The lost alpha heir episode 22

šŸŒŗā›°ļø……THE LOST
ALPHA HEIR…….ā›°ļøšŸŒŗ

Authoress FG….

“Supreme you shouldn’t mess with me. I didn’t just show up here if I can’t fight for what I want” Lila forewarned with a smile.

“Are you threatening me? Lila I didn’t say I won’t get married to you so don’t try to pressurize me into marriage. You’ve gotten the title of being my soon to be bride so relax okay. You shouldn’t expect more if we get married because you made it clear to everyone that you only here for the power and I will allow you have that. You can leave now” I said coldly looking away.

“I thought you had feelings for me when we were little” Lila asked disappointed.

“Hope you’re not thinking about that because that was only one of the childish things I did as a child so don’t get attached to it” I smiled and she gave me a mean glare then left.


At night Zoe was walking around then decided to sneak into Lila’s resident.

Lila was in her room feeling miserable, staring at herself at the mirror.

What’s wrong with her. Zoe thought staring at Lila from the window.

Lila re-moved the mask on her left cheeks and her face was rotten,it looked disgusting. Zoe almost screamed at the sight of that but she held her mouth as her heart raced.

What the heck was that? Why does she look that way. Zoe thought in shock as she tried to leave the palace but Lila appeared in front of her with a dagger fixed on Zoe’s nĀ£Ā¢k.

Where’s the rotten spĀ©t? I’m pretty sure I saw it just now. Zoe thought confused as she stared at Lila’s face that was as perfect as ever.

“What are you staring at? You dared to come into my pri-vate space” Lila yelled angrily and gave Zoe a de-ep cut on her nĀ£Ā¢k.

She took Zoe into her jail room and it stink like crazy, Zoe couldn’t stĀ©p throwing up as they got there.

“What’s that disgusting smell” Zoe spat and Lila sl@pped her ha-rd on the cheeks.

“No one would know if I end your life here” Lila threatened as she gr@bbĀ£d Zoe’s hand ti-ght.

“plea-se don’t kill me,I was only pas-sing by and I noticed you don’t have visitors so I decided to visit” Zoe lied with her eyes closed.

What’s that? Why’s her pulse double? Lila thought confused and looked at Zoe in shock.

“Who did you sleep with” Lila asked furiously.


“Em… Don’t you think that question is a bit inti-mate” Selene uttered slowly.

“Do you wish to die” I threatened angrily.

“Selene I’m nothing like Melissa,I kill without looking back so better start talking if you wish to leave this place alive” I yelled seriously and started sweating heavily.

“I’m still a vir-gin” She lied with her eyes closed and I gave her another cut close to her pulse.

“You will die in a few minutes if you don’t tell me the truth. You’re losing so much blood” I said coldly.

“The Alpha and I was in a relationsh!pwhen we were in the human world” She stuttered.

“Do you take me for a fool? Of course everyone knows about your stupid relationsh!pwith the Alpha and that’s not the question I asked” I screamed.

“The Alpha and I made …. out once or twice,I can’t quite recall” She stammered and herl-ips went pale,she was losing much blood.

Busted! She’s pregnant for Miles. I should end her life,I can’t let any she-wolf be a mistress to my Miles. No way. But come to think of it,this is a blessing in disguise. I thought with a smile.

“Let’s go dress your injuries” I said swiftly and took her to my sitting room. I dressed the injury.

“Why are you dressing my injuries,I thought you were about killing me” Selene whispered and I giggled.

“I don’t wish to be the bad guy here. Everyone will suspect me if you die as well. I don’t plan on laying such accusations on myself” I smiled.

No nee-d to waste your life,you have what I want and I will only get it,if you’re alive. I thought and sm-irked.

“Get out” I ordered.

“You don’t expect me to be on good terms with you over night right. I only saved your life for a reason and that’s because you didn’t beat me up with your words. If you ever dream of coming anywhere close to this resident,make up your mind before doing that because you won’t be leaving this place alive” I forewarned.

“Get out!” I said coldly and she ran away.

“How can you be so naive? Or you’re just pla-ying dumb” I scoffed.

That was a close call. I thought tou-ching my cheeks.


