the devil and I episode 59 & 60

( Darkest Mind… )


By, Summer Gold R.







Blaze was lost in thought as he drank,he dropped the empty cu-p on the table and poured more beer for himself. Earlier,he saw Venom going into Marissa’s room and he almost lost his mind. Why would he go into her room? What the h*ll is going on between them? Isn’t he supposed to hate her??

“Hey lover boy” Galaxy sat down beside him

Blaze ignored her and continue drinking

“Are you angry?? You look like you got rejected,,by….I know but I won’t say” Galaxy chuckled and took another gla-ss,she poured herself a drink

Blaze didn’t say a word to her

“Well,do you know Venom has a soft sp-ot for Marissa?” She suddenly asked and Blaze looked at her

“What are you talking about?” He asked

“Isn’t he obvious?? She rejected you because of him,very soon they will announce their relationship publicly” Galaxy smiled

“So why are you telling me?” Blaze snapped

“I know you like Marissa,are you just going to let her go just like……..”

“No I won’t,even if I am not going to let her go,why should I tell you or a-ssociate with you? Spare me out from your craziness Galaxy,it’s never going to work,and I thought I told you I don’t like it when you talk to me,I really hate you so much” Blaze said and stood up

“If you dare try anything silly to hurt Marissa,I will kill you myself,I promise” Blaze added before walking away

“What???” Galaxy folded her fist against the cu-p in her hand

“What the h*ll has Marisza done to everyone?? What the fuc-k is so important about her!!!!” She screamed and threw the cu-p on the wall angrily and it broke into pieces

“Just wait Marissa,I will make sure I destroy you. I will make sure Venom detest you more than before,I promise. Just wait for it” She said with an angry look on her face


“Phoenix??” Seth called as he knocked on the door continuously but got no response,she’s obviously not inside

He sighed and lean on the wall shortly before walking away,as he pa-ssed the corridor,he saw Jinx sitting down alone,he looked at her for a second before walking closer and then sat down beside her

Jinx immediately turned

“Seth” she called,smiling

“How’s your leg?” Seth asked,without looking at her

“I’m okay now,thank you” Jinx smiled

“Are you okay? You look sad” Jinx muttered and Seth faced her

“How do you feel when you are in love with someone…but the person is in love with someone else?” He asked and Jinx’s heart skipped a beat

“Heartbroken?” She asked

“Exactly,that’s what I’m feeling right now” Seth replied

“You….you’re in love with someone?” Jinx asked

“What’s the excess? She doesn’t feel the same” Seth replied

Jinx kept quiet and Seth faced her

“It’s late,I will walk you back to your room” He said and Jinx looked up

“No,I’m fine. I will go alone….”

“It’s rare for me to offer an help to someone,so don’t miss this opportunity” Seth cut in and Jinx smiled

They both got up and began walking

“How’s your training going?” Seth asked

“Good,,I’m having such a nice time training. It’s fun too” Jinx said

“You must be really strong to think trainings are fun” Seth said

“I guess I am” She smiled

“We are here” Seth muttered when they stopped in front of Jinx room

“Thank you Seth,goodnight” Jinx waved

Seth replied with a nod before walking away



Venom opened his eyes slowly,he looked around and turned left to see Marissa’s head on his che-st,her hand wrapped around him.

Marissa raised her head when she noticed he was awake

“You’re awake” She said

“How did I get here?” He asked

‘I knew it’ Marissa bite her li-ps

“You came here by yourself,,you were drunk though” She replied

“Seriously? You mean,I came here?” Venom asked

Marissa nodded

Venom tou-ched his head and removed the towel

“You were running fever last night” Marissa muttered.

Venom got down from the bed and Marissa followed

“You mean… can’t remember anything that happened last night?” She asked

“What happened? Did I do anything crazy or embarra-ssing?” Venom asked

“Oh…….no you didn’t” Marissa replied and immediately opened the door for him

He went out of the room and Marissa sighed

Does that mean….everything he said last night was because he was drunk??

She was still thinking when another knock came on her door,she opened immediately, thinking it’s Venom but Blaze entered instead.

“Blaze” Marissa called and quickly closed the door

“What are you doing here?” She asked

“Seriously? Did Venom just went out of your room? I saw him coming in last night,does that mean…he slept here?” Blaze asked

Marissa kept quiet

“And then,the reason why you rejected me was because of him???” He asked further

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,why would he be the reason…..”

“Stop lying to me,,you’re really in love with him?? How the fuc-k can you love the person who killed your parents?? Have you forgotten everything you went throu-ghin his hand??…..”

