..
‘Oh shut the hell up Kevin i know you went out last night after we got back from Jared’s house and my friend said you k!$$£d an old woman!!?’..she screamed in reply…
‘Huh??,have you been spying on me Victoria?!!’..i fired back and she scoffed…
‘Oh spare me the holy b©yfri£ndbull$h!t!!,you and i know that kind of friend you have!!’..
‘Excuse me?!!,since when did Jared and I become one person what’s wrong with you!!!’…
Now I’m getting pissed off…
‘Okay Victoria first -the old woman your friend told you off is my mom and she owns a club and i k!$$£d her cheeks cause she’s my mom!!!!’..i screamed at the t©p of my voice and that’s when she went silent…
‘Don’t Kevin me Victoria just leave plea-se it’s over between us’..i muttered and turned away but then she held my hands..
‘Look Kevin i…
‘Don’t Kevin me,you don’t trust me and it’s fine okay??,it’s fine if you can believe what a mere friend says okay??? So plea-se just leave!!!’..
Jared’s POV👩‍⚕
‘So just take your pills every morning and night okay??’..I said to the young woman who had back pains and she nodded…
‘Thanks Doctor Jared you’re the Best’…
‘Ohhh i know i am now run along and tell Nurse Abigail to call in the next patient’..i replied and at that moment my phone rang…
It was Kevin calling…
📱:Hey bro What’s up??’..I asked placing the phone on my left ear…
📲:Ohhh nothing much,Victoria and i broke up not long ago’..he replied with his voice sounding so sullen…
This is the reason i can never d@t£ one woman like him…
You get heartbroken easily..
📱:Ohhh I’m so sorry I knew it wouldn’t last anyway’..I said..
📲:You’re a bastard -anyway that’s not why i called -Isabel and i talked for a while and she said some funny things about you’..he replied and i j£rked from the chair i was sitting on…
📱:Well??what did she say??’..
📲:Well for starters she said that you’re not her type of guy and that you’re not a real man,she said she could never fall for you’..he muttered and i chuckled softly…
📱:Typical Isabel I’ll speak with you later Kevin,bye’…
I’m not a real man??..
She could never fall in love with me??..
I’m not her type?!!’..
Oh you’ve gotta be kidding me?!!..
I’m not her type?!!..
Why am i so pained??..
Twenty minutes later💙
My shift was over and I angrily drove home early ignoring the call from Tasha who was supposed to come over for dinner…
‘Ohhh you’re back early?’..Mom inquired as i walked in..
‘Whatever where’s Isabel??’..I replied and she frowned..
‘She’s in her room what’s the problem??’.
‘Nothing I’ll be upstairs’…I replied and walked away…
I’m not type..
oh plea-se..
Isabel’s POV👩‍⚕
I folded the new jeans i got from Martina -the second hand sto-re which sells clothes…
Before I could keep it inside the wardrobe Jared bur-sted throu-gh the door and i jo-lted..
‘For heaven sake I could have been n-ked,don’t you know how to knock??’..i scowled but he just gro-an ed…
‘You are one feisty lady Isabel,what did you say to Kevin??’..he asked sharply…
‘i didn’t say anything is there a problem??’..I asked and he sniffed his nose…
‘You’re a fv¢king liar Isabel!!!,you told Kevin that I’m not your type!!!’..he screamed and i smiled…
Ohh so that’s what this is about…
‘Well you’re not my type Jared,you’re ego centric and self centered so you’re not my type okay???’..I admonished…
He stared at me for a while tapping his foot on the ground angrily…
‘I’ll show you Isabel,I’ll show you!!’..Ten minutes later💙
‘Hey mom’..I muttered as I entered the ap@rtment..
Being in Jared’s house for few days made my house look terribly small from my point of view..
Mom was in the kitchen surprisingly ma-king lunch for herself but with the help of Cole who washed the lettuce leaves for her..
‘Whoa you’re busy’..I muttered again and she smiled…
I’m so happy she’s back on her feet again…
‘Well since you’re not always home I decided to be strong and do some things on my own Isabel and now that you’re here you just nee-d to relax and Cole and I would make you a sandwich’..she replied..