I was having a sound sleep when Mason jacked me up from the be-d disrupting my wonderful sleep.

“Supreme there’s trouble” Mason shouted anxiously.

“What happened” I yarned tiredly.

“Melissa has gone missing” He yelled and my eyes went wi-de open.

“What do you mean Melissa is gone” I asked curiously.

“I checked up on her early this morning at the un-derground mansion but she wasn’t there” Mason said almost in tears.

“Did you check everywhere properly,she might be at the bathroom or kitchen or wherever,did you check properly” I asked curiously.

“If I didn’t,you wouldn’t see me here. Who do you think she went after. She just recovered a month ago”Mason uttered worriedly.

FLASHBACK*** I’ve lost father,I can’t lose my best friend as well, plea-se just once, heal Melissa. I thought with my eyes closed as tears roll down my cheeks and the fireflies appeared and healed the hole in Melissa’s heart but she didn’t wake up.

“What’s going on? Why’s she not opening her eyes” Mason asked confused.

“Seems like she’s breathing and she got seriously hurt so I think she will take some time to heal” I uttered with a sigh of relief.

“Melissa is still unconscious if we announce that she made it after the attack,that devious werewolf will want to hurt her again” Mason suggested.

“Sounds like a good suggestion. I can’t still tell who my enemies are. Why is Melissa their target? She doesn’t even hold a strong position at the castle. It’s difficult to figure out who that is,we have no idea what his enemies are” I g@sped out.*** FLASHBACK ends.

“We have to find her before the unknown does” I said swiftly and disappeared out of my room and I smelt her aura from her Father’s resident.

“Melissa” Mason and I called out as we saw her pla-ying around with her younger siblings. They went inside and we joined her at the orcha-rd cottage.

“You scared the hell out of us” Mason said and pinched her.

“Ouch! That hurts” She giggled.

“You didn’t scare the hell out of me, Mason was only referring to himself” I joked and she ruffled my hair.

“I’m big enough to take care of myself” Melissa giggled and my heart fluttered seeing her smile like that.

What the hell are you thinking Miles. I thought and pushed my silly thoughts away.

“It was suffocating in there so I couldn’t take it anymore, It was so stuffy in there” She complained acting all cute.

“StĀ©p acting all cute, you’re ma-king me feel strange. You used to be a very arrogant and clumsy girl, plea-se be your normal self” I said looking away.

“Why? Are you scared of falling for me” She joked and Mason coughed.

“Hope it’s not what am thinking” Mason hinted.

“Whatever you’re thinking is incorrect” Melissa added swiftly.

“Melissa sorry we still haven’t found the culprit behind the attack” I uttered calmly.

“Hah.. I don’t know what you two will do without me. Let’s break things down bit by bit. Firstly I was attacked because I insisted Miles run an investigation on the princess’s death so it’s obvious the killer is amongst us. Jaxo wouldn’t gain anything by killing the princess, Eva won’t as well, Selene won’t as well because she has been following the princess’s order since she was little, Marvel won’t gain nothing, Brianna won’t as well, Henry might have some grudge for her but that wouldn’t give him the courage to kill the princess” Melissa explained.

“Why do you think Mason or I must have killed her” I asked.

“Because I know what you’re capable of doing and you won’t possibly want to hurt me because I suggested we look for the culprit. You would have told me yourself and I will be happy you killed her yourself,she deserves more than that” She affirmed and I smiled.

“There’s someone you’re not mentioning” Mason hinted.

“Lila” Melissa and I called out together.

“What can Lila gain from killing the princess” I asked confused.

“I don’t know why but I know she was the one who attacked me. The princess was threatening your position on the throne and like she said she nee-ds power,she wouldn’t just sit down and watch the princess drag the throne with you so she killed her and I suggested an investigation and she saw me as a nuisance that’s why she tried to kill me as well,as simple as that” Melissa said with a smile.

“This doesn’t feel right but it makes alot of s-en-se” I affirmed.

“You’re so smart” Mason complimented and ru-bbe-d Melissa’s cheeks.

YehšŸ’ƒ… Melissa is alive šŸ˜Š..