“Stop it Blaze,I know everything and I didn’t forget. You don’t have to remind me anything” Marissa said

Blaze run his hand throu-ghhis hair

“Just tell me you aren’t in love with him,tell me that”

“No,I can’t” Marissa muttered

“That means,it’s true. You’re in love that devil” Blaze said

“Isn’t that what everyone in the mafia world is?? You’re also a devil Blaze,and I’m also on my way… become a devil” Marissa said and Blaze pulled her against the Wall

“Don’t be mistaken,you’re doing the wrong thing Marissa…falling for him is going to be the most dangerous option…..”

Marissa yanked his hands off

“I don’t care Blaze,if you are not comfortable with me anymore then let’s stop being friends” Marissa said

“Are we even friends anymore? We are not” Blaze said and walked out of the room

Marissa gro-aned

“Why me!!” She screamed and rou-ghher hair

She sighed out and went into the bathroom



Blade entered the bedroom and met no one,he sat down waiting for Venom. Soon,Venom’s phone started ringing. He took the phone but didn’t answer the call,Just then Venom entered the bedroom..he was already dressed

“When did you get here?” Venom asked

“Are you going somewhere?” Blade asked In return

“No,why?” Venom asked

“You missed a call” Blade said and gave him back his phone

“By the way,,where were you last night?” Blade asked

“Marissa’s room” Venom replied and Blade grinned

“I love your truthfulness” Blade said

“I was drunk” Venom said

“Of course,you were drunk but you couldn’t come to my room drunkenly,you went to her room” Blade said

“What do you mean??” Venom frowned

“Nothing” Blade chuckled

The call Came on Venom’s phone again and he answered it

“I’m sorry boss…..Mrs Bob left the house…..” The voice said

“What?! I told you not to let her go out of the house!” Venom yelled

“I didn’t know when she…..”

“Shut the fuc-k up and go look for her,,,what about the kid?” Venom asked

“She left with the child boss….”

“I swear I’m going to kill you if you don’t find her in the next thirty minutes,how dare you!!!” Venom shouted angrily

“I’m sorry boss…”

Venom hanged up and rou-ghhis hair

“What happened?” Blade asked

“That woman….she left the house with her child,I don’t know why….fuc-k” He gro-aned

Shortly after,they heard a sound from the laptop on the table,Venom checked and it’s a message,he immediately clic-k on it and the video opened,his eyes wide-ned when he saw Mrs Bob tied on a seat,her mouth covered.

Blade shifted closer to take a look

Soon,Marco appeared on the screen with a wide grin,Mrs Bob child in his hand

“If you really want to save them,come here in the next thirty minutes or you will meet their head blown off. Trust me Venom” He said and the video went off

Venom fold his fist and immediately took a gun before running out

Blade ran after him and grabbed his hand

“Where do you think you are going?” He asked and Venom frowned

“What do you mean? I’m going to save them” Venom replied

“Are you crazy? Who the fuc-k is Mrs Bob? Do you know her? She should die for all I care,you should know this is trap….”

Venom threw his hand off

“Even if She dies,do you think I will let them kill the innocent child too? You’re the crazy one here” Venom replied

“Then I will go with you,don’t go alone” Blade replied

Venom ignored him and walked away

Blade immediately followed


Marissa stopped walking when she saw Blade and Venom running into the car

“What’s going on?” She muttered watching the car driving off speedily

“Hey” Phoenix appeared behind her

“Phoenix” Marissa smiled

“I think Venom left the clan,wanna continue your training with me?” Phoenix asked and Marissa nodded

Phoenix grabbed her hand and they both walked away



“It’s here?” Blade looked around when he stopped the car

“Don’t follow me,I don’t want the woman and her child to get hurt because of a simple mistake” Venom said

“Fine,I will come in when I smell something fishy,be careful” Blade said

Venom nodded before going out of the car.


“He’s here”

Venom watched as the guy said on the phone,he turned to Venom

“Follow me” He said to Venom and led the way

They pa-ss throu-ghmany route and Venom scoffed,is this some kind of joke or something? Thank God he’s smart enough,he could tell every way they pa-ss as they walked. Soon,the boy stopped in front of what seem like the dirtiest place in the building

“You can go in” he said

“Open the door” Venom said

“Seriously?” The guy scoffed and Venom raised his gun

“Are you going to do it or you want it the ha-rd way?” Venom asked

The guy immediately opened the door revealing Marco,sitting with a cigarette in his mouth

Venom entered

“Where are they?” He asked and Marco chuckled

“Really? Are you here to order me when they are right in my trap?” He asked and dropped his cigarette and then marched it before standing up

“Where did you keep them” Venom repeated

Marco smiled and tap Venom’s shoulder

Venom fold his fist but managed to calm down,he wouldn’t ruin everything because of his anger

