The dairy of lia mark episode 17


(Dear Diary)





** Lia’s pov continues **

I stood still staring at derrick on the door, he just said he

loved me that I’m his world and everything..

I want to tell him to get lost, to just st©p saying all of this and

be the Derrick I once knew.. To st©p reminding me of our

accidental k!ss, but I couldn’t I felt a very hvge lump in my

throat as I saw a glint of sadness in his eyes..

I don’t want this derrick I want my old Derrick, because now

that he has say all of us, I don’t think we can be best friends

again or even friends… Leave Derrick..

I want to tell him but I couldn’t,

“I know I’m a j£rk, I know am–

“just leave derrick” Logan said my mind cutting Derrick off..

“what?” Derrick said slowly..

“I said leave, I can’t believe you still had the fv¢king guts to

come to my house and tell my wife piece of $h!ts she doesn’t

want to listen to, and you even had to say it in my face.. ”

Logan said almost angry,

I don’t know how angry he gets but I know it’s not going to be


Derrick glared at Logan, then brou-ght his gaze back at me..

“goodbye princess, I’m really sorry for telling you all this but I

just couldn’t keep it to my self, I’m sorry” he said, sighed sadly

and walked away and Logan angrily slammed the door

startling me a little..

“piece of $h!t!” Logan cursed and turned to me.

“are you okay?” he asked calmly

Of course I’m not okay my best friend just confessed that he

loves me how the hell will I be okay.. I wanted to say but I

couldn’t.. Logan moved closer to me and hvgged me..

“who am I kidding you’re definitely not okay” he said and

ru-bbe-d my back…

“look it’s okay, just leave that good for nothing badas-s he

doesn’t deserve you as a friend, just look on the bright side

okay” Logan said and I want to sma-ck him for calling Derrick a

badas-s but also want to sma-ck my self for defending Derrick…

“but really, Lia I don’t see what’s there to cry, he just said he

loves you doesn’t mean you should cry, I mean you should be

strong and laughed in his face, he told you to get lost and

then one day he’s telling you he loves you, and in front of my

face, that dude is a total maniac” Logan said still hvgging me

and I welcomed his warmth and cheerfulness, he’s awesome..

I guess

But he’s right, I shouldn’t be crying..

I sighed on his che-st and slowly wra-p my arms around him, he

seemed shocked but embr@ced me even ti-ghter.. I think I like

this comfort zone

“can we stay like this for a little longer” I said and my voice

comes out still horsey and low..

“sure thing princess” he said and I sighed

“don’t call me that” I said softly and he laughed,

It totally reminded me of, ‘you know who’

After we dis£ngage from the longest hvg ever I cleaned my

tears and moved my blond hair back and then Logan smiled

“you know when we have children I want them all to have this

golden hair of yours” he said and I rolled my eyes but with a

small smile on my face,

He just cheered me up and I am glad it worked, I’m glad

there’s another person who can cheer me up aside from


“see you totally want it, that’s why you didn’t say anything,

clas-sic you” Logan whined and Chuckle..

He doesn’t know how much I love his twilight dark silky black


“so what do we have, I’m hungry” I said and sniffed

“well.. You’re clearly still not okay and I’m stressed out, so I’ll

just microwave some cinnamon rolls” he said and I nod..

“thanks” I said without smiling and head upstairs to ‘our’ room


I was laying on my stomach on the be-d, studying math, when

Logan walked in with our dinner, I quic-kly sit up as I

persevered the sweet aroma..

“wow that smells great” I said almost happily..

“I know right?” he replied and I nod..

“so tell me what do you think of your new school” Logan asked

as he took a bite out of his dinner..

“well, to be sincere I like it, but I don’t really like the people

there” I replied

“what? Why?” Logan asked and arched his brows..

“well for starters they’re mean” I said and bite on my

cinnamon roll..

“yeah well some of them can be nice” he said and I shrugged

“yeah some of them can be nice like this two identical twin I

saw today, Carlos and Carter they’re way to nice, I like them” I

said and he tilt his head in confusion

“and who are they?” he asked

“you don’t know them?” I asked surprisingly and he nods

“well they know you and …oh and I just remembered Betty told

me you were the leader of some gangsters” I said and he


“yeah I Was, it was pretty fun then” he said and I st©pped


“fun! Do you even realise what you’re saying, do you even

know what that would have made you” I yanked and he gave

me a look and his smile subdued

“okay now you’re just sounding like my mom” he said and

rolled his eyes..

“I am more than your mom, I am your wife” I snapped at him

and he flin-ched,

Okay I don’t know where all this anger is coming out of me but

I don’t like it, and what I just said was kind of weird..