‘Yeah we’re gonna take care of you Aunt Isabel’..Cole added..
I let out a hearty laugh and rested my elbow on the kitchen counter and watched as my mom and Cole make my favorite sandwich.
Lettuce(🥬) and Ham(🍖)sandwich…
After a while or two they were both done and I helped them set the plates on the dinner table…
Cole placed the forks which we clearly didn’t nee-d and we all sat down to eat lunch…
‘So how’s work Isabel??’…Mom asked as i stuffed lettuce down inside my mouth..
‘Hmmm work is fine mom and….
‘i know you’re paying my hospital debt Isabel you don’t nee-d to lie to me,i know you’re working as a maid’…she cut and and i blinked back the tears wanting to come out of my eye…
‘ it’s not your fault’..
‘Ohhh it’s my fault Isabel,you’ve been paying the debts of your father and I ever since you were eighteen and i can’t bear it anymore seriously I can’t,Isabel plea-se come back home and we’ll work to pay the hospital bills I know I’m not in my right state of mind and health but i don’t want you owing any debts like your father’..she said and then i remembered a p@rticular night…
‘No you can’t take my car!!,you can’t take my house!!,you can’t take anything!!!’..Mom screamed as three men bur-sted throu-gh the door asking do keys to our valuables..
It was alre-ady night and I was alre-ady in my room but clearly listening to their conversation..
‘Your husband owes us ma’am we don’t find no trouble for nothing??’ of them said in a cowboy accent..
‘Well I’ll pay but right now you can’t i have a daughter upstairs’..Mom replied and they all laughed and then pushed her out of the way..
‘Teach your husband to st©p gambling woman!!!’…
End of Flashback💭💭💭
‘Look mom I just have only few weeks and I’ll st©p okay and besides Mrs d!¢kon likes me’…I explained..
I don’t know if it’s what I said or the sound of the name d!¢kon but I’m pretty sure mom’s countenance changed…
‘Did you say Mrs d!¢kon??’..she asked and I nodded..
‘Yeah is anything the problem??’..
‘No nothing,you can go back now it’s nothing’..
‘Isabel just go!!!’…
Jared’s POV👨‍⚕
At Night☄️
I’m not her type..
She literally said I’m not her type..
Why am i so bothered about Isabel’s perception of me??…
Why is her grumpy face haunting my imagination???..
I walked into the club for what Kevin and I call ‘Men’s night out’…
A lot of college friends would be there especially Carlton..
My pla-yboy bestie…
‘Here comes our doctor charming!!!’..Kevin called out and when I saw them all I smiled broadly..
‘Hey fellow Heartbreakers and pu-ssy killers’..i replied shaking every one of them..
‘Ohhh you’re the only Heartbreaker Jared I’m just a pu-ssy killer!!’..Carlton tea-sed and we all laughed…
‘Well thank God I’m none of those’..Kevin interjected..
‘Yeah cause you’re what I call ‘A holy b©yfri£nd’.
Carlton tea-sed again and we all laughed…
Gosh I’ve missed these guys…
‘Well there’s one lady that says Jared isn’t man enough in fact she says that Jared is not her type’..Kevin muttered sipping his beer and giving me a lewd wi-nk…
Son of a bit-ch…
I know he deliberately put me in Carlton’s tra-p..
‘Whoa that’s a first,Jared are you going soft??,I thought you could get any woman you wanted??’…Carlton said and everyone ‘Ooohed’…..
‘I can get any woman i want Carlton’..I replied and they all ‘Oohed’ again…
‘Hmmm okay well why don’t you get this upti-ght lady of yours to sleep with you on video’..he added..
Kevin threw me a ‘Don’t do this’ look and I gro-an ed…
I have never backed down from a challenge and I won’t do it now..
‘Okay Carlton I’ll make Isabel fall in love with me,get to sleep with her and have it on video and if I don’t….
‘if you don’t??’..
‘I’ll quit being a doctor’..I replied..
‘It’s a bet Jared’…