“Tiger!” Marco called and immediately the door opened

“Bring her” Marco ordered

“Yes boss” Tiger went out and within a minute,he came back with Mrs Bob

Immediately she saw Venom,she broke into tears

“I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you,I just wanted to get my baby something from the nearby restaurant” She said in tears

Venom turned back to Marco

“Let them go” he said

“I hate the way your voice sound so cool” Marco said

“What do you think you’re doing? She paid you already right? What else do you want?” Venom asked

“You know,before,I wanted her daughter. But not anymore….I want you now Venom” Marco smi-rked

“What do you want from me?” Venom asked

“Kneel down right in front of me and beg for them,and I will release them” Marco smiled

Before Venom could think of what to do,Mrs Bob rushed to Marco and hit him on the face

“Shut up you monster,just kill me instead!!!!!!!!!” Mrs Bob yelled and immediately Marco shot her twice and she fell on the ground in front of Venom.

Venom bent before her

“Why did you do that?” He asked and tears rolled down her eyes

“Please……take…..take….care of….my….child” Mrs Bob said before shutting her eyes

“Are you going to do what I requested for or you want the child dead too?” Marco asked

Immediately,Venom got up unexpectedly and kicked him intensely in his tummy,he flew across the room and his back hit the wall rou-ghly before roosting on the floor. He coughed out blood

Venom moved closer to him

“Trying to solve this quietly was a mistake,f**l” Venom said and grabbed his ne-ck

“Bring that kid out for me right now before I destroy everything Marco” Venom threatened in his de-eper voice

Immediately four men rushed in,pointing their guns at Venom.

“Leave him right now if you love your life” One of them threatened

Venom chuckled and pulled Marco up with his shirt before stucking his gun to Marco’s head.

“What do you think?” He smi-rked at them

“Bring the child” Marco ordered his men immediately

“Good boy” Venom muttered,his gun still stuck in Marco’s skull

Soon,the door opened again and Mrs Bob child was brou-ght in.

The moment she saw Venom,she smiled and waved

“Baby” She called

“Let me go,at least you have her already” Marco muttered

“Shut up” Venom snapped and brou-ght down his gun,staring at the kid,does she even know her mom is dead??

All of a sudden they heard a gunshot outside and immediately the four men dropped dead on the floor,Blade entered

“Venom are you okay?” He asked in a worried voice,he sighed out when he saw Venom

Marco gr-unt angrily

“How dare you kill……” Venom shot him before he could finish

Venom left Marcos’s side and he fell on the floor

“Did you get hurt?” Blade asked as Venom walked to the girl

“No,I’m fine” He replied

“Baby….where is momma?” She asked

Venom ignored her question and carried her

She suddenly saw her mom’s body on the floor

“She’s there…..” She pointed but Venom dropped her finger

“You won’t see her for a while,will you go with me?” He asked

The girl looked at him and nodded

Venom walked out of the room with Blade,,,the building was all quiet and Venom could see some dead bodies on the ground

“Don’t tell me you killed them all” Venom said

“I did,I couldn’t sit down there waiting anymore” Blade replied

They got outside and entered the car

“Wait,don’t tell me you’re taking this child to the clan” Blade said

“I have no choice,that’s her moms last request” Venom muttered and looked at the girl who was hugging him ti-ghtly as if he’s running away



Venom was in his room when Madam Zuna came in with Mrs Bobs child

“Michael” Madam Zuna called as she entered

“Baby!!” The girl shouted and immediately ran to Venom

“Why did you bring her here??” Venom asked

“She insisted that she will stay with you,I’ve been trying to convince her but it all fell on deaf ear” Madam Zuna explained

Venom turned to the girl who was already holding him

“Hey…what’s your name?” He asked

“Beauty” She smiled and Venom sighed

“Good,Beauty. You have to stay with her,she will take care of you” Venom said

Beauty immediately shook her head

“Then,what do you want?” Venom asked

“I will stay with you” Beauty replied with her dimple smile

“Well,I better take my leave. I have other things to do” Madam Zuna left

Venom let out a gro-an

“Baby? I’m hungry” Beauty said slowly, playing with the tip of her dress and Venom looked at her

“Baby?? Who??” He asked

“You” Beauty muttered

Venom chuckled

“I can’t believe this” He muttered

All of a sudden,the door opened loudly and Marissa ran in

“I didn’t know you are back,I’ve been waiting all day” She said,pa-nting from running, until she saw Beauty on Venom’s lap-s

The little girl was also staring at her,her thumb in her mouth

“Who is she?” Marissa asked

Venom was about talking but Beauty interrupted

“My name is Beauty,I’m his girlfriend and you?” Beauty asked

Venom and Marissa both exchanged glances before turning to Beauty at once.