“w-well sorry, why are you being angry all of a sudden” he

asked scaredly

“I don’t know, I’m sorry” I sighed and moved my hair behind

my ear,

He suddenly Chuckle and I laughed

“you’re one funny person” he said and I rolled my eyes..

“tell me about your dad” I said remembering we haven’t finish

that conversation yet!

“oh.. Right, he’s dead” he said and I put on a surprised look

even though I know he’s dead..

“oh I’m so sorry” I said while he shook his head negatively

without smiling

“it’s okay, I’ve gotten over it”

“well what actually happened” I asked

“I was in grade eleven then, being the leader of the gansters in

school I felt unst©ppable Like I was at the t©p of the world.. I

feared no man and liked doing things my own way, well my

dad and my elder sister Sally, went to England for months, and

the night they were coming back my mom told me that I

should stay home to welcome my dad, but I insisted on going

to a p@rty that I was the first person to get invited to.. My

mom got really mad at me and locked me in my room, but I

sneaked out since I go by no one rules.. After the p@rty which I

got seriously drun!kat, I staggered back home and was

surprised that my dad wasn’t home yet, I met my mom in the

kitchen ma-king a video call with my dad and my sister and

when I greeted my mom, my dad insisted that he’d like to see

me that they could have been home but the traffic is horrible..

I told my dad to get lost and he bec@m£ furious and started to

yell at me of how wayward I’ve become, not looking the road

he actually got hit by a hvge lorry, ..

That night I couldn’t sleep I was scared to death, it was all my

fault I couldn’t blame anyone else.. I hated my self ,I hated

everyone around me, I st©pped hanging out with my friends

cause I felt like some p@rt of it were there fault too,, my mom

actually st©pped giving me the motherly love and that’s when I

know I lost it, I told my dad to get lost and he did.. Everyone

in school said I deserved it since I was a total j£rk to

everyone, and I-i left my old friends and st©pped being the

badas-s gangster I was and that’s when I met Jason, we were

p@rtnered up in a science project, the worst p@rt of it was that,

Sally my sister died, she was such great person she’s so like

you, funny,smart, beautiful pla-yful, kind, caring and sometimes

stubborn” Logan said and chuckles.. I know he’s sad about all

this cause the way he talked, like there was something behind

his throat and I know he’s trying to hold back his tears, ..

But I feel so sorry for him..

“I’m sorry” I said and suddenly realised I was crying

“why are you sorry” he asked calmly and raised his head up. “I

don’t know I just can’t help it” I cried and sniffed which made

him smile..

He moved closer to me and hvgged me..

“talk about emotional” he said and I hit him on the che-st while

he laughed and I cried and laughed together..


It was 9pm after doing the laundry, I plopped onto the be-d

right beside Logan who was all focused in his phone..

“hey” I called and he turned

“what?” he asked

“wanna watch a movie with me,?” I asked

“of course I do I’m your movie buddy” he said and k!$$£d my

cheek, while I shook my head negatively

“I’ll get my l@pt©p” he said

But I st©pped him and said “no thanks, I don’t want to watch

Spiderman and monsterman, I’ll get my own l@pt©p”

“ha-ha real funny like you have any great movies” he said

sarcastically and I smiled

“oh I do” I said and he sighed and shrugged..

My l@pt©p was set and we both got re-ady for ‘movie night’

“before we start, do you want me to cudd-leyou” he asked

“do you want to cudd-leme?” I threw back the question

“okay we are not pla-ying question for questions, just come

here” he said with a smile, while I sighed rolled my eyes I sat

right next to him and he wra-pped his hand around me and for

some reason it felt weirdly comfortable..

We started watching the movie, we were both quiet and payed

so much attention, I snuggled my self up in Logan’s b©dy and

he hvgged me ti-ghter and I could feel his smile on my hair..

After some time I started to get sleepy, it’s always in me

slee-ping throu-gh movies, I yawned lightly and Logan said

“you’re sleepy, let’s just continue tomorrow” he said and

closed the l@pt©p carelessly dropping it on the small drawer.. I

la-id down and so did he, he suddenly gr@bb£d my w@!st and

moved me closer to him.. That our bodies were tou-ching, I

was too sleepy to do anything, he held my w@!st ti-ghtly that I

could not even move..

Our face were close that I could smell his peach pie breath we

had for desert..

“Lia.. He called


I answered tiredly, slowly closing my eyes.. But opened them

“I love you” he said and I could hear my own Heart beat go..

I didn’t reply him I just moved closer and k!$$£d him.. after the

k!ssI slowly pu-ll-ed away but he sm-irked and continued…


T. B. C